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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. From all my years experiences of supporting the Stars, I find it far better to assume we will not figure as forerunners for the forth coming season. If by chance we manage to get into the PO's we will be ecstatic, but more likely than not though, when we fail, we wont be that disheartened as it was expected. it's as if nobody really cares anymore....
  2. 'NSS' So pleased you found it amusing . The intellectual ones knew what was meant.
  3. The NNS has really surprised me. Me, thinking the track was equal to anywhere in the world and the racing was from the top draw, I automatically assumed the place would be packed every meeting. I expected, if the product was right the crowds would come just like in them olden day. Situated in the 3rd biggest city in the land with a copulation to die for, this place was tailor made to reinvent this sport in this modern era. But unfortunate it hasn't happened. My question now is: if somewhere like NNS cant attract the masses, what chance has other places got. I'm sorry for being pessimistic but I must agree with the promoters of this sport, and therefore understand , there's little point in spending good money chasing after bad... The only people that continue supporting the sport now are those fans from years back . Soon there wont be any of us left....
  4. If you look hard enough they'll always be an answer. I look at the other teams and they seem to find an option without having to gamble. In our league format, the reserves are second only to the heat headers in the terms of importance. We need to be confident that our riders are of known quality and are capable of scoring points against similar positions in the other teams. In Kvech we have neither of those.
  5. Surely, if he were to be any good, then he would have been signed up already. The fact the is a free agent says many things … No doubt he will be based at the track giving him lots of opportunity to see and work the track. Might even stay in the same caravan as those previous. We've been down this road so many times before... Why don't we go down the experience route when the rider is of a known standard and a guaranteed points scorer
  6. Same old, same old.. nothing new here. it appears the management have learnt nothing from the season past... Its as if there not bothered. When so many fans were looking for inspiration and hope for a successful season, we are met with the same ole faces that have failed so many times....
  7. Cant help thinking that by letting MPT go we have dropped a big one... My original thoughts were Lambert, Riss, Cook and MPT then fit others in the remaining numbers. Preferably new young and exciting talent. By naming 3 existing riders in the first 4, who weren't in my selection certainly alters the team dynamics somewhat... I wait to see what the outcome will be.....
  8. I wish I could be optimistic like others on here, but have been down this road too many times . Years back, when the track was good, the score wasn't as important because the racing made it exciting. Now with this 'Gate and Go' philosophy the only consolation is the winning margin.. I've always believed the track is basically a good size and shape and lends itself to good racing, just a pity on the shale they use and the amount they put on it.... Making it slicker will provide better racing...
  9. Does those same parameters apply to other teams like Swindon, Belle Vue and Sheffield. ? ? or cant we afford to compete on their level ?? ... If not then probably we should have followed Poole's lead and drop down a division.. They appear to have assembled a team equal to ours already...
  10. I for one wished he had sign for Lynn. He's a tremendous signing for any club... Love him or hate him, you can be sure he will add a lot of interest and excitement.......
  11. Like you say, I remembered this was suggested a few years back and was shot down big time, but, like you I think it could be a big plus . I would go further and suggest a £5.00 admission for all away season tickets travellers, this would entice many more to support their teams away from home and generate much better atmosphere at meetings. Some will suggest it would be unfair on local supporters, but a bird in the hand is always better than one in the bush....
  12. Umm wrong again, You appear to be getting mixed up with another local business man. I can assure you I have nothing what's so ever to do with Newspapers. The name may be similar but that's as far as it goes... Sorry about that
  13. Isn't it wonderful that everybody don't think the same way. In every walk of life, in every subject, every sports OPINIONS differ. It appears when someone opinion differs from yours Its referred to as moaning. What a sheltered life you lead. Who to say who is right and who is wrong. Who gave you the right to judge people?? I speak as I find. I don't follow others, and fend or please my opinion is my own. The fact that It is different than yours, pleases me greatly.....
  14. It gets better all the time. I once thought Cookie was going all the way to the top level. like you say he was quick and smooth. But not anymore. ! questioned why he left BV. I cant imagine a team would get rid of a prized asset. I want a rider who you can guarantee to get double figures every meeting and unfortunate Cookie comes up short. 2018, Robert reached them dizzy heights, and I thought he had arrived on the world stage. 2019 Robert wasn't the same he became a shadow of the rider he was. he appeared to have taken 2 steps backwards and consequently the team suffered. For Lynn to hold their own we need 2 top riders. Riders capable of winning heats 13 and 15. Failing that, then it becomes a waste of time...….
  15. Although he was recovering from injury and has a massive dislike of grippy tracks, Niels always came to the party when it mattered. When the meeting was coming to those deciding heats, the invertible pairing of Robert and Niels done the business especially on those away tracks... Watching NKI for 6 yrs at Lynn, I cant think of many who would say he let us down.... There's been a massive void in the team since he has left…. It would be so easy to say a rider or some rider, but the feelings I have comes from watching speedway for years and having expectations of what is acceptable and what isn't. I notice effort when our riders have missed the gate, and I also notice those who just accept it, riding round to get those easy points.... It annoys me greatly when I see away riders climbing all over the backs of our riders try to get by and we doing nothing to offset them challenges. It is my belief each team of riders should be challenging for every point in every race, but unfortunately that's the exception rather than the rule.... So no, its not a specific rider, more about the normality of our speedway....
  16. With the expected remaining riders in the Stars team we wont live with the likes of Swindon and Belle Vue.
  17. Baggy, you're forever the optimist, always looking in the positive side, whereas I tend to be more realistic. When I watch speedway, I tend to look deeper than just the result. All too often I concentrate on the attitude and the effort the rider puts in. and unfortunately its not always that good. To bring back the same crew, to me, is a sure-fire recipe for disaster. When world class riders like Lambert and Cookie are not winning races, what encouragement does that give to the others. How can you moan at the other riders when your top men go missing. One of the plusses from recent years has been the consistent form from MPT. I have this thought, that he is the one, that has not signed for next year. How stupid is that.??? Another sure-fire way to p___ the fans off......
  18. Baggy, it has meant to be for 54 years. I can accept defeat no problem, but I like to see passion and attitude. Sometimes, from numerous riders there is a lot missing. When that belief it the team has gone , there's else little left...
  19. Every time I think back to 2018 it leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. When looking back I still cant believe so many things went against the stars in that final. A day before we appeared dead certs to fulfil that distant dream. The first problem to arise was that NKI's accident in Poland deeming him unfit to ride. 2nd problem was the lack of available substitutes who were good enough to cover for our top rider. Ellis was never good enough. Next problem was we gave them 4 heats start. Here we are in, their most important match of the Stars history and we start off riding like ******. Eventually we get going pulling back from that dreadful 18 pt. deficit when the Ref makes the worse decision ever seen in any meeting. MPT was splattered from the back. Not only does he blame it on MTP and exclude him when leading the race, but then gives them the chance of another 5-1. KT , a re-known Pirates supporter, said it was a terribly call. When our team manager was asked on TV he said he didn't see the accident, saying some you win and some you lose. He gave the opinion he wasn't that concerned.... Had that call been made against Poole, no-doubt NM would have gone mad. Our final finished at that point. Then to cap it all our Team Manager agreed to let Poole break the replacement rules in the replay. This was an insult to the sport. A lot of people have to ask themselves could they have done things differently. We should have won that final with ease..... As for the second part you asked. I feel we will go down the same path again this year as last . Same track, same riders, same attitude, its as if they go through the motions. I wished I felt differently....
  20. I know, but as time goes by so does my desire to support them every meeting. You cant imagine how many times I go, then afterwards question my sanity for the going. You're right, Mugs goes along way to describe us. For years I have lived for the day when we will win that coveted trophy. Other teams win it for fun yet we do everything possible to stop it happening. I still haven't got over the shenanigans pulled by everyone to stop us back in 2018. I should have realised then it was never going to happen. I don't suppose I will go to many meetings next year, with no chance of finishing in the top 4 I fail to see the point. Probably If they figure more strongly, then I might be tempted.
  21. You don't have to name a rider to have any news posted. Years ago we had articles every week in the local rag telling us about all and sundry. A good PR man will always find news to post if he was any good.
  22. I don't see the positives at all in naming one at a time. it is only those who are fully interested will acknowledge the single rider announcements. Those other people who might have noticed will be put off by the waiting for the whole team …. The last paragraph though, warrants some thought. If all promoters were to plan a big Promotion day on the same stage, I'm sure that would create a lot of interest and would possibly entice TV to come on board.. A Brilliant idea Baggy, one that could promote the start of the season and the sport to National coverage. Surely that would be better than having all this dribs and drabs that does nobody any favours. Too late this year, but what's stopping the BSPA planning a day next year and everyone work to it...
  23. When you reach the ripe ole age of 72, nothing p____s you of more when you are treated with such stupid games. Its enough to put people off for life. Why are we subjected to these ridiculous guessing games. Good god, we are all responsible adults and should be treated as such. If they think this idea creates extra interest they most be more stupid than I give them credit for. Enough of these stupid games. When you have a team to announce, then do the honourable thing, until then, stop taking us for mugs......
  24. If I were to pick riders to enhance the Stars chances of success, MPT would definitely be a major player. To me he would be one of my first signing... One of the better gater's, he is always there or thereabouts... Not picking him would make no sense at all....
  25. History tells us, that is the only competition we likely to win.
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