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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. I actually posted this on another thread, but feel it should have been posted here instead.: (Dated 27:05:14:- Firstly, I think it is best to forget about last year and the riders averages. This year is a whole new ball-game. You say the new format calls for 3 heatleaders, but it also calls for good 2nd strings and good reserves. I think this new heat format is like a breath of fresh air. It puts more importance into all the heats. Whether you be a top rider, a decent 2nd string or a draft riders from a lower league, they are all of the same importance when getting points for the team. Gone are the days when a team with the top riders would win all the meetings, now you need to be strong in all 3 sections. Bearing in mind the points limits, if the promoter went for a strong top 3, then the points left for 2nd strings will be minimal, and the chances of decent riders will be jeopardised. It made it into a more balanced team. The heats are so designed that heat leaders only appear in 9 of them, leaving 6 races solely for 2nd strings and reserves, (A total of 30 pts on offer, that the top riders cant win.) I think the majority of matches are more closely fought, and results are not so clear-cut than was usually the case.. Whether this new format was stumbled on by chance, or was designed specifically for this purpose, I believe this is the most positive move that has been made for years. Long may it continue.......) (Carrying on from that:--) Of cause there needs to be some tinkering here and there, but the concept has got to be far better then we had before. Gone are the day when a cash book could buy the league and that has to benefit the sport big-time. Yeah I understand that some teams have weak drafts and that those teams have the biggest gripe, but this is the first year of the scheme and all the teams will be better dialled in come next year. No doubt, them Clubs are putting plans in place now, to acquire decent FTR 's for next year. There's still some way to go before it is perfect, The loading of the various CMA's has to be determined, but that can wait till the end of the season when all the score are known. The Premier League needs to come on board, and limit riders to two leagues only. ( See post 121 for some bright progressive ideas.) No , rather then always moaning about new ideas, probably best if we look at the positives, and this year there has been a lot........
  2. This is not the foregone conclusion most of the posters seem to think. I'm going for a close match, one that could go either way........... I think Swindon have the edge when looking at their reserve pairings, which might give them an advantage. Should be good television.........
  3. What odds for Pedersen to win, Hancock in the final....... Gaters paradise....
  4. Firstly, I think it is best to forget about last year and the riders averages. This year is a whole new ball-game. You say the new format calls for 3 heatleaders, but it also calls for good 2nd strings and good reserves. I think this new heat format is like a breath of fresh air. This new format puts far more importance into all the heats. Whether you be a top rider, a decent 2nd string or a draft riders from a lower league, they are all of the same importance when getting points for the team. Gone are the days when a team with the top riders would win all the meetings, now you need to be strong in all 3 sections. Bearing in mind the points limits, if the promoter went for a strong top 3, then the points left for 2nd strings will be minimal, and the chances of decent riders will be jeopardised. It made it into a more balanced team. The heats are so designed that heat leaders only appear in 9 of the heats, leaving 6 races solely for 2nd strings and reserves, (a total of 30 pts on offer, that the top riders cant win.) I think the majority of matches are more closely fought, and results are not so clear-cut than was usually the case.. Whether this new format was stumbled on or was designed for this purpose, I believe this is the most positive move that has come for years. Long may it continue.......
  5. Seeing that the Bees escaped by the skin of their teeth last night, I would've thought the management will be well aware of the precarious situation Coventry are in. Either make the team stronger now, or watch any chance of getting in the play-offs disappear in the months ahead. Looking at the league table, Eastbourne, Belle Vue, Wolves and Swindon will all come to the table fighting to join the top three there at present. Decision time
  6. Its not so much as putting Clubs before personal glory, Its a question of economics. They can earn far more on the continent at the weekends, than duly appearing for their club in a league match, whether they want to or not. So , for that reason, I, like you, think running Elite meetings at the weekend is a non-runner.
  7. Thought this picture would settle any issues relating to Kerr being at fault of Garrity's Crash. Plain to see Kerr is well clear when Garrity hit his back wheel. http://t.co/z3W8pw7vCN
  8. 6 out of seven is pretty good in my book. Why aren't you on the BSPA Committee ??
  9. As much as I appreciate the live streaming. you only get one fixed view on a small screen, with no real respective in regards to distances. Knowing where the camera is, they wouldn't get as good as view as you did., so I wouldn't be taken too much notice from them. In regards to Garrity against Kerr. the only place they were close was on the start line.....
  10. From where you were standing, I can understand why you think that way. Kerr was a bikes length in front, before Garrity's bike surged and then clipped Kerr's back wheel. Like you say, he was angry and hurt. But its wrong to blame others for your own failings ...
  11. Seeing it from the Royal Box, Kerr had gated first and was yards clear of Garrity well before he got anywhere near the first corner. Garrity's problem was his control of the bike, it appeared to pick up and reared when approaching the first bend. Fortunately the bike went into the catch fencing and no one was hurt. Could have been nasty. But to put the blame on Kerr is ridiculous. What's he suppose to do........ After you sir???
  12. I feel sorry for the Coventry supporters who actually travelled to the match, and then having to travel home late last night. I have done this before and it don't go down too well. I remember going to the Brandonapolis not long ago, and that went on forever. Fortunately this was an exception rather then the rule, usually the meeting are finished well before half nine. Still waiting to hear on Sargent, but have heard Mallet has thankfully escaped without any broken bones. Must say my take on the incident was totally down to Garrity. He pulled a big lock-up coming off the 4th bend, Mallet, following close behind, tried to lock up , but Sargent had no-where to go and crashed into Mallett. Reading much about the quality of the FTR, I had imagined Garrity to be one on the best, but watching him last night, I thought he was a liability. Hopefully that performance was a one off, other wise I can see him or others getting hurt..... Pleased to see Bomber on the pace. He always go well here. Involved in 3 cracking races and was the only man to beat Niels. Hopefully he will do better in the SGP this weekend.
  13. A somewhat disappointing meeting that went on forever. Sincerely hope both Mallet and Sargent's injuries are no to bad and both are back on the track soon. I know when accidents happen they have a big affect on proceedings, but this was a stop- go affair from the start. Every race seems to take a age to complete with re-runs and falls, and the ref must have forgot where the 2min button was. We arrived at the track at 6.45 and it was 10.30 before we got out of the Car-park. Ridiculous..... Very disappointed with the Coventry side, apart from Bomber and Anderson, the rest were abysmal. Any thoughts of making the play-offs can be forgotten if this was a true indication of the Bee's strength. Afraid this might happen, when all the Stars riders come to the party, we could have easily have scored 60 plus tonight without Niels E/F etc.. It wasn't the fact we won the races, more of how the races was won. In many, the Coventry pair was well adrift and offered no race at all. Bomber was the standout rider who battled every race. Anderson was his normal consistent performance. but the rest barely came for the ride.. Obviously please to win but thought the meeting would be more closely fought. Cant have everything I suppose.
  14. That is what was suggested at the time by many posters, but apparently the Premier League promoters wouldn't play ball.
  15. I understand your thinking, but don't necessary agree with you. Because of the new race format, putting much more emphasis put on the reserve races, Lewis Rose is a massive loss, especially as Coventry have decent FTRs Getting adequate cover from guest is difficult with the rules governing the position on the lists. so yes that is a big factor. Regarding Niels, he is pure quality and yes, his form may have stuttered because of fatigue, but Niels on autopilot will claim more points than some riders. With confidence in the track Niels will be ok. Same with Kenneth Bjerre. obviously very tentative from his recent injury, but if he can gate there won't be many fast enough to go by him. Looking forward to another exciting meeting. and a big crowd.. Barring Leicester, Coventry is the next nearest club. Only a couple hours down the road........
  16. I'm probably wrong in my thinking, but I feel the new race format is having a far bigger influence on the league than that of the introduction on the FTR alone. By the riders racing against similar, there is now far more significant put on those minor heats, making them far more important.
  17. Don't be such a pessimist, Buster is a magician. It'll be on... No worries.....
  18. Thoroughly enjoyed last night, must say although the screen is small, it's amazing how much we got to see from the live screening, even the commentary made it better. Surprised the Poole track is no better, after it was announced repair work had been done last year. Clearly it benefits no-one, least of all Poole from the ruts and bumps. How much you can attribute Darcy's errors, in the last two defeats at home, to the track, only Darcy knows. The Stars performed admirably last night, each rider contributing to the success. Non more so than our Capt. Marvel. There has been talk on the forum that he's not as good as we think, a spent force, a has been, but last night proved just how good he really is. As a 3rd heat leader he has few equals. Lewis Kerr continued his impressive form. As the meeting mount up, so does the scalps of 2nd strings he has beaten. I can understand other clubs being envying of us having the top FTR. There is all talk of Poole changing riders, but they have good team. Their 1 to 5 is equal or better than most teams in the league. They have some brilliant young riders, but they don't have this divine right to win every match. Poole's biggest problem is their draft riders, and no amount of money will alter that. Unless Ford can produce a magical rider to fill that reserve berth, Poole will be no different than the other teams in the league. Probably, this is the time when Poole will wish they put more importance into producing younger talent then they have done in the past.......
  19. Sorry if my comments annoyed you, Just enjoying the moment. I wasn't aware we could only passively enjoy ourselves. I wanted to shout from the rooftops but I'm afraid of heights
  20. Some of us have never doubted the quality of this years team and always felt we could go anywhere and win. It doesn't get any better then winning at Poole, especially when we weren't firing on all cylinders. The future will get even better... It's took a long time to arrive, but this year we are really going to enjoy our SPEEDWAY...... Whose Next ???
  21. There a new rule out now, that says the Tactical Substitute are only allowed for the visiting side. Because the home side has the advantage of the track, so therefore aren't allowed TS.
  22. Having read through 300 odd posts of excuses, I still see no reason, why this meeting couldn't have run the full course. It doesn't matter if the heat times were slower, Buster once told me he could alter the track times by as much as 3 sec just by the preparation of the track. The issue here is raceability, and anybody who saw Ht 12 witnessed a track that was racable. Years ago the promotions would have hurriedly completed the programme without ever thinking about such abandonment. Now, with so many rules that offer the opportunity, we have officials with too much power, dying to make these decisions, that does nothing but make them feel important. God what a mess this sport is in. We're losing supporters by the day and nobody seem to care, decisions are always made for personal gains, And the good of the sport has disappeared with all the other worthy virtues..
  23. This match is not just about Niels and Darcy, it's far more important than that. There are seven riders in the team, all of whom can play a massive part on how the spoils will be shared. Does it matter who is best?, best at what? Both are extremely talented riders, and can perform miracles when on a bike. Two totally different people in every way possible, but both are able to amaze us all with their ability. This match may have two of the top riders in the world, but regardless of who is best on the night it will not dictate the result of the match. Feel it's a good time to play Poole, with Darcy not fully recovered and Magic off sick, but I've got a hunch that this will be Poole third rained off meeting of the week. Pity....
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