With talk of Rye House interested in join EL that could make 8. However why all the talk about Lakeside dropping out of the league when nothing has been suggested by the club.
Worry more when it has or when your stadium is planning on being made in to flats like ours 😔
Shame Wolves next 2 meetings are against King's Lynn as that rules out Rory guesting 😄 With his average being 6.50 that doesn't leave a huge amount of guest options esp away with the only ones really being King, Howarth, Zengi, Lawson, Fricke and Cook (although some of these wouldn't be option due to clashes esp on 25th)
I can see Swindon getting something from this. Batchelor and Howarth have had some good meetings there.
A lot will depend on which Zagar turns up and the reserves.
Predict 48-42
@Lakesidelive: Steve Boxall diagnosed with broken & fractured ribs, longer spell on the sideline ahead
Terrible that it wasn't noticed soon.
If he could stay injury free then Adam Roynon could be a good temp replacement for Boxall. Definitely has the talent.
There's no Dan Greenwood for the return leg at Brandon and I can't see R/R scoring what he would so I think Coventry have to try and get an away lead in this meeting to take the pressure off at home.
It's all over Twitter. I guess we will see how true it is in meeting against Swindon as two new signings are meant to be in place by then.
I'm surprised Mikkel is being replaced, he's only just returned from injury and is a good rider.
If Swindon win at Belle Vue tomorrow then they would jump in to 4th place and Wolves would drop out of the top 4 for the first time this season. The league is very close this season which is good to see.
I agree. Bridger can be good but gives us easily. Also not very commited and easily distracted by things going on outside of speedway.
I'm so glad we didn't end up with him at Coventry.
Doyle, Summers, ???, Wozniak, Pedersen, Worrall, Lambert
It's bad that there is no word on the line up from Leicester when only couple hours till the meeting.
Only know about Summers as saw it on Twitter
Agree which is why sadly guests may be better options for Leicester today. Hopefully they will make some good team changes very soon
Any news on the final guest or is it R/R?
@Hansi_Andersen: Another rain off 😟☔️ half hour too late for me to make it back to UK for Leicester 😡 #NeededJust20min #HadMeFlightSorted #JustWasntMeant2Be