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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Nothing personal, merely picking up on the point you made about using the Lynn thread. No persecution was intended..........Sorry!!!
  2. Using the Lynn thread to post your opinions, is not a problem, but going on about the same old trifle gets beyond a joke. This issue has been going on for months, the same problems, voiced by the same people. We have page upon page of the same stuff and still no sensible conclusion. If you want to carry on in this way, Do everyone a favour and localise it to its own thread. Probably then this thread can return to what it was intended for............
  3. A European League is the last thing we need. Like everything else, it is a pipe dream based on personal benefits. This will not benefit British speedway. We want to concentrate on our own league and learn to WALK first, When we've done that, we can then try to RUN ...... On the face of it, we are the weakest nation of the 4 but the only one that puts any importance in this scheme..... What's that tell you?????
  4. It was refreshing just to be there watching the Masters at work. Besides the many riders, there were: Managers, Officials, Helpers, Mechanic, Families, Friends all wanting to partake in the get-together. The atmosphere was friendly but the competition was feist. Everyone was chatty and helping each other. Not only were all the top guy there but also the young, up and coming as well as the older ones. Could you ever imagine this happening with Team GB. I can remember back in the 70's, when we ruled the world, all Demark had was Ole Olsen. But he built Vojens, there first track, with his bare hands and started this legacy. If he had seen this today, he would've been a proud man.......
  5. Have been watching the Danes for the last three days. Please too report Neils looks on the pace, carrying on the form from last year. Its not until you witness the number of quality riders the Danes have, that you realise just how poor our own country is. We are miles behind.......... We're not even in the same league...... Where did it all go so wrong???
  6. I understand what you mean Sidney. The two forms of World championships are worlds apart. Totally different in all but one aspect, in that, the winner is the World Champion. I believe the formulation of the grand prix series allow riders to have the off night and still retain the chance of being the World champion. whereas in the past a bad night in the qualifier would have eliminated most riders. Holders performance in New Zealand last year would have eliminated from the competition and any World championship aspirations would have been over. So yes the current SGP series is more forgiving. harder? possibly, better? I don't know about that, but obviously appealing.. I have always felt it would be better if all the riders had to qualify instead of top 10, getting free entry plus wild cards, for next year....... Don't seem fair to me....
  7. I believe you are missing my point also. Of cause Mauger and Olsen's bikes were different from the rest, they were WORKS riders and enjoyed preferential treatment. But the majority of riders were riding similar machinery and the riding ability was more to the fore then. I've read the article from the old SS about the racing in the mid 60's and understand what they saying, but speedway was far more affordable then, be it as a rider or spectator. We use to have 50 meetings a year, all of them well attended with star names , now we're lucky to get a dozen, and some of them will have riders missing. I will agree the racing today is of a higher standard, but the status of the sport has all but disappeared.
  8. Those people with money to waste, ought to place their bets on Darcy. This is a two horse race with only Nicky, able to stop Noddy winning again. Sure there will be other riders who figure, but when the chips are down, when the pressure is paramount there will only be two riders.... Take your pick........
  9. I believe you are missing the point that I wanted to make, in the fact that racing now is so different from what it use to be. But you comment about the introduction of the 4-valve, I think you'll find that happened before Lee burst on the scene. The time that Mike was referring too, was , when The Street machine, Weslake, Jawa were all on the case, but the development was somewhat similar. Mike was fortunate in that his bikes were always fast, but that was down to the knowledge, expertise and experience initially given by his father.
  10. Its difficult to know exactly when the decline actually started but we have seen a gradual change over many years now. Speaking recently to Mike Lee we talk about the differences from the time he was racing to that of today, and he pointed out the many changes that had happened and the effects of the sport itself. I said people will always have a perception of what was best, but in reality now is completely different sport. Years ago the bikes were more equal to each other and a bigger advantage was created by the riding ability. Now speed is everything, and everyone is trying to attain more power from the bike. The shale on the tracks were different and the tyres also. Regulations have changed and tread cutting is now not allowed. The laydowns have lowered the centre of gravity and bikes can be ridden faster. Throttle control is something of the past. So in conclusion, when comparing different eras is not possible to get an accurate assessment of the actual racing abilities. The only comparison that is worth noting is that the sport of the early eras was more affordable and hence, we had far more people able to try their hand. So when people refer to the 'Good ole days', they are obviously referring to the affordability of the sport and the numbers that attended, not necessary the actual racing side.
  11. After what feels like an eternity, we should be getting some speedway action next week when the Danish speedway use the Norfolk Arena for three days of practice. This will be followed by the TT farewell meeting next Friday, providing the weather holds. Next weekend we intend to travel to Wolves for the Freddie testimonial so we should be getting the swing fairly early. Here hoping this season we can have some terrific speedway with many teams in contention. The sport desperately needs it......... Would love to see the Stars win the league, but more important then that , I want to see good close racing where the atmosphere is exciting and the fans flock back in ......
  12. I'm not arguing with you, and no these clubs should not be let off the hook. But the sport needs to be re-addressed. Most of the ideas and rules were implemented at a time when the speedway prospered and money was plentiful, now is a different story. For the sport to stand a chance of survival, changes need to be addressed now. We cannot carry on as thing were years ago. today , its different. They're not many teams left. We lose a few more and we're had it. Then it won't make much different if the rider is for sale or loaned out, there won't be enough teams to argue about it......
  13. That's well put, and I agree with everything you've said. My bigger concern, is if Swindon are that strapped for cash after a wonderful season last year , what does the future hold for the rest. We all know speedway costs too much, whether it be too ride, too promote, or just to watch, but the alarm bells are ringing louder each day. Its alright having a fairy godfather, with deep pockets like Frost, but the sport has to be viable . If Swindon cant pay their dues there's little hope left......
  14. It's not so much the ruling, that the BSPA have made, but about the future interpretation of this ruling. This is not about Peterborough and Swindon, It's about a rider who wants to ride for another club. This rider, has been told, that for him to leave his parent club then it HAS to be done by TRANSFER. We cannot have a situation where this rider is available only by a 'Purchase' to one club, yet he is able to be loaned out to another third party if he wished. It's either one or the other. It contraveens all previous guidlines, and sets new precedents for the future. All this decision will do is muddy, the already dirty waters, of the sport governing powers.
  15. The biggest single factor we have here, is that the regulations and rules governing the Loans, Transfers and 'Movement of Riders' is not set in stone. If they were, everybody, The Promoters, The Riders and The Supporters would know what was right and what is wrong. But until such time as the BSPA sees fit to do that, then these ridiculous, petty goings on will continue. I've come to conclusion that the BSPA runs things this way, so they have the opportunity to create problems even to the point of making bias decisions.. There would be no need for another meeting to rule on a decision if everyone would know the rules from the off......
  16. I can't believe you lot on here. On one thread your persecuting a genuine, decent man and the next thread your singing the praises of the most selfish and calculated man in Speedway. I for one, wouldn't believe anything Matt Ford said, and what ever he did say, was a calculated response. It most certainly didn't come from the heart. Whereas with Neil, we have a sincere genuine person would help anybody being persecuted for saying the wrong things when he was first asked for his view. If he had the opportunity to see the backlash first, then probably he would have said something different. So please don't compare these two as if Matt Ford is some kind of messiah ...... Give me Neil any day.....
  17. I feel sorry for Neil Middleditch, put in a no-win situation. As manager of a team he was always going to try and justify the antics of one of his riders. that what team managers do. No doubt he was asked off the cuff, for comments about Darcy and whatever he said, he would be wrong regardless, whatever context it was put in.. We've had pages of people criticising him and that he should be hung from the nearest gallows. but Middleditch is a decent man and don't deserve this persecution. I remember nobody did more then Neil Middleditch, in trying to help Mike Lee when in trouble all them years back. So whatever brush he is tarred with. to me Neil is a decent chap and is welcome round our house any time........... That's more then can be said for that juvenile Darcy Ward...... I suggest posters wake up, put yourself in his position for a moment. Sure he said the wrong thing but hey, we have all said the wrongs things at times in our lives....
  18. Saying Darcy needs help is one thing, but I think you'll find there loads of people willing to help him but you usually find these people don't want to be helped. There were loads of people wanting to help Mike Lee, but he turned his back on all of them , it was only much later he appreciated that... No, although Darcy is very talented rider, he'll never become a World Champion. His attitude is always wrong..... Probably, selling Darcy was the best work Buster has ever done......
  19. I feel that equates to most of the decisions, Theres a few more good ones, like the Leagues points . Although the 40-38 scoreline was wonderful, it didn't reward the clubs who tried hard when competing away.
  20. I read with interest the article in the Letters section of last week SS and can relate to all comments in the correspondence from a Mr Bert Harkins, about all the changes that has happened to out beloved sport. Yes, hind-sight is a wonderful thing, but one has to wonder when some of the decisions were made, if the people that were making them, were in fit and sound mind. Will be interesting to hear what other Posters feel, were good or bad decisions...... PS. I liked the bit about the Castrol R being sprayed onto the track giving that strong smell. That's what missing from today's meeting and probably why supporters stay away....
  21. Well, its a sure fire thing that our sport desperately needs Sky, far more then sky needs us. Without the financial input from Sky many clubs would have to rethink the cause, and question the very viability of it's existence. I for one have never missed a meeting because it was on the television. I usually recorded the program to watch at a later time. When we talk of the sport existence without Sky I feel it best described by saying 'Will the last man leaving switch the light off .... Please'
  22. We can all remember the good days and the big crowds, but speedway has changed do much. The biggest single factor is what its cost to be a speedway rider?. That costs dictates everything else. It dictate what the promoters have to pay the riders, its dictates the admission prices we have to pay. It also stops the production line of pulling in new talent. Going back to the time being quoted, we then had an abundance of British talent that appealed to all the supporters, now we have but a few riders capable of producing the same standard. It would be wrong the blame the poor attendances on the admission prices alone, it is a refection of where the sport has gone, and that's down to the way the sport has been governed over the years. In this current economic crisis, times are even harder, for the supporters as well as riders.... A total rethink is needed.... (Added later)..... Getting back to the title of the thread, It is imperative that when there is a good turnout, like last year, it is essential to get it right. The debacle that happened would only destroy the interest of the supporters that did go.
  23. I don't think we have to look very far as to who is to blame for Sky lack of interest. Here we have the BIGGEST leg up the sport has ever known, the best advertising for our sport ever, and we as a body continued to put crap matches on show, when we should have taken full control of meetings, track preparation, equal competing sides. we could have done so much better...... We want to see close matches, we want to see derby matches, we want to see racing on well prepared tracks. You don't have to be a magician to know which matches are going to be feisty or not. Then not only would Sky wanted to continue, but also we could have more supporters wanting to come and watch for real. Instead of which, we carry on regardless.
  24. No, Matt Ford didn't want a squad system, for the benefit the sport in general, he just wanted to use his top two riders as his joint No 1. The squad system could be very beneficial as long as it was done correctly and was fair to all clubs.
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