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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. As was expected, you are missing the point. The CMA does not give an accurate reflection of ones ability anymore because the opposition difficulty varies according to what position you race at, so we have all riders on false averages. Chris Holder is a top rider, way too good to be classed as a 2nd string. He is only put in that position because of the race format pushes top 2nd strings CMA above their actual standard Like I originally posted this is not a dig at Poole, In fact of all the stuff I dislike about Poole, I have a huge respect and liking for Chris Holder and what he has gone through and sincerely wish him a speedy recovery, back to the rider he once was.
  2. Any rules that relegates a recent World Champion to a second string has to be questioned. Then to allow him a double point (T/R) against fellow Reserves and 2nd strings, is beyond imagination. You couldn't make this up.... This is not a anti-Poole swipe, merely pointing out the ridiculous Rules, Format and CMA's that our Elite league has adopted......
  3. An exciting away performance that should be commended. All 7 riders played their part in a thoroughly impressive display. In front from the word go and never looked like being beaten. Once Dolye had fell on that TR ride, the match was all but over. It would be wrong , and difficult to pick out a Star performer as they all played their part. But Rory was at the heart of everything. Apart from leading from the front, he was always at the pit gate urging on his team mates, and greeting them back with high fives. generating the obvious team spirit shown by all. Looking at some statistics, We supplied 10 of the 14 heat winners and was last only 3 times. that shows how all the team performed well........ against a very mediocre Lions side. Doyle and the two FTR battled and fought well also Max Fiske , but their other riders offered little... Bjarne Pederson was a shadow of his former self and that was sad. Must say Simon Lambert impressed me with his fight, and tenacity. I was surprised how he had progressed into a really good FTR. Was impressed with the way the meeting flowed, with the rain never far away, the ref kept the races flowing. It was unfortunate to miss HT15, but it wasn't necessary. I'm in no doubt had the result been in the balance 15 would've been run..... Home before 11...... Can't be bad..... Enjoyed our trip to Leicester
  4. Seeing him ride at Leicester last night showed he is returning to something like the form we had come to expect. Even when it got wet and sticky he was still in the mix for points. Much improved...... in what, was a good all round performance.....
  5. Having always given KB total support during his recent poor form, I feel today, in winning the SGP qualifier, we should question his loyalty.. Probably his confidence is not shot as we have believed, instead, the effort has probably not been as forthcoming as one would expect............. We'll have to wait and see if this new found form continues tomorrow at Leicester......
  6. You would also say that if no-body wanted you..... I'm sure if he was asked he'd be here in a flash..... I don't think Mads is the answer. If we are going to join the ranks of teams chasing the Pot of Gold, then the changes have to be decisive. I don't see the point in swapping like for like. we need to go for riders that will guarantee success. To change Bjerre and Porsing, we want to be looking at riders of the calibre of Pawlicki, Woffy Pederson, or even Hancock, Lebedev would be a brilliant replacement for Porsing on a ridiculous average...... If we are going through the upheaval to swap and change, then lets do something that every other team will be envious of, and ensure we win the ELITE League, come the Play-offs......... If not, then we may as well keep the riders we have....... Doesn't bother me either way, I will continue my support.... Would be nice to win it, though, just once after all these years..... Surely no-one can begrudge us that........
  7. I appreciated the frustration caused by Kenneth low scores. I also believe if we change him for whoever, there will be (1) a number of clubs clambering for his signature, and (2) when he get his confidence back, he would come back and haunt us.... I say give him another month and all the help he needs to conquer this... Same with Porsing, He performed a lot better against Coventry. Mads is a quality guy who gives his all, but his bikes were the slowest......The amount of times he wasn't quick enough also caused frustration.......
  8. What makes a good track? Is it the shape? or the amount of shale? Is it the Surface? has it got to be smooth? or do we prefer it rough? Does it need to be wet? or even say dry. Some say we want sharper bends, other say it has to be fast. Many opinion's vary on the ideal raceway...... I think the Lynn track has a lot of unjust criticism. In my view, it's the quality of machine and rider that needs to be looked at. Bomber Harris has always rated this track and last night he showed how it could be raced. If you had quality GP riders on fast equipment you would see quality races....
  9. What's so pleasing about the Elite league this year, is that most teams are capable of taking points off each other.... Gone are the days when most results were fore-most conclusions.....
  10. Some people are hard to please, Once the sun had gone down, I thought the meeting flowed quite well. The track was good and produced some good races. . Yes it was a poor crowd, but that is down to many things, least of which the Warsaw SGP. You say the Ref was wrong about heat 11, Well I thought he was right, it was the only option, once King had clobbered Niels before the corner. The accident was inevident from that moment. The Ref could've or should've brought Heat 3 back after Bomber ran into Bjerre, but he let that go. But from that point on, KB was a by-stander.... It was a pleasing performance, especially after the woeful showing at Belle Vue. All the other riders apart from KB did well, Ashley Morris impressed me tonight he score a few points and was on the pace. Niels back to his normal self, and Rory deserved his 15 selection with a good solid showing. Lambert and Kerr continued with their progress, and Porsing showed signs of his obvious ability. It was he who caused the ROBSON's confusion. who was Team riding with Garrity, he was looking round with the intention of blocking Porsing run and got caught out. I thought Ht15 was worth the admission alone. Brilliant race. With a point at stake, the proverbial blanket. would have covered all 4 riders. Niels eventual getting the verdict, but I too thought Rory did Bomber on the run in. Some will say Coventry were unlucky, not having Sargjent for this match. But they should remember, they have been very fortunate in being able to keep both your FTR, whereas we have been penalised, every match.......
  11. Even with their trick track as a massive home advantage, I still feel Belle Vue can come away with at least appoint.. All the replacement issues, because some riders are not available, years ago, both clubs would have gone 'like for like' and bring in their No 8.. Job sorted......
  12. Though impressed with Cookie last night. Am disappointed he continues with the role of Double Uppers. Years back, I thought he was the next big star that would make to the top, but while he plies his trade in the Second Division he'll never make that grade..... Shame really......
  13. I thought you said you were working hard!!! I see where your coming from, and yes, I too think it would to be a good positional change. Lambert has come on really well and can win races on his own, whereas Porsing wants encouragement. Riding with Niels worked well last year. Morris has big problems. Has only beaten the opposition in 1 of his last 15 races. Not only down on speed but also on confidence. Seeing him on Sky last night, he rarely looked comfortable and was easy picking for their FTR's. Pairing him with Posing is a weak heat, whereas Lambert has the ability to help and protect him, once he got out........ What other bright ideas do you have.....
  14. In all honesty, I don't think Bjerre has been any worse than the rest. The only one making progress in Lambert, and he's been a revelation. Kerr is doing OK but he still has some way to equal the form of last year. Niels is going through a funny stage, it doesn't matter how hard he rides, the points aren't coming so easily. Rory is Knackered through doing too many meetings and his form has dropped off. his body language says it all..... KB has a confidence problem but is progressing, Porsing struggles to score any points with his slow bikes, and Morris is getting worse with every meeting instead of better. Heads or Tails???; Stick or Twist??? If this carries on then decisions will have to be made........but I believe we will stick and persevere......
  15. But it will be like for like. You will have a six man team without Sarj, We will have a six man team with Morris
  16. I try not too disappoint. But to defend that showing last night would be difficult.. In my opinion only Lambert, and too some extent, Kerr can walk away with their head held high. The rest were dreadful. Even our own Niels was off the pace. They appeared to have that extra gear and we were struggling to stay in touch.... A Team Manager / Promoter has a tricky job in assembling a team. One that will put in 110% everytime they rides. Us supporters always puts plenty of importance in winning each meeting. but to a rider, each meeting is just another day at the office. and last night was one of those days. We had no Drive, no Desire, no Passion, no Spark, We couldn't even get out of the gate. In truth it was embarrassing. Watching speedway for as long as I have, it's a long time since I witnessed such a dreadful team performance. I must say a well done to BV who made the Stars look 2nd class. I feel they took pity on us easing off towards the end, just so there was some respectability in the score and for that I thank you. Any thoughts, we may had, of Lynn making the Play-off, in this our 50th year, after last night is just a distant dream .
  17. Strange, I didn't see you post a similar comment as this, last year, when he scored 12 pts at your place in a 39 - 51 Stars victory
  18. It's all ifs , buts, and maybe's. And that how it should be. we don't want every match to go as predicted, The idea is, if you perform well you get the points if you don't....... then you won't. I could easily make a case that the Stars will win, with Niels, and KB scoring loads, Lambert and Kerr performing like the two brilliant prospect they are, and Rory going back to his old clubs, Christ it should be easy....... But ultimately so can Belle Vue, Zagar hasn't, as yet rode, and is due for a decent score, Mr reliable (Scotty) will always be in the frame, and Dakota North is becoming a real thorn to our side. So add to that, Cooke and Friske and your two reserves and the task becomes a lot harder. I don't think last weeks score was a true reflection of each clubs ability, Coventry rode above themselves while the Aces performed less than expected. I believe this will be much closer. Should be a good advert for the sport on Sky making up for that SGP shambles. Would like to get more but, given the opportunity I would take a point now.......
  19. Surprisingly there are a few posters only too quick to put the boot in. Any body with eyesight can see Kenneth is struggling with confidence at the moment, and like all his previous injuries, it takes time for him to recapture his undoubtable talent. All these posters who say he isn't trying is ridiculous. Kenneth is someone who has a very conservative riding style, he has never been someone who moves all over the bike giving the impression he's giving it his all. Even when winning races he sit comfortable with the little weight he has in the right place. I am in no doubt if he is afforded the time and has an injury free period, he will recapture that talent that we all know he processes. All this talk about changes is all a bit premature. Last year we started off at break neck speed with all riders on song. This year we have had a few issues and some riders are taking more time to dial in to their potential. My feelings is that we persevere with the same team, and give them the time to put things right....... Mark my words, I've seen it many times now............. KB will come good and will be equal to any 2nd heat leader in the Elite League....
  20. I for one, thoroughly enjoyed this Speedway spectacular, and thought that the Stars contributed to the meeting in a good way. Looking at the strength of the competing sides, we were always going to be the whipping boys. But to be in with a shout of a Bronze medal right up to the end was commendable. Unlike some, I think it would be wrong to blame certain riders, and feel that each and everyone deserves praise for putting on such a spirited display. No doubt Lambert, who is getting better with each week, will make all the headlines, but they all did their bit.....and will each benefit from this experience..... A lot of new people will have noticed the spirit of the Lynn Stars, Disappointed to have been so close but hey, we were there on the World's Stage......... .
  21. It's pleasing to read the track at Swindon was good. the sport wants all the track that way. I don't remember saying that comment above, what I said was it's wrong to judge a track by the amount of overtaking. To me a good track will be smooth, safe and consistent....... Porsing, another rider who has come back from injury. Given time, he will be OK. You have probably watched KB many times before, but this could be the first since his last injury.. You say it is a joke to connect past accidents to that of their present form, Then I suggest to talk with Chris Holder. A shadow of his former self who has gone from World Champion to someone who is struggling at the moment...and that is totally down to his previous injuries.... But given time, hopefully, both will recapture their former ability....... Sorry if this sort of thing disappoints you....... but they're not robots......
  22. It's not the point about excepting what happened last night, it's about understanding the reasons why. The Joke is, when seeing somebody for the first time and making a judgement. In all of his previous injuries, it has taken longer each time to recover. Everyone is different...... Of cause we would like to see Kenneth back to scoring loads of points, and hopefully that will come. Rightly or wrongly, Lynn is not the sort of club that chop and changes riders at the drop of a hat. We are a club that gives their riders a chance to perform as expected........ No body is more aware of his short comings than KB himself........
  23. I think you're being a bit harsh. Had you have had the injuries that Kenneth had over the past years probably you wouldn't be so hard on him. Each of those accidents were not his doing and was the result of others riders bad riding....... ( The last one was when your own rider, Troy Batchelor. tee-boned him in the GP sending him into the fence breaking his Collar Bone....).... He has a massive confidence problem, depending who he's riding against. If he makes the gate he has shown he can go fairly quick. if he is riding with riders he can trust then also no problems, Seeing him riding against Bomber at Lynn he was very competitive, but put him where he is unsure and the confidence becomes a problem.. So rather than posters like you getting on his back, Probably we should give him time to recapture his obvious talent..... In life, it's so much easier to be critical than constructive........ Shame that....
  24. When the injuries occurred, I thought Swindon would suffer, but once the guest were announced this was always going t be difficult to get anything from this meeting. Watching the teams at Lynn on Wednesday I thought to myself, we will struggle to get anything out of this and that s the way it turned out. Not taking anything away from the Robins, we are not firing on all cylinders, and against the added team strengths this year, we have to ensure, all the riders pull their weight. We haven't seen that yet... Good to see Lamberts improvement continuing, and Kerr doing his bit. Surprised Niels was beaten so many times, but hey, he gives it 110 % all the time.... shame some of the others don't do the same...... If we get hammered away at Swindon, what the hell are we doing, going all the way to Poland against the World's best, I hate too think.......
  25. I watched Niels racing against Morris and was impressed with both...... For each of the 4 laps, Niels try all he could to get past, first outside than in, back to the outside again, but to no avail. At times like that, instead of moaning about the track, you have to say well done to Morris for the winning. He surprised me and rode exceptionally well. There's not many riders who will come and do that.....
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