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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. You say that every meeting.......... have faith...... Of cause away points are still relevant. We want to carry on with our form, we want to continue to stand proud at the top of the league, we want our confidence to increase.. We want to have first choice of opponents in the Play-offs. We want to continue in the belief that we can win all matches. Even you, are now thinking we can win at places like Lakeside. Long may it continue. Soon all the Lynn Posters will be thinking that way.......
  2. A tough week ahead of the Stars in their quest to continue the winning start to this season. First there is Belle Vue at home on Wednesday. As always teams come here and go well, Zager and Nicholls show a liking for the NA and can be assured to score well. Feel confident of a win but it won't be one sided. Friday the Stars travel to Lakeside again. After the surprise win last time, feeling must be high to repeat that performance. If our top 3 come to the party, then I'm sure we can score some points. Next Monday the Stars travel to Wolves again, for a chance to revenge the only defeat so far this year. Having travelled there to watch and since attained the video, I am of the belief fortunes favoured the Wolves that night, and probably another night, we could have easily come away with a different result. Should be a close call but we are more than capable of coming away with the spoils..... Obviously , one, not to be missed.
  3. I feel it's such a shame that, after probably the best Grand Prix for some time, people are still talking about Pedersen then the actual racing. Some of the heats were from the top drawer. So many overtakes in one meeting to name . a truly memorable meeting when the winner could have been one of half a dozen riders. Cant remember when so many riders were on good points. Usually 8pts with a win would get you to the semi's but this one you needed more. Pleased that Bomber got his first race win of the year, also Kenneth Bjerre is showing signs of back to form, At last Batchelor comes to the party, and Woffy was a deserved winner. Why can't all SGP's be like this. Brilliant.
  4. Since Rory's upturn in form, he must to be the most popular guest used these past weeks. They're are some positives in that he is getting additional track time at away tracks, just hope he doesn't get tired and injured in the process......
  5. The idea of running Elite matches at the weekend is mindless. There will always be this problem of BIG meeting clashes. Regardless of the local fan's preferences, continuing to run W/E meeting will always be a farce. with teams hardly recognisable from that of their usual turnout. Changing to another night is the obvious way to go, but with fixture planners and foreign riders, its too late for this year, Hopefully next year can be different. Didn't Leicester always use to run on a Tuesdays????? when at Blackburn Road ???
  6. I wasn't the one running Woffy down, but at Lynn the other night, Woffy beat all the Lynn riders with the exception of Niels. That's pretty good in my book........
  7. Strange that, previous night at Lynn, Woffy scored 6+2 and was pillared by all and sundry, for a sub par performance, a night later at Swindon , he scores 7+1 and done a good job. Please explain to me the difference . Another home defeat for Swindon, I wait and see, who Rosco will publically criticise next ..........
  8. His whole post was, His insinuation and sarcasm that ' Mauger only won his races because he was allowed to roll at the start ' . that to me that making out he was cheating. He won most of his races because he was the best gater, Not because he was any different to everyone else. just better....... I have No Problems...........I was privileged to see the real master at work........ The Ultimate Professional.....
  9. What a ridiculous statement that is. Ivan Mauger was one of the greatest riders ever in this sport, and you slander him as a cheat.. Ivan Mauger used every opportunity to his advantage. every time there was a rule, he would used it to the best possible outcome. Sure, he moved and rolled at the start, he was allowed to, sure he would push the tapes, of cause he would psych riders out to jump the start. He was brilliant. BUT if the rules then were the same as now, I can assure you Mauger would be the best at keeping still, and would always be first out of the traps. That man was the best starter the sport has ever known......
  10. Like Sidney says The supporter are the riders Bread and Butter. Usually, most riders will be only too pleased to sign autographs and do Photo's, and am also surprised about the post saying Woffy wouldn't sign. I saw Woffy last night doing loads of autographs, he, above anybody is always doing his bit to connect with the public. I've just read the Wolves own web-site, saying: ' World champion and skipper Tai Woffinden gave another below-par score for Parrys International Wolves. ' What a load of rubbish. He don't deserve comments like that, especially from his own club. His performance was far better then the 6 +2 he was accredited with. In two of his 5 races he help Pawlicki score big points, and he met home side star rider Niels in 3 of his 5 rides. There's no need to feel bad being beaten by Niels, He's pretty special around Norfolk Arena.
  11. I'll be the first to admit I thought this match would have been much closer than this, was expecting Belle Vue to push the Brummies' all the way. It is good to see Birmingham perform well and get a good result.. I thought BV could be contenders for the Play-off's but some of their riders have to up their game, else they're season could be finish as 'also-ran's ' again
  12. Understand your view point , and Yes, it would be better for all concerned, to see 4 riders in each race. But like Haza pointed out reserve races are solely for reserves. If, as you suggest, say 2nd strings, were allowed to have a replacement ride, then that would be seen as a tactical card the Team Manager could play whenever he wanted and the 'Reserve only' race would disappear completely. Thankfully these 3 horse races don't happen that often....
  13. I think, some posters on here are totally unfair on Woffy, who I thought rode as one would expect of a World Champion. In his second ride he was masterful when stopping Rory, who on a run round the out side with Pawlicki in 3rd. Woffy closed the gap blocking Rory, and looking for his partner to shadow home for a 8-1. Third ride was unfortunate to fall after a tussle with Rory, Tai, could easily have score another 4 or 6pts, and his last two outing was against Niels and Pawlicki so it was no disgrace to finish 3rd. It didn't relate to his effort he put in, just that he was against class riders. I suggest you moaners wake up and appreciate the World Champion for what he is . There are some riders in the side that don't apply half what Woffy does... Probably you would be better to direct your feelings towards them....................
  14. Do you work for the Council love? That's the sort of response one would get if you questioned them. Forget the Speedway implications, That stretch in the busiest section of road in the area. On one, with any sense should decide to inconvenience that many people by doing the work at a time that will cause the most disruption. This road has to have the most priority in any schedule.... To do this work at the busiest time of the year is ludicrous
  15. A seasoned warhorse like myself have a vast knowledge of local roads. But not to put a too finer point on it the back way route is diabolical. Twisty road through many small villages, is not something I would recommend, unless you have rough idea first. Travelling from Wisbech, on the A47, turn off at Tilney and head for Wiggenhall. Likewise coming from Downham direction, turn off left, at Sketch and again head for Wiggenhall. Whence there, then just follow the signs for Kings Lynn and they will take you to Lynn via Saddlebow Road, then Norfolk Arena. Its an alternative that we once always used, but since the Dual carriageway was installed, it is now far quicker to keep to the main roads. Now that the disruption of the road works it is a case of turning the clock back..... again......
  16. Sometimes I wonder it the local councils process any logic. The stretch of road from the Pullover roundabout to the Hardwick roundabout ( The Kings Lynn Bypass) is always busy this time of the year. Weekends its especially manic, being its the only access to the Norfolk coast. Sometimes there are queues stretching back miles either side of this Lynn Bypass. not with-standing the busy local traffic using the industrial areas. To close these lanes at the busy time of the year borders of the schemes of madness. Surely putting off these disruptions until after the summer season would be such a logically answer, but then again, since when do the Local Councils do anything logical. They don't give a damn of the ciaos they will cause......
  17. I don't think it matters which Woffy turns up, I believe the Stars are way too strong at the moment, and can only see another convincing victory. It wouldn't surprise me, to see Woffy score good points, but he will need plenty of back up if they have ideas of getting any rewards from this meeting. Last time here, they benefitted having Stevie Worrall as guest who score good points, but this time, I only see, the Wolves falling way short......
  18. I believe the biggest problem British Speedway has, is trying to compete with other countries like Poland, Sweden and Denmark. We ( UK) cannot sustain that level of finance. It is well known the difference in earning potential a rider can earn abroad so we will always be at the bottom of most riders priorities. I also feel it be best to promote a product that we can afford. We have about half a dozen top riders of the world in our league, and I feel we should be grateful for that. If you call that dilution then so be it. We need to get real and appreciate speedway will never be the force it once was, where all the top riders rode in our league. Now we have to make do with what can be achieved. If that is to incorporate draft riders, into our league, then so be it. It is possible to get good racing and thoroughly enjoy a speedway meeting without the necessity of all top riders. What this new format has done, is bring lesser riders into the limelight. and that has to be beneficial in the long run..... Appreciate your opinions....
  19. On the face of it, should be a comfortable home win. But after suffering 2 home defeats to the Stars, I'm sure the Brummies' will come out fighting. I'll predict home win by 12.
  20. I noticed that Newcastle used R/R for Rose yesterday. That can't be a good sign. Obviously the injury is taken longer than first envisaged .
  21. They say 'some can't see the wood for the trees', You seem to have a massive problem with Kings Lynn at the moment. I do hope that isn't born out of jealously, of where we are in the league, or for what Buster and Rob Lyon have achieved, and is more about problems within the sport.......... When decisions were made at the AGM about the points limits and restrictions, all the promoters knew the score. Each went their own way to assemble a team within these restraints and hoped it would be a success. Buster and Rob were no different. They took a gamble, a big gamble to use untried 2nd strings, which enabled Lynn to use the points available on 3 strong Heatleaders. Before the season started, there were many poster who thought this would be our undoing, but it's been proved successful. As for the FTR, I appreciate your team was let down over the Josh Bates problem, but that doesn't make the system wrong. There was always going to be some clubs who moaned about weak riders, that's the way it is sometimes. I'm sure if Kerr and Rose were your assets you would have been well satisfied with the new system. Kings Lynn is not just about Kerr and Rose, They have complimented the ideal team set up, that Buster and Rob have assembled. Sure, they've made a difference to any team and Lynn knows that. But what's going to happen next year? Is your team doing anything to invest in new talent, have they got any assets ready to use. It may surprise you, but Kings Lynn have all them bases covered already....... Probably other clubs should take a leaf out of Lynn's book.........
  22. Do I sense some form of self righteousness here . No doubt your referring to the time when we knew nothing, being kept in the dark, treated like mushrooms. Never have I say it would be abandoned, that's was your interpretation. All I wanted was to be kept informed of such a radical change. Nothing wrong in that. I was trying to keep people aware of some of the issues and the problems with implementing such an idea. We are still waiting on the 'Average loading' , to bring some form of equality to the CMA scores, But that can be done later...... No problem with that. I still think the FTDR system has flaws, but given time it can be of great benefit to the sport, There're plenty of positives that's come from it.
  23. Ouchhhhh I think 60 is a bit optimistic ....... 50 probably......
  24. I like the idea of having a pool for FTR riders, but I believe this can only be achieved by each club investing into it. Obviously Lynn has benefited from the draft system, but we have invested in the National League for some time. Recently, when our FTR rider Lewis Rose got injured, instead of getting cover from others sources, we used Darren Mallett, another of Lynn's youngster. He wasn't up to the grade at the moment, but the experience he gained will benefit him and us in the years to come.. Hopefully next year.... These young riders don't just happen, They have to be taught, they need help and that's what Lynn and Buster are good at......... Probably your club should do something similar.
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