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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. A draft can mean many things, A bank payment, a first design , a initial thought, or in this case, the idea of a draft is to group riders into a common ground for a fair and certain purpose. So yes I'm quite aware what a Draft is . The whole idea of the FTR system is to promote new , young , talented, British riders along the path of world speedway. This system does not need to be done on a draft basis, but this is the way that BSPA choose, for it to be done. Once clubs are allowed to protect SOME riders, then the idea of a draft is defeated. It then becomes unfair I am troubled to see the logic behind this Draft idea, Its not done for the good of the riders, It's most certainly not done for the good of the sport , Its not done with the spectators in mind, The clubs that have their own FTR assets don't want it, the only benefit it offers is to the clubs that have sat about and done nothing. And there the ones that don't deserve to be helped..... I have to correct you there. I have always agreed with the FTR. To me that's a massive step forward. But I would never agree with a DRAFT selection process , All it will ever do is give benefits, to the people or clubs who do nothing.
  2. What are the rules??? what rules have the riders been asked to join???? Question. 1 Would Newman sign up for the draft if he thought he was riding somewhere else, But he knew he would be riding for Poole.? Did he sign up to the draft rules.........or did he sign up to join Poole??? Question 2 ; Would Kerr approach the draft system differently if (a) he know he was riding for Lynn or ( not knowing where he would be riding . Each rider has a different agenda,,,, So you saying they are the draft rules, but every rider has a different take on exactly what the rules are............. You've only got to have 4 riders from pot (a) to say sod you and the whole system is doomed. And them draft rules will mean nothing..........
  3. Why does the riders in pot A have to be ranked. Surely the final league positions are enough to determine the picking order. Why complicate the system by ranking the riders. We have been assured that all rider are of similar ability, so what benefit is gained by ranking them.....???????
  4. Everything I hear of this Draft System make the whole scenario into a mockery . Surely Clubs swapping riders would not be allowed. I have never agreed with forcing riders to race as and where they're picked. What will happen when the rider says stuff you??? does the draw start all over again. The riders selected for the draft do so with their own ideas, there not just a name with an average, they do have a say in where they will ride, and its about time the fans and supporters appreciated it..
  5. We all know that the averages can mean as much or as little as you want them to mean. Seeing Newman riding at the end of the year riding, he was FAR superior on the track than any of the names you have mentioned. I think he won his races against Kerr ended up 8-2 and Garrity 6-2 . His form alone enabled Poole to have just one decent FTR and was very instrumental of their success last year. So please don't pretend he is anything else, other than the top rider...... regardless of what his aver was... My unbiased positions would be Newman, Blackbird, Kerr, Garrity then Worrall. But like, we all have opinions and no doubt they all differ.....
  6. That's too much like common sense. By grading the riders in Pot A will enable all sorts of deviations. I've seen lists on here where they have Newman in 5th and 6th position, just so they Poole have a better pick in Pot B. But we all know if Poole had to choice the best rider in pot A in would be Newman.....So we all assume Newman should be top or thereabouts. I don't agree with the draft idea because it cannot be done fairly. As been posted, the promoters sitting round a table and sorting it out, seems the most logical answer. But failing that, what PMPO said above, seems the next best idea........
  7. Just for the record, I think the FTR is a good idea. It's the draft part I have a problem with. For the draft to be fair, there cannot be ANY protected riders. But saying that , then it wouldn't be fair on the clubs that own FTR assets if they wasn't protected. Either the riders can be protected or not. You can't have it both ways Some are , some ain't........ Bearing in mind this years FTR are more equal than before and they are not going to be graded as such, why not do away with the draft idea and let the clubs pick one rider from each group. That way everyone is happy.... Simple.......
  8. My point is to give the rider his choice of where he wants to ride. rather than being dictated to. The main body of the team is made up of riders who have arranged a contract to ride for that side, The FTR should be treated likewise. In this day and age you shouldn't be forced to ride anywhere.
  9. Thems are rubbish rules.......... You tell that to Kerr and Rose...... They are local boys who come from this area and have always wanted to ride for Lynn . What about the local supporters from where these riders live that come every week, All the close family members that come and support them. Are they going to feel the same way if say he rides for Swindon, I doubt it........ It's just another rule that could / will turn supporters away.
  10. What would make perfect sense, is that the BSPA instruct all clubs to attain their own FTR assets, instead of some clubs relying on handouts all the time. They have had a year to sort out FTR asset but have done nothing. Of course Poole will be happy with the protection of only one asset. they only have Newman, And so will Swindon, who haven't got any worth keeping......... BUT...... Why should teams like Lynn and Coventry be penalised for the endeavour of planning ahead...... Why should the like of Kerr or Rose be penalised and pressured to move elsewhere when they have nothing wrong............
  11. Can't imagine Buster allowing Lewis Rose to go to Poole or anywhere else come to that. If the powers that make these decisions have any common sense they will realise it's a stupid scenario. Teams like Swindon and Poole do hardly anything to invest in new blood, yet they will be allowed to cherry pick other clubs assets. I look back over the last year when there was a lot of moaning about poor Swindon and Poole, they don't have any good FTR rider, But they have done nothing to enhance their team strength. If Matt Ford is the genius everyone says he is , why has he not sorted out another asset to figure in the FTR system. Last year he got out of jail with Newman , but that won't happen every year.... He needs to invest in new talent.....
  12. Bumped into an old speedway pal this morning, who was so despaired with the sport he stopped going some five years back, But he greeted me with the words, 'Bloody hell mate, I hear we've got Woffy riding for the Stars this year' Now that's the third source who has said that, so I'm beginning to think Smoke / Fire...... When pressed for his information, he said he came from the track, and also repeated that Kenneth would be riding for Wolves with his brother....... The mind boggles.........
  13. Question: Can a rider refuse to ride for a specific clubs if he so wished, i.e .he don't like the track, too far to travel etc....
  14. Post altered to keep Steve0 happy. It was the way you read it...
  15. Of course it's not. But that is not what I said. I said his scoring is not the ONLY thing to consider. Eh????? I wish next time you will read what I posted and not what you think I said.
  16. If they are going to re-declare the format , enabling the (Group 1 FTR) to get harder rides, I would assume the Team positions 6 and 7 will be set in stone to facilitate them changes. so moving round the reserves as you have done will not be allowed..... Just a thought......... Be interesting to see what assessed score Oliver Berntzon will be on........ ( if Matt Ford was asking it would be a 4. anyone else it'll be a 6 )
  17. Take on board what you say, but when looking at Poole last year, it makes a mockery of your statement of imbalance in the reserves. Grade A and B riders are not just about points levels. they're many more aspects to consider. Where they live, can they improve, are they willing to learn, are they able to race on your track, will they be able to mix in with the rest of the team. can they take on responsibility. When you consider all those things, does it matter if someone scores more points or less. It's pointless picking someone who don't want to be there, regardless of the ability.... Last year Rose was placed last on the list, but fitted in the Stars real well. He benefitted from being part of the team surrounded by world class riders, He took on board all the help and advice and made massive strides, even though his season was cut short by injury. This is what the FTR system is all about
  18. I think it's good having all these wishful teams. The permutations are surprising with the amount of different ideas. The one common factor with them all, is that Niels figures in every single one of them, That should tell just how well liked he is and how much the fans value him in the team.. Not at all surprised at that, because I would imagine every speedway fan in the world would want Niels riding in their team. Without doubt NKI is the ace of the pack and I'm sure Buster and Co will leave no stone unturned in an effort to retain his services. As for the rest, pick any other 6 , who are prepared to fight for the cause.......
  19. Too right he is !!!!!!!!! Besides, we couldn't find a space for him or Nicki in our recently proposed new look team : Iversen, Porsing, Bech, Woffinden, Lebedev, Kerr, Rose.,
  20. That's the best team selection I've seen. Can't see any one beating that...
  21. Cor- Blimmy, we're really digging low now. The sport is at an all-time low and you, picking up on pettiness is the last thing we need. I for one, think the FTR system is a breath of fresh air. The first year was good and I'm sure it will be even better this year. Splitting the riders into A and B groups should be enough. Of course some riders will be better than others but its all down to opinions. You say Kerr is the top man, but I'm not so sure, especially now that others are joining the ranks. Same with group B. you say that Rose is fifth in the list and should be penalised. I say the clubs that have tried to help and educate new blood should have first choice on their assets. Probably, in future, those clubs who don't put much importance into nourishing these young riders, will change their stance and start doing the same. After-all they are the future of the sport.....
  22. Since the introduction of the new race format, it has the effect of concentrating the riders averages closer together. Looking at the end of season figures. it appears that about 50% of the riders are in the middle of the points table with scores of 5.5 to 7. And we all know some riders are far better than that. It is thinking along those lines, probably it would be better for Lynn Stars to rest Lambert for a year. There's no sentiment in this game and we could field stronger riders on a similar average to Robert. His biggest nemesis has always been his gating and until he gets that sorted he will only be an also ran. If he raced in the PL next year, he would have far more meetings and be able to home in his undoubted talent, becoming the top rider he's destined to become.
  23. Whether you own your own track or rent it, surely it's the responsibility of the Promoters to ensure their track it's in good racable condition. A lot of fans use this as an excuse for their own tracks short-comings. What happened at Poole with the play-offs was nothing short than disgraceful. There was no excuse for having no shale or equipment.
  24. Nice to see the NA be acclaimed as the BEST Track again........... Well done to BUSTER for all the real work he does...........
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