I can't remember the year Tufty died. I think trhat it was before we moved from Surrey in 1994 although we could have been told about it later.The usual sudden heart attack tale.
Did the trip to the Final give you the taste for life in the States? Where do you live? We had ben there prior to that trip and loved it and have been many times since. Apart from the Wimbledon trip we always travelled independantly by Trailways, Greyhound or Amtrak.
The only place we really felt unsafe was in Baltimore and that was 30 years before The Wire. We went as I wanted to go to the Preakness at Pimlico and we also have friends there. Beacuse of the Preakness all the Downtown hotels were full. I phoned a few places from the station and one way out on the Beltway said that they had a room. When we got to it the bus driver said, Your not going to stay there are you, It was ramshackled. He said that there was another place down the road that looked better and he dropped us off at it.
I was taken aback at the clientel hanging around. They had a room but were surprised that we wanted it for two nights... seemed that most rented by the hour. An interesting place with continous blue movies, a big round bath and a previous guest had left her panties under the bed. Strangly they had an M&S label on them.