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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Rest assured, Buster, Lyons and Allitt are all aware of this forum and know how us fans feel. I bet my bottom dollar they all read the forum, even if they don't like what they read... The fact that they don't reply don't indicate they are members or not.... If I was running a business and valued the feedback from interested parties, I'd be checking this forum every day....
  2. Wonderful, and you except that as reasonable.....,.... Did Lindgren have any problems with set up? or Masters, what about Schlein or even Thorssell, No, they came here last night for the first time this year and nailed it... What a pity our riders and management couldn't do the same...., There is no excuse for such a dreadful performance..... I feel so victimised, We deserve better than this......
  3. Those few words probably sums everything up perfectly....... Never in 50 yrs can I remember such a lame excuse of a meeting that I witnessed last night. I begrudgingly spent good money to watch this shambles, As the wife said I must be mad. It was prior known Huckenbeck was unavailable, so once Rambo got hurt this meeting should have been called off. Last week, with a full team waiting, we called a meeting off using the excuse of the wind, yet a week later, when we only half hour a team we have to agree to ride. Something seems amiss there...?????? We have known of Rambo injury for some time yet we have heard nothing of a proper replacement . Now Porsing is out as well we are in dire straits. As per usual we go for the cheapest option of using substandard riders, hoping the fans will put up with it.... I am in no doubts we will go to Somerset this week without signing any new replacements... We were on a hiding to nothing before the match had started.., . We stood no chance... The track offered the home riders no advantage at all. This was the worst Gate and Go track we seen for some time. Everyman and his dog knows Wolves are brilliant gaters. Every race was over by the back straight. Even the high scoring Lindgren had no answer when beaten from the gate. In a couple of race when we did gate in front, we even gifted the points to Wolves by going so wide I thought they were going home. It was a terrible meeting that offered nothing to the fans and gift wrapped Wolves with their easiest win of the season... At least Holder and Batchelor did try and put some relevance of importance to their riding, and that's was more than can be said for Lambert. His application last night was a joke. He supposed to be the next British hope , but came across anything but.. Missing every gate, he went through the motions but little else. His paltry score of 4 pts equalled that of a reserve not that of a Captain.... He cant use meetings like this to sort out his machinery. He should be lining up confident of beating all-comers.. Last night we needed Lambert scoring 15pts max,, not playing silly games for 3rd positions... Had Lambert done his job and scored as a top rider should, the match would have been much closer.., This match as a contest was over by ht 7. People started leaving at this point, they had seen enough. This mess has to be sorted. We want Management and Promotions to accept their responsibilities and put on a show worthy of the fans. We want a track that produces good racing, We want riders who want to be part of a successful team and we, the fans, want to be appreciated.... The highlight of the evening for me was welcoming Mike Burnett (Mic Man) back from Australia. Nice to see you man, you look well and have not shed those extra pounds we saw when you were interviewing Darcy. You must be enjoying life out there.. Finally Well done to Wolves, a real professional approach, resulting in an impressive win...... But you never had anything to beat..
  4. I'll go with that, Have always thought our 1-5 is equal to most teams, and believe we could hold or just edge ahead at home. With Huckenbeck being our 'Ace in the pack' he has always covered the out of depth Bailey all season. But with him missing our reserves look ridiculously weak and I expect this is where we will come unstuck... The introduction of Rambo was a breath of fresh air. and could have been the difference both in our home leg and also the return. Without a decent No 7 we stand no chance.....
  5. From recent history, the Lynn Stars appear to keep the riders that they originally selected into their team at the start of each season. Its not very often that changes are made unless riders are severely injured and out for the season, will the management pursue any changes. I have always thought the reason Lynn are reluctant to make changes was solely down to the financial implication. To a point I can see why team policy are so different, but while the governing body allows teams to swap and change at will, it will continue... Now individually teams either have to comply and swap the out of form riders, or give up on those teams that do. There is no in-between choices. Whilst I can see the merits of keeping out of touch riders in the hope their form will return, I can also see the merits of getting rid of those riders when winning is the only objectives... But if the BSPA put a limit per club per season probably this chopping and changing could be controlled. Even to the point of say 2 windows of opportunity where clubs could swap their riders... Anything would be better than the free for all we have at present...... Although I can see the issues of Lynn and Poole teams with their out of touch riders, I also see the plights of riders like Porsing and Newman who have served their clubs well and think it is wrong they are subjected to this added pressure of delivering on command.... We don't have many top riders in our league any more , If we continue to treat them like Sh--e it won't be long before they all say ... Up Yours!!!!
  6. Disappointed that Huckenbech has decided to miss our Wednesday meeting in preferrence to practice for a SGP qualifier..... How many times have we heard riders say the practice track was totally differrent to that of the meeting. and in that sense was of little importance. Whereas The Stars plight is much more serious. Bearing in-mind we are missing (S) Lambert, through injury Huckenbeck absence is unacceptable.. Losing these 2 riders will probably give as much as 20 point swing to Wolves . When you are as strong as they are, it is us that need an advantage.... Another foregone conclusion.. Our only hope is More wind....
  7. Newman has been probably the most important member of the Poole team these past years, especially when riding in that FTS (Fast track System). He accrued more points in those playoff finals that most of his elite teammates... This is how he is repaid.......
  8. All created by the inefficiency of the BSPA rule makers. Why make ideas so complexed.... This could/should have been sorted weeks ago.... The longer it takes to implement, the bigger this debacle comes.,.,,
  9. I seem to remember coming down this road before.
  10. Yeah, like you say, good to see him in the mix, but his bikes still didn't look that quick and Chris retained good points more from his riding line than the power of the bike. Niels is another who is struggling for speed. It appears when you miss the gate without speed you have little chance to make up ground...... Was amazed when the commentary said there were 8 different tuners in the top 8 places of the SGP. The change in Hancock was remarkable when riding competitive machinery. When the competition is that close it is imperative to have equal machinery with the other riders. With the skill level no doubt very similar, then is all down their mental strength and aptitude... I thought Doyle was fortunate not to be penalised for his hard riding last night. At times he was close to the point of reckless. but you can't fault his commitment. They say fortune favour the brave and Doyle was all of that.... Bearing mind what happened in the championship last year, Doyle deserved that win....
  11. I think Poole fans have had a good week. Two cracking meetings against class opposition, Close racing and 5 well earnt points . All we got was a dubious postponement.... How we managed, before social media I hate to think....... Footnote: They're some posters on here who have said Batch and KB were a waste of space. So pleased they're both proving these posters wrong..
  12. Confucius said ' He, who is looking for an excuse will always find one.!!!'
  13. That match was what watching Speedway is all about. Both teams weakened through injuries, Some riders not performing as you expect, other riders performing brilliantly, never more than a few points in it, No double points on offer, and the result in doubt until the last race. It appears last night match had it all.... am so jealous...... They use to say 'Happiness is 40-38'
  14. As a typical fan, Wednesday is the best day of the week. Everything relates to a Speedway meeting. We count down the days, We check the computer for team changes, we check the weather, Look at the league table to see where them points will place us, Son and Daughter in law come for tea, have quick bite then off to Saddlebow Road... Its regimental. Nothing gets in the way of that routine... Unless the wind blows.... This postponement could have been done so differently. Had there been some doubt about the weather then Weather stations and websites could have been contacted. The fans should have been informed of this doubt. We could have had a time limit to see how the weather was developing, We could have had further updates through the day. But to cancel it so early tells me they didn't want it to run.... Three weather websites I investigated all forecast the same story, and the weather was as it was forecasted . I was gutted the match was cancelled so early and so easily.. If this was the case, and is proved to be a manipulation of the speedway calender, Then I think Lynn should be fined 6 pts and Rye House awarded a 4pt away win, as a deterrent for this contemptuous attitude... There is no place in the sport for this sort of behaviour....
  15. I can assure you I do understand all the implication of the H&S and the rules and penalties associated with them... . In my last five years of work, my whole life was spent justifying work procedures, responsibilities. and proportion of blame, so please except I am well aware of all the H&S issues. Because of this, we have become a country with a claim culture, someone always after a quick buck. The facts I outlined was taken from a panorama program. It said the UK had 48,000 employed solely with H&S business, costing companies Multi millions of pounds In France they employ 5 people, in Holland it was 10 . Why should they lie about such information.......
  16. Yeah I understand what you say. But that comment 'in a 'health & safety' dominated world' is a bit misleading. It is only UK who puts a big emphasis on H & S. An interesting fact that in 2015 there were more people in the UK working on H&S than all the other countries in the EU put together...... Probably been better to say 'in this 'health & safety' dominated country'
  17. A couple of years back I went to the AFA to watch the Danish riders in a pre season practice session. I arrived there about 9-30am. When looking at the track I thought there was no way it was rideable with the amount of water we had the previous day. It looked terrible . I asked Niels if the practice had been cancelled, No he said, give Buster an hour and we'll be away. Sure enough, Buster and 2 others scraped the top shale off into the middle of the concrete, then re-laid new shale on the track again. 75 min tops.... The Danish riders practiced all day... no problems.... Regardless of the weather yesterday, I am in no doubt Buster could have sorted it had he wanted to.... I feel there are other reasons here that the supporters don't known. Why are the fans always treated like mushrooms.
  18. Remember a situation when Jessup turned up for a Lynn meeting without a bike, expecting to use one of Michael's bikes, as he did many times. . Lee and Jessup were having a right ole barney, in the pits with Lee saying he's taking the p...s Eventually Alan Littlechild persuaded Lee to agree for the sake of the team, but also saying he will never ride his bikes again after tonight.
  19. Although ' Diddicoy' is not a nice word to describe people, it reflects their morality and attitude . No way can that be a racist comment . You can get Diddicoys from all walks of life... I will agree in that there are good and bad in all breeds......
  20. Going back a few years , can I remember Matt Ford cancelling a meeting because his team wasn't up to scratch, and it wouldn't be fair on the paying fans
  21. 'Trees' is only saying what the rest are thinking. The word ' diddicoy! ' is an old saying from years back, used to describe not very nice people. This was at a time when most people who lived here, were all genuine. Everything and everybody were respected and on the rear occasion when personal items went missing, usually the blame was directed to these sort of people.,,, But time moves on, We now open our door to every Tom, Dick and Harry who wishes to come here. and they don't have the same beliefs and upbringing as we old ones were taught.. It now appears to be a free for all where the policy is finders keepers..... Years ago I lived on an estate of 40 plus houses.. Our doors were never locked. An open house where neighbours use to walk in, have a Chat, and borrow what they wanted. There was never any problems. Now our door is locked 24/7. I walk about at home like a 'Jailer' with a bunch of keys for each opening...... Such a shame that this country has descended into this.. Whilst I feel sorry for Porsing losing his bike, I'm not surprised. Its the world we live in ................. Worst luck...... I read in the paper the other day, a man apprehended a burgler attempting to steal from his garage. This man overpowered the burglar and rang the police for assistance. He was told you will have to let him go, we have nobody spare at the moment to come to your aid. From Daily Mail : June 1st 2017
  22. That's the last thing Porsing wanted, also... Hope he can overcome this problem and perform as we know he can.
  23. There you are ! All questions answered.............. No need to go now
  24. Having only hosted RHR but a short time ago this meeting gives them a quick opportunity to answer back. This meeting can answer many questions. Will Bomber reign supreme again? , Can the Stars continue their recent good run? Will Simon Lambert make that difference to our reserves? , Can Porsing step up to the plate, and silence his objectors/, (Temporary at least) , Will Kennet and Nichol score the points we know they can? Will the weather be good?; Will the meeting start on time?; Will the track suit the riders?.. That many questions, you have to be there to for the answers......
  25. According to the SGP website, Holder is struggling for speed this year !!! 'Chris Holder admits his mechanical troubles have weighed him down this year as he battles to regain top speed for the Mitas Czech SGP.'
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