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secsy1 last won the day on March 21 2012

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  1. Absolute practical solution, but remember something so simple would never work, remember this is Speedway 🤣
  2. Who know, but!!! Ben Trigger 8.71 Kai Ward 3.58 Sam McGurk 5.56 Chad Wirtzfeld 5.20 Connor Coles 8.00 Luke Muff 2.00 Alex Spooner 2.29 35.34
  3. MANCHESTER HOSTS GP DOUBLE – British Speedway Official Website Well what a shock?
  4. The only nonsense on here is YOUR TROLLING. It is factual that the meeting started at 20:05, I was their with several Belle Vue season ticket holders. Up to heat 9 the weather, although raining from heat 6 had not affected the racing with scores equal at 27-27. From heat 10 onwards races directly affected by the rain with 5-1 to Belle Vue in 3 consecutive heats. In the Premiership play off the races were affected by the weather and delays in having heat 4 interval to wait for the rain. All in all a lot needs changing with the way the meetings are run and a more professional approach. Particularly the weather and timing of breaks, frequency of tractor racing and much more. The crazy part of all this is the rose tinted glasses everyone appears to look at speedway at the moment in this country. It is on its knees and all and sundry think all is well, look at Birmingham and round the boards. Time to change with avengeance and put all behind that needs leaving behind including doddering trolls
  5. What absolute shambles of a meeting. Official start time 19:30 Actual tapes up 20:05 4 Heats tractor racing and interval. Then the rain came down and created havoc for all riding. Oh and do not say all the track prep prior was necessary to get it on and then proceed to delay and wait for the rain. It amazes not only me, but many ardent Belle Vue stalwarts. How a GP will go down with this type of meeting management is beyond anyone's comprehension.
  6. The opportunities are many, but lack of participation is the prime cause. You cannot run meetings without riders! The main problem presently are costs. Can someone please let everyone know what the cost of SCB Licence is? Also the cost of ACU licence? I have been informed to ride in the British Youth Championship that you require both of the above licences. Then take into consideration machinery costs, parental support with transportation and financial fluid cash to burn.
  7. When my original post was made it was to actually draw attention to the meeting taking place as no one had bothered to start a thread. So when some one answers the question with only half a team what is anyone supposed to think? The drivel on Sheffield website is similar to the British speedway one. No disrespect to anyone intended, but as per usual you let everyone know you know everything and better. I was their yesterday, was you?
  8. So as per your post the team for Sheffield/Scunthorpe Team :-1. Who Knows 2. Who cares 3. Ace Pijper 4. Stene Pijper 5. Does it matter 6. Kean Dicken 7. Jamie Etherington 🤣🤡 🤣🤡 🤣🤡 🤣🤡
  9. Well this actually looks like it could be the National League meeting of the season! Which riders will be available or even bother to turn out for Sheffield? Have they actually fielded a full team in any of their fixtures? I will be going as it is proper speedway, even if its made up on the day 🤣
  10. Can anyone elaborate on results from this meeting please?
  11. Used to think he could do a good job and help turn the sport around, but now just spouting bulls%it With the Tosh from Tratum and Schlieme from BSN think it would be better to get some people who actually know nothing to do the presentation, commentating and actually do it better!
  12. So what you are saying rings true about advertisement and business acumen. If you are a speedway supporter you know about it and if you are not sod you as we do not want you. As always the sport and promotion shoots themselves in the foot. This was a great opportunity to get into Manchester and actually promote and advertise a great event, which includes children.
  13. Pray tell, where is it stated anywhere that it will be staged before the main meeting and what time the meeting starts at?
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