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Everything posted by g13webb
Yeah, I'm of similar feelings and think, given the rub of the green we can compete for honours with confidence. Porsing experimented with machinery last year and lost this way a bit , but once back he showed he is there to be reckoned with. Like you say Robert has to learn to gate. but again goes very quick when out front. Seeing there are quite a few teams signing riders, and the fact none of last years 1 to 5 have been mentioned elsewhere, it doesn't take an Einstein to arrive at the conclusion that the Stars will be as last year... Holding the meeting at the new bar facilities at the track will cure the car park problems, just hope there's enough chairs......
Kenneth to me, CAN be the best No. 2 in the league. Given a injury free year, He score will rocket to the level they once were. Watching him intently as I do, he has lost none of the old ability and when in front goes very quick. Probably the best gater at the club, his machinery is always on song. Having been unfortunate with a phase of bad crashes, usually not his fault, has cause him to show hesitation when in close company with other riders. I'm sure given a decent run with no crashes I'm sure he'll be back to the level he was.....
You could level the machinery issue at Mads. Never doubted his desire or passion, but sometimes his bikes are that slow. Remember see him once at a Danish Practise day, and Mads was the slowest there. In this day and age, it's imperative the bikes are competitive . Seeing him ride in the WTC showed he's lost none of this ability, But can he be relied upon to perform at that level every week???
Probably I see things differently from other people, But to me Porsing is a far better option than Mads. All this talk about swapping him for such and such, or what's his name is way off the mark. No doubt, I will be shot down in flames, when I predict he will challenge Rory for the third heat leader spot. Porsing is more than capable of putting a point on his average, and that WOULD be enough to make Rory a second string....... I too have no problems using the same 1 to 5. All those riders are comfortable with their current average, and most have the ability to improve some. I cant see one that will drop his score, like I do when looking at some of the signings with other clubs.......We should have enough for a play-off position and then its down to fate and the gods.
You cant judge some ones brilliance on whether we win the league or not. Going on that score, non of our previous greats weren't that good, because as of yet, we are still waiting for that first title. No!!!! make no mistake, Niels is up there with the very best. No doubt, the day will come when he decides to leave, but his value to the club should never be undermined........
Having watch some great performers over the last 50 years, I believe I'm right in saying that Niels has achieved equal status to any of those greats who have rode here in the past. Indeed it would be a sad day if Niels was to turn his back on the Stars, and trying to replace him would be near enough impossible.......
I would think everyone would echo those sentiments, Never nice when someone is unwell. Hurry up and get better, the sport desperately needs all its supporters......
My thoughts exactly. Nobody would question the fact we were so far in front, even the bookie's would have stopped taking any more bets The laws of averages says it has to come our way sometime, Probably 2015 will be the year.......
I think all tracks have their own merits. Big or small, tight or open, they all require an act to master them. This is where you separate the men from the boys. No doubt all riders have their preferences, but the top riders have to master them all. There's no right or wrong riding any additional specific track, new pastures will add to your experiences and thus making you a better rider. The senses of opinions say the Norfolk Arena is as good as any to ride, but riders need to master other tracks as well. When talking with an old favourite of mine, he once spoke of the EESG saying, it was an easy track to ride but a difficult one to master. he continued, in saying ,You need a fast bike to take advantage of the wide bends..... when you get it right, you get a fantastic sense of achievement. Must admit , I've seen some wonderful meetings at the showground.....
Not expecting too many surprises on Tuesday night. Am imagining the 1-5 will remain the same. Feel the squad was stronger last year in comparison with other teams, This year they have another 2 points to strengthen, whereas we still have the same. I feel fate played a massive hand in the final outcome of the Elite League last year, and barring the injuries and clubs folding, we would have walked it. Still believe we can be successful with this team, but everyone has to apply themselves to every match. There are no easy meetings any more, and each club will be capable of beating each other. Just Hoping NKI has lost non of his magic, Kenneth gets back to the form he once had, and the rest all improve and perform as a solid unit. If all the team are on song we should be OK. Play-off's contenders from the off......
I mentioned last year about Lynn riders doubling up for Peterborough . It seemed the obvious solution and will ultimately attract more supporters to travel to the next nearest track. Won't go every week, but will go more times now , especially when Lynn aren't at home..
Just COFFEE ??
I did !!!, For more years than I care to remember...........
Hoping the weather will be kinder next Tuesday. All any one would want Tonight is to stay inside in the warm..............Terrible wet and cold..... Must be getting old !!!!!!
Thoroughly recommend it. Am enjoying life now as much as ever.................... But who will be different ? That's the 64 dollar question. The night has got to be better than watching crap on the box......
Amazing how opinions differ. To me, Mads is a smashing bloke but is well past his sell by date. His bike are slow, and even with the best will in the world, he will always struggle. Porsing to me is a far better option. Young, Talented, Fast, and destined for far bigger things.
Lamberts couldn't have been in the fast track system this year, because he didn't have a PL average. And we all know how important that was. They would have had to have placed him at the bottom of the list..................... :rofl: The wonders of manipulation.................
Still having massive problems with this draw selection. The idea of a draft system is for the weaker teams the opportunity to strengthen. So how is it, that Poole won the League, and Leicester finished bottom, yet Poole were able to pick their choice of rider from each group, before Leicester did.. Surely that can't be right................ Looking at each clubs pairings, no doubt most of them will be well pleased. Coventry must be well chuffed to have the same two from last year, Wolves, Belle Vue, and Swindon have come out smelling of roses, But Poole have come out on top and will thinks they've won the lottery. The other three will have to bear the blunt of some unscrupulous rule making that allows this to happen........ Another problem: Everybody in speedway , be it Fans, Promoters, Riders, Clubs, hate the idea of guests. Last tear it got to epidemic proportions. Now this year we will have to source guest each time when our meetings clash with Joe Jacobs parent club because they will have first call. How ironic is that when our own rider has had to ride elsewhere. Talk about common sense.
The Draft idea comes from America. it has been used for many years. The Idea is for the lower placed teams to have first pick of the cream. When the cream has already been protected by their parent club, the lower clubs lose out. thus the idea of a draft system becomes nullinvoid Now had the BSPA wanted the scheme to give clubs the opportunity to protect their assets, they could have done so. BUT retain both selections to be done by league finish positions. This would have given the lower positioned clubs the advantage the Draft should have given them, instead of always putting what Poole want first......
Now it's just been announced that Kenneth is doing a Woffy and giving the Elite league a miss this season, this has been a real sh-t day as far as the Stars are concerned..... Not to worry, soon be Christmas...
Now you're the one being thick, Are you on the BSPA committee ???? The whole process was dictated by the ridiculous positions that, the Tier 1 Riders were placed in...... Hence Poole getting second pick of Tier 2 riders.... I thought everyone knew Newman was the stand out FTR in the Elite league last year.... but apparently not.......
The whole selection process was a complete joke. What is more worrying, is that the people at BSPA have to be really thick that they cant see what is happening, yet all the fans see it loud and clear. Why is it the same teams always benefit from these cock-ups, Yet another nail in the coffin........
Not a change of mind. at all. Had you read the WHOLE posting, instead of picking out bits to create an argument, you will see what the explanation of the wording meant. So no there was no change of mind.
A) Call it what you will, but it's the introduction of young FTR that is saving the monies, calling it a draft merely complicates the selection process. Not double standards at all. In the heat leader situation, a club and a rider agree a contract. The rider is agreeing with where he works and what he'd paid. I the FTR situation, is totally different . All riders receive a said amount, regardless of where he's going to ride. and has not choice of who he rides for. In this day and age, we want to encourage all young brits, and help them in every way, not dictate to them just where and what they do just to save some promoters a bit of dosh....
What wonderful responses!!!!!, First of all these are my opinions and are in no representative of Kings Lynn speedway club. Heat leaders! where do they come into the argument about FTR's and Draft scheme. The asset system in this country is dated and unworkable. The riders are not the property of , merely the clubs that they have to answer to. If an asset doesn't want to ride for his parent club then he'll look else where. The fact that many of the top riders wanting to race for the Stars says many things. and by continuously using other teams asset riders, then at least they are benefitting from the loan fee. It doesn't matter who think they own NKI, he will only ride where HE wants too. What a waste of money it would be to buy a rider who doesn't want to ride for you.... .The Draft system doesn't save any money. The draft is purely a selection process of the FTR;s It is the introduction of the FTR, that is suppose to save the money . Clubs could sit round the table and sort this out and still save the same about....... At least that way all the riders who ride where they wanted too......