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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Robert has just tweeted he may miss the meeting to night saying all Ryanair flights are delayed.......... That's REAL BAD NEWS
  2. Thinking like that, you must be a Speedway Promoter, At least, a member of the BSPA ...
  3. Parking in the car park is closer, but also hampers those wanting to get away sharpest . For that reason we prefer to use the shopping centre car-park. Can make a big difference, instead waiting to get out of a single gateway from the main Carpark .
  4. I remember years ago when we came as a family, Although children's admission was free, it was more then made up buying them Flags, Hooters, Sweets, Drinks, Burgers, Chips, Tee Shirts that they was always on offer and regularly required... I am in no doubt, Cyril and Alan made more profit from our kids going, than he did from what we spent on ourselves . The knock-on effect from that is both our off springs are still interested in the sport, and frequently go.... So free Kids are very important to the viability of our sport...... When thinking of the program for the night, finishing early should be of paramount importance enabling families to get their kiddies to bed. Dragging meetings out just to feed the takings is a false economy and does more harm then good...
  5. Brilliant proactive ideas that would put the sport into the shop window and promote the sport on a professional level. Like you say, in this day and age we need to move with the times. Unfortunately the BSPA don't think like that, all their ideas are short term and most are governed by personal gains. Promoting on a professional level would be a sure-fire way to connect with the public and that could only benefit the Sport and the Promotors in the long run. Going back to your original question and making conclusions about fixed race nights (FRN) is difficult. The actual Wednesday race night has not changed much for Lynn, but because of the adverse weather, we have only been able to run 2 meetings, and one of them we were missing 3 riders, so without those FRN we could have changed the day for something more suitable. I feel at the moment the FRN appears to be working, but it will become harder to sustain. There have been many cancellations, and to fit them all in to the FRN schedule will be difficult. I can understand your concerns, Mondays must be the worse night possible to hold your home meetings. Belle Vue as a club, don't appear to have the persuasion powers as say Sheffield or Ipswich, who voiced their choice of race-night , when it would have obviously benefit the sport to comply with our European friends.. I find it laughable that teams like Sheffield can run with 7 riders who race in both divisions have that must power. How can this sport be taken seriously when that happens. But not to worry, as with all new ideas, they will be changed next season and we'll have something else to chew over...
  6. Its so easy to question one small part and miss the concept of the whole passage that was trying to explain how then the sport was entirely different. Of cause you would say SGP and Polish are as good as any old speedway back then, you're comparing the best example possible against anything just to prove your point. , but I was talking about bread and butter league speedway in the early 70's when competition was much more closely fought, The competition for points was very tense, when lesser riders were doing their share. of fighting for places.. it seemed every race had an angle to it...that made it important... Watching them old recordings of Individual meetings, in no way does it recapture the magic of them old League matches A big part of my original post was about the cost and the VFM of the sport and the lack of supporters. I have been to most of the Cardiff SGP's, and Yes I have enjoyed the weekend as a special occasion, but please don't tell me the racing is always good. up until recently the track has been appalling... I wish sometimes people would read all the comment and grasp the idea of the post, before they rush to question it For somebody who wasn't there, they seem to know a lot from watching old recordings.
  7. We can but hope. ...... I remember thinking a few years back when we were 30 points clear , This has got to be our year, Then Bang !!! , Birmingham pulled out to the league losing us loads of points, Then both our all conquering reserves got injured, then finally Kb was out of the remainder with a broken leg, or was it an arm, In the end we were like lambs to the slaughter. Since then we have never recovered... Every year we hope this is the one, and we are still hoping...... Fingers crossed....
  8. first time I went there it was follow the leader every race. The last time I went it was much better. Reading reports as I do, I thought it was producing more passes... But obviously you are not impressed.... That surprises me....
  9. That's the way the BSPA write the rules, enabling them to be changed when they want.....
  10. I think it would be wrong to underestimate any team that has HA and KB in , two accomplished heatleaders who will always score well. Ricky Wells replacing Danny king is a big ask. With Lambert on fire, and when thinking back recently when Swindon came back from a 10 pts deficit shows they can be vulnerable. Against that, Andersen has never seen the place and Niels is not that dialled in yet, so to me this should be a close match that could go either way. Will be making the trip hoping the racing is as exciting as the score line. If we score 42 or more I will come home happy....
  11. This being Bank Holiday weekend, it should enable some Stars fans to make the trip to our nearest neighbours. Once I thought this would be a certain home win, but bearing in mind how we have started the season, and Leicester having a few injury changes, probably we should be more optimistic of getting something from this fixture. Having the 2nd leg to me is always beneficial, when knowing the task before having to battle the return leg. Leicester is another precise track where the recent changes have produced better racing. I feel the Lions might still win, but the gap between the two should be close enough for us to ensure we go through on the return.... Hopefully
  12. It seemed like that., We were married in 74, when petrol costing 30p a gallon, We filled the car with 23 gallons for our Honeymoon, then only costing around £7. The Wife used to keep all receipts for the tax man,. We got rid of the car in 78 because petrol was then costing £1.50 a gallon . So sorry if that period of 18 months was exaggerated , but it seemed much shorter than that, . and my comparison was made thinking fuel back then was 25 p a gallon, I remember thinking at that time, the cost of fuel was going up every week. Not knowing how old you are, so its difficult to explain, but if you were around in them days, you would appreciate how volatile prices were back then. In the early 70's House prices doubled in a year.. (£3K to £6K) It was a crazy time to live.... Like I said, I am sorry for any mis-conception I may have made.
  13. After their brilliant display at Leicester and Poole, I was apprehensive about winning especially with riders missing, so I am please Swindon lost this one. The last thing this sport needs is an all conquering side winning every week, like they did last year. No getting away from the fact they have a strong team and will be there or thereabouts come PO's..
  14. Appreciate your input, I have no problems you earning more than I did, but the differential between worker now it far greater than it was then. but please remember you have to look at the cost of fuel included in the night out, all that was included in that tenner. also, It not correct to compare the speedway now as we only have 15 races the evening is over way sooner than it once did. So when comparing VFM it was way better then, than it is now. The increase in the cost of fuel really annoyed me back then, When we were first married I drove a 4.2 XJ6 Jaguar, getting about 18 /20 MPG but in an 18 month period the fuel went up 6 fold, meaning my dream car had to go. i had to choose between Speedway or the car, afraid the car lost...... Many times I have since wondered about my sanity
  15. I have no regrets for not going, I have always been a man of principal, and by not going showed how I felt regarding half a team scenario. I am pleased the Stars won comfortably, and that all the true team members performed well. So pleasing to see Robert fulfilling everyone hopes with another brilliant maximum. Hope fortunes favour him this year and he can have a injury free season. LK was always a great choice for a reserve, scoring big points, especially against sometimes very mediocre opposition. Ty Proctor also done very well, he is now settling down and scoring points like I thought he would. I remember getting pillared from certain quarters when saying what a good capture he was. Probably fans will now appreciate what a talented rider he was prior to some really bad injuries. The small returns from guests CC and AM, for whatever reasons, merely emphases my belief that guests are never a good idea. You cant expect them to perform like your own riders... Good result for the club, and brilliant form from Lambert , can only be good for those PO intentions....
  16. No its probably not . Like you say had we already had 5 meetings then probably we would think differently, but when we have waited an eternity for a meeting, one come along against the league leaders and we have 3 riders missing. it kind of P----- you o---f It would make any difference if we fielded 3 world champions, it wouldn't be our team. Disappointed ... you bet......
  17. It makes little difference, Once someone takes the P--s out of you, that's it, as far as I'm concerned he can go to LLLL Who cares !! We have all this media rubbish about team spirit and togetherness. We hold classrooms as a team to form a bonding of people, We have 4 out of the first 5 meeting cancelled, and then you agree to ride with half a team.... What's the point of it all.??....
  18. Nobody is saying don't have a final, all that has been suggested it to add the final points to those already won in the heats. similar to the format of the SGP's. It would point importance those heats, rather than going through the motions and mean nothing.... The fact Connor never won a single race all night illustrates how bizarre this format is .
  19. Congratulation to Robert Lambert on an impressive showing. He seems to have started this season on top form. He can only get better as he races against the very best... I do hate this format where someone could go through the card and still lose the final race. Surely it would be much better to add those final points to the ones gained in the heats to recognise the true champion on the night, rather then the one who just wins that solidary final.... Conner coming 2nd illustrates how bizarre it is , He never won a race, yet Bewley won 4 races and was only placed 4th.....
  20. I think you're burying your head a little bit here, Back in the 70s the wage was around £50/60 a week, and petrol was 6 bob a gallon ( 30p), I could take the wife and the kiddies, buy 2 programmes, drinks and burgers all round for less than a tenner. The night was full of enjoyment and exciting races that kept everyone interested. Looking back at a 74 programme that cost 1 shilling (5p), here were 23 races starting a 7.30 pm on a Saturday night against Hackney, (we lost 36-42.) The tenner probably equalled a 1/6th of your weekly wage, but we had nearly 3hrs of enjoyment watching 23 races. The same day out now is very different, with considerably less to watch, A lesser program, perpetually drawn-out to make it last does nothing to enthral the fans. Everything you buy, you pay through the nose,. Petrol £ 7/ gallon, Admission £18 a head, Programmes £3 each Drinks £3/4 a throw. Before, it was excepted as a normal price for a night out and each believed they received VFM, not any more.... It would be wrong to pin all the blame on costs, for the sport was much different then, the Bike were slower and the competition was much closer. Missing the gate wasn't the be-all importance then as it created more excitement. Every race was competitive and closely fought. Today's super fast bikes, that cost the earth, produce a different race from the ones we use to watch. All the low torque engines have been replaced with high revving ones. Exhaust and tyres play their part . The throttles now are either open or closed, very little control how there once was. The emphasis has moved from the rider to the bikes, meaning far more follow the leader races, and these don't pull in the punters. You only have to look at the dwindling number over the years to see the effect it has had. But nobody takes any notice of these facts and continues in the same old pattern. Regardless of how you dress it up, the sport today is not working. and unless they address the important issues of Costs, VFM and excitement, the sport will continue to die ...
  21. Back in the day of Michael Lee and Terry Betts and that old wooden stadium we had at Saddlebow Road, there were a group of 22 people who religiously brought their Grandstand tickets for the seated areas next to the pit gate, entering the first bend. This group of people attended every Lynn meeting for years and frequently away meetings as well. Where ever the Stars raced that group was represented every time. Everyone was on first name terms, and bantered with each other over their favourite rider. Such was the closeness of that group of people Christmas and birthday cards were and are always sent . The point I'm making, These cards are still sent and it is through them that contact is still there. Through these cards, last Christmas I actually questioned those about their once devotion of speedway and asked their feeling now. I except most have moved on and are now considerably older, but some of them still watch when its on the tele, Quite a few had visited Lynn and didn't like what they saw, Some said their weren't enough races , other said there was no excitement, but all said it cost way too much for them to be interested. Of them 22 people, 4 have since past away, 8 watched it on the television, and 4 more said they read about when possible. Of those one still purchased the SS to keep abreast of the news . Which meant I am the only one remaining that continues to go and support the Kings Lynn Stars... How many other clubs can say of similar occurrence.... The big question here is: If the sport cannot tempt those fans, who once had a devotion , to attend now, What chance has it of attracting new fans who know nothing about the sport..
  22. Exactly, How many time do you see a Ref give terrible decisions . Sometimes they are unbelievable.... Disappointed that the Stars went so close and missed out on a point . Still not to worry.... NB. Looking at the results and heat details I think Lynn did OK . We scored more than other teams had done this year at Monmore Green. and can easily see areas where we could do better next time. It would be easy to point a finger at those who didn't perform as you would have expected, but there were a lot of positives to take on board. Its still early doors, but I see no reason why we cant be competing for those precious PO places come the end of the season...
  23. Another typical BSPA written rule. ''the Referee has the sole discretion to order that the remaining team partner will start on a 15 metre handicap'' That word HAS means the ref can do as he/she likes. It always leaves the door open for discretion...
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