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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. I agree with all you say............ If it can't be done properly than it's not worth sod all..... Nobody won last year.... it was concluded in a complete mesh...... What a pity other fans don't think the same way....
  2. I remember it well.......... My baptism into the sport. Thinking back though, why was everything so BLACK ?? The bikes, the track, the leathers........ Pleased the way the sport has evolved, just a pity the crowds don't flock in like they used to.....
  3. I too am disappointed that the gates don't open till 5pm. This is the NEW concept, first introduced last year. Why, I don't know... Like you say, the day was always open to the public who wanted to go and be part of it. There was never massive numbers, or any problems with the fans, just something that those, who choose, could do . It gave some the perfect opportunity to meet the riders and get some decent photos of their idols. Now everything has moved on. They don't want the fans to engross on the Press and Tele boys taking similar pictures. We, the fans will have to wait until the end of the proceedings, and be satisfied watching a few laps after 5pm. Its just another reason, highlighting the low importance the fans are given, and thus fuels the public perception, that has seen the interest continue to wane over the past decades.......... Once upon a time, I use to take a days holiday from work, just to attend the Press Days. Now, not allowed in till 5pm, I question the logic of even bothering to go........
  4. That wasn't the way it came across. I always try to be amiable but sometimes...it just seem so abrupt..... and of no reference to what my post was saying...... Not wanting to offend anyone........ That's not me........
  5. To me, it was totally irrelevant, what positioned he held at Cradley. I had never heard of Will Pottinger, But for your benefit I will adjust the original post, to keep your small mind happy..... I'm sure you'll realise, what little difference it actually made to the post, what position Pearson held.... God ........ Some people........What a wonderful world you live in..............
  6. Yeah ----- Whatever...... The point that was being made was that, he had worked with Ashley Morris before and was therefore qualified to give a fair opinion. But if you get your pleasure from correcting such trivia, then so be it.......
  7. It was interesting listening to Nigel Pearson's comments regarding Ashley Morris on Friday night. Having been his Team Manager for a couple years with Cradley, he knows of him better then most. He said , that he goes better on the smaller tracks and would probably score more points away from Lynn, Said he was a talented youngster with a good neat style who can only benefit, learning from the top riders we have at Lynn. That's good enough for me....... Welcome Ashley Morris to the fold.....
  8. Quite ironic really, you going on like that. And before you say it, I don't want Lynn the win the league by default. I've always believed if it can't be done right than then it shouldn't be done.. But now that, even with all their luck, Poole didn't win the League section of the competition, and we also know that Rob Lyon would've picked Coventry as their semi-final opponents. My question now is: Would Poole have needed to dig a big hole to get that first meeting cancelled had they had been against Swindon instead of Lynn.
  9. What is it with World Governing bodies, that they can't organise a 'Party in a Pub'. Last week, we hear FIFA want to disrupt world football so justifying the handouts to their delegates and playing the World-Cup at Christmas, and now FIM make an announcement that makes our league last year null-in -void. The FIM have come out of all this with as much credit as Darcy Ward. What a fiasco. What has been gained by deeming those matches played before any suspension, as void. Surely they know you cant change the past, and all decisions should be for the future of the sport. Everyone expected Ward to be banned for a year. Shortening that to 10 months, some, might see as a victory, but in doing so, have taken away the integrity of the whole league season..... Well done FIM....... You really have played a blinder........
  10. Why is it that some people categorise others just by the opinions they post. I can assure you I'm not bitter. As a seasoned supporter, who has seen the sport plummet from one crisis to another, this is just another example of short-sightedness, that will do nothing in the long term of the sport. Everyone wonders why the sport has lost its appeal , when all the powers do is take away the continuation of everything. In the above post, You relate to last year, when FTR were introduced. Lynn had their OWN riders and picked both Kerr and Rose as their choice. The ratings of them were Kerr at 1 and Rose at 20 so it was deemed as fair. Where these ratings come from who knows, they appeared from people opinions. But both these riders lived local to Kings Lynn and enjoyed lots of local support. They had been part of the Lynn set-up, so it was only a logically they should both continue at Lynn. Surely, if it was seen that Lynn had and advantage last year, why didn't other clubs take that on board and acquire their own youngsters. Why didn't they train and educate their own emerging talent like Lynn do, instead of holding their hand out ...... This is not a moan at Swindon, merely an opinion of the state of the game about the implication of BSPA rules. Rose, based at Spalding, would have encouraged quite a few fans to go and watch him ride at the Norfolk Arena. All these, or most of these fans will now be lost to the sport, as I can't imagine many will travel 180 mile to continue their support for him, when they use to go the 15mile down the road... So to put the record straight, I am not bitter, I am not sad, just abit disappointed about the state of the game.... and the continued demise of the sport I've loved for many years. On a personal level, am really looking forward to the coming season, as I always do, and will no doubt enjoy ALL the meeting I watch. Whether we WIN, Lose or Draw,,, that's not important.........What is important, is that it is done correctly.......
  11. He was assigned by the BPSA to the Tier 2 of the group of riders, because we were force to pick last, he was the only rider left ..... Actually they were in separate groups. Kerr was in Tier 1 and Rose was in Tier 2. Teams were only allowed to hold one of their riders, penalising teams who bring on these youngsters.... Teams with only one decent rider were laughing..........
  12. To me the main part of the team is No. 1 to 5, and we had those back in Dec 2014. The FTR in positions 6 and 7, has been turned into a lottery. Poole proved last year by having one good reserve was enough to be successful. By a ridiculous positioning of the FTR's you have been able to keep your prize asset where we had to forego that option. It has been unfortunate the rider we were originally assigned has packed up and as of yet a adequate replacement has not been found. But please don't compare this to the reluctance of Poole to show WARD that speedway will survive, whether he rides or not.... Probably had Poole been harder on Ward in the past, instead of always justifying his childish behaviour, ....Probably,,, Just probably, he wouldn't be in the mess he finds himself in now.....
  13. There was me thinking that Poole Speedway rules the roost, and that they were the biggest club in the land. But hey, how wrong can someone be........ Poole Speedway has disregarded everyone in their quest to persevere with the Darcy Ward situation and have become a laughing stock with their blinded optimism. Every single person involved or interested in this sport knows that Darcy Ward is guilty of this said crime and will be banned. Everyone that is, with the exception of Poole Speedway and SOME of their fans..... The season is less than a month away, and their team has still to be completed. The contempt they have shown to the sport, to the fans, to the League, to the opposition is beyond belief. To dwell, for so long on someone who doesn't give a damn, at the expense of everything else speaks volumes of their integrity. I just wish the power people of our sport were big enough to take Poole to task and give them the ultimatum they deserve....
  14. All are welcome as long as they behave........ As with the owners too.
  15. On the scale of the things arranged, is that important... lets make it £20 a head as a thank you to Rory
  16. Sorry for elementary error. Forgot the glasses, coupled with automatic correction mode on the computer. ..... but you knew how it was meant.....
  17. Correct, MB has moved, living along the Gold Coast of Australia.. running his own PR Company If anybody is interested, he still tweets regularly with the same handle. It's obvious he keep in contact of what's going on by the content of those tweets............ JC, like been said has moved on. Don't know of any big fallout with Buster, but obviously relationships seemed stretched. Now partners in a very ludicrous business in Norwich that take up a lot of time. Still visit the speedway frequently..... but only as a spectator.......
  18. No. No, Not complaining, merely passing an opinion.
  19. Hi there....... Last year, if you remember, all the teams were assembled prior to any knowledge of the new Race format. and both Lambert and Porsing were included into the Stars team, using a trusted method of the years previous averages, as was each of the other teams . When the new format was announced it was a surprise to everyone. Yes I will agree I thought both them riders would perform better than they actually did, but unfortunately it was a steep learning curve.. Porsing did quite well, but stuttered mid season with engine issues, once they were sorted, he was back to the rider we thought he would be.... For Lambert, it was a steeper curve. No, he didn't perform as I thought he might, but he battled well and hopefully this year, he will bear more fruit .. But when looking at all the second strings in the Elite League last year, they all achieved an average of 5. It would be fool hardy of the BSPA to not take this on board when looking at riders averages, but as we have seen many times before, they're not the quickest when it comes to making decisions............
  20. Who's on about rules being broken !!! Matt Ford adjusts the rules to suit....... As for the above question, no doubt his average will be, or given , an out of date assessment........ Bearing in mind the new race format, when everyone scores at least 5, anything below that will be an injustice.......
  21. But we all know Matt Ford will bring in a 'Ringer' on a fictitious average. That's the way it's always been done........
  22. I have too say I agree with everyone on the subject of costs..... When we consider what we have at Lynn when comparing with other Elite league teams, £17.00 is in keeping with what others are charging. The argument about Season Tickets is absurd. To pay out £240.00 to save a tenner is ridiculous and obviously its priced as not to sell... To miss just one meeting and your on a loser.......... I also agree the sport does not give VFM and at £17 a throw is well over priced. But that the way the sport has become. Like PMPO said, nobody make mega bucks from this sport and the cost has to reflect the hardship of continuing to support. I would have thought this would've been addressed by now and make the bikes cheaper to race. But I gave up on that years ago....... Personally, I've always been a Speedway nut, and while I'm fit and able, I will pay whatever it costs to continue supporting. Nothing beats that 2 hour blood-rush I get from watching the STARS
  23. Having sampled most track's Burger and Chips I would say Buster's are as good as any. Not being a Burger connoisseur, but when hungry, I readily scoff whatever s on offer. and Busters burgers fit the bill adequately..
  24. What a long wait we had, and for what???? Very little done to address the issues that were raised. Yeah OK, the No 4 has an earlier ride, now at the expense of the No 1 having to wait longer for his second ride. I thought the main reason for change was to give the FTR more competition against HL opposition, and the second strings to have harder rides. but none of that has been addressed..... If that's all that come out of it, I now question the logic of change, and ask why didn't they leave it as it was.....
  25. When you start talking about all-time GREATS, I think we need a starting point of qualification of those riders who have won the WORLD CROWN at least a min of 3 occasions. This would eliminate quite a few GOOD riders. It is not my intention to rubbish the achievements of riders like Lee, Collins, Muller, Loram etc. but when considering the mantel of 'All time Greats', It is my opinion you need to have been successful over a longer period of time........
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