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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Surely, A three team tournament with Ipswich and Peterborough would generate sufficient interest to make it viable.... All we have had at Lynn since mid July is nothing meetings. Probably, if Buster put more importance in communicating with fans he would get a better response at the matches he does run....
  2. How do you determined a 'Nothing' meeting. ? Most of the matches throughout the season are 'Nothing Meetings' as its only the PO's that actually matter...
  3. There doesn't seem to be a lot of interest in the Stars at the moment. If this thread is not used it will again drop from the main page, and that cant be good news. I feel so disappointed out season finishes so early, having no matches to attain and nothing to look forward to. These muppets who organise our league, appear to think, as we didn't finish near the top , then our fans don't deserve any more meetings. They only cater for those teams who are successful. Surely it wouldn't need rocket science to organise a end of season competition to keep those fans from them lower teams interested till the end of the season.. A four team Round Robin would fit the bill, or a 4 team knockout, anything would be better than we have at the moment. This sport needs as much promoting as it can get, whereas,ending the season in August is like shutting the door at the earliest opportunity...
  4. My original point was that a manager, with his finger on the pulse, would not have left a stone unturned, in a effort to ensure the track gave as much home advantage as possible... least of all he would have known what the track was like..... You say rain was forecast late afternoon, (4 till 7) So that being the case, it justifies why the track was prepared as such. But when it became known the forecast was wrong, surely Rosco had time to liaison with Ronnie Russell to work on the track to bring it in line with what the home side was expecting. It don't take that long. Considering this was the most important meeting raced at Swindon this year , I would have thought more effort could have been made.... .. Then again, what do I know. ... What I did see, was that Rory had his finger on the pulse and made sure his team were also dialled in as well......
  5. There's always an excuse when you are looking for one.. On Tatum's track inspection, he pointed out the state of the track being grippy on the inside and outside and slick in the middle. Surely Tatum wasn't the only person who checked the track out ?? .... Are you saying Rosco hadn't bothered to check because rain was forecast. Sez it all.......
  6. Really well done to Wolves last night, I wasn't surprised they put up a good show, but I never expected them to win like they did. Making Rory Captain was an excellent choice. When he was at Lynn he made an immense difference to the team by his motivation skills and, his encouragement to the riders. He creates so much spirit within the team, he was equivalent to having an extra man. Always a decent gater, he will always score well on difficult tracks. Seeing him perform last night, makes you realise, the massive blunder Buster made, when he publically slated Rory for stating the Lynn track was unsafe to ride... One thing puzzle me is that, if Rosco is such a top manager, wouldn't you have thought he would have assured the track was to their liking. Any home advantage disappears when the track is not to your liking..... They say, 'It's not over till the fat Lady sings', But I can hear her rehearsing her cords already......
  7. All these people who rave on about the Play-offs , will no doubt be having second thoughts now. I always said, having the league title decided by a H&A tie is never a good way of deciding the whole season of racing. As much as hate riders getting injured, it is always possible that title will be decided by a situation such as this. My heartfelt feelings go out to Freddie and Jacob for their injuries they have suffered, but in all honesty there is only one team who deserve to win the title this year. Winning 17 matches on the spin deserves that recognition. Surely it would be possible to retain the play-offs, but instead of only a 4 team knock-out tournament to determine the winners, why not add those extra points on to whose already amassed throughout the season, giving us the excitement of the PO but also the true winners every time. Then injuries at crucial times wouldn't be as damning and unfair, as they seem at the moment....
  8. I like Bomber, he's a genuine character, and gives a lot of enjoyment to many supporters. He's may never be a World Champion, but he is a big crowd pleaser . Bomber and Lambert have a lot in common, Both are suspect at the gate and like nothing more than the big blast round the outside. If that is how Lambert sees himself then so be it . I think he can be much better than that.......
  9. I quite agree. I also thought he was a tremendous young talent, I don't have the same feelings toward him like I did with Darcy and Lee, because I didn't watch him on a regular basis like I did the other two. But I agree, he was awesome at that age...,
  10. I hope Lambert stay at Lynn, I believe the AFA is one, of only a few, in the UK that could be compared to those in Sweden and Poland. I appreciated the surface may need dressing but the shape is ideal. If Robert has high hopes of making it abroad, then riding at Lynn would of more benefit than most other tracks in the league. But I think the reasons for leaving has nothing to do with the track, more to do with other matters.. The saying 'Never sit on an easy chair' highlight Roberts situation. cause he appears far too comfortable in the current surroundings. Probably he needs to move away to pastures new, to regenerate his enthusiasm to push his progress to a higher level... I've said it many times before, Robert has all the ability to make it to the very top, but I don't see that happening at the moment .
  11. That's where we are different, I saw nothing, he did on Friday, worth congratulating him for.....
  12. I don't know who is more deluded, You or Him.?? Nothing would give me more pleasure then seeing Robert Lambert become World Champion. So please don't accuse me of not liking him...... I'm so disappointed how things have turned out. 4 years ago he was like a breath of fresh air, destined to reach the very top. He was rightly compared with the Michael Lee's and Darcy Ward's of this world. But since then, his progress has slowed somewhat, to a place where other people are now beating him regularly, people we once considered far less prospect than we said of Robert. I have watched far more of Roberts races than most, and even now, when he goes out to race I am guessing the rider I will see. That's shouldn't be the opinion, one associates with someone of world class. These last two years Robert form has stagnated and for a top rider, he has made little progress. We all know that gating is the most important part of any great rider. Yes, it is wonderful to see races won from the back, but to be a top rider you must be a competent gater. Lambert has improved a little, but is still no-where near good enough, and until he get that sorted he will always struggle. He is at an age when his reflexes should be lighteningly quick, so it can only be the application and his attitude.... This is where his problems lie. He desperately need a mentor, someone to teach him how to succeed, to get that attitude right, to teach him to gate. Its all very good when you're 16 for your mum to ferry you about , but when you're 19- 20 Mum is the last person you want to have with you. He needs to be more professional. He is seen walking around with that solemn look as if he has the world is on his shoulders, and life is not fun anymore. He appears to be in a rut, and this has to change. If that means moving away from Lynn, then so be it. I would rather see him succeed riding for some other team, rather than stay at Lynn and fail..... I'm not knocking the lad, or getting on his back, I'm just trying to be constructive, in the hope he can fulfil his and my dreams of reaching the very top.
  13. Wont argue with that now, but two years ago he wasn't .... Kurtz has really come on this year and progressed well, whereas Lambert has stagnated... Lambert need a change, Change his Management, Change his Club, Change his Backup crew, Change his tuner, But most of all, he wants to change his attitude . Last night in the biggest shop window of them all he performed terrible...... 3 lasts and 2 third places is not what one expects from somebody so talented....
  14. The results of tonight's under 21 WC, dont make good reading... Poole had 3 of next years riders finish ahead of Lambert in the overall standing, plus Max Friske ... Probably Lambert is not as good as we seem to think he is.....
  15. I reckon the rule was written exactly as they wanted it to be. Like you say, it wouldn't be hard to specify exactly what was required, but as with many rules, it is written to be interpretated in many ways, as the BSPA / MC decide to apply it.... It depends whose asking !!!
  16. I say, give any new Brush a chance to sweep
  17. HAZA Posted Today, 10:42 AM A new co promoter is what Im hearing with a motorsport connections. NB. (About the above comment) Just thought it would be better posted on the original thread. A new Co-Promoter !!.... That's interesting, the mind boggles of who that could be.... SPEEDBALL - quoted : 'Martin at 1, James at 2' ​ Does that mean, who I think you mean... ???
  18. Cant believe, in this day and age that the second leg of the PO is no going out live. Surely someone will post it....
  19. I believe it is so relevant, that only Wolves fans rate their track as good. Its also amazing, that them same fans, don';t realise what a massive home advantage their track give them. To me a good race is when two or more riders are giving their all and the best one wins, not a race when a rider gets in difficulty because of the track, hence gifting the race to home knowledge... That to me is not good racing...
  20. As a seasoned supporter, last night's Play-Off was really disappointing. Sitting in the comfort of my warm armchair, with a beer in me hand, I still found it hard to get enthusiastic about the whole match. Belle Vue done everything they could to lose points, Cookie was very disappointing, Tungate! what a joke. He couldn't get off the bike quick enough. Only a few, Fricke, Worrall, and probably Bjerre and Bewley put up any fight. The rest were rubbish. Wolves were the deserved winners, with Freddie looking the class above anyone else. This was supposed to be a pinnacle meeting of the season, when everyone is giving their all, excitement at fever pitch. but that track made sure that was not the case. The only part to be remembered from last night was the number of riders falling off, and getting injured. Terrible meeting !!!
  21. I don't think this is as clear cut as everyone seem to think. Had this been played a few weeks ago I'd said Poole had no chance, but time chances everything. Yes I still believe Swindon will go through, but not before some squeaky bum time. A touch of the tapes, and E/F is all that is needed to create an upset. Knowing Poole's record in the PO's only a fool would dismiss them......
  22. I've said this many times. It seems ironic that everyone is aware of Kildemand's behaviour except the Referees. The worse part about all this this, is that Kildemand knows the rules will support his selfish action. He uses every touch to his own advantage and slides off like a rehearsed stuntman. I'm not a Holder lover, but to me he was leading the race and had the choice of line. Killer put himself into that position where Holder had little choice but to touch him, Once that happened, Chris knew the rules meant he would be excluded even though every part of the incident was initiated by Kildemand. The rule stinks, Chris may have touch Killer, but that wasn't the reason he came off. He slid off to get the race re-run and get another chance to get to the final. Any respect one has for Kildemand's obvious ability, goes when he pulls stunts like these. Give me someone like Pedersen everytime......
  23. I don't get all this pressure lark, he is no different to any other rider, or any other person, (for that matter) working for a living. He has a job to do and any pressure he has is self inflicted. Whether it be riding for the young Stars in the NL or riding in the top league, it is no different. The attitude should be the same. He's doing a job he loves to do. How many other people would love to say that. If he thinks that's pressure he ought to try working 50 hrs a week in a factory for a pittance, and still not have enough to feed his family... He'd appreciate the valued position he enjoys in life..... Instead of thinking he's hard done by, he wants to appreciate the following and support of his fans. We don't want to hear excuses for bad performances, or for not riding, we want to see him ride that bike like the wind and scoring double figures every week. As a top rider this is all he is asked to do.....
  24. Criticising him doesn't make me happy, it make me sad, thinking he is far better than some of the behaviour he pulls... 4 yrs ago it was my pleasure to be at Lynn watching the young Stars against Stoke in the lower league. Robert Lambert, then only 15yrs was amazing. 21 pts max only told half the story. This man (boy) was unbelievable, 3 times he gated, twice coming from last to first, and the other two were easy 2nd to 1st rides. Small in stature, but he stood 10 foot tall. he was head and shoulders above anybody that night. He was so happy, the smile on his face was so intoxicating to us all. He was equal to any young rider I had ever seen, and that includes Michael Lee.. He had the world at his feet.... Today is a far cry from that treasured memory, That smile has long gone, He now has the world on his shoulder rather than at his feet. He doesn't show that same enjoyment he did, them years ago. and that's a massive shame. Sure, he has improved through the years, as have many others, Back then, I thought he was an exceptional talent, destined for the top, but not now. His attitude and persona are now more prominent than his ability....
  25. I'm sorry you think the way you do, I believe everyone is entitled to an opinion, especially those who pay out to watch him ride. Now if you think that's wrong , then Tuff.!! I was fortunate to have a close friendship with Michael Lee, but it didn't stop me telling him how I felt when things didn't go as one expected. . When Robert does well, I will sing his praises, but likewise when he slips up then I will say so. That what opinions are.... If you are one of those blowing sunshine at him all the time, he'll think he is God and act like it........
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