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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Still not converted on the fairness of the 1.4 loading of EL riders yet. Yes I understand the logic and the reason why it had to be done, but don't necessarily agree with it. From my viewpoint there are an awful lot of riders who raced in both leagues and the comparable CMA's are so variable. Some riders performed better in the EL and some in the PL, but it is the PL scores that are being used for team building purposes. Obviously those riders with better performances in the EL are a better acquisition than those who performed better in the PL On the face of it teams using riders with PL scores will have a better chance of retaining their scores than those teams with EL riders and their loaded averages. Sure there will be a slight drop due to the stiffer competition, but nothing like the 40 % extra that some have been loaded with. I appreciate this was for team building only and yes, the first set of figures will be interesting reading to see the effects of what is expected to happen. On the face of it there are an abundance of riders within the 6-7pt category the this could be the area where the biggest changes will come from. KL have selected 4 riders with this loaded CMA's, I don't know how that compares with other clubs. I cant imagine there will be teams with any more than that. When I look at each teams strengths, in comparison to others, I don't think about their averages, just my opinion and perception of each rider / team.... and this is what is most intriguing in that there are many teams comparable with the others in the league and that has to be good for the sport.... (Edited: Altered to suit a query)
  2. Will be interesring to see how both teams fare. The start of a new season when all fans will be looking on for any clues of strength. My prediction has to be for the team who gets the biggest home win. Victors:: Wolves by the narrowest margins.....
  3. I too think Klindt will be dropped, soon as he fails to deliver. If he don't gate his head drops then everyone will beat him. I cant see him doing well against better opposition. MF won't keep him if he's not scoring...
  4. Pretty good assessment I'd say. I have this feeling that most of these clubs are more than capable of home wins, which put a different emphasis on away wins. With the return of the old race format , the reserves are not expected those big scores. That's the reason why most teams are made up with these lesser riders. Some of these will prosper but the majority will struggle. Of the 16 I'll be surprised if 4 come on strong. Looking at the race format, the last 5 races are the ones that matter when the top riders come to the party. Teams with big hitters will benefit here but will it be to catch up, or to dominate, time will tell. The obvious choices are those mentioned but I would be weary of placing any bets, cause it could easy change after the new averages, when team changes will be made. At this point I wouldn't rule anyone out just yet , but it should be interesting......
  5. Clubs who riders are not involved with the Polish league will all agree with a stance as it would have no effect on them, Probably, if losing their No1 rider, they would also have a different opinion. Such a pity you don't read all the comment before dishing out insults, No-body would agree with Polish demands of riders, but the response needs to be done 'Ent-group' . Individually, clubs will not achieve anything. A ruling made by the BSPA would create a stance against such demands. and promoters would select their team accordingly...... Fingers crossed, your not a mug also........
  6. I think the whole crux of the matter is that the FIM aren't strong enough to be the all powering governing body. Tell me another sport that would allow Poland to dictate these demands?? No !!! The solution needs to come from the top...... The situation will continue until FIM get involved God know when that will be.....
  7. When Lynn signed Holder , we did so with knowledge of his continental commitments. Now if, as suggested, we impose restrictions on his schedule abroad would be wrong This should have sorted that out before the signing. We made the decision to employ Chris with his loaded average as the mainstay of our team. Had we known of Poland's restrictions then probably we could have gone in another direction and employed a more balanced team with stronger riders lower down. As always being the case, these major decisions should be made at BSPA level. Clubs should be instructed on the rules of riders with foreign commitments. If decisions are needed to be made regarding them or us , then fair enough, but let it be done from the start so everyone knows the facts...... Probably you will think about the bigger picture when calling people a 'mug'. That statement said more about you than anyone else.......
  8. Thinking of those posters with views of children's admission costs, Just Thinking....For every adult who chooses to not to go because of excessive costing (Man and Child £21.00) Poole will need to attract 4 paying youngsters, just to compensate, each adult who stays away. Seems to me this pricing structure will cost Poole more, than it will gain.....
  9. The fact, you say, Poole are charging 6 yr old kids £4.00 entrance is a disgrace. and you wonder why crowds are not turning up... If I had to pay to bring my young grandkids with me, then I would stay away. No doubt there would be others who feel the same .... I don't see why there isn't an enforced admission fee set in stone by the BSPA at the start of each season, so every club would charged the same. Extra insensitive should be directed to families environment offering Man and Wife with children under 12 a set fee: (£35.00 family ticket approx.), All children under 12 to be accompanied by an adult go free; All adults (including OAP's) £15.00; Children ( 13 to 16) and students) £10.00; These are approximate figures based on the understanding that children under 12 shouldn't be left on the own...... Home or away.....
  10. Even if it meant the Stars missing out on the Play-offs, Come July, I would love to see all 8 teams in contention for those top four places. That would guarantee some brilliant closely fought matches, where the fans are the real winners. I know the rules about rider change, have been changed this year, but I still feel the cut-off date could be even sooner to eliminate clubs bringing in wringers to gain this unfair advantage. For this sport to prosper , it has to project the right image. Everything needs to be scrumptiously clean and transparent, when success is achieved through excellence rather than the exploitation of loopholes in the rules..... and what better way to do this than to have all teams fighting for success.... Obviously I want the Stars to win, but I will applaud any team that wins ................ providing it is achieved in the correct way.
  11. At a time when fans are at a all time low, the bosses should be concentrating on giving the fans the real deal. Somerset is a long way to travel, but the few Kings Lynn fans aren't going to support a team when missing their star rider. The home team will also feel hard done by missing out on the chance of seeing one of the few SGP riders racing in our league , when arranging this meeting on a non-SGP weekend would have been a simple answer. The SGP calender has been out for some time, the Friday track of Coventry is not running this year leaving Somerset and Leicester as the only issues. and still we have to arrange this meeting on a day that clashes with a GP. And we wonder why fans turn their back on the sport...........Amazing
  12. So pleased you get the obvious point. There are many clubs who don't have SGP riders that could have facilitated that weekend. Why not race against the Stars on a non-GP weekend. Common sense really... Don't worry about Danny Smith, he always disagree with everything I post
  13. It is probably their way of levelling up the sides...... When you consider we have less SGP riders than ever before in our league it wouldn't have taken Einstein long to work around the fact on GP weekends some teams are going to be a man short. The point that there is a replacement facility is pointless as all the equivalent riders will be unavailable as well ... Like you say you couldn't make it up.......
  14. Isn't it strange that when the instructions were to cut costs and concentrating more on affordable talent, we are about to start one of the most open leagues we have had for some time. Recent years have seen so many predictable matches where the sides have been unequal. Many people lost interest because of the predictable nature of the sport. but not this year. We appear to be going back in time when most matches resulted in a home win . Because teams appear to be much more equal this year, the home advantage should be more evident and winning away will be especially difficult. It should create more interest with closer results, when to win away is going to be a tremendous achievement . All these attributes has got to make the sport more appealing... Can't wait for it all to start.....
  15. Strange I made this quote 2 weeks ago. To me it was a no brainer. BV are now definitely 'Play-off' contenders.....
  16. Robert Lambert is in a unque position where he could be top dog for this club for many years too come. Having ridden most of his professional life at Lynn he muxt be aware of the set up, the track, and have a massive connection with the fans as well as management. The ball is in his court. he can take this opportunity with both hands and rule supreme for the coming years getting maximum exposure for the world to take note or he can prioritise the finance involved and follow the pound signs . For him to get noticed as a world class star he is, he has to concentrate on his racing, and there're no better tracks to do it than at Saddlebow Road..... The choice is his.........
  17. Chris Holder is one of the reasons we are considered as Play-off contenders. It is not an ideal situation, but allowing Chris to miss a meeting or two is not the end of the world. Hopefully his CMA will allow us to have a good RR , so as far as I'm concerned I would sanction his request this year. Probably when making decisions for next year the BSPA will bear these situations in mind, when collectively we can make a stand against the all governing Polish Speedway.... Singly we stand no chance...
  18. For the first time this year the BSPA have formed a connection between the top two leagues. Sure this is a start but I wonder why they didn't go the whole hog and incorporated the NL into the format as well with the promotion and relegation. There are teams in the NL that are far too good and should be promoted to a more level competition. These leagues should have priority whence it would be the intention of every club to get to the top league. Double uppers, although I don't like them, they have to be better governed. A rider is able to do 2 teams that must be of the next level. ( i.e.:- 1 and 2; or 2and 3, but never 1 and 3) Only 2 riders per team can D/U. and when matches clash then the top league would always takes preference . Also there can be restriction of high CMA applied as to restrict top riders from D/U As per normal we appear to do only half a job and have to cope with the consequences......
  19. Sometimes the top dressing at Lynn is very good , other times it's pretty poor. I know nothing of the cost or the volume of shale a track needs to be able to answer your questions, When I have spoken to Buster on the subject in the past, he has said that any top dressing has to be useable for both Stock Car and Speedway. Changing the topping for each meeting would create many problems. Like I say, I know nothing about track preparation and have to take Buster's word. He obviously knows his job and has accessed the financial implications , why should he lie about it....
  20. Talented, he may be, to some people watching riders like Garrity is exciting speedway, you never know what's going to happen next. I can't warm to somebody, whom I feel is a accident waiting to happen. He always appears to ride above himself with little or no respect to his fellow riders.
  21. Kenneth Bjerre has his faults, and there are some supporters who are vocal in their dislike of him. But to me KB would be a hellova choice at Belle Vue. His machinery is second to non and as fast as any others around, His greatest asset is his gating, When in front he is usually very smooth and untroubled..... Riding on the vast spaces at the NSS he would be in his element. If there was a track tailor made for KB then this would be it. The only time you see KB struggle is when he is in close company of other riders who he doesn't trust....... When considering his injury history, you can't blame him for that.... I would welcome KB in any team I support......
  22. Brandon history makes Coventry the team they were..... without Brandon, they would be just be another team ......
  23. Probably in an ideal existence changing the shale would be advantageous for better speedway racing, but in the real world, where costs are paramount, the shale has to be able to used by the Stock Cars as well. Swapping the topping depending on the event has to be really excessive . From all accounts, Lynn is one of the few tracks that are viably run, so if, by using the substandard shale allows the track to operate, and we can continue to have a club to support then I for one won't be complaining.....
  24. 'World champion walks out of Meeting' I think he lost all peoples respect at the Aus GP.. He turned what should have been the finale of a wonderful season into a selfish exhibition. He showed no respect for the fans, the sport or the sponsors by his personal actions. I thought he was a bigger man than that. Whereas he should have been a World champion to be adored, but he let everyone down . His actions were criminal. The sport has to be better than this. He should've have been banned from the next 3 SGP's ,
  25. When Saddlebow Road first opened, and comparing it to other venues I always placed Brandon as the place to emulate. Each time we went it was usually a full house and the noise and excitement was unparalleled. So many great stars and wonderful personalities have graced this track and to acknowledge it will be no more is hard to understand........ I appreciate things change, but I can't help thinking something has to be wrong when a city as big as Coventry haven't a team when once it was the mecca of the sport. It is not for me to judge or to proportion blame, but I can't help remembering, at the time when the track was sold to a non-speedway enterprise, I thought it was only a matter of time before greedy financial decisions took control of the premises.... My main thoughts go to the fans who will miss the sport, I can only imagine how I would feel if the same happened at Lynn. Yeah, I know, I could and would go to Peterborough, but that wouldn't be the same as the team I supported through thick and thin will have gone. Nothing can ever replace the venue and team you have supported for so long and it is to you I feel for most... When our team for 2017 was announced I had them feelings that this could actually be our year. But after all that has happened recently, It doesn't seem that important any more..... Sure is sad times
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