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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. I see we've drafted in Cookie to cover for Chris Holder at Somerset this week. Bearing in mind the way Chris is riding of late, in my reckoning that will make us stronger.... Might get something after all...
  2. Don't worry about it, especially with track specialist Rory on board I cant imagine you'll have many problems ... If the unthinkable did happen and we manage to beat you, you will have an excuse in place already.....
  3. I agree with you 100%. I always have regarded Saddlebow Road as one of the best tracks in the country, with its size and shape. We have had some top quality riders plying their trade around this track and all saying what a wonderful track it is... .... The problem we have now is that the majority of meetings are gate and go affairs which do nothing to inspire the fans. Tracks in the UK are all substandard when comparing with those in Poland/ Sweden. It is only the NSS that can compete with the racing we see from aboard. My comment was made . in reference to making our sport more racy, giving the rider who missed the gate the opportunity to pass. The obvious answer at Lynn would be to cover the track in proper shale. Riders have proved it can be raced on providing the preparation is right. But that is not going to happen because financial implications of the Stock Cars have to be considered as always. Altering the entry into corners may be the answer. With a concrete infield, it might be possible to move the white line in enough to create more space going into, without messing up the drainage . It was merely a suggestion that was feasible without too much expense. It could be experimented quite easily to see the effect it produced... But like you I like nothing more than seeing riders, racing hard riding flat out, swapping places to the line.... But unfortunately I live too far away from Manchester for me to get my addiction satisfied, on a regular basis... We have to make the most of what we have...
  4. No ! but based on this Ruling :- 16.2.7 A SGB Premiership or Championship League rider will establish an MA after 4 Home and 4 Away fixtures, becoming effective 7 days after the last qualifying Meeting. Should an Established MA not be achieved to be effective from 1st May, then the MC may issue a revised MA, based upon actual rides if the Team re-declares. They can do just about anything they like.... Why cant they have a change over date, and change EVERY rider's average to be current and valid...... ??.
  5. When the BSPA decided at their AGM how to re-create the teams strength using a new formula of Pl and loaded EL points, I thought we had at last turned the corner and that the sport was going to be run properly with transparent rules that everyone could follow, But it now appears those views were unfounded. We were told the 'second part' of the operation, enabling riders getting back to a realistic CMA were to be implemented with a changeover come May, that would mean all the riders having a valid and current premiership average.. But that's not the case, it now appears the MC are going to re-assess riders only if clubs want to re-declare..... It is now apparent that the second part was not thought through properly, and the sport remains the shambles its always been.......
  6. There sure are a lot of variables in them rules.... It appears the MC can make their own judgements after May 1st, Providing clubs want to redeclare.
  7. In the real world we only have that 1 track that fits the bill, All the rest are substandard to the shape and design. The situation in Poland are a world apart to what we have in the UK. In Poland the sport is funded by corporate finance, while here it mostly is private enterprise. The sport is in no way able to fund new stadiums, The Promoter are surviving on a shoe string, and we talk about new stadiums as if there are 10 a penny. We need to make the most of what we have. many tracks have been going for years and have done well to have survived through all the problems and recessions. Any way forward has to be directed to making what we have work.... Except the NSS is a 1 off. and work on making each track as racable as possible...
  8. Sometimes I wonder If you ever read what I posted. I never said make Lynn a small track, nor did I say slow the bikes down, what I suggested was to make a shape that would mean closing the throttle on entry into corners, instead of follow the leader in processional races.
  9. I am in no doubt the biggest probelm with todays tracks are the design of todays bikes. These bikes prefer striaght lines and big corners which enabling the throttle to be permanently open.. The NSS epitomises this design but they have a wide raceway that others aren't able to copy.. So rather than try to make all tracks similar, why not try to slow the bikes down to create a more racing environment. Let make more tracks like Monmore ( Wolves Track) forcing rider to be more articulate instead of being speed merchants.. I have nothing against Craig Cook's 15pt max on Wednesday, but he had the fastest bike, and if we put any of the top riders on that, the other night, they would have achieved something similar. It seem strange that the previous night he was far less successful on a more technical track. I think the shape at Lynn needs to change, but only in making the corners wider and sharper, meaning the riders have to shut the throttle on entry. I know this must be against the philosophy of the sport, but we want to watch competitive races and not processions of the fastest bike wins...
  10. Yes it was always my understanding the riders CMA only includes league matches, But this is a unique situation that exists purely to correct a bad formula from previous years. Surely it would be more beneficial , more accurate , and obvious more sense to include all the matches to represent a more reliable figure of that riders ability.. Once the changeover has happened, then we can go back to the 'old trusted methods' of yesteryear.... but until then we need to think out of the box ....
  11. I appreciate that would have been the obvious scenario, but our league is not like that. we have some teams that have had more meetings, we have teams who haven't played away yet, and other who ridden far more away than home, infact we have nothing of any similarity at all. I thought that the 50pt was for team building limit at the start of the season, where riders would either use their PL- CMA, and those without a PL would use their EL ( x 1.4). We were then told once they get their first set of figures all riders would then switch over to the newly acquired average, attained from 2017 and the teams limit be dropped to around 42-43pts. Is the changeover going to be governed by the riders doing 4H/4A, or will it be the Team riding 4H/4A ??? either way it is going to open a tin of worms. A change over date would eliminate all issues about team rebuilding, and would place all teams in the same situation. Teams could plan for the change over if a date was prior made. Ok, some teams will have ridden more than others, but some teams have ridden in Cup and Coventry matches so the situation exists already..
  12. Sure was a poor home performance tonight supplying just 4 race winners. That's the second meeting out of 3 we have not been good enough... Congratulations to Belle Vue on showing how it should be done..
  13. Having given this point a bit of thought, I wondered if anybody knows how or when this is going to happen. Thinking along the lines of each riders to required 4 H and 4A before a change is implemented could create problems for those riders unable to achieve that cut off. How will teams be allowed to recalculate when they have ridden in less meetings then other... so to be fair, the change over date has to be the same for all teams..... My own thoughts would be to have a cut-off day say 23rd May (approx.) and the new figures to be implemented on the 1st June ( again- approx.) . All thoughts and information welcome...
  14. Lots of riders go well at AFA, but it is these matches that should attract the fans and when the home team has to rise to the occasion. Sure, it will be tight, BV can easily be victorious, but we have to believe in ourselves. We are more than capable of beating ANY team on our day. We need to be positive. The enthusiasm the fans showed against Somerset has to be recreated. I am sure we can win this if the riders race with the same sort of passion. Wolves showed what can be done last night, Prediction: Grippy track-: KL 50 - BV 40
  15. Is that 4 home and 4away for the team or for each individual rider ? We are led to believe the Teams total will be recalculated to max 42 pts from that some point in May. For this to be fair, all teams will have to be amended from a said DATE and each club have the same option of rider replacement. Surely a riders CMA will be amended from this point regardless of the number of meetings he has actually rode. These are just a few issues I'm trying to understand... Edit to say: Well done on an impressive home win last night, I thought it would be tight, Freddie and Thorsell were no doubt inspirational
  16. Yeah ! probably ... I hate to lose, it what has driven me all my life. I will admit, having been to RH few times in the past I thought we were capable of getting a point at least from our visit and was quite surprise to be turned over as we were. As you say its still 4 laps on a speedway bike, and you start from the same place, but you forgot to mention: its follow the leader, not allow to overtake, and the first one to the corner always wins. You could have got as much excitement watching riders practising .. .. . . .. one at a time.....
  17. Thank you for the opportunity to witness what happened the other night. Probably I was a bit hasty in my condemnation of some of the Stars main riders in my previous comments. After watching the eight races above it became clear just what a poor track Rye House has become. Having been there many times in the past, I was aware of the small size, but the camber always gave the riders the opportunity to race, now it's a one track excuse that offers nothing. Forget the 4laps requirement, this has been turned into a 20 yd dash to the first corner. I was not aware of any alteration made, but this track has been ruined. It has turned this venue into a farce.....
  18. If anyone knew the answer to that, then probably he could write a book to make a fortune. Like you .... I find It difficult to understand how an accomplished rider like Watt's form has been so poor when, he was once a top rider....
  19. Good riders could get their bikes dialled in after their first ride or track walk. When a young Michael Lee first rode for Lynn , accompanied by his father, his bike would be set up from the start. Many times he shared that information with his team mates. You mentioned Sprocket sizes and Clutch parts, but surely they should be part and parcel of any rider equipped to go racing..... On a track that passing was a premium, it was imperative to make good starts. Surely even our top two speedway riders would know that... . It appears from all reports that Harris, 'not the best gater in the world' substituted top end speed for quick gating. But it brought him 10 points, that included 2 wins.. Just don't think enough importance was put into the task......... We should be better than that....
  20. I've always believed application is everything. Porsing showed what can be achieved when applied. There can be no excuse for the performances from Holder and Lambert, they were shameful. Set up is not rocket science, nor secret, merely an excuse when required.... . The fans deserve far better than that...
  21. It is not the point that Garrity is as strong as KK, The point is Garrity, is far stronger than the 3point replacement you should be using. Yeah Seriously ????. Why is it we are alway talk about Poole when there is a problem with interpretation of the rules...
  22. We have to respect opinions, even when some are way off the mark, Batchelor is one on those riders where opinion are so varied. Bit like KB . Both have the ability to really show those doubters their true credentials.... In this weakened league, there is no better time than now.....
  23. Yeah, but a lot of changes have happens since then, Bikes, Tyres, Track and its preparation, but most of all Batch is a far better rider now then when he rode in his PL .
  24. I believe that the passion and enthusiasm shown by the fans last week was as refreshing as the actually racing. Something we haven't seen at Lynn for some time. If that can be re-created every week, that's bound to rub off on to the riders. seeing the excitement on the terraces again like that... who knows we win by loads
  25. Its difficult to evaluate the outcome of a match when one team has just been surprisingly beaton. Usually a defeat will provide the Providial kick up the ar-e effect on the beaten team, whereas it could have the opposite effect on the opposing side, thinking its easier than first thought. I will stay in the 'Could Do' category and say its possible, we could get something from the meeting ...
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