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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Just read the article on the SGP website about the polish side coming to Norfolk Arena including all their top riders. Sound real good appetiser. http://www.speedwaygp.com/news/article/3137/falubaz-at-kings-lynn
  2. I was at that meeting, it was spoken about, but I was under the impression that it COULD be the case, no way was it CONFIRMED
  3. I don't assume anything. It is you that suggest things I did not say. My words were: It appears that SOME are willing to bury their heads in the sand, hoping when they open the eyes, everything will be OK. that is the impression I get from what you said about waiting for the format to be announced. I wish you would read the post the way it was intended, and not put in things that were nor there.
  4. There are so many questions that need to be answered, and I'm sorry if my persistence, annoys some people. The riding order is just one of those questions, replacements to long term injured riders is another, R/R is another one, along with averages. Will heat leaders swap places with 2nd strings when their averages drop?, Who replaces certain riders when the meeting has started?, Will reserves always be kept away from top men? The list is endless. It's not about just one thing. when you bring in these protected races, it alter the whole concept of the sport. Time is moving on. before long it will be March and the season will be about to start, and, as of yet, we know nothing. Stressed, no way, concerned, you bet.....
  5. Regardless of the name of the thread, the issue of the format and the other concerns have to be looked at as one. The whole unrest has been created by the introduction of the draft riders and protected heats. And that is not something, which can be sorted separately. One problem creates the other. When it was announced in November last, that teams would use Draft riders with protected heats, the educated fans could see all the problems this would create, but we all hoped the time would be well spent sorting out all the issues. It is so obvious you think us posters are concerned only of the riding order, but I for one, don’t give a damn what the order is. I’m more concerned of the excitement, the atmosphere, the fairness, the equality, and the integrity. That is what I want the announcement to promote. Your reasons for the delay are mind blowing. You must assume that all speedway supporters are that dumb, and all they are good for is to moan. To think we would accept everything throw at us is for three months is unbelievable. No wonder the sport is in decent if they are treated as you suggest. I can assure you, if I didn’t like what was put in front of me, I wouldn’t MOAN, I would just say GOODBYE and clear off. And that is what most people have done and will do. You probably don’t think you’re treated with contempt, but to me, it’s enough to convert me into an armchair supporter watching only SGP’s.
  6. When you take the Car Parking into the equation, the costs are very similar, but the product are worlds apart.
  7. No comments on here tickle me as much as your have. You say you have come round to the new format idea, yet , as of this moment, we don't know what that idea is or how it will effect the meeting.
  8. Appreciate your efforts and a big thanks for trying to get some response from the horses mouth.. The facts are indeed worrying, that after 3 months or more, we are still waiting the finalised details. It wouldn't surprise me, if at the last moment, this protected race formula is dropped and we revert back to the old tried and tested format, leaving the reserves to compete as others have done before...... At least that would enable the present CMA to carry on......
  9. Amazed at that comment, NO PROBLEMS??? with that attitude towards the fans, its no wonder they don't bother to come back. Everybody knows the first rule of any business is to keep your customers happy, the second rule would be to attract for new customers. As with any new ideas, this new heat format, the BSPA wants the support of all the existing fans, period. Failing that, will only speed up the inevitable demise .
  10. Actually, am very calm and calculated. Was speaking from the heart as well as the brain. Most of it is common sense.......... Just feel it could be so much better with a little thought put in to it.
  11. This is the bit I don't understand. The supporters are treated with such contempt. It is as though we are mushrooms. ( Kept in the dark and fed on s.ite) We don't expect to be ask or consulted about a new format, that will always be decided by the BSPA. But surely, it's not asking too much, to be kept in the picture, with the whole situation, and told of all the problems, if any, and the expected date of the announcement. I would have thought us, supporters are very important to the survival of Speedway. But apparent not. The way we are treated, we are seen as the enemy, and any changes made are done in spite of us and not for our benefit. The sooner the Promoters and Supporters work as one, the better the chance of making Speedway profitable.....
  12. Thanks, you gave me the best laugh I've had in ages. Most people talk with their mouth.
  13. It's a pity, more promoters, didn't put more importance in stadiums and training like Buster. It has been proved over the years that rider assets, create more problems than their worth. Rider assets are of no benefit to speedway what's so ever.
  14. Make no mistake, Lambert, although only a youngster, is more than capable of beating anyone round Lynn. Will no doubt struggle with some away tracks and some of the competiveness, but once out in front, he will take some catching......... Porsing, is also a star in the making. Like many young Danes, he is a tremendous talent. He too, will do his share of beating top riders. I fully agree with your last sentence though. Spot-On. !!!!!
  15. When it was announced, back in Nov 2013, that these new draft reserves were to have protected races, reservations were posted of all the issues that you have mentioned above. Am I right in thinking, that 3 months down the line, We are still no nearer the solution.????? Once the heat format gets altered to protect these riders, the existing CMA becomes, only a guide of riders ability dated to Oct 2014. Any comparisons made between the two, after that, is purely fictitious. I wouldn't worry too much about next year, The BPSA usually bring in new rules each year, that will in evidently throw a spanner in the works of everything that had happened before, deeming it useless.
  16. Yeah, it would be wonderful, to be able to go and watch that every week. but life's not like that. You have highlighted a scenario that is probably one of the good things you can find in Poland. To achieve this , They have massive corporate sponsorship in place to finance all these riders. The point limit is of little importance. But looking at it from the another prospective, I bet there are a lot more Polish people working in our country, than British people working over there. So what does that tell you. Me! , I would much rather live in this country, where life is far more enjoyable, and make do with lesser standard of speedway, then live in Poland.
  17. That obviously depends on the cost. I wouldn't have thought you want to sell him, bearing mind the regular loan fee you receive each year.
  18. Come now, Nobody forces you to partake in any debate, you do so at your own accord. How you can rubbish this important issue is beyond me. Considering some of the rubbish thread on here, that you and others, are more than happy to partake, this issue is paramount to our sport. What a pity, the 3 options wasn't deemed important enough to post them on one of the media networks, so the supporters could air their concerns as well.........
  19. I believe he has found an adopted home here and had a wonderful connection with the fans who appreciated his efforts. Although not riding for the Stars this year, This was purely the result of the restriction of the points limit and not because he wasn't wanted. He has already expressed a wish to return ASAP.
  20. Exactly TNT, you have just proved it's not as easily as first imagined. Their are flaws with both ideas. Example 1: Heat 4 has a heat leaders against a reserves, and Example 2: has repetitive races. I have always imagine this protective races was an after-thought that was added on to the idea when trying to implement the draft riders. I have seen many alternatives but they all have individual issues. I appreciate the difficulties in arranging the perfect format and wait the announcement with anticipation. I use to give you more credit than that. but following that statement, I not so sure... It's far more important than just 'bleedin racecard...' it dictates the whole meeting. It's the whole sport of speedway. If the races are going to be repetitive with riders racing against the same people all time then I for one will not be going week in week out. and I won't be the only one. This is a big Issue that has to be sorted..
  21. Totally disagree with your thinking. There is no rhyme or reason to delay the announcement of the format, other then the fact is has not been finalised yet. That in itself is worrying. But don't let that concern you, after all the season hasn't started yet. When it was decided to include 2 draft reserve riders in the teams this year and it was said at that time, they would race in protected heats . That statement initiates many rule changes. it alters programmes rides, it alters CMA, in fact, it changes everything from what the league use to be. But as you say why worry, Job sorted. This sport of ours has a very precarious perception, The public need all the encouragement they can get to maintain any interest they may have. Here we are, 6 weeks before the season starts and we still don't know the format to be used. That's not encouraging anybody, supporters or sponsors. This appears to be a massive problem organising these changes. I have no doubts when this new format is announced, there will be teething problems. so probably it would be best to make the announcement sooner rather than later. This would enable time for these problems to get aired and rectified.... After which, you can then say; JOB SORTED.
  22. Well said that man. Agree with every thing you say.....
  23. Unfortunately, there are a few who think like that. but when you've contested in all leagues like Lynn have done, I find the enjoyment factor is very similar.
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