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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. I can remember when JAWA ruled the roost, and were the undeniable leaders of speedway bikes and equipment. From various articles on the net, and comments from others, apparently they are now struggling to compete with the new demands of the sport. Taking on board what Phil said, was for the FIM, to approach Jawa, about re-tooling their factory and manufacture a new Standard upright styled bike that was governed to standard equipment. Hence lowering the cost of the sport, that would also encourage new young riders, that are lost to the sport because the costs are way too high to venture into......... Like he also said, making today's bike so fast, the cost of lowering the track times is costing arm and leg, but the excitement is no different than it always was......just a fraction slower....
  2. On the face of It, I would've thought we would be too strong for Swindon at home. But following a good result at Brandon, their confidence has to be high. Depending how they do away to Wolves tomorrow night, they could arrive on a massive high. Their top three are a joy to watch and can adapt to most tracks. They have suffered badly with FTR's, but in Worrall they have someone who scores points by the bucket-load. Where I think we will benefit most is with our 2nd strings. The one aspect that worries me of late has been our gating. Reading the reports from Coventry, Swindon's gating was top notch, so we will need to up this part of our game. All teams come to the Norfolk Arena knowing they have a chance to race on a fair track. I just hope this is not our undoing....... I'll go with Lynn to pull away late on, to win by 10.......
  3. It was good to read some constructive ideas from riders of the past. It has been so obvious for a long time something has to be done to save this sport of ours from disappearing altogether. Phil first posted his thoughts on Facebook, but now they are again published in this weeks SS. He speaks a lot of sense. No doubt there are posters out there that will contradict what he suggests.
  4. Thoroughly enjoyed a brilliant meeting. On a track where conditions were not ideal, the racing was of the highest order. No quarter was asked or given as everyone wanted to win. So pleased Doyle's accident wasn't as critical as first seen and wish him a quick return. Australia were well served by Holder and Watt to win on the night. But I think the supporters were the overall winners. If all meetings were like this Speedway would be up there with the top sports of the world. Thought tonight, Niels was unbelievable,...... bordering on the line madness......... Pity his partner couldn't keep up with him...........
  5. Time is getting short now and still no news of Wednesday or Thursday guests. Hope this doesn't;t mean we are going to use R/R
  6. This is one of the areas where the FTR system fails. Probably, there could be, or could've been, a pool of 5/6 riders, all of equal ability, free to guest in situations like this. It seem lack of thought means teams like BV have little choice who to pick, and that can't be right.........
  7. In a situation like this, say Belle Vue are in need of a guest for their injured rider Lee Payne, and bearing in mind they have just change him in the FTR arrangement, cant they get a guest for the rating of Ben Reade or has it now got to be governed by Lee Payne standing???????
  8. Individually, I respect them all, 'well most of em' for the difficult job they do. But collectively, they seem to always miss the point. It's as if they all want to float their own boat at the expense of others. Look at the FTR debate last year. Its unbelievable that all the promoters couldn't agree on something so important as cost saving. If they weren't able to do that than I question them doing anything as ONE.
  9. Reading this thread, sure brings home the reality of the sport. Over the years the sport governor's have forgotten the basis rudiments required and concentrated on flash ideas and bright lights. Its all well talking about top riders, Foreign riders, fast bikes, rule cheating, but surely survival is the most important aspect of them all. The bosses of BSPA don't seem to grasp that the basis of any sport, has to relate with Costs and VFM. Without them there is no chance of survival. Fans, will not continue to support anything that is not value for money. Unfortunately, money doesn't grow on trees, and most people have to work hard for it. To ask them to fitter it away for little reward is a recipe for disaster. Being a Promoter of this sport must be sole destroying. Banging your head against the wall every day. Hoping your next meeting will be a good one when all the bills can get paid. Hoping to get good reviews to help generate a better crowd next time. Have we enough money to pay for fresh shale, and the site repairs. Don't forget the PA doesn't work properly, Got to get those sponsors sorted for the programme next week, Please don't rain. God it must be murder for those people who are trying to Promote the sport, and do it in a way to make a living. I feel for you all. Taking all these aspects into consideration, we have to cut our materials to suit our clothe. We cannot compete with the big boys abroad. we need to take stock of what we can afford. Only then will there be a better chance of survival.......
  10. With Zagar on fire this year, Nichol, Cookie and Worrall scoring well, this is a tough place to go. Usually we go well there but this years team is far stronger than usual. Obviously our biggest area of worry has to be our 2nd strings, whom, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe either have ridden there before.. Our top riders will feel at home and hopefully Rory's time there will help to educate the Youngsters. I feel confident in taking a point, but to expect any more, would be a bit too ambitious.
  11. With 3 fixtures next week, Davey Watts has been announced as the guest replacing Kenneth at Belle Vue on Monday. Still waiting news on the other two matches......
  12. I can't believe Belle Vue has ever had so many adopted supporters willing them to win this match...... ....
  13. I'm finding all this so predicable, that out of all the teams in British Speedway, it is Poole who are always the club who are bending the rules to suit their situations. Every other club is able to do it by the book, but not them. The other part I find amazing is, although all the other club's supporters can see Matt Ford obvious deceptions for what they are, the Poole supporter are doing their hardest to convince themselves and others that Matt Ford is doing no wrong.
  14. I read what you wrote, and although you never said as per wording, it's your insinuations and examples of what you say. The meanings are all the same. All this crap, just because I tried to put some equality into the damning rationalisation of Bomber Harris. Next time I wont bother..... .. Lakeside is a wonderful track, and Harris is a waste of space........ Is that better.....
  15. In my original posting I wasn't running any track down, Firstly, pointing out, the three tracks running on Saturday, were tight tracks where gating was more of a priority. Secondly, I was defending Bomber because of the stick he was getting from a number of posters, believing that Lakeside is not his sort of track. and thirdly, giving Bomber time and he'll score more points when on tracks that suit him. That post was not vindictive in any way. I wasn't criticising any body or anything. To that, you reply, saying I talking rubbish about Bomber and making out the Lakeside track was the best thing since sliced bread. Now you come back and saying I'm not ' rationale and twisting facts and exaggerating.'. Well I think that could apply to both of us . As for your last comment of your post, it is wrong to quote Darcy Ward in any rationale consideration, because he is an exception rather than the rule and has few equals. I too am not a Craig Cook lover. (in My opinion only) If he was of any other nationality he wouldn't get much notice. it is only because we have little in the way of talented riders that he is adjudged with the best and rides in the national team. Here's hoping, this new FTR scheme brings in more riders in the future than we've had in the past.
  16. I reckon every team in the league should have a Kildemand. He would put plenty of people on the gate, just for the sheer excitement of seeing him ride.
  17. Oh I'm sorry for voicing an opinion. No I wasn't there last night to witnessed what you say was a brilliant meeting, but the perception of everybody I know, is that the track there favours riders who can gate. Like it or not, that's a fact. If last night was different , then I'm pleased. Wish there were more meetings like that .... of all the tracks I've been to, on the way home, I always wish I hadn't bothered, such is the processional manner of racing, and the huge advantage of the home team... Because of all the moans he was getting, I too felt sorry for Bomber, ( like you have said ) and of all the track in the league, Lakeside was the one he was always going to struggle with. I too feel his machinery is slow but that'll change in time..... Probably best, in future, if I keep my opinions to myself.
  18. Have included into the above post ( brackets in Red ), possibilities of guest available. Not know if the limitation will allow this to happen, but it does show there are adequate replacements out there. Not knowing how Buster will react to Kenneth injury but I can't imagine he will let the grass grow before making these tough decisions.
  19. I find it quiet ironic, that all the matches played last night were on the best tracks for FTG racing. Leicester, Lakeside and Eastbourne are all renowned as gaters tracks and all the moaning about Bomber Harris , won't alter the fact, when it comes to gating he's not the best.. Any decent rider who can get out, stay on line will always score more points at these tracks, than someone trying to come from the back. Bomber has always provided plenty of thrills with his round the board style of riding, but his gating has always been his nemesis. He may let you down on these tight venues, but when he gets the chance on proper size tracks, he'll be there or thereabouts. You get what you expect from Bomber.......
  20. There's always someone who will moan about something. The heat leaders are too strong, The FTR are at fault, The team manager should have changed a rider, Confucius Sez there's always an excuse when you go looking for one.. I say to Leicester, Well done, Good win........... Belle Vue are no pushovers and to take all the points was a big surprise......
  21. Am I right in thinking, the reasons behind the attendance figures being secret, relate to all the Taxes , VAT and fiddles. Shame really cos it would make interesting reading how figures compare on a regular basis, and to be able to understand the finances involved where top meetings were concerned.
  22. Yeah Good point.. Never gave it much thought, But can imagine Kildemand saying, No lads you ride like this , you hang off the bike as far as possible, Like what I do..... Brilliant .. Wonderful spectacle, Never tired of seeing Kildemand ride, but can imagine him not being a very good role model.... Do as I say, and not what I do..........
  23. Yeah, Apologises, rider mix up..... but you knew who I meant.
  24. Poole's behaviour towards Smart surprises even me. They bend the rules to acquire Newman as their first choice of FTR, and then moan when they are allocated Smart. Instead of welcoming into the fold, from the first instance they have wanted him to be replaced from day one. So what, if he's been about some time, a good club would have used that to an advantage. In a Good club he would have been welcomed with open arms and immediately become one of the team. He would have received all the help and advice he needed to step up his performances. He could have become the best rider in the Draft system. I feel for Smart, who must wonder what he has done wrong. Because of the way he's has been treated, his confidence must he shot to pieces. They drop him at will and replaced when the feeling take them. Don't give me the crap about he wont make the grade, he'll never get the chance whilst he at a club like POOLE. As per usual, Poole does nothing to enhance this sport, they bend all the rules, they jump into all loopholes, they discard riders at the drop of a hat. and all for the good for the sport. And you wonder why people have no respect for your club..... Edit; Riders name!!
  25. You would only hear that from clubs who haven't got any riders to protect....
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