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Everything posted by mdmc82

  1. That rule is only in the book for South Coast teams although even they haven't been able to use it this year 😉 Michelsen's last score for Leicester was 0,0,0 Worrall scored 11 whilst Auty scored 4 when they met at Leicester a couple of weeks ago, so think guests could make them stronger Hans will be a miss for bees as Hans scored 15 whilst Morris scored 6 in the same meeting there a couple of weeks ago but it is what it is. I'm sure Morris will do well.
  2. Rory has been trying to ride for Us for a while now. He has raced most of his life in England. He has English children and English and Scottish heritage. He's never turned his back on British speedway (if anything most of the time it feels like he races for the whole league lol) I hope he has a good meeting for us.
  3. No definitely not. However maybe he shouldn't have agreed to ride in it to start with if he knew he had another commitment.
  4. Tai has now confirmed on Twitter that it's because Poland get priority. Surely he must have known that there would be a clash of fixtures when he agreed to ride? Or do Poland not usually have practice sessions?
  5. It's being implied that the Polish league are stopping Woffy riding in the meeting. I thought they only had control over Polish riders? Still would have no sympathy as it was his choice to rider for every other league ahead of his own.
  6. Hoping Harris is made captain for the World Cup ahead of Woffy. I know there are people who are sometimes critical of Harris but one thing nobody could question is his dedication to riding for his country and British speedway
  7. I bet Tai won't be too busy testing his bikes when it comes to representing himself in the British Final though. I think the problem is because he is a great talent, he has become to believe he is team GB. He definitely has the Aussie arrogance. I am looking forward to watching Lambert who is already showing huge amounts of talent & maturity at only 17. Thanks to Rory for stepping in as well.
  8. Lakeside's downfall was that they decided to keep Ellis when they had first choice in the second draft and could have gone for Rose, Sarjeant, Starke or Bates.
  9. Confirmed now as Robert Lambert & Rory Schlein. Rory really is the guest of the year 😄 Does this mean Rory can now ride for us in the SWC if he wanted to?
  10. The main difference was the reserves. Even with Boxall replacing Ellis, I still stand by the statement I made at the start of the season. Lakeside easily have the weakest reserve pairing in the league. With riders like Newman, Garrity (although not sure Havvy knows) Blackbird, Auty and Kerr you always have the option to replace 1-5 rider in a race if they are struggling. I don't think Lakeside have a strong enough reserve to do so.
  11. A meeting can't be called off just because riders are missing. Swindon went to Lakeside with a team of guests. As stated before, The way Leicester have been riding, a team of guests might do better. There is now no rain forecast so can't see this meeting being called off.
  12. True, however wasn't it Tai who took to Twitter wanting to know why he wasn't allowed to ride in this meeting and making a huge deal of it. Then once Rosco goes to a lot of effort to make it happen, Tai decides at short notice, that he will not just test his bikes for the GP (that is a couple of weeks ago) surely he could have used them in this meeting to test them. He's ego has grown a lot over the last couple of years. I personally hope he isn't made captain of team GB in the World Cup as not really a team player, has really let Rosco down.
  13. Yes had not long heard the same although nothinv confirmed. He really would be the king of guesting then lol.
  14. Aaron Summers has said he's Leicester bound tomorrow. Assume he's is place of Mikkel.
  15. @AJROSCO: Fuming is not even close to how i feel at the moment, I've been well and truly flipped over #savage 😡😡😡 Tai has really let Rosco and team GB down esp when he's pulled out to test bikes for the GP that is still 2 weeks ago. Can't see Rosco making him captain for World Cup now. Credit to Robert Lambert for stepping in at short notice. Looking forward to watching him and hope he has a good meeting.
  16. What happened in the last half of the meeting? Poole had a 16point league but ended up with a narrow win and taking 3pts. Shame Lakeside's fightback hadn't been sooner.
  17. I bet Lakeside are wishing they had booked Karlsson instead of Rory.
  18. Surely not. How would that help team GB. Robert Lambert should be given the chance
  19. Good decision to call this off. It is currently heavy rain in Coventry. Pouring down.
  20. If he pulls out during the meeting then only the riders below him can take his rides which means Blackbird and Starke.
  21. Really. Wonder why Dakota North isn't riding
  22. He only has the Swindon fixtures up until 1st June on the calendar on his speedway site. The other months are jam packed with other fixtures but none of them are Swindon's.
  23. Where was it announced he would be here longer as on Twitter it did say until 2nd June? Any idea how long for? Good news for Swindon if he's been confirmed as staying.
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