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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Champions of the least assets 2011 to 2013 Champions of the best track in the Elite league Champions of the best Supporters 2011 to 2012 Champions Elect of the Elite League 2013
  2. Exactly, this is my point, Knowing that talks would've taken place, then surely the riders parent club should be on the ball ,knowing what might happen next year. When we first heard about any problems with the Niels issue, it was said the problem was because Lynn wanted to loan the rider and Panthers preferred to sell their assett. I'm sure, had all the relevant parties sat round a table, a solution could have been sought. Even to the point of paying some of the agreed value off this year and the balance to follow. Its not Rocket science......No doubt Lynn would've paid a loan fee anyway.. But reading in the S/Star yesterday, Peterborough are now saying the problem is because Lynn didnt ask the Panthers permission to talk with Niels.. It appears they would put everything, in the way, rather then find a solution. Why make life so complicated..... Yeah, I can understand why you say that. but it still doesn't alter the fact of a crap Assett Scheme. Not being party to the deals involving Rory and Niels, i can only imagine, the decisions were made for the benefit of Kings Lynn Stars.
  3. The current asset system is rediculous. Any system that allows a club to acquire 25 to 30 riders for 7 man team is beyond consideration. It bears no benefit to the sport what so ever. You say the panthers have stuck to the rules, but who are they to dictate where a rider can, should or could earn a living. and please don't tell me you agree with that. You say that Peterborough are the only team to come out of this with any credibility, From where I stand, they are the only ones creating a fuss and one of the few clubs without a team .... YET!
  4. Sorry if I quoted you, but it only in that I was agreeing with you about the farcical ‘2 out of the top rule’. The rest of my post was based on the fact the Panthers are dragging their heals in naming their side. With these new rules in place, in puts an added emphasis on the riders not on the top list. These riders now become more important, and Promoters have to act quickly in acquiring their services. So dragging their heels, the panthers are doing nobody any favours and before you know it all the best available riders will spoken for. Reading all that nonsense in the S.S yesterday, Julie Mahoney sounded like a school child saying “can’t play with my ball” rubbish. The fact that Niels has rode for the Stars for the last two years, of ‘cause they are going to talk, of ‘cause, there going to find out what they’re doing next year. It’s not as if Lynn went behind Peterboro’ back. PROBABLY had the Panthers promoters had been on the ball, they would have contacted Niels last year, and would have known where he wanted to ride and sorted it, instead arsing around and accusing Lynn of underhand practises. I have every confidence the Niels issue will be sorted out , even if the MC is involved When, you look at the other situation regarding Andersen and Batchelor, you wonder what’s going on…... Just a pity it can’t be sorted out amicably between the clubs. This way hasn’t done anybody any favours, least of all Peterborough…
  5. These farcial rules are the same for everyclub. and if you feel you are hard done by, then I suggest you contact your promoters. The Panthers have more assets them most other clubs. They could have had their team sorted early. The ball was in their court. All this moaning about their riders wanting out, is a reflection, of how they feel. So instead shouting out about other clubs doing wrong, surely it would be better for all concerned, to address the real reasons, as why so many of your asset riders want to rider elsewhere.
  6. This is the season of good will and glad tidings to all men, so here’s hoping you’ll take this thread in the gesture it given. Here are a few of my many wishes: I wish that all matches were even and closely fought and the results were never predictable. I wish all teams strengths would make them capable of getting to the play-offs…. I wish the weather were good for all Speedway matches….. I wish all races tracks were prepared in the correct way to produce good racing. I wish all race meetings can be concluded in 2 hrs flat….. 2nd half to be extras.. I wish all entrances were £10, and each track was packed to the rafters…. I wish common sense ruled in all arguments. I wish that all decisions were made for the benefit of the sport. and lastly: I wish Kings Lynn Stars a successful season. But just one more ,...... I would like to take this opportunity in wishing all fellow Speedway Supporters, Forum Posters; Promoters: Riders and everyone else who are connected with the sport A Truly Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year…
  7. I agree with you Sidney, I think Kennett is a terrific capture and will only get better. His performances at the NA last year was impressive, twice coming from the back in style. No doubt Rosco knows his man and will supply Kennett with all the confidence he needs. Terrific signing.....
  8. When you have been around as long as Lynn have, You may possibly ask. Until then, i won't even bother to answer a pathetic comment.
  9. Yeah - point taken, I understand what you mean. When our team was annouced early like that, I thought it was a good thing. But now we have everything in place, theres's little to say. I am quite confident PUK will be our No 1. Not only this year, but also for as long as he wants to ride in this country....
  10. I reckon most Stars fan hibernate in the winter, and cant be bothered with the forum. Will just have to surf the other clubs threads to see what’s going on.
  11. CAST-OFFS, I like that. I personally think Swindon were stupid to get rid of Stead, and you've never rated Mads, even on a 6 pts average.... Mind you, Rosco seems to be on the boil again and getting a decent side.... Another strong contender.......
  12. When Jonathan Chapman announced the Stars line-up last week, it was confirmation of a lot of things, non more so then Lynn was on the ball. But more then that, is showed the asset system is not that important when compared with the riders wishes to ride where they are happy. Other supporters will obviously say it was money talking, but common sense will tell you otherwise. No rider would sign the first deal offered to him unless he was completely satisfied and happy with everything. It appears that riders want to ride for the Lynn Stars. Be it the promoters, be it the supporters, be it the racetrack, be it the location, or be it the Wednesday nights. For whatever the reason, it specks volumes for the club that riders were prepared to sign at the first chance, instead of trying to be allocated elsewhere for a better deal. The situation now is that other promoters are pulling out all the stops trying to compete with what the Lynn promoters have already done. But probably their task is somewhat harder, because it now appears that some the riders are not all that keen to ride some tracks. It makes wonder why…. So I would like to congratulate the Lynn Promoters, on doing a brilliant job…
  13. That statement says so much about you. You not so much a speedway fan, more of a Panthers Preacher..
  14. Yeah ..Ok point made. I thought the asset discusion was originally started on Panthers thread by Panther supporters. Wasn't aware other supporters weren't allowed to post an opinions. Thats sad !!! But dont worry, will not bother you again .
  15. This is obviously proving a valid discussion, but unfortunately, most opinions are being dictated by the clubs you support instead of arguments for the rights and wrong of the asset system. I think, if we could get rid of this biasness and look at the system in its open mind, I believe a truer assessment will be seen.
  16. I understand the 'fors' and 'against' of the arguement, and yes there are many grey areas. Most of these could be sorted without too many problems. To start with, how many riders are classed as asset of the a club, without any money changing hands. They could be released straight away. others could be released on a time scale that reflected the promoters incurred expence. Anything would be better then the present system. We even have riders now, who haven't ridden over here for years, yet still classed as assets. how crazy is that.? I could see a situation in the future when, say Greg Hancock, is asked to ride in a charity do, to celebate his 50th birthday only for his club to say: 'hang on , he's our asset....'.
  17. No , Not at all, The club get first choice of the rider once there contracted time was up. It would enble the clubs to negoiate direct.with the rider. If anything it would be cheaper then it is now...
  18. The sooner its abolished, the better. I'm trying hard to find benefits this system gives to the sport. but there is done. All it does, is create an unnecessary expense in an already expensive sport. Why can't the sport replace the 'assest riders system' with 'A Rolling 1 year' Contract, for the riders to agree and sign each year. so simple...
  19. What a sad comment!! and those who liked it are just as bad. The Panthers lost money last year. That was not because of the money they raised from loaning out rider assets, it was because of the lack of supporters going to meetings. So rather then direct your personal laughter at the expense of the Stars, i suggest you spend your time more constructively, generating more local interest, so the club can run on a more positive footing.
  20. In principal it's the same. But it's the whole principal of the current asset system that is wrong. Its wrong that teams can have 20, 30 riders and other clubs haven't got any. We're getting back to Chequebook speedway where the richest team wins again. If there was a ceiling on the numbers it could be controlled. The length of contract should be of a renewable time, not one that goes on forever. There should be a facilty where the rider can move on when a time period had elapsed. i'm sure if the Asset Base System was governed by common sense instead of money, it would be better for all concerned. Be it the Promoters, the Riders and the sport.. and therefore the supporter would benefit as well.
  21. The whole asset idea is a joke.. If the Panthers want to own 23 asset riders then good luck to them. but don't pretend thats right. How are you going to accommodate all those riders? Is it right that the club dictates to the rider where he rides, No, Cos not...The Chapmans would rather spend their money on bricks and mortar, and yes they are extending the main Grandstand. But don't knock it. they're making the Speedway stadium better, ( Something that is often spoken about on this forum). It seems whatever some people do, to better the situation they are alway wrong. So , just because you rent your place, dont automatically make Buster wrong in trying to improve his venue.....
  22. If people are like me, I get fed up waiting and move on to something else. My idea is to keep the supporters happy and for them to create the promoting side of it, by all the talking they do.
  23. Its a pity the other promoters don't take a leaf out of the Chapmans book and sort out their teams quicker. We're not even at the point when all the rival supporters can bicker and take the rise out of each other teams.. At this rate it's going to be a real boring off-season.
  24. When you consider the number of Peterboro' assets that wants to ride else where, you can but wonder why. Usually it's the clubs farming these riders out to coin in the loan fee, but in this case it's the riders who want away. On the face of it they have a good racetrack and a nice open stadium (they use, but don't own) So its either the management or the supporters? either way seems strange that so many want to race for other clubs... When you see this happening, you have to question the ethics and feasibility of asset idea......
  25. I don’t know if a book has been opened yet with the odds on next year’s honours. I am bias, but the Stars team must surely figure highly in everyone lists of contenders. They have surprised a few with the quality of riders that can be attained with the new average limit. This has set a marker for the other promoters to match. This assembled squad can all ride perform well at the smooth raceway at the Norfolk Arena, but also they have the ability to ride well at away venues. I am in no doubt this team will figure prominently and will be in with a shout at the end.
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