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Everything posted by mdmc82

  1. Hope your operation went well 👍🏻
  2. Not looking good for Leicester. Going to need two strong heatleaders to complete the team
  3. Those commenting on sky not wanting to days other than Monday must have forgot that last year we didn't have regular Monday speedway on sky. There were some Tuesday & Wednesday fixtures.
  4. Just going by what Rosco & Horton have said about Friday. Would be every fortnight when no GP It won't be Monday as riders don't want to rush from Poland to here on a Monday.
  5. Friday and Wednesday are the two days being looked at. As Tai says, Riders don't want to race in Poland and then rush here for Monday
  6. Whilst I don't think they are the weakest team in the league, I don't see Wolves making the play offs. Whilst JK is a very good rider, he is not a number one and does struggle away from home. Agree that Lindgren is better than his average. Another question would be how many meetings are Masters,Howarth & Clegg going to miss and also will Howarth & Bech improve on what wasn't a great year for them. A lot of doubt around this team. A huge point is will Adams get the best out of them.
  7. Rosco said Friday was one of the fixed race nights for 2017. The other night that is mentioned a lot is Wednesday
  8. The 2nd leg of the tournament has been arranged for the same date as Chris Harris testimonial. What happens for Riders Who were planning on riding in Bomber's.
  9. I personally think Belle Vue look just as good if not better
  10. That would only be the home fixtures. Can imagine him missing a good few Friday fixtures due to amount of PL teams that ride then
  11. Not forgetting Howarth who will also miss meetings if there are clashes due to being a PL asset.
  12. He also helps them with advice on set ups and racing.
  13. A good signing in Shuttleworth. I had hoped he would be back at Coventry but good luck to him next season
  14. Gutted for Gary. Hoping he is on the mend soon 🐝🐝
  15. That all depends on which Howarth you get. If the one from the play offs in 2014 then he should clean up. However if he carries on like he rode the end of the season gone then he will struggle to beat most reserves.
  16. Quiet about what? Looks like once again the truth has been twisted and those who insist they are in the know have egg on their face. North was never in doubt. If he couldn't be bothered to go back and see his dad when the accident happened then he's not going to months later.
  17. Well said. If he didn't feel it was important to be with his dad when it happened and stayed here to play golf instead then can't see him staying with his dad now a while after the accident.
  18. He hasn't been good on his last couple of visits to Coventry scoring 6 & 3
  19. Shows how In the know some of them actually are.
  20. I think it's more of a case that Lakeside were the only team that wanted him 😉
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