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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. This doesn't surprise me, Chris Morton has always been a top bloke, on and off the bike....
  2. Why is it, that when there is talk of a conspiracy, or an controversy, that some fans don't agree with, Poole and Matt Ford are always involved Strange that...... .
  3. Why does someone always have to lose out? The problem we have, is the promoters have made a ruling, governed to putting on a cheaper show and believe in cutting the cost as of paramount importance. They have not thought of the implications these new ideas will have. I, am like you, in thinking, the support will decrease and this new effort will have all been for nothing. Surely, a better idea, would have been to address the problem of falling gates, and the quality of the show on offer............... Some of the tracks I've visited, have been a disgrace. these are just some of the issues that need sorting. Riders like Birks should be racing regularly, not pushed out by some stupid draft ruling.
  4. I think 2014 will be a East Anglian wipe-out Whitewash , With the Stars winning the Elite League, Panthers winning the Premier, and the Young Stars the National League. We can all dream......... .. Happy Christmas to one and all
  5. I hear Tuesday nights have been pencilled in as race night, as long as its not Wednesday suites me. Wife won't be too pleased though.........
  6. That's what was meant. Couldn't imagine Woffy riding for anybody else, so I assumed no Wolves deal, No Woffy.
  7. Yesterday was a real good day for speedway. It was announced that a deal had been finalised enabling Peterborough to continue operating, though, in the Premier league, and that Woffy agreed to ride for Wolves. Two important decisions in the survival of our sport....
  8. Having read this thread, there are quite a few posters on here, that have strong and positives views some, no doubt are representatives of the BSPA. Unfortunately, I cannot share their enthusiasm and feel only negatives will come from the changes that have been made. The biggest problem with our sport is the lack of ‘BUMS on SEATS’. This can be proportioned to many reasons:- Admission has become too expensive, Representing little value for money, Bad Stadiums, Badly prepared race-tracks that creates no close racing hence little excitement , No atmosphere., No equality between the teams, continued underhanded stunts pulled by some promotions purely for their own means at the expense of the sport, the list goes on and on, all of which have a bearing on the lack of support. Fast tracking British youngsters to the top league will not repair any of those problems. I understand the financial issues the promoters face when putting on meetings and any chance of making it more affordable has to be considered. But fast tracking these Draft riders is not an answer and all it will do is create more loopholes for the same Promoters to exploit. I believe any rules that promotes British riders is a positive move, but it need to be done in a structured and progressive way. To take riders from the lower league and throw them straight into the Elite league is asking for problems. Talk about out of their depth. Whereas if they were to use the Premier as the stepping stone the transition would have been easier. Taking on the thoughts of introducing new talent, this should have been done in a structured and progressive way. Like: A) At the start of each season, each PL club should each have one new British rider at No 7, who had rode in NL but didn’t have PL Av, and would start on an assessed score of 3. Plus one other Brit rider in the 1 to 6, all governed by the points restriction. B)At the start of each season, Each EL club should each have one new British rider at No 7, who had rode in PL but didn’t have EL Av, and would start on an assessed score of 3. Plus one other Brit rider in the 1 to 6, all governed by the points restriction. This way, would have done away with the need of a draft system, as each club could source their own riders, and also eliminate the need of altering the heat format in the leagues. Once we start altering the heat formulas to protect the out of depth riders, then the existing CMA becomes useless. Probably, this won’t become evident to some, until the season starts. But when looking at the proposals, it is said the heat leaders will be racing each more often, as will the 2nd strings and reserves.. In this situation, the heat leaders will find it more difficult to score points and therefore the CMA will drop. A good 2nd string could benefit big time and his CMA could soar. Now it gets really interesting. The promoter can, either, drop the high scoring 2nd String and replace him with a proven star SGP rider within his average, or even change the riding order enabling a star rider to be the 2nd String. Either way, it will defeat the object of protecting the out of depth rider, that the new heat format was brought in to do. I wish I could be more positive about this idea, but all I see is problems and loopholes that will in evidently be exploited. We go back to the start of this post about the Bums on Seats, and I cannot see this idea, answering any of those problems. Thanks for your time…..
  9. 'Magic' Janowski is a wonderful acquisition to anyone. I can understand peoples doubts though, But once his attitude matches that of his ability he will be world class. Probably one of the best YOUNG riders in the world today. Some of his exploits at Lynn were the best seen for many a year.
  10. I could have use similar adjectives when reading your original post (no.1005), Cos quite frankly, I've never reading such opinionated rubbish. If the remaining spectators followed your beliefs and desires only to watch top riders then then the sport is as good as dead. You go on about your promoter as if he's God, but I'm just pleased that other promoters, have more integrity, then to pull some the stunts, that Matt Ford is famous for. You can ridicule us for watching Kings Lynn all you like. but we support our team through the good times and the bad. Buster doesn't have to bend the rule book to keep us happy.
  11. Moving on from what you say, It will be interesting to see what effect these projected heats will have on the CMA. Obviously, because the 2nd strings will have a much easier rides then the Heat leader, Hence, their scoring potential will be reflected in their scores. Once this happens, it will be then be impossible to make comparisons between them and the heat leaders. No doubt, some clubs will might see this as an opportunity to manipulate changing riders.. Once you start bringing in different heat formats the CMA goes out the window..
  12. I read your comments, but honestly I don't agree with what you say. I get the impression as long as you're watching Greg, Darcy and Noddy your happy. whereas the name and class of rider to me is unimportant. what I want to see is excitement, competition, and everybody playing from the same hymn sheet. I have gone to many meetings and the one sided matches are a waste of time and do nothing to enthral new supporters. Having watched the Young Stars last year, I saw some really exciting and close racing. I think the main difference between you and I, is that I don't mind if we lose, Hence the old saying happiness is 40-38 or even 38- 40. either way it would have been a close encounter that was obviously exciting. Without excitement the sport it's pointless.
  13. Can't imagined he increased the gate numbers at Belle Vue
  14. I have difficulty finding someone in that team with any leadership qualities, They all look quite similar strength. Listening to Buster on the proposed league format, he envisaged that the riders will be riding against the opposite number in the other team: i.e., Heatleaders Vs Heatleader, Second string Vs Second etc. So prethinking that scenario, the above team would benefit with their second strings but would lose out with their Heat leaders. Like swings and roundabouts.. Should be interesting....
  15. Was obviously referring to him riding for Lynn Young Stars
  16. Mike Lee was only going round an empty track to record those fast times, on an exceptionally quick machines, Lambert was racing 3 others riders when he was attaining a very creditable time of 59 sec in the Stoke meeting.. There wasn't a bigger Mike Lee fan than I, and have witness most of his achievements . But at this similar age of turning 16 I don't think there is much to choose between him and Lambert. In Mike's first year of competitive speedway, he rode in 88 matches, riding for both Boston as well as Lynn. including 16 individual meetings. At Boston his CMA was 9.92 and Lynn it was 7,64. He surprised and impressed many people in that first year and I don't see any reason why Lambert won't do the same. I wonder who will be the first top rider to be embarrassed by being beaten by a 16 yr old????
  17. I wasn't trying to be funny or sarky, merely referring to Michael.s immense skills on a speedway bike.
  18. Yes, wonderful memories, I was in the pits at Saddlebow Road talking with Andy Lee, the night when Ivan Mauger and Barry Briggs made a special journey just to witness Michael riding in the interval. At that age of 15yrs 6mths, Michael went round the track faster that night then anybody. and subsequently the 2 world champions acclaimed he was the best they'd ever seen. Lambert, at similar age, is on par with Michael Lee. Whether he continues along an equal path only time will tell... He's that good......
  19. Pass.. But I'm sure Buster will have that covered... He actually said last night that some of our home matches will be on Thursday instead.
  20. Having followed the Stars for more years than I care to remember, I’m still surprised at my enthusiasm when a new team is announced. Over the years we have assembled some truly magical teams, but for some reason or other, the league title has always avoided us. Even when we looked odds –on favourites, lady luck came and played its part. The squad announced last night has to be up there with the best of teams available and should put us into contention for that illusive win. Reading some posts on this thread there are many who are doubting the possibility, but make no mistake, this team has it all to be successful. Niels: One of the top riders in the world, can beat anyone on any day, anywhere. Truly magnificent. Rory: A seasoned heat leader, capable of easily putting a point on last season’s average. Kenneth: Another top riders in the SGP, after a bad injury, now returning to his top form. Awesome. Porsing: Another Danish sensation. We saw enough last year to know his 3 pt average is a joke. Most Elite league teams wanted to sign him. Feel pleased and privileged he choose Lynn. Lambert: Probably as good as any 15 yr old I’ve ever seen. Only been riding a few months, but the class just oozes from him. The only people who have any doubt of his talent, are those who have not seen him ride. Watching him score 21pts max last year was amazing. Either from the front or from behind, he made seasoned riders look silly. Some say he will struggle, I say he’ll achieve 5 to 6 pts CMA with ease. Kerr: Another young rider that improves all the time. Already the top classed draft rider, he will only get better riding against the protected opposition. Again, riding for Newcastle will help him become even better rider. Rose: Former Moto-X rider, has only ever ridden in 30 speedway meetings, and has already acquired a draft status. What an achievement that was. Having natural ability on a bike, he will only improve. Make no mistake, this team oozes class and will be more than capable of winning any match. Whether we can go on and win that illusive title in 2014 is irrelevant. But it should create a fantastic season and be fun watching the exploits of those young stars. Hopefully it will create a lot of interest, both locally and nationally, and that can only be good for the sport.
  21. I was off the impression he was part and parcel of the Panthers package that Frost wants to sell.
  22. I'm of the impression Lambert is too good to go on the Draft list. and will achieve far greater success riding against the best riders not against reserve riders. There's no way Buster would let Lambert slip through his fingers when in a couple of years he be worth a fortune. Agree with what you say about Mads and think we have to accept we will get better than what we had last year. Hence KB
  23. Unfortunately, because to this new idea of including British Reserves in the top league, there has to be many riders from last year that can't be accommodated. How this will evolve in the future I don't know. But there is going to be a lot of good riders without a place this year. Covatti could be one of them. This is one of reasons I feel including 2 Brit reserves was a little over the top, Probably we could have gone for 1 to start with, and increased it at a later date. .
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