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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Yes you are bias!! ..... Congratulations to Robert for winning the European title, But I have mixed feelings. I can understand his thoughts of 'What's the point', why should I bother to ride in a match of no hope or importance. But on the other when your ship is sinking you need all hands on deck, including Roberts !!!! I agree this double fixture against the same team, was an accident waiting t happen, and that blame was down to one person...
  2. How is it today, we have a Bank Holiday Monday, yet we haven't got a match on. Surely when these 'Fixture arranger' puts these plans into place, this is the most ideal day to hold meetings, Its a wonderful opportunity to even fit a home and away in on the same day. Strange, most teams in the league have taken an advantage of this, yet we at Lynn would rather suffer the humiliation as we did last week .., No sense at all.......
  3. Whatever !! ..... That's all the promotion deserves ....... Following Speedway as I have, I have felt disappointed, I have felt let down, I have many times felt annoyed, sometimes I feel 'What's the point', and most years I feel 'probably next year', but never have I felt so embarrassed to wear the clubs colours, as I did at the interval last Wednesday. Buster and his planning had made this club into the biggest laughing stock of the Speedway world...
  4. Sorry, but I cant get excited about next year after al our recent troubles. The withholding information about who's riding, the cancellation of meetings on a whim, treating the fans with such contempt, doesn't enthuse me too much at the moment. The British League needs major a overhaul. before anybody thinks about team building. It appears that our speedway is run to suit promoters and riders, and the fans don't even get a consideration.....
  5. This whole event was an accident waiting to happen. Injury to any riders could always happen and when both teams were using RR the knock on effect is really damaging. Creating a new rule to stop teams from bringing in outside help for the play-off, has really compounded on those teams who could have done with the help. Had we had sensible rules and responsible people in charge, Wednesday match against Wolves Could / Should be played for double points. Then we wouldn't been arguing the rights and wrongs of that second match fiasco. By making it compulsory to complete with only half the riders, the Ref turned the sport into a laughing stock. Rules or no Rules !!!!
  6. I remembered this happening a few years back and was so annoyed at the change in fixture dates. It was at a time when booking holidays was extremely difficult . I was left with a decision to take them or lose them so we had little choice. We took our break in the Lake District and had enjoyed a wonderful time. It showed me then, that Speedway needed the fans, far more than the fans needed the speedway. What a pity the BSPA don't realise this.....
  7. I believe the whole evening was over after that Heat 4 crash, That's why I believe having a track that grippy was a gamble too far !!....
  8. How about you going with them to Waterstones and buying some books For Dummies: ' How to be a Responsible adult'
  9. I have always appreciated your straight forward answers and the information you give . It gives a different perception to what we actually see. Your account of Race 2, I find somewhat contradictory. Nicklas made a decent start and won comfortably riding on the preferred line. How can he comment on part of the track he didn't use?? I find that strange. Also in race 4, you say THJ said he went into the corner too fast and too deep. Here we have a world class rider who has travelled the world and taken part in the SGP, yet he says he made a mistake. To me, I would've thought he was more than able to race on any conditions, and feel this comment was based on not biting the hand that feeds you.... THJ is no mug, he is not a novice , he is more than capable rider, yet the track made him lose it..., If this accident had happened to 'Ryan Kinsley' I say fair enough, but SGP riders don't make them sort of mistakes.... That heat 4 incident ruined the whole event..... If Lamberts knee is that fragile it should have been strapped before either meeting. I've seen Briggs win the World championship with a broken hand, Kenny Carter win the British Championship with a broken leg, Its all about making decisions on doing what you want to do. You say you didn't hear any bad comments last night, well I didn't hear any good comments. Most of the people I spoke with was so embarrassed of the whole affair..... There wasn't ONE good thing come from last night meeting, all that will be remembered are the bad bits......
  10. Buster never meets anybody half way.....
  11. Wow!! what a fiesco, Where does one start. This scenario was always going to happen, and unlike others I blame Buster for it all. Apparently, it was known MPT wasn't ever available because of prior commitments, but the fans should have been told. Arranging a double header against the same team was mindless, knowing if there were problems in the first meeting, there wasn't a third team ready to get rider replacement from. Had our second match been against say Belle Vue, we could have co-opted Wolves riders to fill any gaps, So it was a dreadful idea... With both teams down to 6 men, neither could afford any mishaps, yet for the first 6/7 races the track was so deep, every race was an accident waiting to happen. Race 1; Jorgensen goes out wide and locks up, race over. Race 2; Greaves in second chasing Porsing goes out wide and pulls a real lock-up. he all but stops, Auty coming into the corner after driving inside Riss has no where to go and cluttered into Greaves. Nasty pileup. All 3 down, Fortunately all were OK and able to continue. Imagine had they been unable to continue!!!. Race 3 Huckenbeck lifts and gift Thorssell the points.. Race 4 : Wolves rider gets a massive roller, leaving THJ to chase hard. going in turn 3 he does a massive 360 leaving Porsing nowhere to go. bad crash. and Porsing retires with concussion.. THJ to is injured .,.. Race 5: is gate an go, riders staying on the white line. As the meeting continues THJ eventually pulls out as well. After heat 6 Buster again does extended track work and from then on the track is good with some good racing. but by then we are down to 4 riders and 12 points adrift and as a match it is all but over. So this 'Poor me' attitude that Buster gives over the mIc is wasted on me. I blamed him for all the problems... Words fail me about Lambert, Had he been the Captain, deserting his duty, when his ship was going down he would be jailed for life. The thought of walking out on his mates/ Club in their hour of need should never have entered his head. The fact that it did just shows off his selfish mentality. The fact his team were in dire straits didn't matter to him in the slightest... Cant see him winning a lot of fans acting like he did.... Last night , not only did we lose 2 matches, we lost a lot of respect, we lost a lots of support. It was wrong the fans had to watch so many 3 man races, it was wrong to expect them to stay when a referee could have made a sensible decision. After last night our sport is all but dead...... Josh Auty and Jorgensen need a special mention. they were exceptional, What a pity Lambert wasn't made the same way.....
  12. One has to imagine its a lot more difficult now with these high revving bikes. When the bikes were more controllable it was easier to assist your partner riding side by side, blocking attempts to pass. Now it has to be done going flat out, else not, the rider behind will pick you off with his superior speed. I've seen 2 riders on totally different paths going well and people referring to this as team riding, But its just two riders taking up more of the track doing their own thing. Last week against Leicester Robert Lambert was involved in 4 , 5-1's, but each time it was follow the leader going flat out wide in the dirt. It wasn't team riding merely going too quick to be caught. Like you say, team riding now is very difficult to achieve and is becoming a dying art....
  13. This is where Lambert has to come to the party. I know its a lot to put on young shoulders, but if he want to be considered the next British superstar, if he want to be a proper captain and No1, he has to start winning these races more regularly ...
  14. It is so wrong to tar everyone with the same brush. I have real bad opinion of Holder and Batchelor, caused through their bad attitude, but that's not to say all Aussies are that way.. I hope not anyway....
  15. I can see the time is early morning, but are you sure you're not still asleep and dreaming . Lightening usually will only strike once..... I think both meetings will be close, with heats 13 & 15 being decisive. We win them . we win the meeting, if we don't , we lose... As much as I like watching this new found spirit in the club, I don't think we are strong enough to create an upset in the PO's. I can see us only being easy fodder for the winning team on a home and away basis. For that reason only, as much as I like to win, tonight, it's not that important... To see good racing, will be all the satisfaction I need ..... I'm pleased we are riding at home tonight and I only have 12mls to go for my bed. By the time you Wolves fans get home , its going to be well late.......
  16. I'm amazed Olly Allen hasn't been asked to step up and be Team maanger, even if only while Dale is off ill. Having a different one each meeting is not the way to go. and Buster showed Last night TM is not something Buster does well..... I thought Olly would be a fantastic choice....
  17. For years BSPA have made decisions to suit individual clubs. Surely the time is right to make decisions that benefit the sport. Running both leagues on the same day creates so many problems for fixture planning.
  18. As predicted, this was never going to be the massacre many Swindon fans forecasted. The spirit of the club was always going to stop that happening. The biggest difference between the two clubs tonight was the No1's. Doyle, majestic as ever, never looked like losing, whereas Lambert is so hit and miss. He needs to make that step up in consistency and be a reliable captain. 15pts last week was brilliant, but 5 points tonight was a massive let down. When you consider he was one of our lowest scores tonight, you realise we could easily have made this even closer. This new Lynn side is enthusiastic and exciting. but they all need to perform and score points, if we are to be competitive. This format dictates that matches are decided by winning the big heats. If our big riders, cant win those big heats, all the effort shown in the others is wasted. One final thought: Had we swapped No1's tonight we would have won with ease........... (Joke time): Buster, showed tonight he is probably the worse Team Manager in the league. He missed most of the decisions he should have made. I have always thought, the only race when a rider should go off 15mtr is a reserve race. The only reason I could think of missing these decisions were that Buster didn't want to mess his program up....
  19. Batchelor, supposingly injured, rode for Swindon at Bellevue the night following the Lynn/Poole match and scored double figures. Days later he guested again for Swindon against Leicester ( the tele meeting) and again top scored. When he next rode for Lynn (against Leicester) he insulted the Lynn fans by the way he casually rode round at the back each race scoring just 4pts, and beating only one opponent in one of his races. Now you say he hasn't done anything wrong ??? I say he insulted the Lynn Club by his perpetual behaviour.
  20. Yeah, Sidney, so did I... In them days I use to go to all the big meetings.... Stupid or What ?? I appreciated now, how fortunate I was to have a good wife, who stayed at home looking after the kiddies.. So she keeps telling me....
  21. I'm sorry if I come under your childish category , but that was my thinking of your comments, for ' Buster bashing'. I didn't think the track was too bad , until it started to rain. But I don't race the bikes, only look at the races... But my philosophy is, if one rider can race it so should the rest. There is a lot of talk about Lambert and Huckenbeck not going out to race, but this was only because the ref refused to go down to the pits to sort out the problem. I thought the ref was wrong to exclude them both before he went to investigate the issues. Once he went down to meet the riders, surely he should have re-instated them seeing that the ref was the reason for not going to the gate in the first instance. Bearing mind the other issues surrounding Lynn officials I believe Lambert was in a no-win situation. At least he resumed the racing with the others once the remedy work had been done. PS. I'm no team hater, But I dislike Holder and Batch with a vengeance for the way they have behaved this year. Probably the worst signings the Stars have ever made...
  22. Well, of cause you would!!! You are obviously another Buster hater. ... Hindsight is a wonderful thing. The Norfolk arena was used 3 times for different applications the week prior to the Poole match. New shale had arrived just before. Situations are not as black and white as you may think... What ever the state of the track, does not justify Holder and Batch's walkout. What needs to be remembered here, the times recorded in the first 3 heats were the quickest we had seen for 9 years.... So the track couldn't have been so bad.....
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