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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Yeah right, Bend the rules at every opportunity, Stuff the sport, I'm alright Jack, attitude that would Kill the sport within 12 months....
  2. I hate Matt Ford with a vengeance, I despise everything he stand for, The cheating, the deceptions, the lies, the disrespect he shows for the sport and the contempt he has for other sport followers. To me he represents all the virtues that I was brought up to believe was wrong. So why should I let someone like him, get in the way of me going to see the sport I’ve loved for so long. I have no gripe with the Poole Team or their supporters (Well most anyway, mind you, they’re a couple that blow your head off). This meeting was always going to be special, with so many top riders on show, Looking through the program resembled that of a Grand Prix, such was the quality. The track looked amazing, and the big crowd came to see the battle of the best sides in the league. Some of the racing was top drawer, with some brilliant passes, Heat 5 was an example of the excitement, when Niels and Bjerre battled hard to come from a 4-2 down to a 4-2 advantage against the fast gating Bomber Harris. The excitement came thick and fast. The 3 races between Niels and Darcy were simply awesome. Two of the most brilliant racers from the back, were never more than a whisker apart, they two traded punches for four laps. They were worth the money alone. The heat 13 was the showpiece, Darcy and Magic shot from the gate and were team riding side by side. Niels giving it his all. Going down the back straight for the 3rd time he sees a small gap and splits the Pirates. Into the 3rd bend, Niels edges in front but Darcy is pushing hard and takes them wide. Down the start straight to start the last lap, Niels takes the lead, but wait Magic has cut back and takes the inside run into the 1st corner pushing them both him and Niels wide. This has enabled Darcy to cut back to the inside and take the lead and the win. A truly epic race that demonstrated team riding at its best, utterly brilliant from all the riders. That race will live in the memory for a long time. It’s quite easily to recall the good parts of a brilliant meeting, just a pity the Stars didn’t perform as -they could. We as a team were outscored, out-fought, out-gated, to a point we were out-classed. It would be wrong to be too critical of them last night, but most were not dialled in to what was required. Only Niels and Kenneth could hold their heads high, the rest needed that proverbial kick up the arse. One consolation, is that Poole could not do better than they did last night, whereas Lynn are capable of performing far better than they did. Even the Ref gave them a helping hand in Ht 9 letting Newman get a ridiculous flyer. Probably, if they meet again, the next time more of the Stars riders will give it more of a go and we get a more realistic score than we got last night.. All in all a brilliant meeting where the best team won at a canter……….
  3. You want the truth!! .......... YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH.......
  4. One of the truest post I've read for some time. Appreciate your views.. Excellent Post........
  5. In what should have been an eagerly awaited clash between the league's top two teams , It seems strange at the lack of posting on this topic. I thought it was just me who is P----d off with the whole scenario of Poole pulling the strings, But from the looks of this thread, so are a lot of other posters. Whatever happens tonight will be hollow, and not mean a damn thing.
  6. I am not knocking Watt as a rider, and believe he can perform to a decent standard, but you have to question his performance's against Poole. They have been consistently poor. When was the last time Watt scored decent points against them. Its not just him, It appears to the man on the terraces, Ford has this condition written into any loan contract, and the saying of 'Any Poole rider is always a Poole rider' come too the fore. It says a lot about the strength of the club, but, at the same time, insults the integrity of the fans and the sport. In my opinion, one of the reason;s why the asset system is flawed...
  7. Brilliant. It is so pleasing the club informing the supporters of what s going on. Its about time others clubs do likewise.... Well done the BEES....
  8. I believe the FTR should have a certain amount of protection, but I feel under the present system they have too much. Whereby at present both riders are treated as equals, probably in would have been more beneficial had the top reserve rode against heat leaders as well. Agree what you say about Rory though, but not every team has a rider, who goes out of his way to help develop these new kids. Having Rory in the team, ticks so many boxes....... an unbelievable acquisition......
  9. Never been a lover of the Berwick track, and aware of their restraint , so well done to all the riders, what for to me was an enjoyable meeting. Competitive , Fast, Compelling, I thoroughly enjoyed the spectacle. Pity about the crash in Ht 14 but please to see Berwick got the verdict dispite a tremendous comeback from the Monarchs .. Thought the Ref was weak and let too many starts go, Should have clamped down earlier, Kus was the Star and should have had 7 rides. The Manager must've been kacking himself having missed 2 if not 3 opportunities to give him them extra rides. but it all came good in the end...... Pity, a good meeting will be remembered for the bad accident....
  10. If Berwick lose tonight, then the blame has to rest with their manager. Woeful lack of idea....... Kus has been Brilliant.
  11. This post is in answer to the one from: (Pirate Baz, on 12 Aug 2014 - 08:55 AM, said:) In your defence of Matt Ford, I would like you to ask yourself WHY: WHY, Did Morris make the decision to fabricate the riders in a certain order. WHY, Was it only Compton to dramatically drop so many places and not anybody else. WHY, was Poole the only benefactor of this cohesion WHY, was it only Poole who asked for the rules to be changed WHY, Not wait for the season to end before any rule changes were made. The common denominator to all those questions Is Mat Ford. Now you may say , yeah, but it needs the approval of the majority of promoters to see the rules change . So bearing in mind there are only 9 clubs now, Ford would need only 4 others to back his suggestions. With his connections and leverage, getting four to sign with him would be a doddle. Lets just imagine a phone conversation with another Promoter, one that he has not got any claims on. Wife calling out, Jack ( fictitious name, hard working with little time), Matt Ford on the Phone, What's he want, Sometime about changing the rules, tell him I'll call him back, No, he wants to talk now. Yes Matt, can't this wait , I'm very busy. So you say when the riders are at 24 on the FTR list he can be replaced by whatever. Yeah what you like . Is that all. Cheers mate. He puts the phone down, his wife sez what was that all about, Jack replied, oh nothing love, It don't apply to us, our riders will never be as low as 24 on the list. So easy to understand, but so wrong in that promoters being able to instigate rule changes so easily. and it is always the same man..... Getting back to Pirate Baz, please don't paint this picture, that Ford is an angel cause we all know he's not......
  12. Has Matt Ford got claims on you too. I thought Poole only had 43 pts, but he has got you to wangled him a few more , No wonder Poole always wins the league... ...
  13. With little over a month to go before the league season finishes , there are still a tremendous amount of matches to be played. Most clubs still have 10 matches to play. What's the betting some clubs will fail to fulfil their obligation. What effects will this have on the play-off,? Can clubs afford to run double headers, Strange really, we've just had a month of glorious weather, and most of it was taken up with the WTC. Now with the latest week of bad weather, there must be a lot of rained off fixtures to arrange as well. What's the fine for not completing your fixtures? No doubt, money that the clubs can ill-afford. With all the RR, Guest, Missing riders, The Weather, The Rule bending, this season is now starting to drag out.
  14. Probably I didn't make that clear in that post. Yes it would have been just as bad, and the outcome the same, but rules would have been intact. and probably it wouldn't have became so obvious as it is now. But still terribly wrong. The contempt they treat us supporters with, is disgraceful. It about time they realised were on their side...... When eventually, all the supporters have gone, there will be no Speedway Promoters....
  15. I see Phil Morris is still doing his Twitter feeds. Pity he don't enlighten the forum of his justification of the FTR lists and reasons why Compton was conveniently dropped 10 places. All these favours requested and manipulations asked for, it must be so easy to get things mixed up. Had you'd dropped Compton 12 places, there would have been no need to alter any rules in mid-season, and all this rubbish would have been brushed under the carpet......
  16. Wow Wow, Hang on a minute, I'm all for people having an opinion, no problem there, But when rules are blantingly flaunted and altered to benefit just one club, than your opinion must appreciate them facts. Now if you cant see the undermining that's gone on, to achieve them benefits, then quite frankly than your opinion is worthless.. You call yourself a TRUE fan, if you were, you would see the damage these discrepancies have done for the sport, and no way would you be siding with Ford or his behaviour. Probably if your opinion, reflected the true aspects of what has gone on, than more people would take on board what you say, But while you persist in sweeping it under the carpet than no one will respect you or your opinion.
  17. I cant' see the point anymore, Like PMP sez After what has happened this pass week, I ask, what's the point. I suggest that we let Poole win by a big score, probably field a NL side, so Matt Ford can go home happy in the knowledge that they are the top team now , so he won't have to change any more rules, There will be no need to pull in any more favours, He wont have to look or make any more loop holes. His job is done. Like all the years prior, he has singly handed destroyed the whole integrity of the season, just so he can be a winner. That must make him the saddest person in the world..... It was drilled into me from an early age; If you can't play to the rules, than don't play at all......
  18. Your not a fan of speedway, your just a Matt Ford Lap-dog.. Its pointless trying to reason with you, there nothing there to reason with. Probably, like you say, it must be that Poole thing.
  19. Exactly. The more I think about it, the more strange it becomes. Like you say, with the calibration of the FTR list being doctored to suit, Poole could have achieved their directive just by getting Compton positioned at 27. There would have been no need for any rule change, and Poole would have their rider. Compton is no Darcy Ward, and clubs aren't rushing to sign him. Any normal club would have persevered with the rider they had, hoping he would benefit from riding with their star riders. Changing this FTR isn't going to make Poole stronger. So why create all these problems. The obvious answer, starring everyone in the face is Matt Ford. He wants to let others know, he can do as he wants when he wants. He loves being in the limelight, He loves people talking about him, He wants to rock the boat. This is all about his self esteem. He don't give a damn for the damage he causes, it don't concern him... All he's interested in is Matt Ford. I just hope one day he gets his just deserves....
  20. Nice to see there are still some decent genuine people from Poole,, not many mind, Some are so thick they can't see further than Matt Ford ego. Had I have been Swindon's Promoter last night I would have turned up and then refused to ride. Unless a stand is made against this rule manipulations, nothing will ever change.
  21. Because he had a nasty accident last night , will that drop down the FTR list, as others may have done.?????......
  22. Sad to hear the injury news Lewis Blackbird. In what has been an exceptional year, he must be gutted to end his season this way...... https://twitter.com/speedwaystarmag
  23. For fifty years I've followed this sport, Been waiting 48 yrs. to win the big one. We've had some crap teams, we.ve had some good ones, but always miss out in the end. Thought this year was different. A brilliant team assembled with the restraints of the tight limits. We start the season off well . Our team are doing well and can only get better. We know other teams will mount a challenge, Come the play-off there will be strong teams contesting for honours, after all its the play-off that really count. What's been so good this year is that there had been no skull doggery, rule bending , and underhandedness. and no cheating. Winning this year would have meant something. After what has happened this week, it doesn't bother me if we win or not. Its not important anymore. The integrity of the whole season has been lost, by the underhanded way the power at be can change rules to suite. It belittles everything that has happened this year. The MC, The BSPA and the ACU are suppose to be genuine and astute people there for the good of the sport, But they must be blind not to see the damage these issues do.
  24. I too, got that one wrong, me thinking he was a genuine person, who wanted what was best for the sport. But he's no better than the rest, probably even worse...... Being in charge of the FTR's He was in a position that could have manufactured a new beginning of the Elite league. Young riders put their development in his hands. But fiddling the list to suit certain people, has shown the world what an untrustworthy person he really is. Whatever he decides to do from now on, his character will forever be tarnished. I hope it was worth it. Sure was a sad day for Speedway............
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