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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. From being the strongest team in the league, we are now one of the weakest. Because of the league format, when the teams were assembled, Lynn, rightly or wrongly, elected to have a strong heat leaders, weaker second strings and top reserves. Now because injuries have taken away our strength positions, we are terribly weak and no available guests can rectify that. The riders left in the team are young, inexperienced and are unable to compensate for those quality riders we are missing. Unless something drastic happens, I believe the result is a foregone conclusion. When you read some of the Poole posts about their weakened side and them having to use Cook instead of Josh, really makes my blood boil............... They haven't got a clue......
  2. I hope not. All nice people but not winners. We want riders who will give that extra little bit, We want riders who don't except being beaten, We want riders with good/fast equipment. we want riders who put Lynn First, Second and then some. Of that list I would probably keep one .....
  3. Wonder who comes up with these STUPID ideas.... We cant organise our own leagues properly, let alone one featuring other countries.
  4. Simon Lambert was a replacement for Rose, only because his injuries wouldn't allow him to ride again this year. Lambert was given this position from the list of Assets/ FTR lists but is in no way equal to the talents of Lewis Rose.
  5. And getting your bags pack for your trip to the States.... That's a tuff call, Play-Offs or Vegas , I think I'd go for the holiday....... Enjoy
  6. I think the title of this thread should have Play-Offs to be decided by guests. There are not many top guests about, and of the few that are, are obvious choices. There's not much shrewdness required.
  7. Depends where Trees live. I use to reckon on 3 hrs home from Liverpool at night,.............. In a Van.
  8. The national people who govern these events don't seem to understand the costs to the fans . They must think money grows on trees. £25.00 admission, for a substandard field, on a weeknight, do they really expect fans to turnout in their thousands, hundreds This was once the Mecca individual event of the year. Only the top rider from each club was able to compete, some clubs couldn't achieve that. There were more Clubs than places. Always held at Hyde Road, Belle Vue and the place was packed, Tickets with affordable for everyone, and the atmosphere was unbelievable. To win the BLRC was second only to the World Championship. How times have changed...... With so many top Elite rider missing, surely the admission could have reflected the current state of the game and tried to attract new fans instead of ripping, what few there are, off at every opportunity.
  9. With the exception of Woffy, Bomber has been our best riders for years. Good luck to him, he deserves it. I don't knock a man for trying, and Bomber always gives 110%. Bomber is a class act, who can beat most riders, His biggest problem has always been his gating. They're not many people go by Bomber when he hits the front. If Bomber could only get his gating sorted, we wouldn't be having this discussion , he'd be in the top 8 every year............
  10. Another great club bites the dust. Sad but true, this is the way speedway is going. At the end of the day, its about the lack of bums on seats, high cost of riders and equipment and little VFM. Unless these issues are addressed more clubs will follow..
  11. I've called him worst names than that, At least I start a comment with a capital letter and use an apostrophe where needed. If that all you've got to say, I'd stick to taking pictures.......
  12. For Kenneth to pull out of the qualifier, he has to be in a lot of pain. This could be his last chance to be in the SGP next year. They say when your luck out ............ Life just don't seem fair some days.....
  13. If I was Rob Lyons, I'd ban all the Stars riders from riding this weekend. and wrap them up in cotton wool. If our bad luck continues we could be another two riders down come Monday night.
  14. Of cause you will... Tell me another sport where the team in fourth place and languishing 15 pts adrift of the leaders can achieve that.
  15. Your perception of me backing Mads is totally wrong. I don't disagree with the sacking of any rider, but not with only one match to play. That in itself is ridiculous. Of cause I like support the Stars, but not blindingly to the extent of everything else. To me the sport of British Speedway far outweighs that of the support of our local team and any idea and views I have, are based that way..
  16. Nah, you got me wrong, I'm probably the most positive man you've ever meet. I always try to give the benefit of doubt, but speak as I find. To you, everything is black and white. As for the Mads thing, My argument was, the timing made it a rubbish decision, that nobody benefitted from it. Not Leicester, The promoter, The fans, least of all The sport. With only one match to go this could have been sorted in house once the season had finished, where both parties could have come to an agreement, Mouthing off over the mic and rubbish written over the media, is not the way to project an professional image. As for the pot kettle black, and crying for 2 weeks about the POKC, again you are so wrong. I have an opinion that differs from you. But from the stuff you have written, I am well pleased about that. In my world there are usually two sides to an argument, not necessary right and wrong, just different, people see issues from other directions and put priority another way, Fine. No problems with that either. As been said, the league rules say the season will conclude with a play-off to find the League Champions. Just because it says so in the Rules it doesn't make it right. You are putting forward an arguments trying to justify it, but quite obviously are not looking at it from both sides, purely because you like those PO's I have tried to be logical and see what advantage/ disadvantages in both sides, and believe going with the POKC is a backward step and all it does is devalue the bread of league racing. Any system that will allows a team, some 15 pts adrift, to be in with a chance of being Elite League Champions has to be questioned. Surely this can't be right.......
  17. A typical post one comes to expect from you. Always the negative guilty angle...... How many times has Mads let the Lions down this year, How many times have the Lions let Mads down. Your example about your Shop has nothing to do with it. You, like me, know nothing of the situation, only the fact he has been sacked with one match to go. No doubt this has harmed Leicester far more than it has Mads and with a bit more thought about the whole situation, probably this could have been sorted before mouthing off. to all and sundry . If you want to crucify Mads for riding abroad, there are others far worse than him...... Lets ban the lot of them.......
  18. The issue is not the sacking of the rider, but to do it with only one match to go. was the point I was trying to make. Its not that long ago when Mads was their saviour and top scoring most matches.....I'm thought sacking was the last option not the first...
  19. Me again, I love this debate.... There are fors and against the POKC and I appreciate that, I think having a 4 team KO cup at the end of the season ( That's all it is) is a brilliant idea. What I think is ridiculous is to put a prize of League Champions when it obviously isn't. The instance the POKC were introduced the League was immediately devalued. You say about meaningless fixtures, well now we have loads of them and all because of these POKC. 3 years ago we reached the PO and were subsequently beaten in the semis, but that wasn't our biggest gate. That year Good Friday attracted over 3500 people mostly because of the weather. So all this crap about crowd only wanting POKC is just a fallacy. If the package is right the crowds will come. We don't have to wager the League title just to achieve this...........
  20. Leicester promotions haven't done themselves or the sport any favours at all... Just another one of those stupid happening that ridicule this sport.. Sometimes I think the promoters think the sport is run solely for their benefit
  21. Spot on. Probably the most committed performance I've seen from the stars for some time. Yeah, I know it was only Lakeside, but we were on it from the start and didn't allow them any chance to get back init. The mind boggles on what could've been achieved with a full team. The big comment made in the above post is LUCK. If we can get our share, then I'm sure we give anyone a run for their money. In my mind, nobody is good enough to replace Niels, but Scotty never lets us down.........
  22. This is my feelings at every meeting. They seem capable of having 2 good rides than 2 bad ones. With each of the 1 to 5 having an extra ride tonight, they want to look to be scoring double figures each. PS . Cant believe we couldn't find a guest to ride. RR surely is a last resort........
  23. I believe Rob Lyon has now got the biggest job he ever had to do , in turning this team into winners. Motivation,, Team spirit,, Togetherness, Kick up the arse,, He will have to do it all to win tonight. Anything but max points is unthinkable........ COME ON YOU STARS
  24. Wow !!!!. What a turn-up. Expected a much closer affair, probably a last heat decider. But Poole were simply majestic, Led by the inspire Janowski they appeared to hold all the aces. From the gate they were electric. Having witnessed first hand recently, when Lynn were soundly beaten, I thought Coventry would have done far better than that. Only Bomber comes away with any credit. Some of the rest were woeful.. beaten embarrassing easily. This, to me speaks volumes, Not only about Poole but also Coventry as well. Maciej was awesome, He did everything and more besides. beating Harris 3 times is no mean feat, He led a team of 2nd strings and PL riders and inspired them to be winners. I had always thought after he rode for Lynn he was special, and one day he could be one of the best, last night he showed just how great he can be.. Coventry on the other hand were disappointing, No drive, no desire and no class. Having been soundly whooped by Swindon last week, I think that done more damage than first thought. Any chance they may have had of winning the league took a massive dive last night, Poole were simply from another level...........
  25. What a sad world you live in. So aloft of the real world. You talk out of your arse and rubbish all those who disagrees with you. You paint this picture that 'Play-off' are the B all of everything just because a few extra people go and watch. In your world people are only interested in winners, and will only go to support if there is something at stake. That's sad! Your team has only won the league title twice in 50 yrs., and we have yet to win it , so please explain to me why supporters of these clubs are still about. when they win so little. Just because you travelled with 100 odd other supporters to Leicester you put that down to interest generated by the play-offs, Let me tell you, I've travelled to 15 away matches this year and haven't thought about the play-offs once. I go purely for my own enjoyment and hope the Stars do well. If that makes me a sap, then good, If I'm a little wet behind the ears that also good.
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