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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Have never been one for chopping and changing teams, especially with the sole purpose of winning a match. But with the absence of Rory we have to have at least one, so while the opportunity is there we should make ail the fundamental changes needed to be more competitive than we are at present. Losing last night was always on the cards but it was the way we lost. What happened with KB was unforgivable. Of cause he knew what was expected of him when riding with a fellow rider with a 'Check Helmet'. My take on it was, he was sulking because RL had given the C/H to Bomber instead of himself and he was out to show it should have been him. Then the rest of the meeting he couldn't be bothered. Where Poole were concerned, whatever position there riders found themselves in they always tried to better it... I don't mind not winning, But its the not trying bit I have problem with....... If he can't be bothered why should the fans...........No, He has to go....
  2. You obviously know very little about Speedway when you come out with a statement like that. Team Racing is about a unit, a group of riders who races together each week. There usually is camaraderie, jokes, team spirit, banter, so much more then one's ability on the track. To lose, one rider is not too hard, but to replace 3, is very difficult to maintain any form of team spirit all. When one of those missing is your King Pin, Your leader, Your mouthpiece, the person you look to for example then trying to replace him is near impossible. That's what the absence of Rory means. He probably score good points himself, but he encourages a lot more from his fellow riders. No one man can replace that. So your comment about Lynn being a stronger team with guests is utter RUBBISH. I've always thought everything in our league, conspires to benefit Poole. This match was no different. It was always going to be a one sided affair. For it to have been any different, we needed a full team with everyone riding at the top of their game, Even then we probably wouldn't have won, but we wouldn't have been disgraced.. Middlo said when interviewed, how important it was to have a regular side every week pulling together as a formidable team.....agreed. Riding as they did last night, Poole are very strong and showed that Lynn's strength has to be improved. ....I've been preaching for 3yrs now about the magic of Maciej, and each time I see him I marvel at the way he progresses. Some of his moves last night were top drawer..... Its frightening how good he could become. .. He could become the rider, who stops Darcy from ever winning the World Championship.... Now, that's a thought....
  3. What's the main objective that can be achieved from tonight's meeting ? 1, A good competitive meeting, that could go either way, so that Sky can publicise the positives of our sport. 2. Close exciting encounter resulting in an opposition win. 3 . A boring home win in a processional one sided match. I've place them in order of my preferences, because as always, to me the sport has to come first. When you place them in your preference, you will find out what you place first...... NB. We know what Matt Fords first choice is, because he has told us many times...
  4. Primarily, using replacement riders is not about strength of the team, it is solely to fulfil the clubs obligation of the fixture planners. I have no qualms Lynn using guests like Bomber, Josh and Doolan, as they will probably score similar to those being replaced. Whatever they achieve, it won't mean anything. The bigger issue is that they have no connection with the club or fans. There is no comeback, relationship, or continuality between the rider and the team. Next week they will be racing against us and doing their utmost to undo everything they achieved tonight.. but that's the way it is... I don't blame anybody for the situation, unfortunately, that's the rules. But there is no way on this earth, will I travel 350 miles to support a team full of guests. regardless of the competition......and that is the biggest problem of using guests, its turning fans away from the sport......
  5. Whatever you think of Garrity, He may be exciting to watch, but he a liability to the Club and himself. Looking back to Monday night his attitude was the main reason why Coventry lost. I know there have been many meetings where Garrity has been the match winner, and been the difference between tight matches. But sometimes he needs to step back and take stock. Probably a better and more astute Manager would keep his feet firmly on the ground, instead of continuing blowing sunshine up this @rse.
  6. Like I say, whatever happens tonight will have no bearing on the season whatsoever. With so many guests, this is more like a challenge friendly match and bears little resemblance to the real thing. So no not that important... Different from some on here, I have gone to every match at home this year plus some away as well. My love for speed sports have not diminished, even though the signs are there for all to see. Yes I will be watching it on the Television tonight, but only cause there's nothing else to watch...... Love watching T and P making it out to more exciting than it actually is......
  7. Its so obvious to all concerned that heat 10 was the watershed, destined to be reached whatever the circumstances. Every race that was ridden, was looked at as one less to go. Whether there was a foot of water, a dozen riders injured, or a hurricane, that heat ten was going to be reached. It is wrong that the BSPA have allowed SKY to have such a stranglehold on proceedings when they are in town. If the Riders and Team Managers wanted it to stop, this could only be achieved by working together, and Sky knows this. Probably the point allocation ought to be looked at. To me it is wrong for a team, to be rewarded full points, when only half the meeting was completed. By the same token I think it be wrong to continue with the watershed of heat 10. So trying to be positive in this negative time, a suggestion that might be considered for future years. TEAMS: There is to be no early finish for maximum points. A meeting agreed to be called off between heats 6 and 10 the winning team to receive 1 pt; A meeting agreed to be called off between heats 10 and 14 the winning team to receive 2 pts; Meaning the meeting has to go the full 15 heats to receive the full points. Both teams will want to carry on, whenever possible, instead only taking a solitary point. SUPPORTERS: When meeting is abandoned early, on the representing of the gate ticket, a reduction will be granted based on the number of heats that was not run. Ticket only valid for next 2 home meetings, or the corresponding one, the following year. Thinking only of the sport, I was trying to safeguard against the Fans, the Riders and the Clubs, after the disaster that happened this week.
  8. Not at all..... Just hoping that when the play-off arrive, we can compete without Guests, R/R, Rain or a Doctored track.....
  9. Such is the state of our sport and that of the organisation, everything that has, and will happen this week is totally irrelevant. Because the teams only need to finish in the top 4 to qualify for the play-offs, losing to your nearest rival is of little significance. The whole campaign is all about the end of the season. Looking at this fixture in that same light, does it matter who wins or who rides??
  10. Nobody loves this sport more than I, but over the years this love has been tested to the full. Last night was the most self destructive display I've ever witnessed. All common sense of every issue has disappeared and been replaced by Sky Television demands. All these demands are for their benefit only, because Sky doesn't give a damn for the sport and sees it as just a 'fill-in' for the available slots they have. The people of the BSPA appear powerless to regain control they should have, and continue to bow, to all Sky wishes. Last night was a typical example of SKY rules...... The importance of safety should be paramount. I'm not a disciple of 'Rider Power', but at times like this, when tracks are bad, it is the riders that should be considered first and foremost. Last night, from the off, the weather was a problem and any decision to race was going to be in adverse conditions, so the riders had to be concerned. The fiasco that followed really took the sport into the gutter. The spectacle of team racing was a non-starter. The conditions saw to that. Each manager should have had a finger on the pulse and as soon as the rain persisted and the track deteriorated, then the proceedings should have stopped. If it was done in a professional manner, the fans and sport would have excepted The shambles that followed was painful, Havvy, acting more like school kid, did nobody any favours. Had he been more professional, he would not have waited until their defeat was imminent, before complaining about the track. He had 4 top riders who were coping well with the conditions and this should have been enough to at least got some reward, instead of which, his other riders were dropping points, hands over fist, each time they rode, and he seem oblivious to this fact. Each mistake your riders make, gives the points to the opposition. Havvy's final act of not letting his riders in the last race was too little too late. Have never been a Poole lover, and hate the way they sometimes work, but last night they acted in proper professional manner. They rode to the conditions and were amply rewarded. Can't moan about.......They did nothing wrong..
  11. What a truly awful meeting, that benefitted no-one. Every single aspect of the sport was shamed, The SCB Officials, the Team managers, the Referee, the sky Broadcast, everybody. This 10 race rule is an absolute joke. and makes the whole sport a mockery. Last week at Lynn we had to have a secret ballot about the raceability of the track, Here tonight, the track was far worse yet we had to have this meeting because Sky say so. They do more harm in instance like this than all the good they normally do.. Although not a good way to win, Poole deserved it tonight because they rode in a professional manner in bad conditions, giving little away. Coventry on the other hand was foolhardy and some rode as if it was a usual dry track. In situations like this you have to finish the race to score points. Coventry gave more points away than the Pirates actually score. Garrity was a liability and messed up every race. Probably, with a better leader with ideas and direction, the Bee's could have done far better with the star riders they had... Giving the opposition 5-0's is not a best way to perform..... Like I said, Nobody won tonight........
  12. Come On !!!!!! you can't have every decent rider !!!!!! You have too leave some for the rest to use...
  13. You are right, It is all about the occasion and the atmosphere. The weekend is totally Speedway. The sport takes over the city. Everyone you see is wearing banners and scarves. It makes no difference whether you're eating, sleeping drinking or talking, the topic is speedway. Wonderful atmosphere and never a hint of trouble.... Just a shame the Hotels and B&B's rip you off with their sky high pricing structure.................Can't blame them really....
  14. I did hear that he was one of the main objectors in the recent Semi-Final fiasco. If that is correct then, I can't imagine him getting a call to guest. It was obvious Buster took this personally.......
  15. The way Poole kept Magic hanging around at the start of the season, while waiting for the decision on Darcy, was ridiculous. Magic is every thing a speedway rider should be, a 'Promoters Dream', young, polite, ruthless, who leads and win matches at will. To even consider swapping him for Darcy is foolhardy. Ward thinks of only himself. If Poole alter their team just to accommodate him, he will think he is that important and will continue his ways in the same vane. Make him wait for a change, make him think of others instead of himself, and make him realise he's not that important. Only then, he might change. ...Failing that, you will only yourself to blame, when he is next in trouble. If, Poole ask Magic to step aside, you will no doubt lose him for good. He;s too good a rider too be messed about. There would be loads of clubs clambering for his signature.
  16. When looking for new riders, I would have thought their attitude was as, if not more, important than actual ability. And we can all guess what Barker's attitude is............ As Len would say; It's a big NO from me !!!!!!
  17. Bearing in mind we are without Rory, and looking at the post above about Magic missing the meeting as well, why not both teams bring in their No 8's and each team promote their best draft rider into the team proper. This is what they use to do years ago, Not only does it reduce promoting costs , its help in the development of the No. 8's by giving them experience in the top level. Just a thought
  18. Its not just Speedway mate, its every sport in the area. Posh FC suffer the same problem. Even when top teams visited London Road, it makes little difference. I've been told Ice Hockey is just the same. Over the years the city has become multi cultured and they don't appear to put themselves out. Whether its because they have a problem with mixing I don't know. Don't know what their missing............ :t:
  19. Why is it there are always people that want to criticise them who do the most. Although new on here, I don't know how long you have followed the sport. Some of your post indicates you can go back a few years, but your comments show of such little experience. The first line is rubbish. I accept it was Jonathon's position before he left, but he was more responsible for promoting an event or a fixture, Buster on the other hand is promoting the sport itself. Creating a venue for fans such as you and me to go and enjoy. Without the Busters of this world, we would have no sport to promote.... I probably stand corrected, but at this point in time I believe the AFA is equal or better than any other in putting on this sport.... The 2nd Line; There is another month before the Sun will be at its highest (Fact), and will take much longer to set. The start time should not be affected then. When the Sun does set the rays will be less strong and shouldn't interfere with the meeting schedule. Since 1965 there have been many changes. From the boundary of the Stadium up to the River has been completely redeveloped. The Sugar factory has gone and all the trees that surrounded it. Like you say, they have built relatively small industrial units close by, but nothing to compare with that of the past. So no I don't defend the indefensible. As someone, of experience years, I appreciate people who do get off their @rse to make things happen. Pity there weren't more people like Buster. The sport would have a far better footing if there was.
  20. I will be most surprise if the Lynn Stars don't have a replacement in line to cover Rory's absence. A few names have been thrown into the ring, so how about adding Linus Sundstrom. Remember him riding here for the Panthers and scoring mega points. Everytime I see him on the tele he sure impresses me.... Don't know whether his points will fit in, but without doubt, a wonderful acquisition, who has previous knowledge of all the venues.....
  21. Really good to see Holder back to something like. Obviously a huge talent that's been blighted by so many injuries. If last night is anything to go by, he'll soon be back leading the team like he was used to. Magic was as we come to expect. Probably, at this point in time, he is the top riders in our league. Every race he starts, he looks across in the first 5 mtr to assess his team mate. Such awareness to go with that smooth effortless style !!!! When ht 15 was posted I had visions of a Poole 5-1. Holder's gating had been exceptional, and with Magic riding shot gun I feared the worse. But cometh the hour cometh the man, and Niels, who had struggled from the gate all night, stepped up to the plate to ensure a massive 3-3. for an unexpected 3 points. Poole will say, they were happy to get a point, but they will know, there will never be a better chance to win than they had last night. Plenty of plus points for the Stars to remember..... Besides the usual headliners, Porsing and Morris, both put up a much more confident showing than of late. Both were on the pace and showed they have what it takes to be a regular in a successful team. All this talk about team changes were forgotten last night. Just hope they can continue in the same vane. I know it's not nice for the riders to hear supporters harping on about team changes when certain riders are under performing, but the supporters only want to be successful and are entitled to their opinion. I'm sure it's not personal, although it may seem that way to some....... As meetings go, last night was a good one...... Even with all the Sun delays and interval, I was still back home by 10.
  22. As per usual you haven't got a clue. Buster Chapman, as a promoter, does more to promote the sport than most. His continuous improvements to the Stadium puts everyone to shame, and you come out with comments like that. Its unfortunate that surrounding areas have changed and building and trees have been demolished. The Sun, at this time of year is relatively low and causes an issue. To put up a huge hoarding as you suggest would be ridiculous, in both cost and height. To erect something in the Pit area to cut out the offending sun glare, the hoarding would need to be 200 ft tall. Imagine going to the planner with that......... To me it's not that big a problem and come July and August the Sun will be higher and shouldn't be a issue..... Also come the play-offs in Autumn, the Sun will have gone and we will start on time... Wow !! .....What a surprise that was. Expecting far more from Poole and was amazed on how the Stars rallied to the occasion. I will admit Masters did far better than I imagined and I was wrong to doubt his inclusion. It was another of those meetings where all the riders pulled together and each played their part. Recent performances of some were put to bed, and hopefully they will continue to perform at this expected level. With the exception of 2 riders, Poole were disappointing. They appeared nonchalant and not ready when the meeting started. It was only towards to end when the chips were down did they show up. Without the efforts from Magic and Nobby this could have been an embarrassment. Hope Rory's collection went well, and that his recovery goes as hoped.
  23. I believe the reasons for that match to be cancelled was described as 'robbing the public' by fielding a makeshift team. Everyone knew the real reason why..... as you rightly say the replacement riders had been injured, before they were used. But the actual excuse stated, could be used on so many occasions , involving any of the teams, and that would cause endless problems in fixture arranging. So for that reason alone, the excuse shouldn't have been recognised. I am in no doubt if someone else tried to pull the same stunt they would be jumped on, big time.......
  24. Nobody disputed the reasons why, The rules were in place for everyone, and to cancel a meeting because of poor team strength, is against those rules. It was Matt Ford's manipulation of these rules to suit his purpose, that angered people. He appears to be a law unto himself and does what he wants......
  25. Well of cause!!!!!! Don't tell me you are surprised......
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