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Everything posted by mdmc82

  1. Great signing for Coventry 👍🏻 Hoping Knuckey is the next to be announced.
  2. Some people who were there last night and often reliable have said it's unlikely after speaking to him. (Taken from cov Facebook page) Patricia "Jason told me last night that he wouldn't be riding for Bees next year" Melanie Kelsey "To confirm Jason wants to come back but it is unlikely due to £ unless Mick puts his hand in his pocket, no rumour straight from horses mouth" Wonder what riders Horton is thinking of using then?
  3. I heard it from somebody who was there and spoke to him. Also seen it from Melanie on Facebook who is a reliable source. Her direct quote "To confirm Jason wants to come back but it is unlikely due to £ unless Mick puts his hand in his pocket, no rumour straight from horses mouth"
  4. I guess it does depend what Garrity is asking for
  5. From those who spoke to Garrity last night, he said he would love to return to Coventry but looks unlikely at the moment due to Horton and money 😕 (also being reported on Coventry fans Facebook page) If we can't afford Garrity then no chance of getting any heat leaders or finishing a season
  6. Mark Grayson Where have I started a rumour? tony Coopers and Phil the ace have mentioned Garrity and Harris, plus maybe King could be going elsewhere. Mark's new wolves logo doesn't fill me with hope.
  7. He's been dreadful that's why he's 5.87 Would rather JK, Harris, King even Hans any day
  8. So Hans, JK, Howarth already signed elsewhere (Garrity rumoured to be elsewhere) Gutted we haven't resigned JK, one of our best home riders in 2015 Makes you wonder who we are planning to sign!! If talk is true that there are a lot of problems at Coventry esp financial, then I can't see us having a competitive team.
  9. @BomberHarris37: .Delighted to have been crowned 🏆 "Rider of the Year 2015" for Coventry @OfficialCovBees 🐝 #TeamHarris #37 https://t.co/FYY9jmKPSi That's crazy. Why havent Coventry signed him?
  10. Strange that no riders were announced at the dinner dance now the AGM is over. Only Liam Carr for the Storm apparently Should we be concerned that Garrity's mechanic has just updated his profile photo to Wolves logo 😕
  11. Szymon Wozniak confirmed for Leicester at their dinner dance tonight
  12. Surprised NKI wasn't announced tonight. Strong reserve pairing in Kerr & Rose
  13. If Harris returns to Coventry or have SGP/abroad commitments wouldn't he miss a lot of meetings?
  14. I think it's going to be even more important this year to have strong reserves as the new rule is no guests if 2nd strings are missing, just RR. This means Bates & Sarjeant could have to take rides in the main team if we have riders missing.
  15. He was getting a lot of help from Harris but Bomber said in an interview Sarjeant was putting too much pressure on himself thinking he had to score big rather than back up Garrity. The problem is now he is the one expected to score big
  16. Yes the same rider who did improve in PL but then dropped back to reserve. He spent a lot of the end of the EL season touching tapes or not scoring. Was dreadful in play offs He has a lot of potential but needs to learn to sit still at the tapes as it got very frustrating last year and lost us a lot of points
  17. Was on his Facebook Imagine they will be in touch with him soon though. Would be madness otherwise
  18. Harris seems to think Coventry haven't signed anybody yet and they haven't been in contact with him.
  19. He would weaken us in the top 5. Would have just about coped with him I'd at reserve but not in our top 5, esp when going to need a strong top 5 to compensate for reserve
  20. Exactly. If Sarjeant was moved up to the tier 1 then why were none of the other tier 2 riders?Sarjeant was terrible at the end of the season. He's also a reserve in the PL whilst a lot of the other tier 1 or 2 riders ride in the main body of the PL teams including Newman, Auty & Howarth who have been PL number ones!
  21. Why when he had a shocker of a season last year? He's average is lower than a lot of the other teams 2nd reserves!
  22. Because the reserves play a huge part in a team. We have two tier 2 riders. Sarjeant does have potential but as a 2nd rider like Bates, Ellis or Starke. Definetely not with the pressure of being the main reserve against the likes of Newman, Auty, Howarth or Worrall. He had a really bad second half of the season where he struggled at times to beat most 2nd tier riders and spent a lot of time off 15m. Think of the reserves announced so far we definetely have the weakest as we have no real first reserve. Should have picked Bates or Sarjeant, not both. Also there is the question of how many meetings Bates will miss due to PL and will we again struggle finding replacements. Pairings so Far: Auty & Starke (Leicester) Newman & Ellis (Poole) Blackbird & Mears (Lakeside) Howarth & Clegg (Wolves) Worrall (Belle Vue) Wright (Swindon) I would imagine Rose & Kerr will be at Kings Lynn I think with the exception of maybe Lakeside, we will really struggle against the others
  23. And yet Coventry don't even have a tier 1 rider really
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