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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. My idea of a good side is one that is capable of winning both home and away and this side fits that bill. I can recall stronger line-ups at home, but you always lost the away matches. Comparing you with the Lynn side, I don't think there's much too choice between them, Both are capable of winning away matches, and subsequently losing some points at home along the way. There are other teams that fall into the same category. Should make for an interesting season. We don't want another one like last year with some teams 30 pts. in front......
  2. I thought the article in the S/S this week was pretty good ( The Property Market, by John Burbidge) It highlighted all the problems of the asset system. It also pointed out all the issues if it was disbanded, and why it shouldn't happen. My feelings are, if we think only of the good of the sport, there are no problems, it only when we bring in personal thoughts and profits do we have these issues. ( I remembered Kennett being valued at £80K , that was bloody ridiculous) Like the article said rather then a repeat of troubles we had this year, we need stronger guidelines from the BSPA and a deadline date put in place...............Don't wait till next year, lets sort it out now........
  3. Yeah , that sounds tough to me. Each of those clubs are capable of getting points at NA. let alone us picking up points away. Should be good fun though. If at the end of the year we do manage to achieve the playoffs, no-one will accuse us of being lucky. it will have been done the hard way.
  4. It was interesting reading Jonathon Chapman's account in the S/S today about the NKI affair. It now seems that there wasn't an illegal approach made, purely an opinion, circulated wrongly to distract away from the real case of the problems.......Typical......
  5. It will be interesting to see the fixture schedule for the coming year. Because of the travelling I would like the 2nd group of matches it to be, Peterborough; Coventry; Birmingham; Lakeside and Wolves. Knowing our luck they'll be Poole, Swindon, Belle Vue and Eastbourne. But as long as we have Peterborough twice I except any teams. Just have to give the long hauls a miss.....
  6. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I don't see it that way. Sure we have a good side, with some top riders. but so has other teams as well. I believe we are capable of going away to most tracks , performing well and getting some reward. But also we can be beaten at home as well. Teams come to the NA and perform above themselves because they know the track allows them to race. I would love to see us lift that glittering trophy at the end of the coming season, but we have been close before so I won't be counting any chickens just yet.......
  7. Yeah.. I'm more then happy with the team that Lynn have this term. But unlike a lot of opinion on here, I see a close and competitive season with nearly all the teams having a shout in the proceedings. Looking at the assembled squads, there should be some great matches for the Sky cameras, and hopefully the prediction of results will be something of the past. They use to say happiness was 40-38, that was because most matches were close and evenly fought. Hopefully 2013 will go back to them good times and the supporters will start flooding back.. We can but hope.....
  8. In an ideal world it would be nice if each track could hold an additional prestigious meeting ever year. Unfortunately this is not an ideal world and hence, there's not enough meetings to distribute out amongst the teams So when a good track puts on a good meeting then its reward, would be to offer the club the same again. .........
  9. Having read all the comments, everyone has their own opinions why the sport is in the state it is today. It’s a shame but nothing will ever change. We go from one issue to the next and nothing is ever learnt from the problems we have. Just recently, we have had issues about rider assets and the problems it creates for some of the clubs. But instead of sorting it out in the long term, a short term answers are given hoping the problem will go away. If we had an independent body, with no bias towards certain clubs, solutions could be sort to overcome all the problems that exist. Long standing supporters have problems, understanding some of the rules and the decision made. If we have these problems, imagine what new supporters must think. Having followed this sport for nigh on 50 years, I’ve given up hope it will ever change. Just except it for the way it is run knowing one day there will be no more speedway to watch.. At least I will be fortunate to be able to reflect back to the wonderful sport we once had…
  10. A trully a wonderful occassion....... Never before, has it took so many, so long , to make a small step forward......... Well done......
  11. I'm aware of the many supporters that follow Lynn that come from areas far away from the track, but the point I was making about the Panthers is that when you have a big city like Peterborough there is a big home base to draw your supporters from. also aware that they have dia-hard supporters from afar. When you try to attract NEW support, then the people you are more likely to attract are those who don't need to travel far....
  12. Terry, Good point mate.. Yeah i agree it's good that the promoters make allowances for people who struggle. But that night I recall there were loads of cars parked up there. So even taken out some for ticket holders and concessions, i still feel there are some pulling a fast one........
  13. It's a strange one that. A place as big as Peterborough should get better support then they do. It's the same with the football, a team in the championship deserve far better attendances then the POSH get. I appreciate they is a big percentages of foriegner in this area, but the main reason must be the current economic climate where the moneys tight. Went to EESG to watch the match Vs Poole at the back end of last year, the attendance weren't that good, but what surprised me was the amount of free cars parked behind the main Grandstand. There were more there, then in the main car park. Are these counted in the attendances? All I know, that in this day and age the clubs needs all the support they can get.........
  14. Probably its because I’m classed as old, but some of the poster of here sure have a juvenile attitude and some, can only see as far as their nose. The most terrible thing to these posters is that Lynn made an illegal approach to sign NKI. But lets put this into perspective. Yes it was wrong, but it’s not new. It has happened before and will happen again. It doesn’t justify it, nor make it correct, but it hasn’t harmed the sport, it probably generated a bit of added interest. Now in this day and age, speedway appears to be dying a natural death, and no one seems to be bothered. We only have half the teams we use to have, the crowds now are non-existent, and most of the top riders can’t be asked to ride. We even have a Television contract to help promote this sport the but we can’t even get that right, and now we are sitting about waiting for that to end instead of being proactive and using the last opportunity to induce the much needed, new generation of support. This sport needs all the positives it can get. What we don’t want is the situation that has been created by teams that have too many assets, and a governing body, who appear too weak to sort it out. So hence, we have teams not allowed to speak with certain riders, we have top riders who are told where to and where not to ride, we have teams without enough riders to compete in the league. We have team promoters not prepared to talk to each other. I fact we have everything that turns away what little support we have left.. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot……. But, blame it all on Kings Lynn, after all, they made an illegal approach for NKI… Get real….
  15. Yeah ! whatever… The only ‘fiasco’ going on is being perpetrated by your promoters and magnified by supporters like you ….
  16. You’re like a broken record, Such a facetious poster that always jumps to the wrong conclusion, or is it just me…….. What I actually mean is: it’s a pity the BSPA haven’t the strength to govern the sport, in a way that was consistent to all teams. Then, If that meant Lynn having to purchase NKI then so be it. But lets do it right and have rules to govern the sport in a correct and proper way, and not allow fiascos like this to ruin it. So in future, don’t tell me ‘what I mean ‘ ..............
  17. I’m trying desperately hard to understand the logic and reasons behind Peterborough’s action this off-season, and for the life of me, I cannot see any good, of what has gone on. Sure, I know they have the assets that other clubs want, but the way our sport is being depicted is nothing short then scandalous. There are not many teams left, and the supporters are diminishing by the day, yet we have the Panthers promotions hell bent on creating as much trouble as possible and for what?…. What are they gaining through this?… All they have done is drag this sport further into the gutter then it already is, when at a time we want Inspiration; Excitement, Expectation. What a pity the BSPA haven’t the balls to control these issues when they occur. Probably then, we wouldn’t be looked at, as such a Mickey Mouse Sport that is forever shooting itself in the foot…. P……d off….. You bet !!!!!!!!!!
  18. Probably so, but surely, according to the said rules, Swindon should've had first option to buy.........
  19. When I read the rules on loaned out riders, I am of the impression, at the end of each loaned stint, the parent club has first option on that rider next year. If that parent club doesn't take up that option, then the Club the rider was loaned to has second option of that rider.... So where does the RULES say that Peterboro' can offer the said rider to another club (COVENTRY) before they have given the loan club the opportunity to have him back....... Is that not braking the rules ?????
  20. Personally, I believe the Panthers Owners and Promoters have already decided that 2013 will be their last year. After making the most noise last year, of the low attendances and the losing of vast sums, this will be the last chance to cash in on their assets. so, they want to get rid of all surplus riders. But the problem now, is that all the other promoters know the score and are not prepared to pay for something that they could get next year at a cut down price. Will be interesting to see how this turns out……………
  21. Having read the statement, I didn't see alot of negotiating going on there, it was more like, do as we say or else....... The BSPA rules have never been consistant, and probably, where assets are concerned, 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush'
  22. Why not negotiate the purchasel NOW, and pay the first part of that deal now (just like they would a loan fee) and the rest to follow, as part of that planned deal........ As the meerkat says..... 'SIMPLES' Why is everything made out to be so difficult... You seem to have all the answers; No doubt, you would always pay the said price, and not haggle it down. Negotiation is a two way thing doing a deal that suits both parties. And that quote about doing the Rory deal because he's younger, yeah, a full 18 months younger, You think that age difference is relevant ? Rory's a good purchase, but he's not in NKI class......
  23. Assumptions is only a small word but you seem to use it all the times. Not knowing the ins and outs of the Schlein deal, I find it hard to relate, that it shows a lack of respect to Peterboro’. You’re jumping to conclusions again. We all know that NKI wants to ride for Lynn, we all know that Lynn wants NKI to lead their team. We all know that Panthers want to sell him and not loan him out, so surely the most sensible option is to sit round a table a negotiate a deal. Sitting on your assets, not talking to them, not negotiating, is not the way to solve problems. But time moves on. Soon it will be March. Hopefully then the SCB will step in to solve any issues and common sense will at last prevail....
  24. At last, a Panthers supporter that speaks sense......
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