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Everything posted by mdmc82

  1. Sadly yes. Your reaction seems to be the general reaction of many on twitter, Facebook & word of mouth. It's ironic that by assuming some fans may miss the fixture on the Friday night, they are actually making sure they loss alot of home & away fans in the Thur (plus weakening the team)
  2. That's the point being made, it's madness. It has been changed because Horton is worried about losing money on the Friday due to some fans going to football. There will be no fixture on the 5th full stop. However Running a meeting on a school night, with a hugely depleted team, night before football against a team with far to travel will surely lead to much smaller crowds than if it had stayed on the Friday. Huge huge mistake
  3. That's not the case as they will not run a meeting at home on the 4th & 5th. That would mean even lower crowds.
  4. Completely agree. Only thing I can think is that Horton has seemed advise from somebody within the club who was thinking with their football hat on. Really hope respect is shown to the bees fans and this is rectified.
  5. The meeting isn't this Friday, it was meant to be next Friday.
  6. The much anticipated fixture between Coventry and King's Lynn has now been moved from Friday 5th to Thursday the 4th sep. This is incase some speedway fans would prefer to watch the football. This however now means the bees go from having a full strength team (on the 5th) to now being depleted with no Garrity, Howarth and Hansen (is a facility given?) Shame as this could have been a brilliant meeting with two full strength sides. Once again it's the speedway fans that suffer of both teams.
  7. Who knows. Think it will have a shock when realises how many fans are not attending on the Thur. And if now it is No facility for Hansen as well as no Garrity or Howarth, does he really see a bigger crowd than Friday?
  8. It makes no sense! Friday So it would mean either run the risk of maybe 100 football fans not turning up (unless recording game) Or Thur 1)Run the risk of over 100 speedway fans not coming (either cos school night, depleted, travelling fans, working) 2)Hope that those football fans can get 2 nights off & pay for both nights 3)Have a hugely depleted team (esp if no facility) 4)Key riders miss out on riding the meeting & nights wage 5)Risk losing 3 points 6)Bees, Kings Lynn & others are robbed of seeing 2 top teams at full strength in what could have been a amazing night of speedway.
  9. Will bees be given a facility for Hansen or will they be further depleted by using PL 6 point guest? Think Horton may be surprised by the amount of people who are more likely to stay away the Thur now than the Friday. If football fans were not gonna turn up to watch the best 2 teams in the league on the Friday, then can't see them paying out money (Thur & Fri) to see a depleted team. And I agree. This could have been the meeting of the year. The bees & Kings Lynn fans have now been robbed of that.
  10. Oh no, didn't realise Hampel was injured. What happened? MJJ will come in to replace 1 of them
  11. Now that Horton can see that there are a large number of fans who can't make the 4th (or some that won't cos depleted), can he not move it back knowing that fans WILL be missing on the Thur rather than moving if from the Friday because he ASSUMES some fans may miss the meeting. Neil, If we do get into the play offs and they clash with a football match, will we just drop out or ask sky to change the date.
  12. Brilliant post. I too am a season ticket holder and am very disappointed. It seems that those few fans who have picked football over speedway will be the only ones benefiting whilst those loyal fans (from both teams) who were planning on putting speedway first are the ones to be punished. Do they also honestly think a depleted team, on a school night, the night before the football will bring in a bigger crowd? Do feel for the riders as well who will now miss out on a meeting all cos of a dozen football fans. Have heard football fans saying they would have been happy to record it as cos it's on sky that way they can do both.
  13. Agree. I know people who now can't go on the thur but would have gone on the Friday. Also know 2 CCFC fans that couldn't go Friday but also said not gonna bother going Thur as too much money for 2 nights in a row But £27 if go to both plus travel. Good etc. Personally somebody would have to pay me £10 to go and watch CCFC, watched some really poor meetings of there's before
  14. Newman could be higher by then, Starke no where near Garrity in form esp against Kerr
  15. Because Horton was worried about his attendance. He thinks all the fans who turn out every week to watch speedway would go to watch mid table CCFC instead. a lot of people in Coventry don't even support football or Coventry team or they live outside of coventry. and what about the thought for the away fans? What we now have is a depleted side and still a huge loss in attendance plus unhappy fans that now miss out, all because some fans may have gone to the Ricoh. there seem to be more than 1/3 of fans that were going Friday that can not make the Thur so Horton will end up with lower attendance on the Thursday than if he had kept it on the Friday. Not very fair on the bees or stars fans
  16. It has been confirmed though that no polish fixtures that day so where would they all be? Klindt would miss it as riding for PL
  17. yes Lynn at Full strength. Bees miss Garrity (with not many guests available) Howarth and Hansen Judging by Twitter, there are a lot of King's Lynn fans and Bees fans that were looking forward to this but can not longer go. Myself and Sister will still be going but my friends from work are not able to come on the Thur Think whilst date has been changed to stop crowds being low on Friday 5th, they could end up being very low on the 4th. Only difference being the weaker team on the Thur
  18. Danish meeting was first so we will now miss Garrity, Howarth and Hansen against a full strength Lynn side. Was looking forward to seeing Garrity V Kerr but now it will be Kerr V a rider 16th or below on the list not a lot of options for Hansen either
  19. This fixture has now been changed from 5th (when we had a full team) to 4th when without Garrity & Howarth (and poor guest choices) thats 3 points thrown away!
  20. rescheduled for next Sunday now - 2.30pm at Coventry will any riders be missing due to Polish commitments Good of the teams to come together and come up with dates so fast
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