Appreciate your response, Please dont think I hold you responsible for the RA system, its just that you come accross as something of expert in dealing with issues on this subject.
My gripe is that, in the present system the only time that the RA are current and correct is at the end of the season, only then providing the rider has competed in all of the 28 fixtures, failing that, then his previous meetings used to calculate are somewhat dated. A rider shouldn't be pressurized or burdened with scores he did years back. In the example of Hans Anderson you offered, is it right he should be laidened with scores of prevoius years, Surely it would be better to acess him at 8.39, and his average be worked out after he had completed say 6 or 8 meetings. That would give you a true average.
Manipulated is probably the wrong word to use, buy when working with fiures results can be worked to suit whatever way you want to look at them. Having a RA of 28 meetings is a way of lowering all riders averages to suit a team building limitations.
Again thank for the reply.