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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Don't you give it a rest. You talk about Mads and contempt. You have treated this forum with more contempt than anybody has ever done. And you're still here.
  2. Do you actually believe some of the things you write, Are you really saying, teams in the league don't go out to win each match. Surely even you don't believe that. Ask Rosco if he has ever told his team not to win. That is crap, PURE GOLD CRAP. I can't believe any team has ever gone out with the intention of not winning. So your argument about teams not wanting to finish top is only in your head...... About fans leaving in their droves, I was referring to Birmingham fans recently but other teams also that fell by the wayside are plentiful. Last year Birmingham were the top team. They led from start of the league to its conclusion. There reward was NOTHING. Whereas Poole, scrapping into the Playoffs after finishing some way adrift won a 4 team tournament and was pronounced Champions....... Pure Magic!!!!!!! imagine how the Brum Fans felt for all their effort last year. No doubt this year they voted with their feet, and subsequently folded. can you blame them..... You say the Play-off brings in the fans, they probably do for a couple of meetings. That's false economy, We want to encourage the fans to come every week. We want rules with integrity that are fair to everyone. Only then will new fans be tempted to come.... If you are so set on the Play-offs, fair enough, have them and crown the winners with any title you want to bestow on them. No problem with that at all... But don't take the honour of League winners away from the rightful reciprocant. That's unfair........
  3. What a load of old rubbish. Regardless of the wording, or the name of a competition, winning a 4 team play-off can be called what they like. to be called Champions is just a word that means nothing... The best team of the season is the one that finished top of the league. a competition that stretches 7 months and includes 150 matches. Just because the BSPA come up with an stupid idea to generate an extra meetings for the tele, at the cost of demeaning the league structure doesn't make it right. With decisions like that, can you wonder why people are leaving in their droves. The league don't lie, But anybody can win a four team tournament. Especially when half the teams are made up of guests .... What a Joke this sport is..........
  4. Thought the Ref was rubbish last night. Trying hard to think of a decision he got right.. Like you, Batch was so obvious the guilty party, but it seems, everytime Nicky is involved with any crash it is his fault. But that's the way it goes when your disliked....... Terrible decision.... I thought Batch was also the main cause of the Kenneth crash, It was clear he missed the gate and was third into the first corner, but by keeping the power on, before locking up, he created the problem of squashing Kenneth into the fast gating Pederson, I appreciate it was a racing incident with a lot at stake. But surely the head has to rule the heart at times like that. Can't imagine better riders taking them chances, His actions of laying his bike down later, when out thought by Pedersen, highlights his attitude of conning the Ref. Again, can't imagine riders like Hancock ever doing that.... Having had 3 bad crashes in as many years Kenneth has had more than his fair share of bad injuries and none being his fault.. He has taken some time to get back to the rider he was, He didn't deserve that last night..........
  5. Too true, I thought I was the only one against the idea. Seems there a few more out there who think the same.
  6. I cant imagine Darcy will be back this year, The FIA aren't known for having prompt disciplinary meetings . so which case I can only assume Poole will be Ward less in the Play-offs. Swindon are the form team, and will rightfully start as favourites . Coventry have also hit a good vane of form, so common sense would tells me to let them two scrap it out for a place in the final. Having the choice of opponents gives the Lynn the opportunity to plan both meetings. Not only because of Darcy, but Poole, like us, are struggling with other injuries too, and feel, if there is a good time to meet them, then it has to be now. So my choice would be Semi 1:- Poole Vs Kings Lynn, Semi 2-: Coventry Vs Swindon... Hopefully the final will be Lynn Vs Coventry. I have nothing against Swindon, just that I feel we stand a better chance of beating the Bees.
  7. Thoroughly enjoyed the live screening last night. Of those I've seen, this was comparable with the best, With the camera placed near a loudspeaker, we were kept up to date with all the results and riders.,, Having heard so much adverse remarks about the track I was pleasantly surprised of the quality last night. All this talk of a gate and go was completely wrong. Pleased also, that the Stars appear to back on track again, after a few sub performances recently. I think the continuous string of injuries had taken it's toll and when Niels was known to be out for the remainder, it really knocked the stuffing out of some. But in Simon Lambert, he is proving a adequate replacement for Rose and performed well last night. Bomber, although not a Niels, also did well . Bomber is always a good guest and very seldom lets anyone down. Leicester, battled hard. Some rode really well while others were below par. Hope they stay at the Elite level, and I sure they well benefit from it with time..... I think I'm right in saying that, by winning 3 pts against Lakeside on Tuesday will all but assure us of topping the league this year. That in it's self is a tremendous achievement and should be rewarded. With 2 main riders missing through injuries, I am not confident about winning the play-offs. The replacements are of paramount importance it we are going to remain at the top of the honours. I have always voiced against the logic of League Champions being acclaimed by winning the play-off and this year even more so. To me, it's ludicrous, that after 120 league matches stretching 7 months, honours will be awarded based on Rider replacements, Guests, and Rider availability. Please don't tell me: 'That's good for the sport'...........
  8. The concept of using young British riders in the reserve positions is actually good, but has been badly implemented. Once it was seen that the PL didn't want any involvement it was always going to be difficult to succeed. Obviously there have been many, many, problems. Without doubt the biggest issue is the priority of the clubs. How can an Elite team pick a FTR rider who is owned by another club, who always has first choice when the date clash. How many times has Garrity been missing from the Coventry team. How can a system work when the so called riders is always absent. To me, for the FTR to stand any chance of succeeding, the riders HAVE to ride every match, obviously, with the exception of injury. If this can't be achieved then it defeats the object of the whole idea... People will say, yeah that ok for Lynn, where the wheel are always turning, to generate riders for the future. Other clubs need to follow suit.
  9. It never rains but it pours (I think the saying goes something like that) Had there been full teams , I would have gone to this, but guests and injuries are turning matches into a farce now......
  10. After 120 matches, over the previous 7 months, we are no further forward than we were at the start of the season. Yes, we all know the rules, yes, we knew at the start of the season, the league program means nothing, other than finding the top placed teams for the play-off. So why bother with the league at all. Surely there an easier way of selecting four teams to contest the play-offs. Toss of a coin, pick teams out of a hat. At least that way the fans will not be wasting their money on matches that mean nothing. If the league is that un-important, why should promoters risk their livelihood on something that don't mean anything. Obviously the league is important. Not just as a qualifier for some idealistic play-offs, who some think is more important than the sport itself. League racing is the BREAD and BUTTER of Speedway. The League format is the backbone of any sport and should be acclaimed as such. Although Lynn were 20 pts ahead, early on in the year, it has never been accepted that we had won the league already, As it happens, this is turning out to be a closer fought competition with numerous teams in with a shout. Had it not been for these play-offs the final weeks of league title would be really exciting. But it means little. I have read many comments about the rights and wrongs of the play-off system, but until the League Winners are rightfully acclaimed, I see no sense in anything that has been said. Those people who feel the play-offs are the sports saviour, are just clutching at straws, If they think the sport can survive purely on four matches at the end of the season. Then their sense of reality has gone completely.
  11. I feel sorry for Bomber put in a no win situation. Having score 18 max and then a 2 in the past week, whatever he score there will be talk of not doing enough. If he top scores his mates at Coventry will accuse him of sabotaging their hopes of success. Hope he's getting paid plenty for his troubles..
  12. They were the stand out team last year, heading the league for most of the season, They were never going to beat the money teams in a end of season head to head, So on that front why bother to enter the competition??? But as League champions, probably there would have been more of a draw to the spectators, than those turning theirs backs, thinking ' What's the point' we done all but win the league. They led from day one. The system make a mockery of open competition and benefits only the selected few.......
  13. I suppose Birmingham were well rewarded last year for their involvement. , Yeah, I bet they were well chuffed...
  14. Although Lynn have led from day one, this seasons final league positions are still up for grabs. there are still a few teams in with a shout. If it wasn't for those stupid play-offs, these final fixtures would be of massive importance. instead of which, they are of little importance. Like people have already said, let the league winner be Champions, BUT let the top four teams compete for the old KO Cup. as of the play-offs, and be acclaimed as Champion Cup Winners... It would preserve sanity, it would reward the clubs for the seven month of competition, it would provide the TV with an end of the season spectacle. It would give clubs and fans two chances of success. AND, IT WOULDN'T COST A PENNY MORE........
  15. It seems like lady luck is definitely shining on Swindon right now. All the other contenders are having massive problems with top riders. I've always rubbish the play-off idea, and feel it makes a total mockery of the League format. But, this year even more so. taking into consideration, Top Riders injuries, Riders Suspensions, Foreign Riders not wanting to ride in the EL, PL riders performing elsewhere, The play-offs have been demeaned and are of no importance other than the TV companies. What makes it so sad is that the season has been running now for 6 months and all that has gone before means Jack rubbish. And you wonder why the sport is dying on it's feet.. I rather that, than acclaim you are League Champions because you happen to win a four team tournament at the end of the season when nobody else could raise a side.
  16. I have always been critical of the match selections shown on SKY, and feel with a bit of insight, there could be better fixtures and hence more interesting and closer matches on better prepared track, to motivate armchair watchers into regular supporters. But last night, that theory, completely went out of the window. On a well prepared track, the two inform teams were supposed to be the best match possible. But, after such a one sided affair it just goes to show, it's very difficult to predict which way these matches are going to go, and as last night shows nothing is certain anymore.. Swindon, Looked mighty impressive though...
  17. Yes, that was me. mate.. Speak what I feel....... I agree, and like you say, we have to get behind your team. I have followed the Stars more years than I care to remember. Mostly at home and away when possible. The comment I made about picking something up from the floor was made following our trip to Coventry, where the team, didn't so much lose but just rolled over. There was no fight at all. That annoyed me. Our team top of the league, being overrun by a team made up of PL riders. I don't mind losing but it's the lack of effort that gets to me.... But Yes, we have too get behind the team, and the point we got at Eastbourne was Massive......
  18. Pleased we got a point from the meeting, and like GB said, with Niels Lambert and Rose we could probably have got even more. After the shambles at Brandon last Thursday, it could only go one way. Lets hope this newly discovered attitude continues next Thursday away to Leicester...........
  19. As I was informed, as from the start 2014, Complaints will only be entertained before a meeting. and decisions will be made. The old idea of running with an illegal rider, and only deducting his points, has now been condemned as an unfair practice .
  20. Please explain to me why you think Lynn came out with no credit. You appear to be saying, because we complained we are wrong. Whereas, Horton for his inefficiency, did no wrong what's so ever. The rules have recently changed saying, complaints can now only be placed prior to the meeting. The old precedent, of continuing with the rider, that had been exploited by Poole now don't exist... The result of the meeting was irrelevant, to the above problem, And I am pleased to say, was correctly sorted before the match.... It not about credit, Its about RIGHT and WRONG.... Probably If I had been treated like Brendon Johnson, I too would be more particular about my services. After all FTR were suppose to be protected. They say what goes around comes around............
  21. Probably not this year, but over the years it's been plentiful .
  22. You're missing the point completely .... The sugar Daddy ( Sky TV) has come, spent , wasted and gone.. Unless the sport, and each club, is run as a viable enterprise then there is no point in continuing.. I see we are left with 2 options. 1, We join our European neighbours and comply with one day a week racing, or 2, We say 'Up yours' and go our own way with our own rules.... We can't have our cake and eat it......... It's one way or the other......
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