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Everything posted by BADGER69

  1. I do not know how much he was paid but it was worth every penny as it helped Poole win the the final
  2. It seems to me that any one who does not tow the party line should be taken out and shot. How sad it is that if you say something that is not in the manifesto you are vilified
  3. You just got the majority of the Bees fans on you side Mr Horton dont spoil it by keeping Havvy You supposed to be listening to fans the vast majority want Havvy out
  4. Time for Havvy to go Phil Morris would be a great replacement if he could be tempted to leave Birmingham
  5. You cant help yourself can you You have to keep picking at the socalled anti Horton brigade grow up and get a life. Horton I believe has made a good start with Bomber, Hansen only time will tell.
  6. No doubt Horton will have his group of supporters there to chear him on as per usual
  7. Be careful what you write or esle all of Covs problems will be on your shoulders Hortons Disciples will see to that
  8. Can you honestly see Ward or Holder riding for Horton? :mad: :mad:
  9. Sky will not negotiate untill Poole are guaranteed to be in the play offs again. Come on Matt sort it out
  10. At least they could pay there way. And now you have prima donnas in multi coloured kevlars and sarcastic fans on forums
  11. The trouble with speedway is it is run by dinosaurs Who still think its the 1960s Wake up and smell the coffee before it becomes like the dinosaurs extinct
  12. With the problems at Perry Bar what about Phil Morris as team manager
  13. It must be heart breaking to be a Wolves fan today The one thing you can take solace from is that with a fit Ty the result would have been different. With a little luck at least you can say you have the World Champion
  14. Whats it like Steve relying on a Coventry asset to get you to the final
  15. Yes i can remember those halcyon days when there was more fans on the back straight than there is in the stadium today. Parking in the fields. Unfortunatly those days are long gone apart from maybe Poole. If you promote any sport and you finish bottom you should expect critism. If you can not stand the heat get out of the kitchen And just to clear some misconception up I have no mates on here and there is no Mafia trying to get Mick apart from those that blindly defend his actions. Lets just hope we are not posting this at the end of 2014 because no doubt we will be to blame for that due to our socalled negative remarks
  16. Genuinely what posatives can you take from this season. Please explain I agree there are lots of fans who do not post on here are you sure they are happy with the current position of the Bees
  17. I think the criticism of people on this forum by Micks cronies is harsh. After all we did not have any input in to the Bees . But you would think its our fault just for voicing an opinion./ Micks history in promoting is not good. I for one will give him credit if the Bees finish in the top half in 2014. Credit should be earned not expected for finishing bottom
  18. The buck stops with Horton like it or lump it. You can defend him all you like and thats your prerogative
  19. The best way to promote a club is by getting a winning team and not winging about fans who critisize the way he has ruined a once great team
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