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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Analysis of Teams Riders Positions KEY Rider No. BelleVue Kings Lynn Leicester Poole Rye House Somerset Swindon Wolves 1. Best No 1 HL Craig Cook Niels K Iversen Mart Vaculik Brad Kurtz Chris Harris Jason Doyle Nick Morris Jab Torsell 2 Average 8.45 4 9.04 2 8.00 3 8.08 8 7.63 7 9.69 1 8.87 6 8.64 5 No 2 HL Max Friske Rob Lambert HanAndersen JosGrajczonk Scot Nicolls Charl Wright TroyBatchelor Sam Masters 3 Average 7'39 2 7.38 5 7.75 1 7.34 6 7.48 7 6.69 8 7.63 3 7.92 4 No 3 HL Stev Worrall Th Jorgensen Danny King LinSundstrom KrzKaspersak Rich Lawson Dav Bellego Rory Schlein 4 Average 6,77 5 5.93 6 6.66 4 7.22 1 6.86 2 6.43 7 7.37 8 7.72 3 No4 S/S Roh Tungate Ty Procter Krz Pieszczek Chris Holder Eddy Kennett Jack Holder Tob Musielak Kyle Howarth 5 Average 6.18 3 5.50 7 6.50 4 7.16 1 6.39 8 5.82 5 7.37 2 6.64 6 No 5 S/S Dam Drozdz Lewis Rose Josh Bates Kasp Woryna Ben Barker Jake Allen Adam Ellis Cam Heeps 6 Average 5.00 8 5.25 4 5.52 5 4.65 1 6.00 6 5.07 3 5.46 2 5.25 7 No 6 Res Dan Bewley Lewis kerr Kyle Newman Mat Szczpani Stuart Robson Brad Wil Dean Zach Wajknec Ash Morris 7 Average 4,71 2 5.06 4 4.86 7 4.54 1 5.72 3 4.67 5 3.21 6 3.75 8 No 7 Res Jye Etheridge Kas Andersen James Sargent James Shane Max Clegg Jon Jepersen Mich Davey Nat Greaves 8. Worse Average 2.00 6 4.00 3 2,56 5 2.95 2 2.00 7 4.00 4 2.00 8 2.54 1 Positional Totals 30 31 29 20 40 33 35 34
  2. I admire your loyalty, even at the extent of blinded vision. Make no mistake, when Somerset is referred to a one man team it is because in Doyle they have a great rider who will win most races at each of you meetings. The other riders are all decent people capable of winning some. Your 2nd and 3rd HL are of the lowest CMA in the league. Yes you may have performed well on your travels last year and scored decent points, but that doesn't mean anything this years. This is a new ball game with different sides... Looking at all the teams so far in my eyes Somerset are one of the weakest...... that being a structured analysis with no biased attachment....... I wish I could be more optimistic .... Sorry........
  3. Everyone in that side Sidney, is capable of upping their average. Brady, Josh and Holder, all seasoned riders capable of winning heats for fun. Linus, Woryna and Schpankiak? are all capable of being heat leaders, averaging 7 plus. and James Shanes is far better than the 2.95 he was given. I see then as runaway leaders . One I things for sure, with the exception of Holder, ( so he says) they can all ride our track with no problems . A few years back I saw Sundstrom come and score 17 pts making everyone else look silly..
  4. Think you;re wrong there Sidney, Poole have this year assembled an exceptional side built on the back of 'out of date' Averages. If a team can acquire 1 ringer on a low average they are doing well, but to get 3 takes it to another level . All the teams were built to a max of 42.5 , But had Woryna, Schpank and Sundstrom been accredited with upto date figures, their team strength would have been nearer 46 Pts. Many are missing the point here where the advantages compound the differences. After the first set of figures , all the Poole riders, along with all the rest will be accredited with a new average, so any replacements needed will be proportionate to the average of the missing rider. so they will have better replacements whenever the need arise. Every year we have this same problem , and every year they do nothing to stop it. Its so annoying the BSPA cant see further than the end of their big noses.... So sorry Sidney, I cant agree with your views. The league will be a walk in the park for Poole losing only but a few matches, the only hope our sport has, is if another team meets them on a bad day.. Some hope.,,.
  5. We are now being silly, next someone will suggest bikes staked to the ground.. I like the competition between the rider and the ref, it adds much needed excitement after the follow the leader races..... So what if a reserve gets a roller, or someone wins against the odds.
  6. I don't see the problems with the laws we have already. I think too much is made of riders who take the gamble. The rules state if you touch the tapes your excluded . The riders know the rules, the Ref controls the tapes, where's the problem. ? What really gets up people backs, is when the red light comes on for the slightest infringement, riders goes back to the pits, mechanics come out, another 10mins of waiting about . If a rider anticipates the starts, and gets away with it, then good on him, The Ref will have to keep an eye on him.,, It brings added excitement back into proceedings....
  7. Reading these posts, it becoming most obvious that the majority are prepared to give the promoters the opportunity to get it right. The ball is firmly in their court. I wont have it that speedway is unprofessional , you might have that impression from going to Lynn at times but I have been to many meetings run very professional. both Home and Away. Also, when we get to the summer and the Sun is a hazard, why not have the 15 min interval at the start of the meeting.... ???? and then run right through....... Years ago we use to run on Saturday night when finishing time wasn't that crucial, and in them days we use to have 22 heats of racing.... Different world now.....
  8. If only it was that simple !!.. An apology should be from the heart. you don't need someone to tell you he his sorry, you should be able to deduct how they feel that from their behaviour. Very few from Lynn came out with any credit from that Poole match, What a pity they didn't follow Poole's professional approach and conducted themselves in the right a proper way. I'm in no doubt who the main protagonists were, and yes I was pleased they were shown the door, Buster must take responsibility that day for a terrible prepared track. Don't forget, these loyal supporters had to stand about for over an hour waiting for that bloody tractor going round, That should never have happened.. After that fiasco, we then waited 3 weeks for another meeting,, Matches were called off on the strength of the weather forecast, when the night was actually rain free. The replacements were not of the quality one had hope for , but I understand the difficulty. These replacements became a problem when we had clashed meeting and they went missing, forcing us to ride half a team, Strange, it usual slipped their memory to inform their loyal fans of riders missing until they we had paid to get in. No one occasion, NPT was down to ride at No5, DWP then informed the forum , NPT was riding in Denmark with Porsing. Most of last year the supporters were kept in the dark, and treated like mushroom,,,, Non more so then those double headers. On both occasions we never had a full team for the first match, without adequate replacements or reserves to cover, any mishap would be catastrophic. Needless to say both second matches were an embarrassment, a pointless exercise. In that Wolves doubleheader 2nd meeting we attempted to compete with only 3 riders, we ran 8 heats with only one rider in and one without any rider at all. That's unforgivable.... We may have been offered a refund, but that was insulting . I felt offended by the offer. It would have been nice for someone to have seen the dire way the fans were treated and acknowledged the situation as it was. It would be nice to think it would never happen again, But as of yet, apart from bringing in Brundle, I don't see much change.. My one hope is that Brundle will be the Messiah, we desperately need....
  9. I understand and agree with everything you wrote. The contempt, that the promotion showed towards their fans last year was beyond reproach, and any promotion worth its salt, should have placed the recovery and rectifying of any damaged done, the first jobs on their lists. To brush it under the carpet only compounds the damage that was done. Some of the posts persecuting your views are not worthy of a comment, they ought to know what you were referring too. . If they wish to bury their heads than so be it. But to me I live in the real world that can voice an opinion, without being ridiculed for it. I will still go to watch speedway for my own enjoyment. I under no pretence that I am a valued Stars supporter anymore, that elusion was killed off last year...
  10. I find that difficult to comprehend. Surely Promoters and Managers would have their finger on the pulse and want see everything that is being written, false or otherwise... You can only bury you head for so long . Had a good read of the latest news from Nathan. Must say it ail sounds real positive. I understand the logic of it all but we won't be able to judge the effect until we see the results on the track.. Must say it was a good read......
  11. I originally thought Andersen was on a 4 , but when looking in the S/S they had him down as a 5
  12. Competition is always good when making progress. I understand you comment about TJ , who last year was a revelation. The reason I opted for Proctor was I feel he is more likely to make bigger strides than the other three, who have been competing at their acquired CMA, these past years. I'm not to say they won't improve, but I believe it will be harder for them to make them big steps that Proctor could make. . Proctor can go either way, very good or disastrously bad. I'm going for the positive and see him making up for all that lost time. One thing for sure, he'll give it everything.....
  13. Its a big ask, but as Sean Connery said in the film 'Atonement' its do-a-ble. Assuming the league is going to be run on a similar program as last year, the first slot to fill has to be the 3rd heatleader. I've got Procter down for that , I'm sure he'll be able to up his scores, and together with Niels and Lambert we should be able to compete with most teams on the HL front. (apart from Poole and Leicester) . Our middle order riders of Jorgensen and team Lewis may not be the best in the league, but they are all decent gaters. That could be the defining difference helping them to win races. But it also enable us to have one of those 3 riding in the reserves, and that is a big plus. To me, Andersen is a massive gamble. From all accounts he is a talented young man who could go far, but not having ridden on any of the UK tracks before will be a big disadvantage. Its going to be a big learning curve for him, one that could make the difference of where Lynn finish up.... When you consider he comes into our team on an assessed score of 5, and there are a few decent riders out there on a 5, the promoters must have plenty faith that he will deliver... We wait with anticipation ..... Looking at the other team assembled, there are one or two that standout really strong, but the majority are of similar to Lynn with some strong riders and some not so strong. Yes I think we are capable of a top 4 finish, but to achieve that everyone has to play their part. When you have that belief, you can achieve anything...... ,
  14. This was neither the time or the place. The fans forum is a doctored name for an event that used to be referred to as a supporters meeting. It is here where the new team members are introduced to the fans. This is usually a happy occasion, generating high hopes for the coming season. The last things they want to hear are individual gripes from the previous season. I did have a word with Buster after the meeting, but he wasn't in the mood to hear damning verdicts we may have had to say. His replies were short but his mood told me he was more than happy with how the evening had gone.
  15. Assuming you were referring to me, I'm pleased I'm making you laugh...., Because there is not much making me laugh these days.... If you read my post there wasn't any moaning merely pointing out, that I will be there regardless of what happens on the track... I'm quite aware of the amount of work Buster does, I take my hat off to him, but it was his choice. He choose to be Chairman of the BSPA, hoping to make a difference , but he has since found out it was an impossible job. I'm sure he would have done a far better job at Lynn if he had donated all his time to the Stars cause.
  16. Sidney, Martin Vaculik is a class rider. He'll be an immediate success. I just wish he'd sign for us instead of Leicester...
  17. Careful, that's a lot of moaning gong on, and we cant be having that, but I agree with everything you say . I've given up on Lynn chasing any honours, for to do that we need a happy family all the season. Yes its all very well doing these bonding and fitness sessions creates a happy environment, but as soon as someone voices against Buster all hell breaks loose. I honestly don't think Buster is aware of the amount of fans dissatisfaction from last year, Speaking with him recently, his only comment was how much money he lost... I enjoy my Speedway racing, but gone are the days when I would tear all over the country cheering the lads on. So going down the road to watch them suits me fine. I'm under no illusion that the future will bring much of the same,. The Stars don't have the mentality to be winners. but that don't bother me. While I'm fit and able, I will continue watching the Stars. I'm not the kind of supporter Buster needs to attract, because I'm always there. He needs to appeal to new fans and families, and to do that he has to up his game considerably..... Anymore seasons like last year and he'll lose the few fans he has left.... Ahead, is a big season for Lynn Stars and Buster.... in more ways than you think.....
  18. Y'know what they say about ' Little drop of water, little grains of sand' It could make all the difference . Assuming most riders are reasonably fit, it is the bonding, created by these sessions together, that will make the biggest dividends. Who knows, this could be the impetus the riders need to motivate them to that next step. All the riders are capable of increasing the averages, some more than others. but good team bonding is worth points every match....
  19. I have to admit the article in the SS is not good reading. It appears BE have all bases covered.. Hopefully, the planners don't base their decisions on the viability of just one sport .
  20. The few times that happens is annoying, but we have no control over nature . Probably supply riders with tinted shades would lessen the hazard . Usually the problem only lasts for 4/5 races so riders would only be affected twice at most... I'm sure thinking along them lines would be better than doing nothing....
  21. This is what I dislike about the Play--off idea. With Wolves two swedes injured, the final was but a mockery and bared little resemblance of the season as a whole. For this Play-off idea to have any credit at all. why not let the teams in the PO carry the points gained through the season and add onto them. At least this way the winner then would be the team that deserves it most, and wont be determined by accidents and/or injured riders..
  22. Remind me to tell you about the day us same four went to the Motor Show at Earls Court, or the day we went to Cadwell Park, better still how about Mallory and Scarborough. Barrie Sheene lived in our village for a few years and liked nothing better than mixing with us mere yokels.... Sheene's farmhouse joined on to George's Smallholding. he was herald a hero by the people never having a celebrity in their midst before or since..... so please don't doubt the reality of it all.
  23. I suppose we have all done a bit in our time, but not without cause...... To me the idea of promoting is to keep everyone happy. Prompt start; good progress, Little hold-up with Fans involvement all the way, A little bit of banter, coupled with exciting races and the time would simple fly by. Probably minors racing after a short interval would keep some punters back. to have a drink and a bite. Everyone don't want to go home early. The point being, when youngsters are at school the next day, they want to finish early and get home. Hanging a meeting out is enough to put families off from coming next time.... We have to start thinking of the bigger picture, instead of money being the end of all decisions... Wouldn't it be better, when someone enquired about the speedway last night , the reply was: Yeah, it was a good night, exciting racing and we were home by 9, instead of : They dragged that meeting out, we stood there in the freezing cold watching that bloody tractor go round and round, the racing was rubbish and we didn't get back till gone half 10... Wish I'd stayed in and watched the tele... Which reply promotes a better picture........
  24. Well I'm so glad you weren't referring to me, cos I'm one of the few that go to every meeting. Yes, I have posted negative comments, but I have also posted positive ones as well . You seem to have an issue when people voice their opinions that you class as moaning, I suggest you except them for what they are and stop trying to being judge and jury. Let me inform you, of all the years I've supported the Stars, last years was one of the worse I can remember, and they deserved all the negative comments they received..... Yes, I was disappointed when the team was named, because I wanted better. That said, I will still support them EVERY meeting and hope they can do well. When they do good I will be the first to say so, when they do , not so good, I will also say so as well. That's not MOANING, that's the attitude of a real supporter... I am still to be convinced about the new partnership with Brundle. I was hoping he would be the top man making all the decisions, with Buster taking that back seat, but as time passes he appears to be behind the scenes doing the promotional side. Nothing would please me more than to see the Stars up there with the best. But to do that we need strong leaders, positive attitudes, as well as the quality to win when it matters.. We need Brundle to create all of this.... I live in hope, but I'm been saying that now for over 50yrs ....
  25. I spoke about the day I went to see a British Final, 4 of us, one of whom was Barrie Sheene. Travelled in his roller, we were ushered into the pits Car Park area . Within minutes we were surrounded, 100's wanting to speak and have their photo taken with him. it was manic.. I looked round to my friend and said whose idea was this? we decided to get out of the car and leave. Co-pilot George asked where will we be, back straight was the reply and we left them to it.. About an hour later, heat 6, George and Barrie found us, we exchanged a few views as heat 7 started. During the race I notice the number of fans looking round and noticing Barrie. they in turn were pointing him out to their friends and before long the adulation starts all over again. This was the first day that we experienced first hand the problems with being well known. We took our leave again hoping to see more of the Speedway Final.. That day we moved around more than any other time in an effort to escape all the fuss.. We were fortunate to be able to do that, but Barrie just excepted is as his norm. Never once did I see or hear him rubbish those fans... Brilliant Chap, and a Terrible loss... Brilliant times and wonderful memories..
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