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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. I like that a lot, Hugh potential, the only problem I can see is would Buster get enough through the gate to finance 3 bit hitters??? More sponsorship needed to facilitate a line up of this quality. It has always been my belief that it we produced the track for racing like it once was, We had a team to produce exciting racing all the time, and was sitting proudly at the top of the league, every meeting properly promoted on local media, the crowds would again flock in to the levels we use to enjoy......... An optimist to the end......
  2. I've always been Niels greatest fan. Would travel miles just because he was riding. I appreciate more than most, what he has done for KL and without doubt he is equal to any No1 we have ever had. (that's a massive complement in itself). BUT we cannot have a rider in our team, who cannot commit 100% for all our meetings, whatever reason. All the good he does when riding for us, is undone the first meeting he misses.. We want to have a chance to be successful with a team that is a unit with plenty of fight and spirit. We can't have that if someone is going to be missing several meetings a year. Don't get me wrong. if Niels signs and commits 100% to the cause, I would be 1 'Happy Chappy' !!!!......
  3. As much as I'd like to see NKI back at Lynn, I don't believe he can offer what the Stars require and that's a true No1 who will race every meeting. In each of the last couple of years he has missed meetings because of his hectic schedule and his preference of riding for other teams. For the club to benefit of the idea that we need a true No1 he has to be committed for every meeting. Probably AJ or Holder would be a better option. Neither of them have a Wednesday club clash and both in need of a British club.... 1, AJ / Holder 2, Porsing 3, Batch 4, L.Rose 5, Rob Lambert 6 Huckenbeck 7, Bailey I think the figures match up..
  4. Looking at the majority of riders down to compete in British speedway, most can be bracketed a GOOD 2nd strings or FAIR 2nd and 3rd heatleaders. Each able to take points off each other. We could assemble a team of consistent riders all around the 7 mark, but not one guaranteed to max out. Whereas a strong No1 could come in and clear up. scoring 12 plus each meeting. Also, when we come to heats 10 to 15 in a tight match, to retain any hopes of success a strong No 1 is essential . I understand what people say about getting rid of the top riders because of costs, but that needs to be done via the rules. While they are allowed, teams will continue to use their ability to give them an advantage....... A strong No1 is essential if you want to win.......
  5. Not wanting to disagree with Ford's proven team selection, but to dismiss Chris Holder from the team he has to be mad. Any other team would jump at the chance of having him in there team. Holder is the epitome of a top No rider who never lets you down. So what if his average is higher, whatever his score is I would take him everytime.... Send him to Saddlebow Road...... He'd be made most welcome....
  6. I agree you cant compare the AFA to the NSS, but I imagine this decision was made because of issues surrounding the current payment owing to Manchester Council. At this early stage of programming, if this is the result of having the event at a track with a proven record or losing it then I say well done to the BSPA . No doubt the track will be inline with past similar events and not like the usual gate and go league matches track we have to endure......
  7. What is more important, being Exciting or Winning? Every team can be exciting, but only one team can actually be winners. The\ excitement is what will put bums on seats and riders like Garrity will provide all the excitement a team wants. Give me excitement over winners everytime..... and riders like Garrity, and Lambert, should be the first names on the list....
  8. I have this hunch that Batch will be riding for the Stars next year. He has spoken of his liking for the AFA , Roger Warnes is his main Sponsor and he sure has a point to prove after last year fiasco...... On his ridiculous low average he ought to be welcomed in every team, but fans perception of him is not that complimentary. This is a perfect time for Batch to start building bridges.... Watch this space..........
  9. Most people on here are thinking that a rider with 7 or an 8 is too high. But we need to address the thinking of the top riders. riders like JD; CH, NKI are all averaged way above the 12 point ceiling, so when looking at people like Ellis, Garrity and similar they need to be of a proportion of that enlarged figure. So 7 for a decent 2nd string is not that high........
  10. Does anyone know if Buster is planning a 'Supporters Meeting' like we once use to have? These last couple of years the connection and organisation for the fans has been forgotten. Was I hoping too much, expecting to get back to that level...... Was this another JC idea that has fell by the wayside?........ Not only was it a good night, but I imagine, a decent earner from the bar takings as well....... Come to think about it, most would pay a fiver for a night at the club anyway.....
  11. I understand all that's been said about averages, conversions PL rides and EL rides, but there are still a couple of issues I have problems with. 1, Why was the conversion rate of 1.4 set so high. It is obvious the BSPA feel that was the difference between some of the riders. The biggest disparity between the riders happens with the EL reserves, and those averages aren't going to be used. Whereas, although the heat leader's average were much level they're subjected to a 1.4 conversion making there score well over the top. I appreciate this is for team building purposes only, but acquiring riders with PL average is far more beneficial than using riders with a 1.4 factor added on. A conversion of 1.2 would have been far more suitable and workable. Next question. 2, Am I right in thinking that when a riders races in both leagues, the scores he achieves in the top league means nothing as its his PL average that count ???? Surely a riders average has to take onto account all his meeting . So assuming Joe Bloggs on a 6, scores 6` in the PL and 10 in the EL , his average will remain the same. If, as we have been told, the average are to apply to both leagues then there has to be a formula to accumulate all rides on a comparative level. Probably it would have been better to calculate a riders average per ride instead of per match (similar to the method used aboard.) That way a rider would be worth a definite figure. Not wanting to moan about the good work the BSPA have done, hoping for a good season ahead. But the CMA has always been a bone of contention and unfortunately I don't see it being any different...
  12. Wow !! you're missing the point here. A big point... The riders are financed by the fans and the paying public, if there were no FANS and support, then riders would not have the facility to race. Whereas if there were no riders the fans would spend their monies in supporting other ways. The finances dictate the importance of the situation. A riders needs the fans input, Its the supporter who has the deciding choice....... I understand the importance of D/U but implementing it causes many problems. I get the impression every rider wants to race in as many matches as possible. This obviously has its draw backs and effect the riders body and soul. How can he possibly give 100% to every race would he is feeling tired and knackered. But their availability is the governing factor. With the best will in the world there will always be fixture clashes where the parent club takes preference, but if we introduced a rule where there was not guests or RR allowed for these D/U absentees probably clubs would look at DU in a different light. I'm just trying to eliminate the need for Guests and RR except as the extreme emergency cover.....
  13. My thinking was along the lines of riders missing our league in preference to riding in another country. I have no issue of our riders representing the country in major events, but when riders have league meeting clashes it inevitably means guest and RR for us.... That the biggest drawback our sport has always had...... I was hoping this would be one of the issues addressed at the recent AGM........ Going back in time when we had 13 heats, part of the second half was to give the reserves and lesser riders the opportunity to race against seasoned riders in their quest to improve. When the team was a rider short then these lesser riders were used as replacements. Back in the 70's we had an abundance of young riders coming through the ranks, but when we done away with second halves, we also close the opportunity these youngster had....
  14. Having waited on 50 odd AGM's, this has to go down as a real positive. Far more has evolved than I could imagine, so well done to Buster and his merry men. I can see plenty to look forward to and hope that all clubs play it by the book. Obviously, there is still some tweaking needed but this is far better than I ever imagine. Like the Brexit vote, I hope we can run our sport individually from European countries and create a product that attract riders who want to be involved. There's more to Speedway than SGP meetings....
  15. Yeah me too, I understand Lamberts plight, and also the possibility of him earning big bucks, but surely if we allow him too leave it really dampens any hope we have in appealing to lost supporters....or success. Buster need to up his game to acquire sponsorship purposely to finance a Lambert deal . If he agrees to let Robert go then Buster may as well shut up shop.... Robert Lambert is that important......
  16. My sentiments exactly. Eagerly waiting with anticipation for news from AGM before even thinking of what the team might be.....
  17. Post like the above really outlines all the problems that exist with our sport.... EL , Pl and NL should all be as one and rules, regulations, governing bodies and format should apply to all leagues. Posters like the above talk of one league as if its superior to the others. Let gets one thing straight here, the reason the sport is in the dire straits its in, is because of attitudes like this. It should be every clubs and every fans ambition to ride in the top league. Any other intentions merely highlights the ridiculous attitudes that exists between the leagues.... Here's hoping Buster can install some common sense....... We sure need it....
  18. I wouldn't be too sure of that...... Cant believe I agreed with Starman, but they were some of the truest words he has said
  19. I have no doubt that we changed race nights merely to facilitate Niels riding for us last year. If what we hear is true about Danny king joining the Stars, then it would be conceivable our race nights could be reverting back to Wednesday. This development answers 2 questions: 1, Will there be a specific BEL race nights, and 2, Will Neils be riding for Lynn this year and the answer to both is surely NO. Have no problem with either but it will be interesting to see what these drastic changes are going to be..... and what effect they are likely to make...
  20. Me too mate.... As good as he is, when you agree for your top man to ride if and when, it gives a bad message to the rest of the team. We want riders who are prepared to ride every match....
  21. This has been the situation now for many years. I thinks its criminal that tuners are taking big money away from the sport at the expense of the Promoters and Fans. Separating the SGP as a unique F1 of speedway, where tuning is allowed, all the other events,the bikes are far too expensive for the fan base that supports the bread and butter league racing. Bikes should be standardised and sealed to reduce these cost and bring more equal competitive racing that the fans can afford. Even to go as far as standardise the payments for team positions. We need to control these cost else the sport will die....
  22. Was amazed the first time we went there. Compared to the deserted dog track we converted back at Lynn, this was another world. We sat in the main stand and watched the meeting from behind the glass. The drinks flowed all night, and when we were ready we ordered our meals. Such a civilised existent. This took us to another level of the sport.. Such was our enjoyment we pledged to go to the International (Whit-Monday) every year.. It wasn't the best racing, nor was the track that special, but for excitement and enthusiasm this was always a special meeting. It was a sad loss when speedway was finished there.. Thinking about, West Ham, Hackney; Wembley, Wimbledon, why can't teams in London make it pay..????
  23. This is what democracy is all about. It is what makes Britain great. Take that away, and we would be in the same situation as many other third world countries. Having free speech is wonderful, points can be viewed and decisions made. But when a vote is taken, that is the time then we should comply...... Unlike you I believe the public have a right to vote. Probably they don't understand the economics but there are many things they do understand, and in their eyes equally as important as you place on monetary terms. You have this conception that everybody feels as you do. I believe I made the right choice in voting to leave. I did a lot of soul searching and investigation before making that choice. No doubt other people did the same thing. If the vote was taken again today I would still vote the same way. 3months down the line I haven't seen anything yet to cause me concern.. The public made their choice and were entitled to their view. The fact it differed from your opinion is unfortunate.... Get over it......
  24. Remembering the first referendum back in the 70's when we first voted to join the Common Market, there wasn't this background of attitudes against the outcome. I appreciate the result was more conclusive then but, as I remember everyone accepted it.......even those who were dead against it at the time.......
  25. Totally aggree with Deano, but we get back to the same aged problem, the sport has endured for years, in that when decision come to a vote at the AGM the PL will always out number the opposition. The sport has been demanding a new structure for years and until that happens nothing will change. My one hope was Buster would be able to implement these structural changes and that the sport can be run as one. While the divides of the 2 divisions exist the sport will continue its downward spiral. Individually, I've always respected Promoters for what they do and try to achieve. But collectively they must be some of the most self minded people you'll ever meet. Surely they must see when all the promoters are singing from the same hymn sheet, the sport and everybody associated with it, would benefit....
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