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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Had hoped to go to this meeting, but unfortunately I have to be else where. As with all meetings at NSN this should be exciting racing. Don't expect we will get much change but hope we put up a decent fight. No doubt a big learning curve for some....
  2. I have always been a Porsing admirer thinking he could be a decent rider, but this year he seem to have gone backwards. He has one good meeting then 6 bad ones. Having looked at the recording a few times , Porsing worries me. He persistently messed up each gate, and was struggling from that point.. He appeared to have enough speed, but showed a reluctance to engage, as if he lacked confidence. He looks to have a few issues, be it the grippy track, or maybe its his machinery, probably lacking self-belief, coming back as he has, but something was not right... I've seen all his meetings at Lynn, and when he's on the ball, there is no finer sight round the AFA. Riding at Reserve should be a massive confidence boost for him where he should dominate races... But I need to see far more evidence than I did against the Rebels. Porsing's form fluctuates more than any other rider I've seen. One minute, he's faster than most and the next he's the slowest. We don't expect him to be a 9pts heat leader, but we expect more than 2 third places he got against Somerset. A regular 6/7 point haul would be just perfect...... And he's more than capable of doing that......
  3. In the job of Chairman of the BSPA, Buster is making a lot of enemies . Specking out about Peterborough at the weekend was senseless, but it was spoken from the heart. Buster puts his whole being to push British Speedway. Sometimes he gets it wrong. But he has to be commended for what he did against those two whinging Aussies. who used their obvious ability to ransom situations for their own benefit without a single thought of the fans nor the clubs. Had they been left unpunished they would have run amok for the rest of the season, dictating results to whoever they wanted. Batchelor's 2 performances against Leicester in the space of a week highlights this point. One he was the perfect guest for Swindon, and the other was letting down his own depleted team, and it would have continued. The man had/has no integrity, just a selfish streak that dictates his whole life. Whoever he rides for next year has my best wishes .. You will need it.. Holder is more complex, I don't believe Chris Holder is a bad person, but his head is shot to bits....His inner demons has all but destroyed the rider he once was. With all the problems that has happened in recent years it is little wonder he has lost direction. Poole not wanting him was the final straw. Recent results on the track have suffered. His machinery hasn't been the dominate factor they always were, his points scoring had been a let down. In his head, rather than buckle down and address the issues, he is blaming everything else but, At Lynn he had the opportunity for afresh start. We had taken him in with no question of his obvious talent. We didn't expect miracles, we would have given him all the time in the world. But it wasn't what he wanted.. He wanted to be back a Poole doing as he had always done. He looked upon Lynn as a noose round his neck, and had no connection with Club or the Fans. His actions on that dreaded Thursday shows all those feelings:- His love for Poole; Dislike for the grippy track; His contempt for the Lynn club and supporters; Not facing up to his responsibilities, and they are not the attitude of a top bloke. His punishment is only what he deserved ...... If Chris does ride next year, I hope Poole sign him and that he can find some restbite in that situation. It's shameful the way his life has deteriated like it has.. I don't think he is a bad person. ..... No doubt, one day he'll come back to Lynn and ride like the wind scoring maximum points, ...... I won't have a problem with that.... .........I wish him well.....
  4. Watching the recording on the box I thought it came across quite well. Don't like the black colour of the shale but most riders said it was good and smooth to race on. I thought the riders showing a few more racing lines, and this created excitement, but it also showed how import a good start was. Once in front and not making a mistake, it was hard to see them losing the lead, even though some made a damn good effort. Nice to see all the effort each rider was making in trying to win, rather than going through the motions and thus cheating the fans. Every race was of the utmost importance and each could have gone either way. Like I say disappointed we lost, but thoroughly enjoyed a tight a competitive match... I feel we will continue to struggle to win matches until we learn to gate better. Lewis Kerr showed he had lost none of his gating ability scoring an impressive 12 pts. How we could have done with that last night.,,,,,,,,,
  5. Well I thoroughly enjoyed the meeting, didn't like the losing bit, but it was always going to be close.. The fact it was in the mix till the very end created more atmosphere and excitement. Somerset rode well and desrved their success, especially considering they were only a 5 man team. It could have been different but that the way the cookie crumbles sometimes... Still early days with better to come from the new boys. Robert will improve when feeling fit, THJ needs more time , and Huckenbeck was majestic running to get that solidary point. MPT and Auty have more to give. Jorgensen was immense, our Star rider without doubt. My main concern is Porsing. Such an enigma in that he should be so much better. Rode like an utter novice and should do so much better. Nobody would believe he been at Lynn 4 yrs , or that he scored double figures most weeks abroad. if he can't do better than that, I'm afraid he's got to go. Had he scored 5 pts tonight could have been the difference from winning and losing....... We are programmed to ride 5 meetings in the next 10 day period. Somerset at home was deemed to be the easiest of those meetings. Riding how we did last night shows how weak we really are. To be competitive we need all 7 riders to be on song. Unless that happens, then this could be the start of a bad sequence . At least that will make Folder and Thatch happy.....
  6. What is it with that you always try to take the high ground when referring to my posts. I live in the real world and take on the situations as they are, not as you would like them to be.. What happened at Leicester this weekend were caused by many reasons, but done by a specific rider wanting to race in Poland, as was the case at Peterborough. Peterborough were put in, a no win situation. By releasing Jack from the 4 team meeting they have retained a workable relationship with Jack. Had they refused, the chances being Jack would probably have decided against riding for them next year. This way bath parties are happy and can go forward. All the crap about making a stand against Polish Speedway is pathetic. we will always lose out to their financial implications. We need to make our own rules that safeguards British Speedway. we want to make them transparent and sustainable . We don't want to fall over ourselves, but we need to comply with their schedule. We need to appreciate where we are in the picking order. We are not strong enough to fight them so we construct a program where we can fit into their existence. We need to get our own house in order before we start going to war with other countries...If we do as you suggest and fight against them, we will lose the riders, the clubs and the sport.........
  7. I'm not particularly bother what time the meeting starts, as long as it starts at the time announced. Another pet hate of mine is when they say, we're going to delay the start as there are still people trying to get in.......... Tuff, Get here earlier, Most people get there in plenty of time, why should we be made to wait , because others couldn't be bothered.... I get so annoyed. For two pins I would leave without even seeing the meeting.... It is wrong to panelise those who comply for the sake of those who cant be bothered....
  8. Full details available on their Website: http://www.kingslynnstars.co/news.php?extend.30502.1 As predicted, a full team with all new riders present. I'm under no illusion of the task ahead and see Somerset as worthy opponents. Hope we see a close and exciting meeting with Stars getting all the points.... Not over confident though..... If your watching this on the BT Sport, I'm be the one sitting down in the Royal Box, with the Grey hair...... Will probably be wearing me glasses........
  9. I honestly don't see the issue here. Peterborough had a choice and decided it would be best for the club to sanction the request, no doubt wanting to keep Jack Holder happy to ride for the Panthers. I see don't it as a problem. We cannot compete with the Polish money and any confrontation will always result in the British Club losing out. Please to see Jack was up-front about the whole situation. I must say I really rate this guy, who is far more sensible than his years. Just hope, as he get older, he don't become another winger like so many other Aussies .......
  10. But it doesn't make it right. I get so annoyed rushing around to get there by half seven only to sit about 20 min waiting for the sun to go down........ I'm sure other people do as well... probably, even it results in some not even bothering......... As for years ago, the bikes then were totally different , in that they were not so fast and more controllable.......
  11. I believe trying to compete with those other countries has been our biggest downfall. The three main reason are 1, Financial; 2, Fixed race Night/ Number of fixtures; 3 State of our tracks.. Some of these can to addressed, but the main issue is Money... We can never compete with the corporate involvement or the number the fans generated in other countries.. For this reason I feel it best we get our own house in an order where we can run at a sustainable level.....
  12. I fail to see the logic of this meeting, am are apalled this was allowed to take place. The organisers don't seem to grasp the concept of the sport in that the sole purpose of putting on a meeting is to entertain the paying public. Leicester's race night will always represent a problem, trying to facilitate the crowded calender and the shortage of riders, but to put on a fiasco like last night was so embarrassingly unfair to everyone. Unfair to the Fans, unfair to the sport, unfair to Leicester, unfair to KL, infact unfair to all the teams and riders in the Premiership League. When this situation rises its head, there should be a planB to implement that would safe guard all concerned. Award the points to Leicester by all means and put on an alternative meeting instead. An individual meeting, or a handicap event or a 4 team effort. It wouldn't be hard to substitute this one sided affair and make it more interesting. At least the fans would go home happy and the Sport wouldn't have egg on its face like now. I was hoping this year would be the start of a new beginning for British Speedway, but it has turned out the worse for some time. Shortage of riders is highlighted as the main problem our sport faces and the BSPA has done nothing to remedy this. For any chance of surviving this sport needs a Major Overall. Reducing teams to 5 men would be a start. If teams are to use guests and RR then nominated days have to be used to avoid the constant clashes. It seems common sense rules the world.......... with the exception of British Speedway.....
  13. These people, those KL fans, you mentioned, don't need reminding of Batch's injuries, we saw them every week, when he was in the side with pitiful scores. How could we forget ?? The only person who seems to have forgotten those dark days is Troy himself.,,, After all those adverse comments we receive from various corners saying how we were stupid to entertain him, we gave him the benefit of doubt, thinking he had turned the corner, But unfortunately all those comments have turned out to be true....... We should have listen to them, after all a Leopard very seldom changes his spots.....
  14. Saturday meetings always create a lot of problems with fixture clashes. That's why I was surprised of Leicester insistence. But it illustrates the dire need to organise our leagues, too minimise the problems that are created. Leicester was once a much wanted fixture where supporter always went to away meetings between these two, But with only 2 of the Stars riding and the team made up of guests, makes the whole event a mockery. There's not a chance in hell of any Star's supporters going along to encourage the team, come to that I would have thought it wouldn't appeal to many Lions fans either... No wonder the sport is on its knees when meetings like this are arranged.....
  15. No one is more disappointed than I at the way the situation with Holder and Batch has turned out. I was one of the few people out spoken in Batch's defence after such a terrible year. Many posters penned they would've drop him so bad was he. I didn't complain about his results this year, all I was said was he still had some way to go before he got back to the standard he once was. He got two pages in this weeks SS making out he was hard done by after what he had done , I was disappointed he didn't manage a single line of thanks after the way he was carried by the team last year. Probably Kings Lynn should have done what most would've done and got rid then. I've got no time for people who only think of themselves I'm a great believer in 'you reap what you sow' philosophy, and believe Batchelor has got his just deserts.... All the moaning in the world wont alter the way he behaved.,
  16. THis whole thing about RULES and certificates is getting out of hand. Common sense is the basis of most situations and rules should only be used as a guide line. Nobody is wanting a rider to hurt himself , but also we don't want them using 'Rules' to manipulate a cop out door. Whatever the 'ins' and 'outs' of the Batchelor situation, he didn't come out of this with any credit. The biggest factor should have been his desire to help his team. Only Batchelor knows if he was pulling a fast one or not, only he knew whether he could ride his bike in the match without inflicting further damage. But he would have been far more use in the pits helping his teammates then doing a runner like he did. All this has done is highlight his personal approach to everything he does.... No rules would have taken that into consideration......
  17. I was quietly impressed last night of how our team performed against the 'in-form' team of the league. We now have a side of triers, riders who don't give up easily. Some of the races last night were top draw and eagerly contested. A few could have gone the other way, meaning the scores could have been even closer. I'm under no elusion of our overall strength, but even withstanding the strength of the top three, the remaining sides are all beatable. Given last night as purely an appetizer, each of the three new riders should only get better when they are dialled in to the new club. THJ was on borrowed machinery, Auty and MPT were nervous and anxious to impress. Anxiety got the better of both but it will get better.. Them, together with Lambert, Huckenbeck Jorgensen and Porsing, we should be able to hold our own against most teams... and give them all decent competition..... Things can only get better....... 'Don't let the sun go down '
  18. Batchelor is in the SS spouting how he upped his average by 2 pts this year, but he doesn't mention how last year he was rubbish and was carried by the Stars. He was an 8pt rider who dropped his average to 5+ so to be back to 7 is nothing to brag about. He's not producing the goods that was expected from a GP rider....
  19. Hi Sidney, you OK?? Pleased to see your team doing well...... No one is in any doubt about the strength of Swindon, and yes I thought the Stars did well to stay in contention that long. 2 quick fire 5-1's puts a false impression of the scores, and make people think it was easy. But it was far from that.. Probably against a lesser side we might have scraped a point,......
  20. Was well impressed with Swindon as a team, each of their riders showed an appetite to win, and it surprised no-one with their win. Didn't like to see Doyle get injured again, but he was reckless in his pursuit to overtake and only has himself to blame. Fortunately his absence was adequately covered with IRR as to not weaken the team. But getting guests to cover a prolonged absence may become harder. I was well impressed with the new look team,. Each tried really hard and will obvious get better. Last night was just a settling in stage. I am in no doubt we will win more than we lose, and watching them try is what its all about... Considering Swindon are the form team and offer the strongest challenge at this time I was impressed we held them level to heat 10 , whence their big hitters were always going to make the difference. Huckenbeck, Jorgensen and Simon Lambert all performed above their expected level, Probably not in every race, but each of the new ones showed great promise. Seeing THJ in heat13 was a real eye opener, showing his liking for the boards and keeping the Swindon pair on their toes... Probably the biggest disappointment was the scoring of Robert Lambert. Obviously not fit and hurting maybe, he will have to step up if he is to succeed as in our new No1.
  21. It appears you wont learn.. Buster had nothing to do with the way Holder acted. Supporter don't pay good money to come and watch Buster ride round on a tractor, they pay to watch riders like Holder ply their skills If Buster acted like an idiot, walked about naked, drove the tractor round backwards, it should have had no bearing on how Holder behaved. He is a professional rider well paid to ride his bike., Unlike his fellow riders it was only Holder who refused to ride. Whatever the faults that Buster done is a separate issue.... Under your philosophy, A man in court for shooting a stranger, his defence would be, Sorry your honour, but it was the shopkeeper at fault. It he hadn't sold me that gun I wouldn't been able to shoot him... An amazing thought.... Holder once was the pinnacle of his trade. He stood proud as a role model for all to follow. He had a stature of responsibility and his opinion was valued. He should have been promoting the sport and using his image to overcome any petty issue like track conditions, not acting like a spoilt child Never would you imagine him to be doing back biting comments and sarcasm on social media. it was thought he was far too intelligent than that. Over the past years his form has suffered from that man who once ruled the world. I take note of the upheaval he has suffered and the stress that accompanies it . But he is a shadow of the rider he once was. Where once he would fight for every position, now its whatever he gates, it'll do. It hurts me to see the demise of a rider I once thought had an exceptional talent. And what has happened recently only highlights that nobody knows what the future may hold.....
  22. 2 fellow Lynn supporters were having a bet on how low Batchelor score would be against Swindon. His attitude made this point so obvious .. Pleased Buster put a stop to it .....
  23. You obviously have a problem with all of this. No other rider would have done what Holder and Batchelor did. If there were a problem with the track safety, then there is a protocol of how to behave. The procedure is to complain to first your Team manager, then Team Mates/ Opposition riders and Manager/ Referee. Then a meeting with all concerned, Group Decisions made , Vote taken. Conclusion.... It was decided by both teams, to continue with the meeting. Holder and Batchelor behaviour was undefendable.. Even his own Brother didn't back him up... From somebody who was there, I was annoyed at the delays caused by track preparation and objections. Had the riders voted at this meeting with the Ref, enblock to refuse to ride the track, I would have said fair doos and excepted that the track was it blame. We would have gone home knowing the match to be played another day. But to hang around for over an hour waiting on Buster to do all the required remedy work was no joke. Then, to add insult to the fire, we then find out our two top riders had done a runner. So in your blinded direction, trying to relieve Holder and Batch any responsibility , I suggest you smell the coffee and realise this whole episode is down to the behaviour of Chris Holder who thought he was above all others and do as he liked. He tried hard to get others to back him, but it was only the rat Batchelor who would follow the piper. Seeing all you others, trying to justify Holder's behaviour makes my blood boil..... He choice this direction, which has supplied him with a wonderful standard of life. One with many highs as well as lows. To see him ridicule others on twitter, and 'likes' anybody stupid enough to voice a pinioned comment, make us realise just how shallow his man has become. I once held him in high esteem as a man determine to succeed, and applauded loudly at his World Champion success. But them days are long gone. He now is only a shadow of the person he used to be, both as a man and as a rider.....
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