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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. TO all you miserable lot out there, Seasonal Greetings to you all:
  2. One would hope so, but then why have we to wait so long to find out? Probably everything is not in place yet ????
  3. Knowing the desperate state our sport is in, and that it would have been far cheaper to compete in the 2nd division, for Buster to plumb to stay in the top league, tells me he has got the finances covered. Buster may be a lot if things but stupid he is not. To run a club with an inevitable loss would be senseless, so to me he has deals in place to cover any defective costs that may occur . To operate in the top division without a competitive team would be foolish, so one has to assume the team being assembled will be built along those lines. So we therefore have no worries about the financing of these top riders. How that will be achieved will be known in the coming weeks Whether it be Added Sponsorships, New partners, Added admission costs or even Cheaper rider deals, Buster no doubt believes he has it covered.. Probably Father Christmas has come early, and answered all Buster wishes .............................The mind boggles...... .. I will wait with anticipation....
  4. As per usual you appear desperate to pick faults with anything I posts. The comments were made to illustrate the dire situation our sport is in and the pressures placed on the shoulders of the promoters. The comparisons between Buster and the majority of the other promoters, were to highlight different scenarios that each exist. Probably Buster doesn't own the merchandise but the point being made, is he would take a draw from it. as he would with everything else that is sold on the night. This is something most promoters wouldn't get. Whether Buster runs the Stockcar or not is irrelevant. The point that was that the StockCar provides another form of income, so if the speedway did go disastrously wrong, all wouldn't be lost. Having spoken with you a number of times face to face, I thought you came across as a decent chap. but then again, probably I was wrong on that as well .
  5. It's been said, that all but 3 clubs, operated last year at a lost. That being the case, then lets think for one moment what's going through the head of them promoters when trying to assemble a team for next year . Any business venture is a gamble in so much that its your money on the line. You have to appeal to Punters and Sponsors to support you ideas. and failing that, you will find yourself in trouble. As promoters go, Buster is unique in that he owns the Stadium, and all the stalls that sell the merchandise,. He also has a Stock-cars Business should he need to fall back on, so he can pull the plug if speedway was such a drain. Others promoters don't have that luxury. They are putting their belief on the line at their own expense, I admire that... We have all proportioned blame to the BSPA in the past for the state the sport is in, but this year is probably the last chance saloon, It has to work... I just hope the punters don't expect too much and find it within themselves to support this diluted existence.....
  6. If ever there was an ideal time for the BSPA to have a new beginning, this was it. With no TV monies to spend on top riders, nor shackled to an out of date TV schedule, This was the ideal opportunity to re-invent the wheel. A new beginning without the restraints of the Polish authorities or the calender of world events. This was the time to get back to reality, and provide an affordable product from scratch. There was no need for 2 divisions, nor fixed race nights. We should have had one league, with teams of 5 / 6 riders, competing against each other on a regular basis. Instead we will have 2 leagues, both governed by managers taking advantage of inept ruling of riders and averages. And you wonder why people are turning their backs.
  7. Arrived this morning.... I'll have to remember to listen in ........
  8. Am I the only one to hear the whispers of Doyle riding for the Stars ??? I heard it today from a second source , from a steward who is usually in the know... Interesting. ......
  9. I agree, Strongest team I've seen so far.........
  10. I have no problems about Batch. Quality rider, who has been a fool to himself. Saw him guest for Swindon against Leicester last year and he was brilliant. A few days later, at the same track, riding for Lynn he was pathetic.. He obviously had an alternative motive, but it also shows what sort of person he is...... and that's not something to be proud of. I cant imagine there will be many at Lynn wishing he was back there..... You know what they say about burning bridges.....
  11. Amazing the difference a year makes, Last year Swindon couldn't wait to get rid of Batchelor, and were glad he was gone. Although we welcomed him with open arms, nobody away from Lynn had a decent word for him. Yet a year later everything is forgotten and he's welcome back to Swindon . Fickle Lot !!!!
  12. Thanks for the update of Roberts location. Its puts a different angle on it, but had he wanted to ride this wouldn't have stopped him. I have no problem with the tickets being sent out that late, but expected some form of confirmation before then. I have ordered 2 tickets for people who will have to travel down and have day off work. Have they to wait until the tickets arrive before booking that day off work?? Having ordered them early, I feel a confirmation Email would have been so easily arranged. I too believe THJ will be more than capable of attaining a decent average. They say form is temporary, where ability is forever. and few can doubt his ability. Most of his bad scores could be attributed to poor machinery, and using borrowed equipment , but I sure with a settled team, and decent bike he will more than hold his own..... Apparently he is a wonderful rider to have in the pits and always wanting to help and encourage others.... Something a close team desperately needs........
  13. Yes they are 'false ' averages. they are out of date and are rendered useless in the purpose of their existence , There will always be Promoters queuing to take advantage of these inept and out dated rules.. but it doesn't make them right. If the truth be known, Ringers on ridiculous averages must be the biggest turnoff in our sport.......... They probably give an advantage to a winning team , but at what cost????.......
  14. Obviously a personal issue, I'm too long in the tooth to start calling people name, I stopped doing that at junior school. But I must have missed something in that post, as I don't remember slating Lambert one bit. I actually said I was disappointed he was leaving.
  15. Hardly a joke, I cant find anything to laugh at. More of a reality check. The damage has not been done this year, but was created by decisions made in the past. There was always going to be a reality check when promoters would have to cut the costs to survive. and this is the result of it. Agree about the strength of the two leagues being similar and can see no sense in the two league scenario with fixed race nights. With one division, raced on a night that suited each club, we would have had more local rivalry where fans could travel to and connect with... I think it will get harder before it gets better....
  16. I first heard a whisper a week back, but didn't take too much notice. I didn't want to believe it, but it now appears to be true. When thinking about the logistics of Lambert's situation , with him living locally, and only riding in the Sweden, and Polish 2nd division, if he cant accommodate riding in the UK, then what chance do we have of appealing to anyone of quality. Disappointed for sure, and I feel he is wrong to turn his back on his home track and fans. He has a long way to go before he is anywhere near being a good No 1, so am surprised he's taken this decision to leave without conquering these shores. Probably I was right in what I wrote back then ........ and yes its a REAL SHAME....... He has so much more to learn.....
  17. And there was me thinking Christmas was a time for celebrating all that s good in life, and helping those not so fortunate....
  18. That's an interesting comment. That's the second occasion I heard that Monday could be the new race night, both from sources miles apart... But this was the first time it was mentioned in connection with Niels riding.... Thanks Haza, that one little rumour starts the mind ticking. Never thought of Mondays before, but getting Niels back would be a tremendous coup... When thinking Wolves have had a monopoly over the years for Mondays, and now having only 2 race nights , probably Mondays could be good move.
  19. I have quite often been pillared for voicing adverse comments about the lack of communication from the Promotions , and like you say its not difficult to publish information to generate interest within the club. I have no problems that the rider announcement is delayed, and yes, it was nice to have the press release about the forthcoming Fans Forum meeting. But the fans needs more than that. Drip feeding information does a wonderful job keeping fans interested and up to date. I'm sure, I'm not alone when I say I like reading about the Stars, their thoughts, their plans, their hopes and intentions. Its not just about who's riding for us...... At times it feels like we are the enemy and everything is top secret... Surely that cant be right...
  20. Best Wishes to Starman, Nobody like to hear of people unwell, especially speedway supporters. We are a dying breed , so just you get yourself better and get back to your rightful place, on this Forum.... Wishing you a speedy recovery, mate......
  21. To make a decision without knowing the conditions of a deal is foolhardy. Obviously the sport needs TV, but if they are asking for certain conditions that cant be met then the BSPA has to say NO. Question: If both the Premiership and the Championship are of similar strength, why are the costs so different ? , If the costs are so different and with the top riders being programed/ Priced out of our league , why didn't the BSPA decide on one league only, and start building a new beginning?
  22. Probably in the past, the riders assumed there was plenty of money to be earnt from the sport, and rightly or wrongly asked for the world, when signing contracts to race . But it has become obvious to us all that this behaviour couldn't continue. There was always going to a day of reckoning, and now we at seeing effects of that. I have worried for some time that the sport cannot survive on its present course., and that massive restraints have to be in place just for survival alone. If that means the end of the top riders, then so be it. I just hope that the majority of riders realise the dire situation the sport is in, and doctor their costs accordingly. They must realise the acute balancing of the books is crucial if the sport is to survive. I hope riders like Lambert don't price himself out of reach, in their belief of what they think their worth. That would be a shame......
  23. I think the signing of Mateusz Szczepaniak and Kacper Woryna are tremendous acquisitions. Not sure of the averages they will acquire, but for exciting Speedway they are both quality riders capable of beating the very best.. No doubt every other club will be envious of Poole . I wish they were riding for the Stars, that for sure.,,
  24. Is that all, I thought it was majority of weekends..
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