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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Hell, No, I'm no Darcy hater, (Christ he even got down for a photo with my grandkids with that bad knee) but I understand the issue with the red-light. Darcy went about it all wrong. He should have finished that race and then brought it to the Ref attention and pinpointed where the problem was. In stopping the race he was wrong. If he had behaved professionally, probably the crowd would have thought differently then thinking it was just sour grapes of getting beaten. Like I say, I'm no Darcy hater, but he got it wrong big time, and for that, there no excuse.... Home rider or World Champion it would have made no difference. ..
  2. There was nothing wrong with the track, it was perfect. Smooth, consistent, safe , It wasn't even Dusty in the hot weather, a perfect place to race. Not one rider voiced an adverse comment . Yet you, sitting at home, telling all and sundry, the track was rubbish. When I cant go to meeting, and have to watch them on the tele, all I can see is 4 riders going round a track. There is no atmosphere, no excitement, no banter, just four riders on the tele. It is be wrong to always blame the track when riders don't perform as you would have liked them too, probably you need to look at other aspects of the meeting as well before making these acquisations Probably, next time you might decide to go to these meeting and enjoy it like all the others that went., Joining in with the celebrations, waving the British flags and cheering on the home team.. or you might just stay at home and moan about it...... It was a Smashing Day
  3. Whatever..........I bet you being so finicky makes you feel real good............
  4. Contrary to the majority on here, I thoroughly enjoyed the meeting last night and was well pleased with the spectacle than was put on. Remembering it was being beamed all over Europe, I thought the people who worked to put the show on did a wonderful job. Went early, but couldn't believe the queues when we arrived at 4.30. They were nearly into St Germans. It seemed everyone had a similar idea. There were no hassle. we got a good vantage point and thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere and the banter. The weather was good, the crowd was boisterous and the racing was fast and furious. The track consistence and safe. People on here have moaned about the racing, but to me it was OK. When you have big meetings with big riders, on fast bikes, you don't see many classic races . 2, 3, possibly 5 if your lucky. These class of riders don't make many mistakes The racing was fast, close and exciting, but the noise and atmosphere made it even better. I always raved about the Wembley finals, but then there were only a few races that was memorable. the rest were boring strung out affairs from the gate. It was the occasion that made it better than it was. So when looking back to last night . I was well pleased I made the effort to attend, unlike some who could be bothered. To all those who worked hard to make last night possible , I say well done . It showed the world , we can organise and promote a decent meeting with a big crowd. England winning was the icing on the cake.
  5. If each team are wasting that amount of money dressing up for a few meetings, just imagine how much cheaper the tickets could have been......... Probably then, all those posters who have said they're not going might have been persuaded....
  6. Why would you end up in a ditch. Don't your lights work???? The disruption is typical of the organisation of the local council. Biggest day of the local Speedway calendar and they cant even open the roads to assist the many motorist trying to locate the venue. All they are interested in is the speeding fines.............
  7. I'm not a Rosco lover. He tries to be a nice man but does all his washing in public. Wasn't that long ago he was slating Stead when riding for Swindon, now he want he to be England's saviour . An England manager should more have dignity than that. Pity Scotty Nicholls not riding any more, with him in the side we could have won this today. As it is we are still relying too much on Woffy to lead the way. Bomber always goes well here. If Stead gates he will score points. Main concern is King. Although he tries hard, has never sit the world alight, especially round NA, only recently Lambert came from way back to beat him comfortable. Thinking along the lines of 'Horses for Courses' policy, I'm sure there are a few riders that could 've filled that space not counting Cookie...,
  8. Not wanting to carry on with this pointless crusade, it is quite obvious to me that you want to believe the ref are always right.. To you they are God. Whereas I believe, referees are only human, although some think they're god. They do sometimes make the wrong call.. What worries me is the effect these wrong calls have on the sport. At a recent British Championships, the final was stopped 4 times. Four times a rider fell in the first corner, Four times the Ref brought all four back for the rerun. Now to me that Referee was brilliant, He realised the tension the riders were under, he understood the importance of making a good start,, he knew this was a pressure situation when everyone wanted to win.. But he didn't think it was right that the British Champion should be decided on a referee decision. Had that have happened during the meeting the chances are that one or probably two riders would have been excluded. So please don't tell me the situation makes no difference.. Cos it makes a difference. We'll just have to agree to differ. ....... as usual......
  9. Turning into a real Sh-te day. Saddened to hear the news of Big Alan whom I knew very well. Wonderful man, Big Al by name , Big Al by nature. Always had time for you and treated everyone the same. When his Dad, Maurice died, Alan stepped into the breach to help his mother Violet run the Speedway with Cyril Crane, at Saddlebow Road. He will be sadly missed.. Sure did love them fags and beer. Remember one day I drove him to Swindon, between us we smoked packets, and I was summoned to drive so he could drink. Smashing times.... Smashing bloke.... No one can take those memories away..... RIP Mate.... Do hope Buster organises something special to celebrate all the work big Al did during his time with the Kings Lynn STARS.... I'm sure there would be loads of old Stars wanting to show their respect..
  10. Your missing the point big time and are arguing for the sake of it. We're talking here about right and wrong, doing the correct thing. we're suppose to be ruled by intellect. and responsibility. The Ref is suppose to govern to the rules of the sport not on a whim or prayer. He has a responsibility to be correct. in the manner in makes decisions. You say 'Is common sense that another Ref might have seen it another way. But if he was correct call, then all refs would ruled the same. The fact that the decision was not conclusive, when at a time, the whole match rested on that opinion , then he should have made a tolerance towards the situation. Your last part says that a Ref will not makes decisions based on ' the heat score or what heat is was or weather his call would effect the match score' Well probably he should, because they is the criteria the riders race too, and probably it would be best if the Ref was on the same wavelength. They would get more important decision correct.. Read what Niels thought of the Ref decision.......http://t.co/tgtwBflbZE
  11. When a meeting will be decided by a referees opinion that is different. He has to be 200% assured of what happened and who was TOTALLY responsible. for the incident. In both issues he couldn't do that. It was that conclusive, another Ref would have had all four back. This was definitely a Home call..........
  12. As I posted yesterday, I'm more than happy with a point. We were in contention all night and could easily have won, had a few things went differently. Both teams had riders who did well and some that didn't. Both teams lost points through bike failures. no doubt if or when the two reams meet again the score will be similarly close again. The track seemed to be OK to start with, but later turn into a gate feast. The slick conditions, probably caused by the hot weather, didn't help to create much racing. Heat 15 was an easy call, The ref blamed Niels, but forgets that Darcy, having made the gate, dictated the line into the corner. Darcy hit the corner in mid track, forcing Niels to go wider than he wanted. Milik, unfortunately was all over Niels and running out of room, and came to grief. All the action was caused by the situation of the match and the condition of the track. For the Ref to exclude Niels he would have to hold him solely responsible for the whole of that first corner. and that he couldn't do. Because the blame could have been proportioned to different riders, the obvious and correct decision would have been to have all four back. The situation demanded that. A Good referee should take everything into consideration before making a decision. . (Pleased he didn't ref the British final, he'd excluded everyone from that final race. .) By taking it upon himself to exclude Niels at that stage of the meeting. He decided the outcome of the meeting and not the riders. Because of that decision, he made a Mockery of everything that had gone on before that instant. When you remember as a decent meeting, nobody would even know who the ref was. It's only when you know the ref, it is because of decisions he got wrong.... That's Fact....
  13. No, but the ref must understand the tension and pressure that the riders are under when the match resulting from that one race......
  14. I hate when Ref decisions decide the out come of any match. Tonight we have a closely fought match, 14 heats going one way then the other. Come the last heat the teams are but 2 pts apart. Everything is rest on the this one race. the Tapes go up, they race hard into the first bend. Unfortunately one rider falls down. Easy call, all four back, lets try again. The tension mounts. .. But Hang on, the Ref has excluded a Lynn Rider, when all were jostling for that advantage. But in doing so, he is not only giving Poole the result of the match. but has made the whole evening into a mockery.... Brilliant. And you wonder why people are turning their backs
  15. Every person involved with this sport is aware that it is far to expensive to continue along the present lines.. It's too expensive to Watch, too expensive to Promote, and too expensive to ride. The only people who are benefitting from this costly indulgence, are the TOP riders, Engine suppliers and Engine tuners. Until this situation changes, the sport will just bleed a slow death to extinction. Drastic action is urgently needed, Who's going to be the next track to close ????????????
  16. I don't like the idea of one league. But if that means the BSPA will be as one, and all the Promoters singing from the same hymn sheet, than that has to be a step in the right direction......
  17. If only it was that simple. Track conditions, Opposition, State of mind, all come into play. Every match is different and should be judged on it's own merits' There is far more pressure on Poole tonight than Lynn, in that Poole are expected to win at home. As long as Lynn put up a reasonable fight and are in contention they can be relatively happy. Obviously a point would be good but it's not that important. Forgetting the fact we won last time, but thinking back to the meeting, we were always in contention and there were never many points in it. Some may feel we were fortunate to come away with all the points, bearing in mind Darcy nearly lost it on the first corner. so if we are as close tonight, coming into Ht 15 that'll do me and be very happy to go away with a point. We use to go to meetings like this and except we had no chance. That's all different now, so win lose or draw, we go with optimistic thoughts........ and that's got to be good...
  18. We all know the reason why we have the Play-offs, we all except the Mickey Mouse ideas of granular, But deep down we also know it does nothing for the sport in the long run. The whole idea plays into the hands of certain clubs, and because of that, it is in direct expense of the sport. The idea of the play-offs is totally television. It most certainly doesn't bring in any newcomers to our fan base, But against that, we have to ask how many fans have turned their backs on the sport, because it allows teams to buy the honours... Just for a moment , spare a thought for Birmingham. who led the league for the whole season. If Birmingham had been hailed as League Champions 2013, as they should have been, would it have made any difference to the appeal of their supporters, and therefore helped the continuation of the Club....... I cant ever imagine a Club that won the League being short of support?????? Just a thought....... If a team don't get their rightful rewards then you must question the whole sanity of the sport..
  19. Please to note Bet 365 are streaming this match at 7.30pm. Saves us from relying on Twitter comments.
  20. Don't worry about Kenneth, He's saving himself for the Play-off's
  21. It doesn't make one iota difference what position you finish in, or how many points adrift, as long as you are in the top 4. The format of the league is such, that it is of no importance whether you finish 2nd; 3rd or 4th. Just for a moment, think of the excitement created if say, qualification to the play-offs was open to teams finishing in positions 1st; 3rd; 5th and 7th. That would create a few issues, and arguments. Everybody would be in with a chance of winning the league and no one would be assured of qualification. Mind you it would make it into a bit of a lottery, but so what, the idea of any play-off, reduces all competition into lotteries . But it would create a lot of fun though :rofl:
  22. Sure were interesting results last night ?????? of which, gave the winners massive points....
  23. Why repair something that is not broken. Having Bjerre at 5 has been a godsend, with him coming back from injury. each of his rides has been accompanied by another heat leader helping him regain that lost confidence. Rory on the other hand has grown in stature benefitting from the responsibility that was placed on him. No, leave well alone... As for the other suggestion, both have got use to their respective partners and any change will be detrimental to their scoring potential.........
  24. Kings Lynn and Poole definite, Then any two from ( My odds only ) Lakeside 2-1; Coventry 5-2; Swindon 7-2:and Eastbourne 10-1 bar. Semi-finals: Stars V's Hammers; and Poole V's Bees
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