Coventry could still get there if they lose tonight as have Poole & Belle Vue still to come.
Not sure about Auty as a guest. R/R may have been risky but would have been stronger.
nothing against a lot of the swindon team.
I don't see you having a go at the other posters who have commented about the attitude of the Swindon team and Rosco.
If you don't like my posts then don't reply to them
Sarjeant was a brilliant guest. Has improved so much over the season and riding with confidence
That would be good if true as the more meetings we get in the better
Newman as a guest shows that Eastbourne are taking this seriously.
Honestly couldn't say who will win this one. Bjerre was brilliant against Poole the other night but Newman adds a lot of strength at reserve.
Good luck Eastbourne
not sure what your personal grudge is all about. if you don't like my posts then don't read or reply to them.
team spirit is very important, ask any rider
Maybe you should attend a meeting instead of just sitting behind a keyboard, that way you may see what other posts who have commented on the same thing see.
Have you not watched any of the recent interviews with them or been to any meetings and seen them in the pits?
Rosco used to be a bit like that when with the bees
They have had that kind of attitude most of the season
They have been like that a lot recently. More Rosco, Batchelor and Morris than the whole team. Never seems to be a nice team spirit