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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. I think April 11th is a Monday and the only reason I can think of for changing a Coventry home meeting to Monday is for Sky so at least you should be able to see it even if you can't be there
  2. It's not so much the make up of the team Semion, it's the total lack of respect for the fans. Someone always has to come bottom of the league and if it's Lynn's turn so be it (us old uns have loads of experience of it ). We have always had mutual respect between Buster and the fans, that's totally missing and has been since midway thro last season. There was the 50th season debacle, the lack of announcement of prices/season tickets, no fans forum. no updates on riders who have been signed etc. I could go on but you know what I mean. It's almost as if Buster has delegated stuff to someone else and that someone else is either incompetent or don't give a damn. It's so totally out of character for Buster I cannot think of any other explanation. Buster is a businessman and has always had his head screwed on, he has always talked to the fans (even if they haven't always liked what he said ). I'm rapidly thinking if they don't value me and the pittance I pay to attend why should I bother and I don't think I'm alone.
  3. Decent racing, win or lose is my option. Think many Lynn fans are more annoyed with the way they have been treated over the last few months than the lack of a no 1.
  4. Put it on periscope or utube then there would be on arguments. Unless of course Gospeed have the broadcast rights to this !!!
  5. Not a bad idea but why not put it on periscope so at least fans away from Rugby can see it possibly even have a facility for those fans to ask questions. I'm not technically minded so no idea how it might work.
  6. my daughter has just ordered a new mobility scooter, maybe she's gonna be the new rider
  7. So you would be happy with Patrick hougaard?
  8. I admit to being a fan of Barker, always have been but admit he is not a no 1 or 2 or even 3 but if it is to be Barker it may only be for 4 matches. As Haza never ceases to tell us Rory hasn't put a leg over a bike yet since his injury, I'd be more worried about that. We are well under the points limit BUT as I understand it after 4 matches all riders will gain new averages. That probably means a shed load of changes throughout the league so the team that starts the season will probably look very different by the end of May. The team that tops the league in May is not always the team that wins the league. That's as positive a spin as I can put on it I think the Swindon and Coventry fans might be slightly envious of us anyway, we have a team (hopefully) and more importantly we have a stadium. Now all we need is the promotion to actually acknowledge that the fans need to be kept informed. How much is admission in 2016? anyone know yet
  9. Silly me thought riders would actually volunteer, it's easy enough to contact the organisers. Just a question do they have to be asked if they want any payments or do they get in touch with the Ben Fund themselves. I have no idea how that works.
  10. I'm far more likely to come if Barker rides than if Bjerre does. Quite a few things would have to change for me to come to every meeting and that won't happen, so no you won't see me there for every meeting. I was brought up on Lynn speedway in the 60s and we won very very little so, yes I'm probably the exception. I always like to be different . I went to just about every meeting home and away for years in the 80s/90s/2000s when Lynn didn't exactly pull up many trees. it entailed lots of shift changes and favours exchanged, not to mention a lot of belt tightening. It was worth it tho, you felt as if you were part of it, the riders cared they didn't just ride change and fly out to ride for another team, the entertainment between races such as the banter from the centre green guys was there, it's been sanitised within an inch of it's life now, there were charecters who "played up" to the crowd etc. So you actually got a whole evenings entertainment, there were far more close races and incidents , there was enough to talk about non stop on the journey home even all the way home from Glasgow or Exeter Nowadays I'm lucky if there's enough to talk about to last until the by pass roundabout! I realise the world has changed and speedway along with it, but I'm not one of those in favour Probably makes me a dinosaur but I would love young fans to experience some of the great nights I enjoyed back then.
  11. I did say most Haza you know I don't care about winning, I prefer being entertained but I do understand why you think as you do.
  12. If it is Barker it will be a team of racers not riders And most of them thrive on interaction with the fans. In some ways it could be a godsend
  13. My money's on Pepe Protawhatsit. ....but knowing Lynn it will be Pepe Le Pew
  14. Just who is running Lynn speedway nowadays... The change of race day which wasn't necessary The loss of arguably the best reserve because of it The signing of his replacement without checking fixture clashes Not to mention the lack of a no 1. All the bumbling old fools aren't in the new Dads Army film!!!!
  15. Totally agree with you BUT riders cannot have it both ways. If they show no loyalty to British speedway, British speedway has no need to show loyalty to them. I cannot see that we would need him, The team we are likely to get won't be in a position to make the play offs, so why waste money paying out for a lost cause. Also, if we still had a chance of the play off, to fit him in would no doubt necessitate dropping 2 riders to accommodate his average. Are you really suggesting we sack a rider who was loyal and wanted to ride for us all season for a mercenary? I've always thought of Lynn as a club that is loyal to it's riders, sometimes far too loyal , I'd hate that to change and the club become a trophy chasing, money throwing club.
  16. That's big of him! In other words if I ride crap in the GPs I'll go back to Lynn to get some more dosh I would hope, forlornly no doubt, Buster (and any other promoter) would tell any such rider to go forth and multiply. Riders have to understand that all actions have a reaction and them Sh1tting on the EL could well be causing it's demise. Then they won't have the option of coming back here to make money,
  17. Do you really expect fans to be told such information?
  18. GRW, we have had our differences but I would be sad to see you go. Orion is an opinionated kind of guy, much like you and I. He is however from a different generation and that tends make his comments seem very different in tone. Screamer sort of said it, don't take it so personally, if he really gets under your skin stick him on ignore but to leave because of one person is quite simply silly.
  19. Maybe the silence is because they are still debating whether 2016 is the 50th/51st/49th season so they can print the appropriate prog boards/hoodies/t-shirts.
  20. So if the poster above was correct and he won't fit in without changes, which of the riders who were prepared to commit for a full season do you suggest Lynn dump?
  21. I don't care whose fault it was. My personal opinion was KB threw a strop cos he thought he should wear the black and white tablecloth and thought I'll show them (I have no proof before you ask ). That one race showed that Bjerre could race when he wanted to. Can you point to any other races when he showed as much commitment in 2015? You obviously saw many more races than I did last season If KB rides for Lynn in 2016 you will see many more than me again. BTW I'm not persecuting him just stating my honestly long held opinion. I don't care how many races a rider wins as long as he rides as if he wants to ride for the club. KB is one rider who has never given me that impression and I'd suggest whoever he rides for it's the same (ask the P/boro fans )
  22. I certainly haven't. That one race encapsulated why KB infuriates people. That race would have been hailed as one brilliant piece of skill if only he hadn't been racing and blocking his team mate. It proved he can race when HE wants to. The problem is he rarely seems to want to.
  23. Admittedly I don't follow a PL club but seeding Pboro makes sense to me. If this is intended to be a long term project, the attendances for the first year need to be good, seeding the hosts seems a reasonable way to do it. In future years IMO the holders should be seeded. Of course if the organisation or delivery of the event is a shambles who gets seeded in future years won't matter. I hope it's a great success and the weather is kind, comfortably warm but no blazing sun. Let's hope they have got the message that something has to be provided during the meeting to keep fans entertained.
  24. So those riders signed contracts to ride for the teams knowing they would be in their team to ride at a Saturday track and now won't do it. The tail wags the dog yet again. I don't have much time for promoters at present but IMHO some riders are getting too bloody big for their boots. Name and shame them and force their clubs to run with a NL guest. If that then means the greedy sods are out of a job cos the clubs wont run with NL guests - serve them right.
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