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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Because they are still wearing them. Most simply pull the goggles down so they are around their neck, therefore they are still wearing them. The rules say... Goggles must be worn and together with spectacles if worn, must be shatter resistant. It doesn't state how or where, so in theory they could be wrapped around their ankle and still conform. Had Newman simply put them round his neck he would have complied with the rule book
  2. I've been vociferous about gogglegate and your first sentence says what I think, it's a total cock up and ignores the fans as usual, I've never blamed Newman or Poole. They probably will fine Newman, it is after all in the rule book and it should remain so. It is after all a safety issue first and foremost and it's hypercritical for some fans to bang on about making the sport safer but to then say this rule should be ignored.(that's not aimed at you Rob BTW). That's my lot on the googlegate issue cos I also believe matches should be won on the track not off it. As I said last night Congratulations to Poole, for once I have no issues with the way they have won this season and they fully deserved it both over the season and in the 2 legs of the final. Well done to Belle Vue also, worthy finalists and runners up.
  3. Congratulations to Poole, the best team over 2 legs. Well done to Belle Vue, brilliant effort and you did yourselves proud.
  4. The start marshall was not at fault. It is not within his remit. The fault entirely rests with Graham Flint, the referee.
  5. If that's the case, and you are probably right, the referee should be fined big time. It's not just a matter of rules, it's a matter of safety,
  6. How many teams are the minimum for Sky to televise the EL? I'll get over my cynical phase soon no doubt
  7. SCB is correct, I've been anal enough to check the rules re Start Marshalls and they do not have any obligation to ensure riders are correctly equipped except to ensure cut outs are in place rule 14.12.
  8. I wondered if it was because Sky needed to remove all their equipment and by doing so could cause the H & S issue. I recall Lynn were prevented from doing a victory parade because Sky needed to remove their stuff and as I assume with the 48 hour turn round they have for Weds, Sky could/would not postpone for say an hour. Also their cables could be deemed a trip hazard. Supid I know but so is so much of the compensation culture and resulting H & S stuff that's about nowadays.
  9. So you condone rule breaking. Goggles, as per the rule book, are compulsory the same as silencers and cut outs. If they are not in place the rider is not ready to race and if does not have time to get it sorted should be exc. Newman was fortunate in some ways that the start marshall tried to assist him, at some tracks that would not happen. It has nothing to do with it being Poole, it has to do with the rule book and safety, both to Newmans own eyesight and the other 3 riders on track (and indeed the track staff) who could have been in danger had Newman been temporarily blinded by shale or grit during the race. In this case he actually makes a very valid point. I wouldn't call Newman stupid tho, merely fired up on adrenaline and emotion because it was the final, which is why the ref was hugely at fault by not protecting him and the other riders.
  10. Gogglegate . No blame attached to Kyle Newman, it was a final and he wanted to win. No blame attached to Poole either. The officials however are a different matter. I have no idea of the criteria needed to be a start marshall i.e do they have to have a knowledge of the rules but he clearly knew Newman was not wearing goggles. To be honest there are a few SM around the country who wouldn't even have attempted to help an opposing rider. The referee obviously hadn't been to Specsavers. Mark Lemon has tweeted that he queried the lack of goggles with the ref before heat 12 and the ref said he didn't notice. What the hell was he watching? The Start marshall was fiddling with them for some time and that after Newman tried to sort it whilst the SM held Newmans handlebars/control. Surely the ref must have noticed something was occurring and kept an eye on it. But no he was totally oblivious. I therefore question his competence to be in charge of any meeting in the future. It's all very well Poole fans saying so what it was his choice but some rules are there to protect riders such as Newman, whose emotions overcome their common sense in the heat of battle and last night the referee failed miserably. Thankfully without any dire consequences. Let's hope Newman didn't get any shale/grit in his eye and doesn't have vision problems on Wednesday (or at any time). I sincerely hope that Belle Vue don't lose out by a couple of points because Poole did nothing wrong last night, and that's not something you have been able to say very often over the years. Having said that BV staged a remarkable come back and Zagar and Cook were superb. I wanted it to be decided on the track and to be honest overall it was. Let's hope Wednesday sees a good match and it's decided on the track. My heart still wants Belle Vue to do it tho just because of the fairy tale of leaving KL and going into the much heralded new stadium as the The Champs.
  11. Bit of a misunderstanding. I didn't suggest Newman was wearing them, I was answering Probably knowing the speedway rule book
  12. If they are round your neck, you are wearing them and therefore within the rules. It doesn't say how you wear them.
  13. And it's against the rules apparently,so he should have been exc
  14. True. Reason I said Pearson is because he is supposed to be a journalist. It's typical Sky never question anything!
  15. Pearson & Tatum going on about track conditions. Decent journalists/commentators would attempt to find out why the track was prepared like that
  16. Totally agree with all you say which is why I do not sing. I do stand tho, in respect of my nation and my fellow citizens and I expect people who represent the nation, with any benefits that may and often do come with that to do the same. As Trees said earlier the sooner we gat a new anthem ,preferably a patriotic one and to hell with political correctness the better. The Welsh singing their anthem especially in the MS never fail to make the hairs stand up on the back of my neck.
  17. But he chose to represent GB. For all those saying a national anthem doesn't matter it does to the Aussies - crump, Adams, Mark webber all sing their anthem. So do the Danes/Swedes/Gemans/Yanks et al it's a matter of pride in your country as anyone who has witnessed Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau sung at the MS or Flower of Scotland at Murrayfield can tell. I admit the dirge we Brits have to endure is torturous but it's all we have at present.
  18. Nicki Pedersen does, as does Peter Kildemand. Of course they are not Monster riders so it may not have been noticed
  19. Watching Zagar last night, I hope Belle Vue get a guest for the sake of British Speedway. These 2 meetings are supposed to be the pinnacle of the British season and for one of the teams to go into them with a seriously unfit No 1 would not only be silly but an insult to all the genuine speedway fans up and down the country. I guess that view won't be shared by some in Dorset but surely if they want to say they are the best, they have to beat the best. Whoever rides, let's hope for two good meetings that are decided on track and not by some idiotic off track incident or poor refereeing. May the best team win.
  20. I don't believe Lewis Hamilton sings the anthem. he does however stand respectfully whilst it's played. I'm against forcing anyone to sing those (or any other) words if they don't believe in them but if you represent a country you should respect the music of it's anthem.
  21. Unless you are a religious monarchist that makes perfect sense. It does annoy the heck out of me when sportsmen representing any nation do not show their nations anthem respect by standing in silence whilst it's played.
  22. Poor GP when the majority of the action is caused by a rut.
  23. I thought MJJ came in towards Doyle. Tai at fault in heat 3 IMHO KK beating Woffy... Mmmmmm my cynical nose is get a whiff of rodents.
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