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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. You obviously rate him far higher than I do. He's no mug, but racing in the SGP is far harder than the Elite League. No doubt, he will soon realise there are no easy races, like he enjoyed last year when racing at reserve for Birmingham. He will do exceptionally well to finish his first season in the top 12.. I wish him well.
  2. I have this feeling of apprehension about tonight. According to rumours floating about the Stars team for 2014 the team has already been decided and just need to be named and made official. Strange, as it may seem, all the rumours seem to fit with the availability of riders and points restrictions. But, Plans and ideas in this world are not usually this straight forward and opinions can vary tremendously. It is for that reason I think there could be a curved ball thrown into the mix tonight. Thinking that, I'm now racking the grey matter to come up with alternative names that might come out tonight. A few spring to mind, but I can't see any that would better the squad than the one the rumours have picked.
  3. Thanks for the official line, but it doesn't alter the fact that in view of all that happened, Bomber has been very fortunate that the situation has panned out the way it has.
  4. Nicky P once said to me, "If I were to ride in the British League again, I would want it to be at Kings Lynn."
  5. Having voiced many times before, my disapproval of the SGP qualification system, but, apparently, it is an widely accepted practise now. The first 8 finishes in last years series are guaranteed entry, Plus 3 riders from the qualification series run last year, Plus 4 Wild-Card entries, all of which are of the discretion of the organisers, and lastly a home-picked rider to make the numbers up at each meetings. So there are 3 different ways to attain entry into the SGP. and they are not connected. Just because Harris is the next rider on the list from the Qualifier rounds, it doesn't necessarily mean he gets the nod. when a place become available from the other two forms of entry. As long as 3 riders from the qualifiers have made it through to the SGP, then the next rider on the list is irrelevant. The WC entries are there so the organisers have the final say in who gets selected. I have no complaint against Bomber and if he's in the SGP in 2014, I wish him all the best and hope he does well. All I said in my original post is that there are more deserving riders then Bomber Harris.
  6. If, as you say, Harris is IN the SGP's, then he has been selected as a wild card in place of Gollob and not there as a qualifier. I would have thought, there were better people, more suited to replace Gollob then Harris, riders like MJJ and Magic, both stars of the future. I feel Harris has had enough chances and the opportunity should be given to younger talented riders.
  7. You'll never be able to afford to purchase a racetrack while you're reputedly paying the likes of Hancock £5K a meeting to ride..
  8. I see Mads has joined the Leicester Lions from his twitter page. Good to see he's not going miss the British racing. https://twitter.com/madskliski#
  9. Probably one of the best riders to watch. If every rider, rode in the same style as Kildemand, the terraces would be packed.
  10. I've seen many races when the SGP rider is chasing the lesser rider, starting from the same gate. The top name rider should always win, but as we have seen in many circumstances it don't always happen. It is those races that people want to see. When a lesser rider wins them races it does them the world of good and their confidence goes sky-high....
  11. Lakeside's reserves can now learn and improve from riding with one of the sports best riders. Not only a top rider but also the perfect gentleman.
  12. I think you're wrong to pillar Mads just because he said he'd like to ride for Lynn. I've seen a lot of riders in my time and some aren't worth the effort. At least where Mads is concerned, you know what you'll get. Always give 100% and is someone who is totally committed. Just because his average was too high for Lynn, doesn't make him a bad choice somewhere else.
  13. I appreciate all you say and can understand your feelings. That is the problem why most of the lost supporters stay away. I just turn a blind eye to all that now, and just go for my own personal pleasure. Seeing four riders racing side by side, going flat out still give me a buzz, even after all these years...........
  14. Shame that ! as a speedway supporter I like to watch the sport from any place I can get to. Just because I live near to Lynn and support them it wouldn't stop me going other places to see some racing. Thinking about it, I actually went to the showground 7 times last year, and only 2 of which, were Lynn were riding.
  15. I've heard a rumour that the team will start with Iversen, K Bjerre, Schlein, Porsing, Kozza , Kerr and Rose leaving the door open for Lambert when he becomes available. We'll all know come Thursday.
  16. We hear all these permutations of the Lynn side, but to me the most important acquisition has to be NKI. Increasing the number of matches could be a big problem to someone Niels, and this might be a bridge too far for him to compete in our league. We are all assuming he will return as before, and have heard nothing to the contrary. But they're many top riders who have voiced they wont ride over here. But without Niels, the strength of the side will be dramatically reduced. Yes, adding K, Bjerre to the team is positive step, but this has to be as well as Niels and not in place of him .
  17. Unfortunately that has been evident every year, with every decision they've ever had to make.
  18. Mads has just announced on Twitter he won't be riding for the stars in 2014. Sez: He's really enjoyed his 3 yrs. here. https://twitter.com/madskliski We enjoyed watching you Mads. You always gave 100%. Good luck Mate......
  19. The ideas of bringing young British riders into the equation has sure done a good job in equalising the teams out. Looking at the teams already announced, they all appear to be consistent in that they all seem competitive, with strong heat leaders and new reserves. This can only be good for the sport. If we can ensure all meetings are close and exciting, I'm sure the terraces will fill up. The last thing we want is predictable outcomes.
  20. I am in no doubt, even at this early stage , that Lamberts immediate future has already been decided. And Matt Ford, with the biggest pot of gold, his twisted political antics or his rule bending, had no relevance on that decision at all.
  21. I'd go further then that and say they should be locked in for the whole season, barring injury.
  22. What's the betting that Matt Ford will have reserve riders, riding for Poole this year, that was not on the original DRAFT list ??? Odds ON......
  23. Don't believe everything you read on Twitter. It was probably posted as a smoke screen. No doubt we'll all know, come next Thursday
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