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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Totally agree, with only one other match on tonight ( Redcar v Ipswich) and the fact we can't find a better guest than Masters, it sure leaves a bad taste in one mouth. Either Buster and Rob haven't tried very hard, or the riders are collectively saying No, Whatever the reason, it sure conspired to give Poole another easy win. Thought this year was going to be special, but it turning out just the same as always............ Why couldn't we'd been playing Leicester, I wouldn't have minded giving them the advantage....... .. They need a bit of luck...... The only Plus Factors in all of this is that Rory appears to be progressing well. :t:
  2. How does the VISA issue effect the old asset rules? Now that the Home Office needs assurances from Clubs that they can guarantee their own riders a team place, surely this puts a stop to certain Clubs buying every Tom Dick and Harry??
  3. Pease you think so!! Surely we could have found better than that ??????
  4. Have always thought the admission prices were too high, last night merely emphasised that fact. Would be interesting to know the financial implications when Sky televise such a meeting. many fans stay at home to watch, and the numbers are usually down. Swindon's plan of cheaper tickets seemed to work wonders. If they can do that why can't all the other promoters follow suit ?? Or does it need BSPA intervention ? Either way it made much better viewing not seeing a empty stadium.... Agree, it was good viewing, an exciting match, with the right result in the end. Hans is an experienced, considerate and intelligent rider. Don't like to see them sort get hurt. Far too many people are getting injured these days and was pleased to see Hans back on his feet, even though he suffering with his hand. Could have been far worse. Whereas, Garrity is a erratic and sometimes not in full control. Probably exciting to watch, but a liability to race against. Trying to pull off that desperate move from so far back, was always going to finish that way. The Ref called it right....... Why is it that Australia produce so many good athletes, There's possibly more people living in Swindon than out there , yet they still produce this continuous line of talent.. Most impressed with North, and Morris
  5. I thought the joke was quite funny. Appreciate what you say, but we understood the situation and accepted that it was an easy victory and was no representation of the normal Bees side. We didn't go on about how well we had ridden. I had forecast you would reach 60 points, probably would have done if Hans wasn't so generous.
  6. Question: What has Nico Rosberg and Coventry Speedway Team got in common. Answer: Both were given easy points.......
  7. Probably not, but how many other speedway promoters, invested as much into the venue as Buster has done. How many other Promoters doubled the size of their seating area.?? How many other Clubs invested in a new Clubhouse and Offices. I wouldn't read too much into any 'Profit and Loses' figures, they don't tell the full story......... I can't imagine Buster ploughing money into projects if they were a lost cause....... Besides, it must make better sense, than paying taxes on any declared profits.
  8. Totally agree with your comments , and as per usual, the rules are constructed & manipulated to suit the same old teams... I too, thought all last years FTR should be in the team proper this year. The disparity this year between the riders is massive. Lewis Kerr has been our saviour on more times than any other team member. This no doubt creates lots of pressure. With the reserves points now so important, when he is injured, he is virtually impossible to replace . A lot has been made about the Stars missing top riders last night. Rory and KB would have scored their usual quota but Kerr was always going to be the biggest lost because we win more points from his races and restricts other reserves in the process. Last night Coventry's EDR scores paid 19 pts whereas Lynn scored just 5. I'm sure, had Lewis been riding, the points totals would have been a lot closer Going on to the team problems, there will be much head scratching, but I don't imagine Buster and Rob Lyon will do anything on impulse. I imagine a 28 day replacement for RORY will give them enough time to sort out the obvious problems. Its just so happens we have team problems at the time when we play Poole, twice in a week. Typical !!! PS. Do hope I've mis-spelt some the words. Hate to think those Poster with nothing else to do wasting their time...
  9. This has been the most defining period of the season so far. To have four injured riders at any time is hard, for it to happen in a week is beyond belief. Still not knowing the full extent of all these injuries it's difficult to plan ahead. Just hoping the boys make a full recovery. Couldn't have come a more crucial time when playing top contenders like Coventry and Poole...
  10. Yeah, I remember the meeting well. The dispute was because, Coventry tried to used an illegible rider, but you still had your top guns that day, and remember correctly, Bomber was on fire, but we got hammered. Today is totally different, You knew of Bomber's absence before hand and booked an adequate replacement in Scotty, we're struggling to name a team having had 4 injuries in the past week. As far as a competitive match is concerned this fixture is a dead duck. We cant even use riders from our youngster because they're riding as well.... I'm still planning to make the trip, but no doubt the numbers will be down for this one sided spectacle match, which is a shame bearing mind we're first and second in the league. Footnote: When we have a situation where our leagues are struggling through the shortest of top riders, causing too many of them riders doing both leagues, to arrange eight matches on the same day is FOOLHARDY. We haven't the numbers to compile 16 teams on the same day. There was always going to be problems There isn't enough replacements when the problems inevitably arise. .
  11. This don't sound very good. Having to have a 6hr opp on your spine is bad news. When I first heard, Selfishly, I was only thinking of the Stars missing out on a top man, but this could be far worse than that. Sometimes life is not always fair. Fingers crossed for you Rory , and hope you come though this. Speedway don't seem that important right now.........
  12. Such a crap comment. Magic has always been class and would have reached this level where ever he rode.. Watching him ride from Lynn 3 yrs back, he was pure quality then, I can remember when , partnering Niels, he came from the back to pass Holder and Watts as if they were standing still,. So whenever you think of Magic's improvement, is for the benefit of Poole ...... not because of Poole... Come the final, I was hoping he was going to win...... I have no doubts, one day Maciej will be WORLD CHAMPION...
  13. For us to have any chance of success at Brandon, we not only needed a full team but also for them all to come to the party. Lewis has been paramount to any success the Stars have achieved this year, and would have been a vital inclusion against the Bees, especially them having the strongest reserve pairing in the league..... Roynon is the best replacement available, but it's a big ask..........
  14. For some reason, I was of the impression, you were quite jenned up on what was going on, But from that comment above I was obviously wrong........
  15. Blackmail is a strong word to use. Safeguarding his asset is one angle to look at it, keeping tabs on yours best rider could be another. Every team in the world would welcome Woffy into their fold, so Adams needs some form of guarantee. I like the idea of incorporating Woffy into the stars team, but, although Adams may have many straits, being stupid is not one of them.
  16. With so many 16 teams riding on a busy Bank Holiday Monday, finding adequate replacements for missing riders will be difficult, especially those categories, where riders also race in the PL fixtures as well.
  17. Nobody in planning to replace a number 1 with a 3 pointer. it was merely mentioned as an example of using home riders instead of the dreaded guests and RR's. Attendances are very hard to predict, I know for a fact that Lynn's first 3 matches failed to reach those BEP figures, but the fourth was very good. In the those first 3 fixtures, not only did we have all our star riders but so did the opposition as well, with plenty of SGP experience on show, but it made little difference to the attendance figures. Come the fourth meeting, the support was well above the BEP and that was put down to the weather. a lovely warm sunny evening made all the difference. Posters go on about the importance of seeing top riders, and show little support for the team as a whole, but when promoters try to stage Individual meetings the public don't want to know. I seems to me the public don't know what they what to watch........ I sympathise with every promoter who puts his head on the line in the pursuit of retaining a sport, that even it's own supporter don't go overboard about.........
  18. You are of, but one thought , that the sport is reliant on Star riders. Of cause they are important but not as much as you are trying to say. If a top rider was missing from a meeting, sure it would effect the gate, but not by that much, and surely not to make the meeting unviable. Without the top rider the costs involved would drop, so the BEP ( Break Evan Point) would mean lower numbers. so not necessary a disaster. You mention Cock. In Edinburgh he is a Star rider, at Belle Vue he is a little fish, but he still the same talent. People will always be attracted to what's on offer and no doubt wherever you ride supporter will support you... You obviously give my opinions scant regard, and imply I know nothing of the seriousness our sport is in. What I do know is, if wasn't for us, Die-hard fans that remains, speedway would be dead and buried. For Promoters to try and second guess when the 'Modern Day' supporter will decide, if and when he may go, would be so disastrous, he would soon give it up. Everyone knows speedway is existing on a lifeline through sponsorship that enables the books to be balanced, But if the crowds stop going, then the sponsors will cease as well. Getting bums on seats is the most important aspect on any sport.........with or with stars riders......
  19. There you go again, If you have 300 people, only going to watch Killer, then the rest can't be very good......... No wonder the sport is on its knees..... What happens to teams in the PL and National Leagues. They haven't got star riders, I wonder what those supporter go to watch.......
  20. Wolves track is always one of the trickiest . even in the dry. in the wet probably more so...... At least the riders were giving it a go.... Just pleased that non of the riders were injured..
  21. Why be so personal, I can assure you I have more idea about finance then most and am fully aware of the cost implications. The main Problem with our sport centres around money and it is my belief that the sport in this country cant afford the cost of the top riders.....If you are that fickle that you will only support your team if they are winning, than there little chance of any sport being viable. There can only be one winner, but the rest of the people and teams still warrants your support. As a seasoned ' DIE-HARD ' sport supporter it makes little difference to me whether the team I support win or lose. Whether it be Moto GP, F1; Football, Moto-cross, or speedway I make a point of enjoying all the activities I go to.. My team doesn't have to win for me to enjoy myself. Fortunately I can afford to go and support the sports I like, but at £18.00 for 15min racing, it is a cost that some won't pay. So yes, I'm well aware of the costs, and the implications of the sport................ Probably next time you won't be so judgemental............
  22. We had something similar years ago, but that was done on a like for like basis. If the two teams against each other were each a rider short then the No 8's filled the spaces. But trying to compare now to years ago is like chalk and cheese. The problems surrounding speedway now is so deep rooted, the only way to resurrect the sport is to start again. The suggestion of a squad system in a non-starter. The promoters don't have the finance to implement it, there isn't the quantity or quality of riders available, plus the fans wouldn't be able to afford to go anyway. The format now employed in the Elite league has in effect reduce the importance of the top rider and the promoter must be questioning why do we need this expense when the EDR is now equally important and far cheaper. We have many posters on here who say, they're supporters, yet don't go to watch meetings. If the sport cannot persuade them to go, than what chance is there for attracting new supporters. No we need to start again with New rules, New ideas, New format, lets do away with guests, and RR; Lets bring the cost down to £10.00 a go, Lets have smaller teams and less Double uppers. WE need people through the turnstiles and to do that we need rules set in stone and competitive racing at a cost they can afford. Until that time we will just have to continue banging our heads against a brick wall. Comments like that don't help. I like his idea.......... .As much as Niels is loved at Lynn speedway, I'm sure if he wasn't available, the attendance figures might drop, just a bit, but nothing that would dent the so-called cost of the promotions..... The problems are far deeper than whether your star rider is missing..... I go to many venues, and every place I go to, the attendance is poor. I wonder how it has survived this long already.......
  23. These past few weeks Kerr's performances have really come to the fore. The exceptional gater he is, Lewis was always going to be key of any reward we may achieve at Wolves, especially against good FTR in Blackbird and Bates. To me losing Lewis was a massive blow and only a few could be considered for covering him. Newman and Garrity were the obvious choices before Worrall, but hey it all turned out well in the end. As it happened Worrall was an inspired choice and contributed to a wonderful win. Scoring the points he did, more than made up for Niels, below par showing.......
  24. Obviously pleased with the result. I always believed the Stars were capable of getting some reward, but it always depends on what happens on the night. Guests, although not liked are a necessity in our league and last night was no different. Before the start, I didn't think Wolves were weakened by their included guests of Bomber and King, I imagined they would score similar to their missing riders. Worrall and the other hand, I thought would struggle competing with Kerr's score. So before hand I thought the guests were in Wolves' favour, but I was still optimistic. The biggest single factor last night was the weather. It changes the perception of home advantage and produces a more level playing field. In situations like this, it is imperative to make good starts. Once behind and filled in, you have no chance. Many results were decided by the back straight. Whether you are a top liner, or reserve rider it becomes very difficult to compete from behind. On a good night with decent weather this meeting would have been entirely different. The scores would be a lot closer, and certain riders would have performed better. But at the end of the day the Lynn Stars did what they had to do. The conditions were bad for both teams but it was Lynn who mastered them better and deserved their victory..... Just please all the riders survived the dreadful conditions and all of them went home safe.....
  25. Whatever the in's and out of the medical situation, I am in no doubt, that had Poole been down to ride at Lynn tonight, Janowski would have ridden. Clearly a case of picking the tracks you want to ride and those not to...........
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