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Everything posted by g13webb
.I don’t think Lynn were right in what they initially done, but whilst a lot is being made out of the issue that Lynn spoke with NKI first, that isn’t a reason, why both teams, could not to sit round the table and negotiate a deal. Respect, is something that is earned, and the Panther have done nothing, in this instance to warrant that respect. NKI has publicly stated that he has had no contact with Peterboro’ for over 2 months. I am in no doubts we will eventually secure the services of NKI. It’s just a pity, it couldn’t have been done in a right an proper manner, instead of all this showboating and petty arguments, that’s done no-one any favours…
Yeah, but the tune the piper should be playing is respect, and we haven't had a lot of that from the Panthers this off season.... To their riders or their fans...
Wow !!! You have that wrong............... There's nothing SIMPLE about speedway........ Everything has to be so complicated.....
Point taken........ Happy Christmas....
I would pay £20 to watch Niels each week, But with one proviso, and that would be that we never deal with them Cats again. They have really shown their true colours....
Well of cause it would.... Reading your posts, you have a big problem with Kings Lynn, and everything ruled against us 'would seem logical to you' have a appy christmas....
The Panther’s action this off-season, has highlighted two issues that I believe will come back and haunt them. Firstly, The nonchalant way they have treated their assets. They have portrayed little importance to their rider or their wishes. That probably, In future riders will think twice before signing for them. And Secondly, fellow Clubs and Promoters will put Panthers at the bottom of the list of clubs they do business with. The way they have mucked everyone around this year, is nothing more then contempt. They say you reap what you sow….
So it's not a Rule; its purely an Option that the parent club could use if required.......... Now I've heard it all..... Call them rules.... I call it a laughing stock...
It sounds a like a 'get-out' clause, invented to create a reason, to stop something from happening.
You come across on here as a typical disciple who accepts everything as correct. Don’t you ever question anything? The announced decision of the Puk situation actually stinks of conspiracy. I wonder how many people actually knew of this rule. But, no doubt you did…… Lynn wasn’t aware of this rule, Swindon wasn’t aware of this rule, and I’m sure had Peterborough had known of it, they would have took Lynn to court over it instead of the tapping up offence. One wonders, how long this ruling has been in force, does every club have to abide by it, Is it compulsory? Or is it just the lucky few…. I ask the question, because Mads, next year, will be on the third year loan spell from Swindon. And that move has already been sanctioned by the BSPA . Surely had this rule been known, the BSPA would never have sanctioned a move that contradicts it……. Strange……
I wonder...... Going back to the Darcy Ward situation, yes it was a big issue. brought about only because Lynn were in the PL and that Darcy wanted to ride in the Elite. No doubt had Lynn been in the top league then probably he Could have stayed at Lynn. As has been said, there are promoters who have paid out decent money, there are some who have acquired riders for nothing. Just because the asset system worked once, it's not a reason to carry it on indefinately. When some clubs hold the majority of the cards then it's time to change. That doesn't mean it happens straight away, Rules could be put in place now for clubs to relinquish their riders, a process that could , say in 3 yrs time. and those rides who haven't signed be released now. The sport has to move forward and not be governed, just because of whats happened in the past. Another pathetic comment. The move wasn't illegal then... Whatever Poole paid for Darcy Ward, they will agree, they have been repaid 10 times overs...
Exactly!!! I don't suppose the Chapmans knew of the rule, or anyone else did for that matter. Surely had they been aware of a rule like this, don't you think they would have purchased Niels instead of Rory..Cos they would... Peterborou didn't go to the MC because of Lynn breaking his 'So-called rule' they went because Lynn spoke to Niels first without talking to Panthers. Who knows who voted for what. The sport is all about secret 'goings-on' and if the face fits. We hear about riders assets but we never see laid down rules and guidlines so each of us supporters or/and riders knows whats happening. and may be you got it wrong. the Chapmans have, in the last 20 years devoted all their time and money into this sport. Unlike a lot of promoters they have done it from the bottom, buying premises and building the whole package. They own the stadium, and fund the presentation from the grass roots upwards, They're not like the majority of promoters who rent their race track on race night only. they're in it for the duration. Any spare cash going has to be juggled between track or riders . I am in no doubt, whatever Buster did he did for the sport and not for personal rewards..... Just like you did last year with Meidzinski. (I imagined you would come out with crap like that) Shame really, how this Micky Mouse sport just has to keep shooting itself in the foot. When looking on the world stage, we are regarded as the 4 th best country in the speedway world . In each of the top three, Poland, Sweden and Denmark , they have depensed with an asset system and replaced it with one of contracts. Why cant we do the same.????
I believe the Panther’s action involving the current asset system has highlighted everything that is wrong with the system. The rules are tired and ancient and have no consideration of the present situation. The Panther’s seem to think they are more important then the sport, and have the controlling power over riders and to tell them where they ride. My suggestion to this is to tell Frost where to stick all his riders and for each club to look elsewhere. Imagine the situation then: Peterborough would only be allowed to use 2 of their asset riders. 1) They would have many unhappy riders missing out on work. 2) The League would be in uproar because of all the quality riders missing. 3) Peterborough would have all these assets that no-body wants and therefore getting no reward from loan fees. 4) It would show the Asset System up for what it is. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Probably then, the BSPA would realise just how inept this system really is and do something about it.
Once again, another stupid rule that doesn't benefit the sport one bit. Shouldn't there be a rule somewhere thats sez ' If a rider hasn't ridden for a club for 3 yrs he should be released' from his contract He obvoiusly doesn't want to ride for them. But at the end of the day it's all about money. Whats the transfer value of Niels, taking in consideration, his age; his improvement factor; his average.????
I don't believe it needs that to happen. Surely the BSPA can modify the rules, without going to court, and bring it in line with the modern day sport requirements and legislations. Lets the rules of the asset system be for the benefit to the sport and not there solely, for wealthy club owners to control. Theres nothing worse then burying your head in the sand. hoping problems will go away, usually, they manufestor 10 times more.
No I don't suppose there is. ........ But when will it become a problem. You say he doing 'nothing wrong', but lets say we move forward, the time is late February and Rick Frost is still refusing permission to talk to his riders, Would you still be saying he's doing.nothing wrong. The problem with any system is when rules allow that system to be used for something it was not intended to be. There should be guidlines in place to say Clubs have to announce the asset they well be using by a certain date, and the rest are free to move too wherever. Like I say the system badly needs overhauling.....
We all knew that Niels and Lynn were going to talk, I knew it, you knew it, everyone knew it. When you ride for a club you are always in conversation and it was invevitable they would talk. No doubt Frost knew this as well , Had he'd been on the case, and was concerned of his asset, he would have approached Niels to see what he wanted for next year. A little forethought, none of this would have been an issue..........from both sides.......
You're probably right but whose fault is that...??
I think you'll find that Lynn had offerred the loan fee for him this year, with the view to purchase him next year. They didn't want him for nothing. Panthers are on a win - win situation. The exact fee Panthers paid for Niels is unknown, but it is thought, that has been recovered many times over...
Unlike a lot of posters on here, I support the sport first, and the club second, any opinion i give, i do so from that belief. I can see why you think the comment you make, But I assure you, I would speak the same way if it was the Stars holding all the asset cards. Our present Asset System is way out of date. I believe the rules are still the same as it was, when British League was the premier place to ride, and everyrider wanted to be connected with a Club. How things have changed. Now we only have a sprinkling of quality riders, and we even have clubs trying to force them away. Niels hasn't rode for the Panthers for 2 years, He doesn't want to ride for the Panthers, He's made his intentions known. Surely a system is wrong if it going to force riders out of our league.. Peterborough has highlighted this issue with a buggerment approach to the situation. They know Niels, don't want to ride for them and for that reason, the Panthers want to sell him on. But rather then going to the BPSA MC. surely, it would have been better to have sat round the table and sort it out amicably like adults, instead of all this arsing about. saying 'he spoke to them first' 'You should have said this' so pathetic...... All the problems are of our own making... It's time everyone acted like adults ......... not kids...
I have nothing against an asset system that is controlled and beneficial to the sport. This one is neither. It is so wrong that parent clubs can be so dictorial over riders and who they ride for. This policy is against the whole principal of an asset system. This should be about looking after your riders, not imprison them against their wishes..
I believe, Peterborough's actions, has highlighted everything that is wrong with the asset system. a system that badly needs overhauling. Probably the BSPA should take it onboard and issue stricker guidelines to Riders, Clubs and Supporters. At the momment, no-body seems to know or care what can or can't be done. It is wrong that some clubs have so many riders on their books, it is wrong club are allow to retain so many riders for an undisclosed period of time. I've advicated before that assets should be replaced by contracts for a distined period of time. Every year there are issues with this system, and every one of these, could be sorted out with just a bit of 'Common- Sense' Why do we have to make this sport of ours so bloody complicated....
Am I right in thinking the Niels - Peterboro'- Lynn issue will be decided this Wednesday at a BSPA meeting, or have I got that wrong too.. The way things are going, teams will not be completed before the season starts.
Down to personal choice. I've never liked Monmore because of it's shape. True, it requires a more technical approach. but to me speedway is about speed, and at Monmore your always scrubbing speed off approaching the corners. Went their last year to see the Stars ride and was well disappointed. There wasn't many races when someone or other fell off. and it wasn't just our riders.. Like i say, it's down to personal choice, I prefer to see the racing fast and close and slipstream riding the man in front to gain that extra speed...