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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. IF the facilities at Lakeside are as bad as been said, then the responsibility rest squarely at the Promoters door. Like you say, he may rent the place, but they should provide the facilities required to fulfil their obligation. Its not rocket science, all it needs is a phone call and temporary changing block can be delivered to the door. ...... No wonder our sport is in the doldrums and top riders don't want to race over here. I'm not blaming Lakeside alone for this problem, but the BSPA should've have picked up on this years ago......
  2. Whether it is the perception of youth, but all tracks are remembered as big tracks. West Ham will always be remembered that way, probably because the bikes were slower and it took longer to get round. Went there many times but always to see Big meetings. Semi-finals and finals.... Disappointed to hear the comments about no showers at Lakeside. In this day and age that is totally unacceptable. Christ, we had showers facility 50 yrs ago when playing football. To have a situation like that now, asks many questions about the sport and the Promotions. Are they penny pinching, are they existing on a breadline budget, whatever the reason, you cant expect class riders to travel the world, to ride over here, and not have the opportunity of a shower. If the finances can't afford the necessities, the sport doesn't have much future......... Very worrying......
  3. Looking at the new averages on the BSPA web-site, and the new rolling average now at 20 matches, sure makes a mockery of that 2 riders over 7 rule. Surely these should have appeared before the teams were decided, not wait till the season started..............
  4. Todays result, in itself, wasn't that important, but thinking more in the way of how the team rode and who performed well could be a bigger concern. Was it down to the early season form, the rustiness of the riders, state of the track, or that lakeside were just too good. Whatever the conclusions it's too early to make rash judgements. I seen enough of KB over the years to know he blows hot and cold. You talk about bringing Mads back in his place, but you can only compare Mads with Kenneth when he's cold. When Kenneth is riding well, Mads wouldn't live with him. 'Well Done' to Richard Lawson, for doing a big full house. Anyone who beats Niels twice has to be a bit special........... Don't seem that long ago I saw him at EESG riding at reserve for the Panthers, whilst KB was their No.1. Amazing how things change round in such a short time........
  5. Talk about Pot- Kettle. I've been told we were as bad today, as the Hammers were at ours on Tuesday. That was neither planned or expected Probably we aren't as good as we had thought. Should've done better than that...... Just goes to show, teams can't afford to carry anybody. With the stronger format this year, all riders need to step up to the plate..............
  6. Having watched the recording of Tuesday's meeting again, I didn't realise just how poor the Lakeside team actually gated. I always thought that was the Hammer's forte, bearing in mind their small track. And I can't believe that will be the case, again... I'm in no doubt they will be a different kettle of fish today though. But saying that, and the fact we won there last year, I feel it won't be such a one sided affair, that the meetings at Lakeside once were. We are more than capable of getting a point at least, probably even more...........
  7. The rights and wrongs of R/R will always be argued. To me I think it's commendable that the Stars have gone with a replacement rider. At least that will do away with the waiting around using RR in consecutive races. All teams should be of 8 riders for times like these....... Another of those good ideas were use to have in the past...............
  8. What a wonderful black and white world you live in. Such division of right and wrong. It appears in your eyes that because the meeting was poor then the track has to be rubbish. Usually, one takes in all the contributing factors, before reaching such a damning conclusions, but to you its obvious the track that's at fault. Such was the weather on Tuesday, this meeting would have been cancelled had it not been for Sky. The winds and the rain were torrential, and hampered all the preparation not only the track but also the television broadcast... To me they all did a great job, one I wouldn't envy. No the meeting wasn't the best, but at least they tried and fulfilled their obligation. Trying to race in those conditions, most of the riders should be praised for their efforts..... So yes, given those conditions, the track was smooth and consistent.. ........AJ actually said he thought the track was very good considering...... Its very easy to come to rash conclusion when things don't go as planned. I try to look at the wider picture. Some taking a negative approach will say, yeah the track was crap because someone fell off, whereas I look at it from a positive point and look at all those who didn't fall off. They were the ones who race with the right attitude. You must remember, even given a best race track anywhere , and best conditions available, IF the riders doesn't want to race, the track, doesn't all of a sudden become rubbish, is still that same good venue... One thing puzzles me ?? If it was that bad and you were so bored why didn't you switch off or watch the football ???????? PS. As for the signature, it was never meant as a 'pathetic dig', it was placed here as an allocade that was bestowed by experts as to the status of the track. As it offends you I will remove it...
  9. It was your television.. Actually he's lost quite a bit of portly stance and looks very fit........ It could have been his protective armour .....
  10. That must be the most ridiculous statement I've seen posted on the forum. I suggest you go and tell the riders that........... They, the riders, will not perform on a strip if they don't feel confident with, merely go through the motions....
  11. Reading some of these adverse comments about the track, is hilarious. SCB really does have a problem. 1 rider comes off all night and the track is deemed as rubbish. There are far better qualified people than I who say the track is the best, and I believe their words over those of the so-called experts on here. Fair enough, the meeting last night was processional, but don't blame that just on the track, The weather was terrible, the wind played it's part, and Lakeside were not interested. I've been to many away meetings and seen some really crap tracks. 3 yrs ago we were at Wolves when 11 races had people fall off, Coventry was held up for over an hour with a hole on the first corner, Poole having more holes and bumps than a scramble track, so please don't label our track that bad. The big differences these days than before, is the quality of the riders and the fastness of the bikes. A good track need to be smooth and consistent, and one the riders have enough confidence to race on. Lynn track has that every time... Also, as someone who has been critical of Lambert in the past, it was really pleasing to see him ride so well last night achieving a 6 ride paid max. Well done that man.... And to do it on such a CRAP track..................... Brilliant......
  12. New this year, the home side gets the full 3 pts just for winning of the meeting, whereas last year the home side had to win by 6 or more to get them 3 pts. The away side scoring in still the same. they 1 pt for losing by 6 or less, 2pts for a draw , 3pts for winning by 6pts or less and a full 4pts for winning by 7 or greater. I think that's the way, as I understand it. if I'm wrong, no doubt I'll be shot down.........
  13. If we cant beat a strong Lakeside team at home, the chances of Lynn reaching the Play-offs must be pretty low. That's not being in anyway detrimental to the Hammers who will no doubt go well at Norfolk Area, but there are much stronger teams in this league than them. With the new scoring system that helps the home side to score, I will be very surprised to see Lynn fail to get all three points........ But saying that, Lakeside of old, are more than capable of picking up an away point....... Blue sky and Sunny here at Walton, 10mls south/west of Lynn..... Still very windy and cold though....
  14. Nobody enjoys their speedway more than I. But sometimes, reality has to come into the reckoning. Sky Meetings are notoriously slow even on the best of evenings, but to wait around in the cold for some blasted Advert interval is not to my liking.. I agree we can get dressed sensibly for the weather but standing about, waiting all the time does nobody any favours..... so when the choice to either, to view from the warm armchair or to hang around in the blustery cold wind, I'm afraid there's only one winner....... Please notice, I haven't even mentioned the cost in this viewpoint......
  15. Yet another cold and miserable start to the day...... Don't we know the speedway season has started....... The rain is suppose to stop mid morning but the wind is forecast all day. Not the best preparation for a league match, but no doubt Sky was expecting this when they made their plans. Thoughts go out to all the people who have to work in it...... Big question now on doing the right thing, call it off early to save all the preparation work or make that gamble call, knowing people will want to stay at home and watch it in the warm......... Sensibility should prevail......
  16. Nothing surprises me as far as the BSPA are concerned. To grade Sarjeant as the lowest of 2nd tier is ridiculous. Nearly as bad as saying Newman was the worst in Tier A. But we all know: If the face fits, then anything can be achieved......
  17. Starting the week off with a moan is not normally my style, But what you say about the Reserves seem so unfair that we are the only team that suffered from the new regulations. Everyone else either bettered or retained their good pairings. I thought Garrity and Sarjeant were more than equal to Kerr and Rose and you have been able to keep them..... But saying that, having Morris in the team instead of Rose, is not the be all and end of everything. The other riders have to step up to the mark and produce the goods. On paper we should be ok, but we need more effort than that shown by some against Poole last week....... All the riders need to apply themselves like Valentino Rossi did last night....... he was absolutely amazing, winning the Qatar GP..... Unbelievable.......
  18. My sentiment exactly........ I too, apart from the weather, thought the meeting was ok, not withstanding the constant delays............... Question: Those job is it to push the meeting along ???: the Ref, or the Track Co-ordinator.....
  19. There's only one person who's wrong here and that's you. Obviously you wasn't there, because you wouldn't come out with such rubbish. Niels raced 20 laps, Janowski did 20 laps, North done 24 laps all going full pelt, never once were they in any trouble, never once did they hit a problem. never once did the bikes rear-up, Neither of them had to ease up for an instant. And you say the track was wrong......... I too have to have a wry smile on my face. I just wish all tracks were that bad...........
  20. There was nothing wrong with the track, all the problems were related to rider error. In the first Holder went to bend 3 a bit hot and fraction wide and baled out, actually slid into the air fence... Was joking with friends and officials as he walked back to the pits. It was said he had aggregated an old injury and withdraw from the meeting. When you see Magic, Niels, North giving it their all and racing hard, the track was no problem. Rory was left at the gate and was trying to make up ground in heat 3, and while chasing hard, caught some grip, and laid it down , no problems there. Lewis Kerr twice when leading, went to sleep and drifted wide allowing to be overtaken by Ellis...... Posing's off was completely different. having got a got run out of turn 2 Ellis, seems to lose control and goes wide putting Porsing in the fence. Ellis was excluded instantly. On a cold night the promotion should have been a lot slicker, and the Ref on the button quicker.. Mildo, going on about 4 races in the first hour, should expect that, when you turn up with riders short. R/R always slows the meeting down and should be banned. It has to be Guests or No 8's. last night was ridiculous waiting 10mins in the freezing cold because riders were racing in too many heats...... Niels was majestic, North was impressive, but without doubt the 'Rider of the Night' was Janowski, Beaton only in one race he was simply awesome. The movement against Rory was something else. Having made the gate, Rory had the edge going into the first bend, Magic, simply straightened up a fraction to get that extra drive and was gone... Something so simply, so classical that few could do it and even less noticed it... That was worth, the admission, the cold and the waiting around, alone.
  21. I'd go a bit further than that and say it will be fine and BLOODY cold. All it needs is for the fans to turn up in big numbers and dress for the occasion. That's, Vest; Tee Shirt; Jumper; Body warmer; Fleece, Jacket; Overcoat; Woolly Hat; Gloves; oh and not forgetting the Little Hip-flask . Roll on the Summer....... At least I will be there with no excuses....... Win lose or Draw...... and still have a smile on me face....
  22. They are they truest words you have ever said................
  23. You mean the people who made the hole, ...... or the other people who couldn't get the track racable..... I wouldn't take too much notice of either of them ... If they were as good at their job, as they are spreading untruths, that meeting last year WOULD have gone ahead.... After all, the rain had stopped before the meeting was suppose to start.....
  24. Allegedly: Where do you find this rubbishhhh..... Mildo said on Sky Live " There will be no meeting here tonight, because of a HOLE on one of the corners "......
  25. Are you talking about the same man, who was graded down in 7th position when grading them FTR......... Surely someone graded that low can't be any good......
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