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Everything posted by g13webb
I don't get all this crap about averages being the reason Holder was not signed by Poole. When someone who has served the club so well, been a legion for more years than one can remember, been an inspiration to so many, top scored most seasons, at any other club he would have been the first name on the sheet. even had the average been doubled. Whatever reasons behind the thinking, it had nothing to do with his average. Especially with the heat format going back to when the heat leaders were the most important rider in the team. Its all very good having strong reserves but that not that important any more. Riders like KK and Andersen are OK, but they are also moody riders and have more oft days than most. These two cannot be compared to the quality of Holder. It is for this reason I feel there is more to it than we know. Could it be Finance?, Could it be Personalities?, Could it be Attitude? It could be a number of things . I know at Lynn we would've moved Heaven and Earth to have Niels in our team on even a bigger average than Chris. so it was surmountable. We have benefitted from Poole not wanting Chris and he'll be made most welcome here.. Had this event had happened here at Lynn with Niels the fans would have been in uproar that he was allowed to go. I'm amazed, most of the Poole fans have just accepted it as the right thing to do, because Matt Ford said so. As a Kings Lynn Supporter I like to say a big Thank You to Matt Ford , whatever the reasons were.... A Happy Christmas to you all......
As much as I like to watch Lamberts races, and yes he has improved progressively, he's a long way off the quality of SGP riders like Chris Holder. Yes he has tons of ability and youth is on his side, but how many years do we wait before he masters the art of gating. I find it astonishing this is still his Achilles Heel . Unless he is able to overcome this massive disadvantage, he most probably, will never reach the height that everyone prophesised he would.......
Yes, I did speak with Chris personally. He said he was well pleased to be a KL, he's looking forward to the challenge, he has plenty of friends and riders based locally and cant wait to get started. When questioned about Poole, he replied he would always have a connection with the area, not necessary the club...was pleased to have the opportunity of riding in the UK again..... I think that meant a lot to him.... I didn't want to delve any deeper into the reason why, was just pleased he is here and wants to ride for Lynn. Lets live today, and let tomorrow take care of itself....
When it was spoken we had attained Holder for 2017, I was well chuffed, thinking he was more than able to compensate for Neils. I too was thinking this was just a temporary fix for when Niels comes back. But them feeling all changed last night. It was obvious to all present that there were major issues between Holder and Poole, the loaded average was used as a smoke screen, but the real problems went far deeper. He was really pleased to be at KL enabling him to continue ridng in the UK. His friendship with Troy was there for all to see. His banter with the fans and riders was from someone very happy to be where he was. He loves the track, he has a lot of friends locally, and many Aussie riders close by. I got the impression he was very settled in the surrounding and cant wait to do a good job. After the meeting, he mixed with the fans, talking and posing for pictures like he known them for years... He more than felt at home..... Them feeling I had about this being a temporary appointment, seems a million miles away after last night... Just probably, Holders here to stay......... He may go back to Poole one day,, but I wouldn't bet on it......
I don't get all this doubt about Batchelor. He has been about for many years, and has proved more than able heat leader during that time. He suffered terribly last year with his arm injury and his performance dropped. Lets not forget, form is only temporarily whereas skill is more permanent. I saw enough last year to know he has lost done of his gating ability and it was only his injury and strength that was his undoing. But even then he still showed the character of a fighter.... In this weakened league he will more than recapture that SGP form he had a few years back, adding many points to his ridiculously low average. Some say a massive gamble, ..... I'd say Yeah,,, Odds On......
Thoroughly enjoyed the evening last night. As expected a full house showed again the interest the Stars generate. Buster spoke about alll the work going on behind the scenes and assured all that solutions to both BV and Leicester were imminent. Hoping one would be finalised this coming week. Up to the interval was taken up with news and information of club and personnel changes, and what is hoped for the future. A short break to replenish your glass, then it was down to the real business of team selections. All announcements went as we had all imagined. Huckenbeck and Lambert sent messages apologising for their absence, but well pleased to be in the team again.. Porsing and Rose were the first to be introduced, both expressing the desire to improve on last year, before the arrival of Batchelor. He breezed in like a breath of fresh air. So vibrant and alert. you could see the happiness all over his face. It was obvious he was pleased to be part of the team. he explained his poor form last year and wants to put it to bed. He said he was doing a full season in Aussie land and expects to be at full fitness for when our season starts in March. He expects to do much better this year.... Finally the arrival of our new No1. I don't know if he expected such a generous applause but he received a huge welcome. Taking centre stage ( even Buster gave up his chair) He thanked KL for the opportunity to continue racing in the UK and assured us he welcomes the new challenge that lays ahead. It wasn't long before Troy got involved bantering all the questions Chris was being asked. It was obvious there is a big friendship there and this spirit can only benefit the whole team. From the oft, it was like a new beginning all smile and jokes, something we have rarely seen. When Chris was asked about the reasons he left Poole , he said obviously the loaded average was an issue but it was not the whole story. Not wanting to air his dirty washing, he said he wants to move on now and give his all for KL and cant wait to ride against his old club where he has points to prove........... Interesting....... Welcome to Kings Lynn Chris... I'm sure you'll be just fine.... Really enjoyed a good night....
You dig a bigger hole with every post you make. The news as far as Poole were concerned is that Ford didn't want him. Once he made that decision it was always inevitable Holder would go elsewhere. This article was nothing to do with the news, they could have announced this 2 weeks back, The timing of the article was made just to out do Kings Lynn. You have try to make a justification for the reporters behaviour,, but what is your excuse?????? In all due respect what Porsing did was because he didn't think, and the 2 riders concerned were Lynn riders. Chris Holder is the jewel in the crown captured from the self acclaimed greats..... His announcement would have been a major scoop for all and sundry. But don't worry about it..... All that is left now is a bad taste.........
The world I live in is a wonderful place, We have 'Respect' for people and positions, we use 'Manners' when we communicate, we say 'Please and Thank you' as a matter of politeness. We do these things as a matter of respecting our fellow citizens Never in a million years would I consider it correct to steal anything from anybody least of all their thunder. The promotions at Kings Lynn had arranged to make a presentation to the fans tonight, probably arranging for certain riders to travel many miles to make a surprise appearance. To steal the limelight of such hard work is unprofessional and indeed ill mannered. For those of you who thinks that OK then that don't paint a pretty picture of you either..... I'm pleased I don't live in your world,,,,,,
It is my belief that Porsing, Rose and Huckenbeck will all improve, each are capable of upping the average. It wouldn't surprise me if all three will be competing with each other for the second string berths, so in turn, each could sample the delights of the reserve spot. . Likewise, Bailey will have a tremendous opportunity to mix it with better riders and hopefully help him along to the next level. (One is presuming the actual team selection is as everyone seems to think)
Batchelor will be ok, no worries..... Nobody doubts his ability, and he has always spoke well of our track as the one he likes to ride. Last year was always going to be difficult following a bad break in the upper arm, and as expected he struggled early on. It would be wrong if he was judged on those first few months, he is so much better than that. There are posters saying he has the wrong attitude, but the knack is to keep him happy and involved. I see him being a big hit this year getting back to the SGP rider he once was. This will no doubt P--s many posters off, for he is a far better rider than some give him credit for.....
I had thought along those lines, but surely had this journalist had this story, he would have posted it long along and caused a much bigger surprise. The story would have been the main point, not timing of leaking information on a club 200 plus miles away.... Same can be said of the wee story leaking that Lynn were the only team to make inquiries of Chris Holder. No this was premeditated, with only one intention to spoil Lynn's announcement.. What small minded people we are talking about....
Having slept on this I find it difficult to understand the logic of releasing this story 48 hrs early. Surely the paper story would have had just as much input had it been released on Saturday. But the main aim here is to undermine the Kings Lynn announcement to their fans at their forum on Friday night. I wonder where the paper got the story from, and who was aware of the Lynn announcement, and who would have thought about the impact by releasing the story a day early, and all roads lead back to Sir Matt Ford. What a pathetic little man he really is. Stealing another promoter's thunder is criminal, but it shows what sort of small minded person he really is. Its not as if he would benefit anything from it I've always thought that Matt Ford is a selfish individual who care for nothing but himself. At a time when we should all be pulling together, he would tread on whoever just to have his own way. What he has shown everyone with this manoeuvre is how untrusting person he actually is. I don't wish to stoop as low as his level, but I hope one day he get's his come-uppence. He really deserves it.....
You can't blame other people from spilling the beans about our team of riders. The fact that our fans meeting is late this years, it was always possible that news would be inevitably leaked beforehand..... especially with social media as it is.... But that's not a problem to me, I'm just pleased the team I pencilled in a few weeks back looks like coming to fruition.
I don't think the location of the NSS has anything to do with. Wembley was the centre venue of the whole of the Speedway World when the World Finals were held there. The fact that most final were packed illustrated the location was irrelevant . If more finals are held in the new Stadium, they too will be as well attended as Cardiff. (Capacity permitted) But, saying that, the Weekend of the SGP is an enjoyable occasion, just a pity the temporary track lets it down on the racing front....
Bearing in mind he his riding in the 4 rounds of the Australian Championship after Christmas, I'd say that would be expecting too much. But then again with all the technology available this day and age, probably a Skype message would not be out of the question. Its nice than Nicklas Porsing is making the trip as will a few others, but the fans will be more interested with the signatures on the contract than actually who is turning up on the night.... Most of the supporters would have guessed Robert Lambert and Lewis Rose would be in the team, so I don't imagine Porsing's unwitting announcement has changed anything..... I read it with a huge smile on my face.......
I think it would be wrong to expect Doyle to come back , the alll conquering rider he was before his injury. Swindon will need to cut him some slack to work his way back in. We at Lynn have had enough experiences with riders coming back for injury to know it takes time, and then sometimes thats not enough. My hope is that Doyle fully recovers from that nasty accident, to the breath of fresh air he had become..... giving those riders at the top of the SGP the fright of their lives....
The fact, you are new to this forum, but following a comment like the above probably you're new to the sport as well. If we can acquire most of them players you mentioned, I have no doubt we will be very inspiring and in the running for a top 4 finish... Holder, Batch and Lambert would be equal heat leaders to any mentioned team so far, Likewise, Porsing, Rose and Huckenbeck would also be competitive. So your idea about losing support is also well off the mark.... I appreciate everybody is entitled to an opinion but usually there is some knowledge that backs up what people are thinking....... Looking at the teams so far , I think the one you mentioned would more then hold their own......
I have always had this perception, that if the specticle is good enough the fans will come. Obviously with a winning team, they are a bigger draw than one that is losing alll the time. Although there can only be one winner at the end, there can be many winners along the way. Attending speedway at the NSS has got to be a winner, regardless of the team. As long as people feel entertained and not ripped off, the support will be there. Because there is not a better venue in the whole of the country, you have a massive advantage in Manchester. Treat the fans right and the rest will follow. The actual members of the team is not important at this point, all you want is riders that appreciates the superb race track and who prepared to give 100% to the cause.....
Shame to see this situation evolving...... From an ousider, speedway doesn't look like its likely to continue at Bradon, and that will be tragic. What was once the Mecca venue for the sport, has descended into a battlefield of 2 self destroying personalities...
Still feeling confident he'll be with the Stars for 2017......
What a sorryfull state our sport is in. A lot of us has been saying this for some time, but the BSPA seemed reluctant to make those changes needed to survive. But at last they now recognise the dire straight's the sport is in and hopefully we can now turn the corner. The sport could not continue to pay our these huge fees for top riders, our numbers won't allow that to happen. But I see no reason why we cant have competitive racing that we can afford, and COULD interest new fans.. After all they don't know who NKI is...... onwards and upwards......
Don't count me in that statement.. Only missed 12 meetings in 6yrs and most of them were due to Holidays.... Have never missed a match when I was free to go to..... Mind you I left early a few times, when the performance, or the application or the progression has been rubbish. Just because Buster gets my money every week, doesn't mean I don't have an opinion. As most know I speak as I find......Good or Bad.....
GRW has always been a team player, and expects 100% from everybody all the time. Sometimes, his comments can be taken the wrong way when leading from the front. Being relegated to Reserve is OK with me. Its being in the team that matters, and able to take some extra rides and responsibility suite me just fine......
Thank you kind Sir !! Have never been a No1 before, at anything........
The last one I went to was at the Football ground at the Walks, Since having the events at the track I have always paid to go in. Been and seen Tatum/Pearson twice, plus nights with Niels and Rory and all of them cost money. Cant remember missing a supporter meeting, but then again I cant be sure..... But thanks again for the info