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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Having appreciated your two previous posts, explaining the track situation, But you now lose all that credibility by the comments made in the post above. You come across as a BSI spokesperson rather then the editor of the SS. You say ask Emil for his comment on the track, but lets ask everyone else for their opinion. and the cencus will tell you it was rubbish. Their were a lot of plus factors, the Occasion, the atmoshpere, the quality of the crowd, But don't lets kid ourselves, the track was dire, elliminating any chance of good racing. The BSI messed up big time, and you trying to put some justification to it, belittles any contribution you may give.........
  2. I heard from a reliable source, that the rider we are getting is ...... Wait for it.......is .. Daniel Nermark. After all this speculation and high hopes, all we are getting is him back from last year.... Who said it was a good idea to get rid of Klindt....... The chances of making the play-offs is disappearing fast.......
  3. With Mads taking another fall tonight, Probably, we'll have to go to Panthers and ask "Can we have Klindt back Please!!!!!"....
  4. And I was hoping today we would know the answers. Probably not...... Time seemed to have run out now. Danish Champs today, Full polish program at the weekend, then Poole on Monday.. Any plans that were in place should be know now........
  5. I, like you, believe Mike was the best rider I ever saw. Some of his exploits on a bike were beyond belief. We have been lucky in that we have had some really top liners, ride for the Lynn Stars, But it was Lee's desire to win every race that sets him apart from the rest, and of cause it was always brilliant to watch.
  6. I think you'll find it was all sorted way before then. Signing Lee on his 16th birthday was the official date but talking with Alan Littlechild the deal was in place years before. People will have mixed opinion of Michael, but the one thing he did better than any other rider was his ability to put bums on seats. Cyril Crane and Alan Littlechild will both tell you, Mike Lee was the best draw in speedway and would put 1000 people on the gate.
  7. The bells are tolling aloud, Its amazing how the gossip gathers pace when there's speculation in the air. As recently as this week, when he was asked about him riding for Kings Lynn, Mikkel Bech didn't deny it .... The plot thickens........
  8. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you have to ride for a club 10 times to be deemed an asset, I thought Mikkel B only rode a handful of meetings for Swindon, so probably he could still be a free agent.. .... No doubt other posters will put me right, if I'm wrong..........
  9. I was another, who questioned his inclusion into the SGP and feel he was only included because of his nationality rather his ability. I believe there were many other riders who were better then Woffy. But give the man his due. he has taken the opportunity and really performed up there with the best. I always thought he was a decent rider but not world class. Its amazing how much he has improved in a year. Keep it up son. Its wonderful to have a British rider on the top step, and for the world to listen to the National Anthem.
  10. I'd heard that as well... Probably a wish rather then reality......
  11. Probably alone in my views, but , in life, when something is given it is appreciated far less then had it been earn't. The fact that it was Bomber Harris, who was been given a Cardiff slot is irrelevant . The fact that any rider that was chosen, will have little bearing on the Cardiff SGP, all it has done is devalued the British Championship even more then it already is. When compared with other countries, our national standard is a joke. The meeting on Monday was contested by the few top riders we have, the rest was made up by riders from the lower league. For the British Champs to have some substance and purpose, it needed that qualification to matter............ sadly it was taken away......
  12. I'm of the impression that David Howe is only a pawn in the big picture and his services will be terminated once this 'new rider' becomes available . Probably Howe is aware of this and quite frankly is so pissed off with the situation , he couldn't give a damn.......... and could you blame him? Who said winning was everything........
  13. I too was gutted when Howe replaced Klindt, and I understand the logic behind the move. But it doesn't make it right messing riders about. Only time will tell it the positives outweigh all the negatives. I know fans want to support a winning side, but they also want some continuity of the team....As far as I'm concerned the jury is out at the moment..... What would be a better insentitive for Klindt, then to perform for our biggest rivals . This could come back to bite us........
  14. I feel no list of the past great riders would be complete without the inclusion of TERRY BETTS. He was a wonderful captain and a brilliant ambassador of our sport. Had time for everyone and gave 110% each time he rode. He was never a World Champion, but he never let you down. He would ride round in that comfortable style he had and would always be relied to get double figures. A truly wonderful Team man. Probably, if it was possible to actually look at his heart, you would see it is the shape of the Kings Lynn 's STAR...
  15. it gets better by the minute........ D/ U....What a joke.!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. No, neither do I. I liked the fact that Lynn stuck with their team through thick and thin, so what if we didn't win the league, At least we did it right way . I always thought that team spirit was paramount. Plenty of money has been spent trying to generate this, now it's being undermined and destroyed by the hiring and firing of team members. Just because the riders aren't performing every match , is not a reason to kick them out, we should stick by them and persevere. I thought this year was going to be special , but apparently not. In my mind, the morality issue is far more important then winning a league, that only few people even bother to compete in.
  17. Have seen the pict, and the comments. Just hope its not as hard as it's looks. As Bags has said we've had a decent start shame the injuries could ruin the run.. Fingers crossed.
  18. A big statement of intent from the KL Stars that should pay dividends immediately with the match against Lakeside. The move should also help in covering Stead while he out. But I can't help in feeling sorry for Kozza, who would die for the cause. Watching him each week, you can see the desire and drive is there for all to see. Hope this is not the end of him.
  19. I think it's too early to talk or suggest about any changes to the team just yet. We've only played 3 matches all very different situations. The first one away to Peterborough was real close, until the last few heats when we pulled away to win comfortable. Apart from Niels, all the riders had good rides and some not so good. but its early and mistakes will happen. The sense of team spirit was very evident and was pleasant to see. The second match was a complete contrast, whereas this time, Niels was troubled all night, but the team pulled through by other members, scoring the points. Last night, against a strong Poole side, was always going to be difficult. Although fortunes favoured us, we didn't get the win we would have liked. Again Niels led from the front, but unfortunately this time, some of the others didn't perform as we know they can. To come away with a point is positive. We are not good enough to win every match, so yeah we will be disappointed at times. But I feel confident we will improve with time. Everyone of our team can increase his average, so lets persevere and go forward. By the end of the season we should be in the top four, and when we have to go to Poole again we know we can perform better then we did last night.
  20. Well said that man. I am in no doubt Kozza will improve and be a valued member of the squad. Kozza wasn't the reason we lost last night. There were other members who should have done much better then they did. I thought, in the end, the belief they showed, disappeared,
  21. Greatly impressed with the new design of SS. Am I right in thinking that every SGP will be published like this.... Hope so!!
  22. With everything considered, I thought it was a thoroughly enjoyable meeting. The track had it's faults, the start positions were well bias, but I thought for the first round of the SGP, it was well worth watching.. The commentary was class, making the meeting even more exciting then it was perceived. Brilliant, Can't wait for next round.
  23. Firstly, I would like to apologise, for having the audacity of voicing an opinion that differs to yours. I wasn’t aware that you have this sole given right to Judge, Mimic and chastise other opinions. You also have been given the ability of inventing comments, which others were supposed to have said, purposely for your own gratification. What a unique specimen you are. Fortunately, I was brought up different to that. I was taught to give everyone respect. To treat everyone the same. Treat them with dignity that you would want to be treated yourself. You obviously have different beliefs then I do. So I will answer your accusations, but after that, I will reframe from any converse with you or Oldace. I come on the forum for enjoyment, for discussions, for information, not to be insulted by couple of nobodies. Firstly going back to the post No130. In my opinion I thought Simmo was a better rider then Scotty Nicholls, this is no adverse comment on Scotty, I actually rate him. But I thought Simmo was better. Now, if in your warp mind, that is wrong, then tough. Just because your opinion differs it doesn’t make it right or wrong. OK! Reading your posts you go on and on about averages as if they are the most important thing ever. They are purely a chart, which is manufestered to identify the difference, between riders in a given period of time, (i.e: 1season). But in your world, it is the only identity of class. But like I said, there are other ways to witness the quality of rider. Last year we had MJJ and Magic Janowski, both riding on a 6 point average, and your telling me they’re not world class riders, Dream ON !! You persistently rubbish the 13-heat format, this format was about for 40 odd years. It was recognised the world over. It worked, and the speedway supporters felt at home with all its rules and regulations. You have this perception, that just because the top riders today (No.1 rider) has to meet his opposite number, probably 3 times, then it is more difficult then what it use to be. But you are missing the point here. Whereas, once all the heat leaders were quality riders and any heats was deemed to be difficult, Now, because the quality has diminished, we have to have nominated heats solely to get the few top riders left, racing each other, more often. So yes, it is because of this the averages of the top rides will drop somewhat. But if it is seen harder for the top riders, by the same standard it is therefore easier for the lower riders to achieve a higher average, as the top riders are busy racing each other. So in your view you must be getting a false impression of the lower riders, thinking they are better then they actually are. Yeah! …. I’ve never said it was easier, I said it was different. Now we go to Post 172. Here we have a classic, never before have these clubs been mentions, but now you bring them in to the discussion making out things I had said. If you actually believe, that had we used the 15 ht format years these clubs wouldn’t have close, your more dumb then I credited you for. These clubs closed for financial implications, probably they took the easy option, probably they made a quick buck, and probably the supporter didn’t want to go. Whatever the reason it cannot be blamed on the 13 heat format.. The last paragraph sez it all. They say sarcasium is the lowest for of wit. I think that sums you up perfectly. The only scandal on here is the fact you are allow to give the amount abuse you do. Good Bye.........
  24. Like I said, I don't wish to be synical, and i hope i haven't affended anyone. but i feel you are trying to push your views across to others using bias examples and calling them facts. Opinions will always differ, that what democracy is all about. But some people need to have more strength in their own convictions rather then be led by others....
  25. He was the man who set the bench mark. Totally professional in everything he did. A lot of today's riders need to learn from this great man. 30 yrs. gone and still the greatest ever. Hopefully you'll have a happy retirement and enjoy the rest of your life. Thanks for the memories....
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