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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Early showers forecast, should clear by afternoon.......... Hopefully
  2. I wonder what effect the SGP at Cardiff this weekend, will have on the attendance tonight. I personally know some who are travelling to Wales tonight in readiness for tomorrows Team Tai events. Others going have said they're giving tonight a miss as this week is expensive,. Has Buster took a gamble running this week? Rain , shine , or blowing, I'll be in my normal seat cheering the Stars on in what SHOULD be a relatively easy home win. Then a good night sleep before a leisurely cruise tomorrow arriving at the Millennium Stadium in time for practice. Usually a brilliant weekend...... and the weather stations is forecasting staying dry with decent temperatures.... cant be bad.....
  3. Fortunately, or unfortunately, which ever way you want to look at it, the Aussie have quite a few riders over here that would be only too willing to step into the breach. I know he's missing Cardiff at the weekend, but has Chris Holder given up all hope of being fit for World Team Cup then ??
  4. Probably saving themselves and equipment for the weekend
  5. In all due respect, comparing Rugby with Speedway in like comparing Moto GP and Football. Two well supported sports that are run totally different. I except your opinion, but question your logic. The backbone of any sport in the bread and butter basis of league racing. Take that away and their is nothing left. The way you rave on about the Play-offs as the most important matches of the year, but in doing that, you rubbish the integrity of the league principals. The whole principal of the 36 match league program system, is destroyed for the benefit of an additional 4 team KO tournament only lasting 3 weeks. . You expect the fans to turn out and support the league fixtures , and then say its not really a league, it just a qualification to a end of season fiasco. Do you honestly believe, a team, who languished in the lower regions of the league for the majority season before finishing fourth, deserved the chance to win league . cos to me the rightful Champions last year was Birmingham. ( No way am I getting at Poole, they suffered similarly when Coventry won.) How many times has the league winners actually won the play-offs. That tells you how wrong this system is. I believe I was brought up the right way, with correct virtues. Knowing right from wrong, Trying to be the best, and respect those who are. Don't rubbish achievement you couldn't achieve. and always trying to better yourself. If you can only win by doing it wrong then you've lost. These are some of the principals that were bestowed on me from an early age, and I've have always used throughout my life. Winning is important, but not at any cost.
  6. If Davey Watt is fit and well, it will make it a far more interesting . Cant see any other outcome than a comfortable home win. The Promotion boys would have field day billing this as a top of the league clash between first and second teams. But we all know Lakeside are not the best traveller, and Lynn Stars still have a unbeaten home record in tact. Hoping for a good turn out, to watch an exciting meeting, with no more injuries, so everyone goes home happy.
  7. I was never a Waggy lover, and didn't agree with much that he done. Use to pick and choose my meeting then, depending on who they were riding against. Always enjoyed watching Crumpy though and even in those time Nicky P was quite forceful. Was not surprised at Waggy's demise. I think a lot of fans turned away during that period......
  8. Thought this would have been a lot closer than that. Appreciate Belle Vue are usually good at home, but didn't realise how good . All their riders performed well and were there to be counted. Somewhat disappointed with Poole, expected more from them. Yeah, appreciate Darcy fall didn't help, but some of their riders had an off night. I 've always loved watching Magic and would've expected him to score more then he does. I once thought he could be a future World Champion, but he needs to up his game considerable, before he can even be considered a future contender......
  9. Why bother to run the league at all, Let the clubs pull a number out of the hat and just have quarters, semi's and final. Seven matches, and all of them important.
  10. Yeah, No problems, but like you say, The Elite league is not that important, so why bother. After all, it is only the Play-offs that matter.
  11. Those two defeats wasn't just down to Kenneth's lack of form. We as a team didn't perform. Each member could look back and feel they could have done better. No we win as a Team and lose as a team. The truth being on those two days we weren't at our best. Will do better next time. Same with Kenneth. He is a valued member of the team and if he is fit then he rides. Everyone's form suffers when they are injured, and Kenneth is no different. Sure he not scoring the points we have seen from him, but to talk of dropping him is way out of order.. If it meant keeping Kenneth in the team and losing out on the honours then so be it. One of the reasons why Kings Lynn is so special and every riders want to ride here is because we treat riders with respect. Those posters who want to change him, have you forgotten the big scores he did when he help beat teams like Wolves, Belle Vue, and Birmingham . No, we start as a team and we finish as a team . That's far more important in the long run, than winning some trophy.......
  12. Do you honestly think people support the play-offs because of the name? It would make no difference what it was called, if the were a home and away match with an aggregate score, people would come. It could be named anything at all. The ORION KC Cup has a nice ring to it I'm not against the play-offs at the end of the season, just feel it wrong that you ask clubs and fans to support a 36 match league program, then demean any achievement by giving the title to a team that has won a pokcy 4 team KO at the end of the season. And you wonder why speedway has lost so much support...... 2 more teams are going this year.... There's not many left........
  13. You're probably right, these accidents affect people differently. Going back a couple of years at the EESG, it was a nasty pile up he had and incurred a really bad break . He took a long time to get over that, physically and mentally. but he came through it and was getting back to the Kenneth of old. He had another accident prior to the leg break, but he seems to go from one injury to another. What make it hard to justify and be mentally positive, it that it is always some else who causes the accident and he was unfortunate to be involved and normally come off worse. When the accident is your fault you can control your feelings and make adjustments to your riding style to address any doubts you may hinder inside. But you cant do that when your always at the mercy of other riders and their actions.. His latest one was caused when he was unmercifully dumped into the first corner by Jason Dolye. You cant wonder the demons he has in his head. He's had a bad couple years. It's nice to see him gate and go. It shows he has lost none of his riding ability. But his apprehension at the moment is there for all to see. Kenneth recuperation will take some time and the last thing he wants to hear is the club thinking about a replacement. I hope Rob Lyon will persevere with Kenneth and I have no doubts his faith will eventually be repaid in full. PS. After all, the league is of no importance, it only represents a qualification into a 4 team Knockout at the end of the season, and hopefully his true form will have returned by then....
  14. Wow! you do have a problem. Compared to some of the poster from others clubs, I think the Stars supporter are quite mellow, and anything slightly offensive, is usually said in jest. I have urged them many time to get off the fence, so where these celebrations are, I haven't seen them...... Obviously disappointed at the way we lost, although this was always going to be difficult. With riders falling in 7 races, the writing was on the wall. You can't give the opposing team 21 guaranteed points and expect to win. The Ref exclusion of Kerr was the last straw. It was never going to happen. Best we regroup and move on. Congratulation to Eastbourne on their victory and hope it goes some way of tempting lost supporter back and new owners found.
  15. I've always felt this way. whether Lynn be top or not. If Lynn finish top this year it will be on merit, and should be recognised as such..... When Coventry beat Poole in the play-offs was a good meeting. But one good night don't deserve to be League Champions, It should be the best team over the whole season. Do you feel it good the way Birmingham have drop from recognition after being top of the league all last season?
  16. Obviously each is entitled to their opinion, but your statement above is well....... If like you suggest, the play-offs are that important, then why not reprecate them in the name of the Elite KO Cup. The top four teams go into a play-off as would be same as the league. Run on the same basis, It would still generate the same interest, It would still be a Money Spinner, and it would still be good tele. It would do all the same things, without demeaning that of the league winner.. The plus factors continue: It would also open the door for Clubs to again be able win the League and Cup double, and also bring back the Champions Cup between the League and Cup winners. Imagine how much added interest this would generate with the supporters . So instead of treating the sport with contempt and demeaning the clubs who finish top of the league , we bring back the KO Cup to be run at the end of the league. Just one other point, A team that finishes the season in fourth place, don't deserve a chance to be champions.
  17. Forecast a fine day in most areas after early morning rain.. Sporting event at Tennis and F1 should have no worries.... So bearing that in mind, Eastbourne should be OK.
  18. I'm with you on this 100%. The league competition is the bread and butter of any sport where fans go and support their team every week. Some clown poster has said the league is only a qualifier for a 4 team knock-out at the end of the season. How ridiculous. Our sport is in totally disarray and now fans are believing the league is that unimportant. Can you wonder why the fans are not turning up. Just because a team wins a four team knock out doesn't make them the best of the season, it's the team at the top of the league that was the best. Looking at last years season, Birmingham were the stand out team and stood at the No1 the whole time. Just because a team, who were at times languishing in the lower regions, had the contact and money to bring in star riders, winning the Play-offs shouldn't diminish what the Brummies achieved. Probably, Just probably, had Birmingham been league champions they might still be solvent and fans would still be attaining. Readers will no doubt be saying, this is my opinion because Lynn are at the top of the league. Far from it. I'm not fickle, and don't need trophies for me to support a team. This play-off idea was perpetrated by SKY purely for their benefit. to make good tele. Yes, it creates excitement, it generates support, and yes, it's a money spinner. But why should it be detrimental to the league racing. Imagine Man Utd topping the league and the trophy being given to Wigan cos they won the FA Cup. That how stupid the idea is. In 12 years the Play-offs how many times has the league winner won the champions trophy. That will tell you how wrong this idea is. Yes, I know they are the rules, yes I known we compete like this each year, but don't anybody tell me it is right....... The only people that are treated with contempt is the fans and that can never be positive...........
  19. Connected the computer up to a 48" flat screen.. Then Magnify the settings on the computer....
  20. I thought this was going to be our hardest match this week, struggling to get a point from every fixture. But after last night that has all gone out of the window. Hoping the lads can re-group to impose themselves on a tight track. and get a point at least, but it won't be easy.......
  21. Firstly to Sidney, and all you Swindon Fans well done, you really showed us up tonight and deserved your win. I never imagined gong to the Abbey was going to be easy, but I expected at least a point. Quite frankly, the way we fell away after the break, we didn't deserve one tonight. Remember Alan Hansen once said 'you'll never win anything with kids', and probably that could be right. I thought they would have performed well last night, getting better as they learnt the track, but that didn't happen. How many times did they get caught out on bend 2 after making the gate. Unfortunately, it was an off night for Niels and Kenneth as well, so can't imagine they offered much help to the younger members'. Rory was the only one to come away with much credit, He has been immense this year. Chuffed, in that we managed to get the stream on a big screen, but disappointed in the way we lost. Last night the Robins were the better team and deserved their win...
  22. As much as it pains me to say this, but I think Rosco was right in leaving Lambert out.. ....... I believe he is too young and still learning his trade. His time will come no doubt, a lot sooner than some expected. He's going along quite well at the moment, scoring good points. Lets not rush him..... In a couple of years time, he'll be the first name on the list, well probably second, and there wont be any doubt of his inclusion.. Let just wait....... Post edit: Would still like him to score double figures tonight though...........
  23. I love this THEM and US attitude. FFS. Nothing will ever be achieved unless we all work together. Your argument above can be applied to all clubs and divisions..............
  24. Both teams would have had to agree on the fixture before it was accepted. Once excepted it then scheduled into the fixture lists There are the usual reasons where by in can be cancelled ie. weather. but once scheduled, only the home team can call it off, but only then after consultation with the your opponent. A great deal of work and liaisons goes into compiling the fixture list. so every opportunity needs to be explored before any meeting is cancelled. Last night was not ideal, and unfortunate in that it happened. It was pleasing to still see a good turnout, and that Buster nor Lynn suffered from this pathetic situation. Not wanting to put too finer point on this, and bearing in mind he tried to change it late on, the blunt stops squarely at Horton's doorstep. Too little Too late is no excuse for the trouble he caused for so many people. It's not the system that's wrong, just the people not being on the ball..........
  25. All meetings have to agreed to by both teams, even those away.
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