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Everything posted by g13webb
Sorry, But I for one don't like being corrected for menial grammar errors, or seeing someone else suffer the same fate. Posters come on here to air an opinion and do not want to be made to look substandard because he made some little mistake. They want to be welcomed and their points taken seriously. Someone acting like the school teacher is not appreciated. So what if he missed a full stop, does it matter, you had to read in 3 times. Not everybody had the same standard of education, and others probably found the expertise in other areas . I for one found Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Workshop Technology, Electric Techniques, Computer knowledge all quite interesting and sailed through those exams. English was a different proposition. 4 times I had to retake my GSE before I reached the required standard. I have been fortunate in life to manage this issue, as I have found my other areas of expertise more than compensated for this low-level of English ability. Probably you'll be more forgiving in the future when reading other poorly written posts.... ( Hope I haven't made too many mistakes!!)
Going back to the years when speedway was a success story, Leicester was always Tuesday track. Is there any reason why they can't go back to that?? The fact a Tuesday race night clashes with Sweden shouldn't be too much of a worry, 'cos this league will not have many top riders to worry about. If, or when a clash does rise its head I sure Promoters can arrange an alternative night.... A lot of posters seem keen to concentrate on the negatives rather than being optimistic that the Lions will run and should have a competitive team..., Of cause there will be teething problems, but with the right mind set, everything is achievable.....
I'm sure if an organisation were getting 100,000 hits a week, Sponsors would be lining up only too willing to come on board to join the venture...... Yet Poole are still looking for that company , .. .. .. .Strange that!!!!!!!
I've always resisted the temptation to have my 2 penny's worth because I have never been aware of the full facts. Obviously there have been many issues, we the fans are not aware off. But reading your post above tells me I was right not making any comments, and yes there were far more reasons why and how the situation was created. What a pity more people didn't learn the truth before jumping in with two big feet and apportioned blame until the full facts were known......... .
As per normal the , many of Poole fans saying all the wrong things at the wrong time. We all know our sport is in a precarious situation. My heart goes out to all the Bees fans not knowing of their situation, or usability of their track. It is obvious to us all, that running and promoting speedway is not the ideal way to generate wealth. All the parties involved in the arguing knows of the difficult of making ends meet..... The main point being made here is, when a top team like Poole, struggles to find adequate sponsorship, then this just illustrates the difficulties associated with running a club. Clubs cannot run a viable organisation on admission prices alone. Riders and machines are too expensive for the scant attendances we get . Sponsorship is the only option to balance their books. Finger crossed 2017 brings better fortunes, for all those who have invested in our sport......
In this easier format and weaker league, I would not be surprised if the majority of decent riders improved their score. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but as I read all riders completing in the premiership, will acquire new averages as from the first batch of meetings. So the rolling average format actually starts anew when the season begins. This alone will have immediate affect and is more likely than not give a truer reflection on ones performance from the start. In the previous years protected format, the EDR's were running amok and giving everyone false impression of their ability. This year it will be much harder for them to shine and therefore I see most of the reserves struggling to maintain there false presence. The new riders brought in on this low 2point opening might improve a small portion but it will also be hard to make much impression. Forgetting about the calculation factor, I see the heat leaders (HL) as the main benefactors of this reverting back to the old format. Top riders like Holder, KK, Lindgren, and Doyle should fill their boots most meetings. Riders like Nicholls, Bomber, Bjerre, King and Batchelor should also benefit from only riding against one HL at a time, so more than able to increase on last years scores.... The 2nd Strings..(2S) will be a more competitive area. Again having also benefitted from the protected format, this year will be much harder. But like a good bottle of milk the cream will always rise to the top. Some 2S will prosper and graduate to HL status while must will struggle and could drop down to the reserves. Who will be the biggest improvers? Could be anyone I've mentioned above, But I've a feeling KB and Batch will be somewhere near the top on that reckoning
No problems, The only reason I added to the tread was because posters were making comments towards Pedersen and/or his mechanic when in fact, it could have belonged to a number of people.....
To be more precise it was 8th March 2012, In my first posting on the subject I visualised the event as a few years back. Sorry about that. I didn't realise the date was that important..... Why didn't I tell someone about it ? In events like this, the track is graded periodically . Once graded the riders go out in groups of 3 and 4's to do a few laps, when they return to the pits and then another group come out. This carries on for half an hour or so before the track is again regarded. I pointed out in that first post I saw something reflecting in the sunlight not knowing what it was . Was it a stone, was it a piece of silver paper, could it be a nut or bolt, I had no idea until it was retrieved by the mechanics during the next grading break. I see them pick something up from the track, and it was only when SteveHone posted the pictures the following day I realised it was indeed a spanner. I don't know the reason for your comment making out I should have done something, I am a responsible person and can assure you had I seen anything that contributed danger in any way I would have jumped over the fence myself. In this instance there was nothing seen to be reported...... Is that ok with you.......
The spanner in question could have belonged to any Danish rider who was using Saddlebow Road that day. I was fortunate to also attend the official practice session the Danish had pre-arranged to use the track for a pre-season practise day back in 2013. The offending spanner lay on the track for some time and glistened in the morning sunlight while a number of riders were giving it go. I remembered thinking it was a mirror, such was the reflection in the sun. eventually it was collected by one of three mechanics who went to the trouble of looking for something during the break..... Nicky Pedersen was the lucky person photographed on the day, but it could easily have been Niels, Andersen or Mads all out on the track at that particular time.....
Nobody had more potential then Robert Lambert. In the three years in the Elite league we have seen him steadily improve but this did not happen straight away. I also think young Holder has a lot of potential but to expect it with immediate effect I think is very harsh and puts too much responsibility for someone of that experience. Kurtz did OK last year and will, I imagine, go better this year. But listening to some of the punters on here success is guaranteed to every one with potential. Life is not like that... I hope Holder and Kurtz are given the time to develop their skills and not over pressurised to get immediate results..... Poole are not known as a club to wait for success, they want it straight away..... Only time will tell.......
There is no problem, just a few opinions related to the start of the races. In them old footage you were watching, you could not see or feel the atmosphere of that specific race, but no doubt you could see the size of the crowd watching them lottery starts , and this what the issue is all about. Of cause we all want our favourites to win every race, and not be out done by a cowboy at he start, but do we have to have everything so specifically black and white where the top riders always win? Riders like PC, Lee, Morton, Carter, Penhall and many more, were brilliant riders. Them missing the gate wasn't a problem, whereas to others like Jessup, Louis if they missed the gate their race was done. You don't have to look far to see who the Racers and Gaters are....................
What's fairness got to do with it? . We see perfectly good starts today brought back because a rider was too good. We see the same riders gating all the time to win with ease, is that good viewing? How many times during a meeting is a race pulled back for another unfair start, More wasted time, and you think that better........ All I did, was pass an opinion saying I preferred it when the riders were allowed to move and jostle at the start. So what if he touched the tapes, to me it added to the excitement and added to the occasion... That reply don't even warrant a response., I said 'gating shenanigans' added to the races, not replace them..... I can accept your thoughts But surely you can see the excitement it added to a meeting. In the old way all riders had a chance if winning, the present rules only benefit the gaters and those who want a purist result. You say you understand the riders disappointment when they anticipate a brilliant start only too be brought back. They are the rules, the Ref can pull, when not having a second look at a TV screen, before making an opinion. All this does is add another few minutes to the proceeding. 2 or 3 of these and half an hour can be added to the meeting and there we are, standing about waiting, usually in the cold for that unnecessary perfect start. Does the sport actually need that degree of finesse ? AS you pointed out they're many ways to address the start procedure, but can the sport finance this additional expense?. The general perception is that the majority of races are won from the gate anyway and these strict, no movement rule at the gate only emphasises that fact. The bigger the lottery at the start, the more the excitement would be generated.... This is merely an opinion...... from somebody who has been to far too many race meetings,,,,
I use to enjoy the shenanigans at the start that created lots of atmosphere. Riders like Mauger and Michael Lee used it as a trick to con and outdo lesser opponents. It was part of the game when you had the chance to use physiology. Its all very well saying you have to stay still, mustn't touch the tapes, will always result in the good gaters winning. No doubt the good riders wanted these new rules that favoured the best, but as far as the spectators were concerned it makes the process less exciting. and more predictable. Back in the early 70's when Mauger was god, he came down to Saddlebow Road, on the back of 12 straight maximums for Newcastle. He expected this to continue. He lined up at the start of heat 1, messing about like he always did, he rolled back an forth, he kept pushing them tape ready to fly. but in this instance the Ref let them go when Mauger was pulling back. The Lynn pair got the drop, Featherby hole shoted with Betts riding shotgun. It took Mauger 3 laps before he passed Betts, but Featherby was clear and well worth that win..... Mauger score 14 that night he was someone very special. Out doing him at the start was riders only chance of beating him. That great race would not have been allowed today. The start strategy has ruined more races and added to the length of meetings , than any other rule change. Even when a rider gets a ace start the Ref brings them back and wastes more time. Sometimes I think the Ref wants all the glory and imposes themselves all too often. This standing still and no touching the tapes at the start has probably made it more fairer to the purist, but it has taken away the added excitement of the starts, it has added more stoppages, and made the races more stereotyped. Give me the old starts any day..... And you wonder why all those supporters don't come any more.......
In the last 6yrs I have seen NKI ride many times. During that period he has shown to me, and everyone else, that he is the ultimate professional. Immaculately turned out, always on time , and tries to win every race. I find it very difficult to think of a meeting he didn't try to win. Now it is he who I judge other riders by. Over the same period , I to have seen KK ride on many occasions , Sometime he is amazing and others he is useless. I am in no doubt of his ability as he has shown many times, but I also feel when the chips are down I wouldn't want to have to rely on him to survive. He appears a very moody rider, troubled probably, why is this inconsistency so evident??? Why has he let the clubs down he rides for? Why hasn't he got the reliability has other top riders???? Over the last 6 yrs NKI has out shone KK every year, that's not to say KK is not as fast , just that he has never had that consistency. I hope KK comes good , but I can't help in thinking he'll let you down. Fingers crossed.....
What a cold world you would live in if everything was Black and White. No, Loyalty is not a demand nor a condition of a contract, but it is important and generates much togetherness, confidence,, connection with the fans , responsibility, all attributes that encourages fans to go and watch. I am sure Holder has shown a lot of Loyalty to Poole over the years, as have Poole shown to Holder. In this case there wasn't enough loyalty to overcome certain issues, but don't let this make people think that 'Loyalty Means Nothing' because its an important virtue in everyone's life.........
It would be wrong of anybody to run GM down. Over the years they have been the mainstay of our sport. But in saying that, we have to believe that making racing cheaper has to be the prioritive of any league. It has been well herald the costs the riders need to pay to be competitive, so any chance of a big saving has to be considered. If the performances of Freddie Lindgren was attained from a sealed unit, one has to be impressed. I hate to think of the tuning costs over the years that riders pay, money that is lost to the sport forever. Listening to Holder opinion when asked he replied, It was important to be confident of his machinery when competing in big meetings. Going there with a used engine wouldn't install the same feelings he got from a specially prepared one...... That was a fair comment..... So obviously a mental factor is there to be considered as well. Probably we have reached the time when the machinery used in the leagues to those used in the SGP have to be different. If a rider could use these sealed units for a whole season, for a one off cost of £4000, then they have to be considered...,.. . Maybe some will change their Christmas present list. . Merry Xmas to you all.......
Where have all the rackers gone ??? Back in the years when the sport was run on cinders, after every race there were a posse of rackers pulling all the muck back from the boards. I know a thankless task, that I wouldn't be prepared to do, but we always had better race tracks. I think the bigger issue now is that the bikes rev far higher and any shale is quickly moved to the edge of the track....
There's only one way too read it. He expected to carry on riding for Poole forever, but Matt Ford didn't want him, ........ Now he has to move on.. I hate to think what Poole would have achieved without the Turbo Twins.........
When I started working for a living I was paired with a wonderful Chap to learn my chosen trade. He told it like it was. The first words he said to me was: Son!! ... There are two types of workers in this country, 1, is person who can only see solutions, and 2, is a person who can only see problems.... Now which one are you??.......Depending how you answer, will also dictate your direction in life .... ( pause) ..... If your answer is 2 , you can go and work with him over there... Such an important question, so early in ones life, but it was that important....... There's no need to ask what group of people 'Starman2006' is from...........
This has got to be the worse Poole side they've had for a few years. Usually when fans looked at the picked teams Poole always stood out as the best and was usually the team to beat. This year it is not like that their team is no better than say KL, or Wolves or even RH and that has to be good for the sport. Hopefully the racing will be more competitive and not the same winners all the time... One point I haven't seen mentioned so far, is that what effect will Chris Holders departure have on his brother. Surely it would have been better and more productive to have had Chris on board helping his brother with his first year in the big class.. Surely Matt Ford thought about that, or did he....... Like I say, Poole's lost is our gain, but also every team in the league will benefit from Poole getting rid of Noddy....
Seems a logical thought pattern. I have the greatest of respect for Buster and the work he does. He is one of the few that thinks of Speedway foremost. As Chairman of the BSPA he will be doing whatever is necessary for Leicester to continue to operate and for that we should be grateful. With anybody else I would question the legality of one man running 2 clubs, but as you said above he could be acting as the key that opens the door for others to operate. ( There are some funny rules in the BSPA like you have to be involved a certain time before you are able to hold a position) I am in no doubt, that of all the positions Buster finds himself in, his heart will always be at Kings Lynn....
I have high hopes of Batchelor as well. Reading in the SS says he's competing in the Aussie Championships this winter, bearing in mind most of his main competitors are also riding in the UK, this should be a an ideal indication of how he is progressing.
I hear what you say, but feel you are being a bit unfair. First of all the Monmore Track is unique and offers a entirely different proposition for riders than to other track. Some call it more technical others call it by other names, I'll just say different. The riders you have mentioned have all suffered terrible accidents. This is where its becomes the unknown. Its not the bones that are the problem but the mental scares a big accident can leave. Some riders can overcome this more quickly than others, some riders may never recover. I believe it is wrong we judge these riders expecting them to jump straight back to the rider they once were. 6 yrs ago Kenneth Bjerre was a brilliant No1 rider for the Stars. there wasn't a better from the back rider in the league. But accidents have taken their toll. Still a very good rider, but is suspect of fellow racer if they get close , who can blame him..... So I try not to judge them as before and hope they'll return to their previous level. Many years ago, when Leicester reopened Blackbird Road, the Stars went there for that first match. I think it was around heat 7 or 8 , David Crane and a home rider touched along the home straight, they both crashed heavily. David Crane got up a walked back to the pits, the Lions riders was taken to hospital. David Crane was so traumatised he never recovered from that bad fall, and retired soon after. The Leicester rider made a full recovery and continued his career. We as bystanders will never understand the effect some accidents have on riders...... I always try to give them some leeway, instead of judging them....
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To the solumn fans, and the happy fans, to the awkward fans and the knowable fans, to the clever fans and to the not so clever one, to you all, I would like to use this opportunity to wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. Lets hope we can make 2017 into year you've been waiting for... and that British Speedway prospers in the years ahead. All the BEST to you all.......
I have never said or pretended to know the reasons why Holder and Poole have parted. All I've said that I believe the reasons why this has happened is not just down to the factored average. Chris Holder was too good a rider to let go on that reason alone..... No doubt one day it will come out in the wash, and we'll all know the reasons why!!!!!