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Everything posted by mdmc82

  1. As a LFC fan, I love the 6-1 score 😉⚽️
  2. But won't you lose Kerr if you move to Thursday? I thought it was just rumoured that you were looking to change race nights if you signed Pedersen?
  3. Wouldn't he be riding in the Danish league on a Wed?
  4. Has it actually been confirmed anywhere yet that their race night is changing?
  5. @nickipedersenDK: @officialKLstars im not in the lineup for 2016 i have been asked but it does not fit to my schedule #Sorry
  6. Why? I thought Bates was our first reserve as higher average Would love Kerr in our team if possible. But risky as he would be returning after a huge crash but very capable and would strengthen us a lot at reserve if he hit form. Would also mean he wouldn't miss meetings due to clashes
  7. Good to see Coventry are hosting the NL fours again
  8. Team looks very solid. Personally think it's the strongest completed line up so far
  9. That's cos he was shocking. Poole really going to miss magic. They will be really hoping that Holder & Hans find form this year and that Brady hits the ground running in the EL
  10. No. You still have to have two riders from the draft for the year, so he could be replaced with another rider on the draft list
  11. How can anybody predict so far when most teams aren't complete and some haven't even signed a rider?
  12. Using last year's averages, I get it as 39.38points used Wolves highest averaged rider is Kylmakorpi on 6.80
  13. Lindgren will struggle to out score reserves of he rides like the season just gone 😂
  14. Looking at wolves team, you need more than just a number 1, looking weaker than last year 🙊
  15. Is that why I have had a season ticket for several years for bees and attended most of the Coventry storm meetings. I think you should find out facts before posting statements like that.
  16. Completely agree. Terrible thing to say
  17. The problem is instead of signing a rider who is not on the list but capable of being a heatleader, we have signed another reserve. That means that not only are we one of the weakest at reserve but also very weak in the top 5 Why do king and Buzz both have the same average but yet king is on the heatleader list and yet Buzz who rode all season as a heatleader for Leicester isn't?
  18. Esp when he rode the whole season as a heat leader.
  19. I thought rather than be concerned now, I would wait and see how Woryna got on when the season started. However then I watched some video's of him riding in Poland and now I am worried. From what I have seen I think he may struggle even more than Jamrog or Kcrmar. I guess we will see once other teams are announced as to if there really were no other riders available but we do look to have a very long tail which will put huge pressure on our top 3. It's ok people thinking if Woryna struggles he can then be quickly replaced but where is the rider to replace him going to come from. Doubt it will be as easy as that.
  20. That was only because when they signed him he was a Coventry asset and then changed to a Rye House asset after.
  21. Not sure they are 3 riders I would pick from the heatleader list. Bech had some really off form meetings last year. Joonas was brilliant at Brandon but he wasn't one of our best riders away from home. As for Freddie, what can you say. They are going to need a big signing to back them up.
  22. It is rumoured though that PK wants a number 1s salary. If true that's madness.
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