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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Underwhelmed by Batchelor but Rob and hopefully Rory can get the best out of him. At his best he's terrific, he just doesn't do his best very often. I'm not too fussed about Kerr going, new baby, coming ba ck after big crash could affect his form certainly in first half of the season. If we could wangle Barker at reserve I'd love it. But I'd prefer him to Porsing or Bjerre, anyone but Bjerre would ge my approval
  2. Hope the weather is good for the first half of the season, hate standing on the terraces when it's cold. It can snow in August the if if likes
  3. What you said .....with knobs and whistles on, and air horns just for Trees
  4. Pheeewwwww! Thought I was hallucinating in mt old age. Yep first week in December is usual with about 10 days notice so should be announced any time now....or when PR person gets back from honeymoon lol
  5. Not sure why folk are upset that there has been no news. Haven't KL got into the habit of announcing the whole team at the same time at an evening in the stadium bar? There again I could be dreaming.
  6. Careful gal you are beginning to sound like a Poole fan
  7. So King's Lynn Stars didn't win any titles in that time......hang on yes we did Elite League Riders Championship.....oops that was Rory Schlein Now he's a rider I'd have on my team sheet from the start and if he's not I'll be disappointed. Personality, superb team man, motivator, team riding skills, acknowledges fans.... yep I'd be very disappointed if he doesn't return.
  8. Can't say the crowds were much above a thousand whenever I attended the NA, so On your logic without NKI the crowd would be one man a a can of soup All this weeping and wailing about Lynn not winning anything in 2016 could someone kindly remind me what Lynn have actually won whilst NKI has been riding in Stars colours
  9. As the saying goes... Great minds think alike lol Wrong Trees I probably would, I've always preferred PL racing because there's far more chance of 4 riders racing than 2 overpaid ones at the front and 2 others trundling round at the back. I know that didn't happen much at the NA mainly I think because of the track but most of the away matches I went to (and there were loads) were belters. As for the GPs, I can take them or leave them. Apart from Nicki I have no longer have any affiliation to any of the riders in it. If they prefer to pursue individual glory at the expense of team loyalty that's their right and I have no argument with it, but don't expect me to wring my hands when they do.
  10. No crap would be if the announcement that Bjerre was back I just don't get why the BSPA are getting all the flack, if they bowed down to the GP riders, and that's 15 of them yes just 15 at most, you would end up seeing 1 meeting a fortnight if lucky, several tracks would close and several of said riders would take the P and use the meetings to test engines/earn a bit extra etc. That's my view, always has been and always will. Speedway to me is about 4 riders, 4 laps and the hope of decent racing between reasonably similarly talented riders.
  11. Don't you just love the defeatist attitude
  12. I'm well impressed by this. Someone actually getting up off their arse and doing something constructive to help British youngsters, not just paying it lip service. This will do those riders far more good than ranting at the BSPA. Well done Chris Harris.
  13. Well said. Any 18 year old that doesn't ruffle a few feathers should be in Vatican City not in a speedway pit.
  14. We stopped in the Premier Inn Denton last year, we got a good deal by booking very early, Might work in the first year of the SWC worth a try
  15. The words use were so I'm hoping that means just getting rid of the artificial double points and not tactical subs.
  16. This is what I've never been able to understand. Just because one rider doubles his points in a race it doesn't make the meeting any better or less one sided. Yes the maths might be different but not the quality of the racing. If it should happen to change a loss into a win it's just a false result. It's a stupid rule, that should never have been brought in and the sooner it's scrapped the better IMHO.
  17. And the other 7 teams ? Don't think there are 14 UK based riders. But it still means 2 lots of everything to be paid for and I can't see the riders taking less to allow another rider to kit himself out with bikes etc!
  18. That wouldn't solve the problem the GP riders keep complaining about. They are saying there are too many meetings too close together. What they want is to job share so they for example do 2 British meetings a months stead of 4. That however would increase costs for promoters I.e. 2 sets of machinery, 2 sets of mechanics, 2 lots of travel to sort out etc.
  19. Not if you read the BTsport have the GPs thread lol
  20. Why not, most GP riders don't ride here anyway.
  21. Kenneth Bjerre is Danish and on a very good average. Go on Poole you know you want him Make some Lynn fans very happy
  22. Considering all the moaning about Eurosport when they first started speedway, it's no surprise some people are up in arms now BT have got the GPs. Whoever televised it someone would moan. I begrudge every penny given to Sky but hubby likes F1 so have to put up with it. Hated Eurosport missing opening heats etc. I will reserve judgement on BT's presentation but they do have decent presenters, we can only hope they keep Scott Nicholls and pair him with one of them. I'm afraid Andy Jaye started to grate on me after a while. Being ignorant of a sport new to the channel is fine for a start but it became very tired after a while. A decent pair of commentators would enhance the product tremendously, Simon Stead and anyone who doesn't shout would do for me. I understand BT do a few chat type shows, if so let's hope they can get a few riders in to possibly interest newcomers.
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